Vetty Priscilla
Abstrak :
Ibu remaja berkontribusi terhadap rendahnya praktik menyusui di Indonesia. Dukungan keluarga diperlukan agar ibu remaja berhasil menyusui dini, menyusui eksklusif dan mempertahankan durasi menyusui. Sayangnya, instrumen baku untuk mengukur bagaimana bentuk dukungan keluarga yang diberikan belum ada sampai saat ini, mengingatkan keunikan dari ibu menyusui berusia remaja yang berbeda dibandingkan dengan ibu yang sudah berusia matang. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengembangkan instrumen dukungan keluarga yang valid pada praktik menyusui ibu berusia remaja. Desain penelitian berupa pengembangan instrumen dan validasi cross-sectional. Terdapat tiga tahap penelitian yaitu tahap pertama, menyusun draf instrumen dukungan keluarga dengan studi literatur bentuk dukungan keluarga pada remaja masa reproduksi, studi kualitatif melibatkan 17 partisipan, uji validitas isi melibatkan tiga orang pakar dan uji keterbacaan pada sepuluh responden ibu berusia remaja menyusui. Tahap kedua, melakukan uji validitas konstruk instrumen dukungan keluarga hasil pengembangan kepada 209 ibu berusia remaja menyusui dan tahap ketiga, membuktikan bahwa instrumen dukungan keluarga mampu mengukur praktik menyusui pada ibu berusia remaja. Hasil penelitian tahap satu terdapat penambahan tiga indikator dukungan keluarga yaitu tanggung jawab, kohesif dan evaluasi diri yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan spesifik remaja yaitu otonomi, pencapaian kompetensi dan keterhubungan serta penambahan item pernyataan dengan total 64 item dan nilai Content Validity Index (CVI) =1., Penelitian tahap dua menghasilkan 58 item pernyataan yang valid dan fit secara unidimensional mengukur dukungan keluarga berdasarkan uji Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) dan tahap ketiga instrumen dukungan keluarga terbukti dapat mengukur praktik menyusui pada ibu berusia remaja mengunakan Structural Equation Model (SEM) yaitu terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan antara status menjadi ibu terhadap keluarga pendukung, antara keluarga pendukung terhadap dukungan keluarga, antara dukungan keluarga terhadap perilaku menyusui dini dan dukungan keluarga terhadap perilaku menyusui eksklusif. Instrumen dukungan keluarga pada praktik menyusui ibu berusia remaja yang telah valid versi long form (58 item) dapat digunakan pada lingkungan akademis dan versi short form (10 item) oleh seluruh tenaga kesehatan termasuk perawat untuk mengkaji kebutuhan ibu menyusui berusia remaja terutama dalam hal dukungan keluarga sehingga dapat mengambil keputusan klinis yang tepat dalam melaksanakan asuhan keperawatan.
......Adolescent mothers contribute to the low level of breastfeeding practices in Indonesia. Family support is needed for adolescent mothers to breastfeed early, breastfeed exclusively, and successfully maintain the duration of breastfeeding. Unfortunately, there is no standard instrument to measure the form of family support provided to date, reminding us that the uniqueness of teenage breastfeeding mothers is different compared to mature mothers. The research aims to develop a valid family support instrument for the breastfeeding practices of adolescent mothers. The research design consisted of instrument development and cross-sectional validation. There were three research stages, namely the first stage, drafting a family support instrument with a literature study on forms of family support for adolescents during the reproductive period, a qualitative study involving 17 participants, a content validity test involving three experts, and a readability test on ten respondents who were breastfeeding teenage mothers. The second stage tested the construct validity of the family support instrument developed on 209 breastfeeding adolescent mothers, and the third stage proved that the family support instrument could measure breastfeeding practices in teenage mothers. The results of the first phase of research included the addition of three indicators of family support, namely responsibility, cohesiveness and self-evaluation which are in accordance with the specific needs of adolescents, namely autonomy, achievement of competence and connectedness as well as the addition of statement items with a total of 64 items and a Content Validity Index (CVI) value = 1., The second stage of research produced 58 valid and unidimensionally fit statement items measuring family support based on the Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) test and the third stage of the family support instrument was proven to be able to measure breastfeeding practices in teenage mothers using the Structural Equation Model (SEM), namely that there was an influence significant relationship between motherhood status and supporting family, between supporting family and family support, between family support for early breastfeeding behavior and family support for exclusive breastfeeding behavior. The valid long-form version (58 items) of the family support instrument for breastfeeding practices of teenage mothers can be used in academic settings, and the short-form version (10 items) by all health workers, including nurses, to assess the needs of teenage breastfeeding mothers, especially in terms of family support. So that they can make appropriate clinical decisions in implementing nursing care.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Disertasi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library