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Ditemukan 5 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Ratna Juwita
Abstrak :
This paper analyzes the relationship between corruption and realization of human rights in a specific case, the realization of the right to education by utilizing human rights standards concerning the right to education as the parameter of human rights realization. An Indonesian case law about corruption of Bantuan Operasional Sekolah funds in Malang is selected as primary legal data in this paper to provide empirical evidence one of the cases of corruption in education sector. Norm entrepreneurship as part of contructivist theory is selected to explain the phenomenon of emerging scholarly studies and discussion about corruption as a violation of human rights and this paper aims to draw the link between corruption and its negative impact to the realization of human rights in case analysis.
Depok: Badan Penerbit FHUI, 2017
340 JHP 47:3 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Harison Citrawan
Abstrak :
In the context past gross human rights violation cases in Indonesia, the President’s constitutional authority to propose amnesty law might by and large implicate legal and ethical aspects. Holistically, any forgiveness and oblivion against any human rights violators should consider the development and the dynamic of international criminal law, which arguably have been directed to an absolute individual criminal responsibility. Against this issue, this paper finds that based on legal and ethical arguments, accompanied with various technical preconditions outlined in the Belfast Guideline on Amnesty and Accountability, an amnesty towards past gross human rights violators must be taken paradigmatically. Arguably, amnesty proceeding through an independent ad hoc committee shall be able to challenge Indonesia’s transitional framework, namely: to work as a historian and a jurist. This suggests that the elements of amnesty, both procedural and substantial, need to work in the area of deliberative democracy that calls for public participation and the protection of human rights.

Dalam konteks kasus pelanggaran berat hak asasi manusia (HAM) di Indonesia, kewenangan Presiden dalam memberikan amnesti dapat berimplikasi pada dua aspek, yakni: legal dan etik. Secara holistik, pemaafan dan pelupaan terhadap para pelanggar HAM pada masa lalu patut mempertimbangkan perkembangan dan dinamika hukum pidana internasional, yang mengarah pada pertanggungjawaban pidana secara absolut. Tulisan ini menyimpulkan bahwa logika argumentatif secara legal dan etik, serta berbagai prasyarat teknis di dalam Belfast Guideline on Amnesty and Accountability mengindikasikan bahwa amnesti terhadap pelanggar HAM masa lalu harus dilakukan secara paradigmatik. Dalam hal ini, proses amnesti melalui komite ad hoc yang mandiri dapat menjawab dua tantangan dalam kerangka kerja transisional di Indonesia, yakni: untuk bekerja sebagai sejarawan dan juga praktisi hukum. Dengan demikian, kebijakan amnesti mengisyaratkan bahwa elemen-elemen amnesti secara prosedural dan substantif wajib dijalankan dalam area demokrasi deliberatif yang menghendaki adanya partisipasi publik dan perlindungan terhadap HAM.
University of Indonesia, Faculty of Law, 2016
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Serious Human Rights violation in East Timor alleged by HAM Adhoc Jakarta court Attorney where conducted by Police Member (as Defendant) insufficient of evidence, so that the Judge ceremony break free. Serious HAM Collision case that happened before this code of law is invited, formed a HAM Ad hoc Justice after proposed by DPR through President Decision. Crystal clear, Timor Timur case is wight to political aspect compared to legal aspect and competent in consequence terminated. To terminate various case East Timor, Indonesia Government offer a solution through choice for two options, refuse or accept the autonomy. At May 5'h 1999 in New York, this option is written into an agreement between Indonesia" and Portugal under wings of UN Secretary General. In this agreement, agreed that Indonesia Government hold responsible to keep peace and security in East Timor, to ascertain enforceable opinion determination by fair and peaceful, which free from intimidation, hardness or interference from various parties. But the effect of determination of this opinion emerging riot as a result of dissatisfy group of pro-autonomy which fail in determination of this opinion. Effect of the riots and incidence, hence Police as law enforcer and protector of society which that moment undertake in East Timor, is blamed and assumed to conduct serious Human Rights violation. To prove that Police have conducted matter alleged, this thesis tried to prove that police have run its duty by answering three following question: 1. What will be Police role in handling riot after polling opinion at the date of 4'h of September 1999 causing killing of a number of people? 2. Operation and security action like what conducted by Police? 3. What is the negative impacts that emerge as effect of action of the operation and security that included in serious Human Rights violation?
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Theodora Yuni Shah Putri
Abstrak :
Hak asasi manusia adalah seperangkat hak yang melekat pada manusia dan universal. Pelanggaran terhadap HAM, baik yang dilakukan oleh aparat negara terhadap warga negara atau dilakukan oleh sesama warga negara, berarti mengingkari martabat manusia. Pelanggaran HAM-pun terbagi dua, yaitu pelanggaran HAM biasa dan pelanggaran HAM berat. Pelanggaran HAM berat menurut Pasal 7 Undang-Undang No. 26 Tahun 2000 Tentang Pengadilan HAM adalah pelanggaran HAM yang meliputi kejahatan genosida dan kejahatan terhadap kemanusiaan. Seiring dengan perkembangan masyarakat dan hukum, pada saat ini dikenal dua macam subjek hukum, yaitu subjek hukum manusia dan badan hukum (rechtpersoon/legal person). Badan hukum atau dalam lingkup hukum pidana disebut dengan korporasi, seperti perusahaan multinasional dan perusahaan raksasa, adalah suatu perusahaan yang memiliki kekuatan ekonomi yang sangat kuat, bahkan hingga melebihi kekuatan ekonomi suatu negara. Sampai pada saat ini, Indonesia belum memiliki perangkat hukum yang dapat meminta pertanggung jawaban korporasi atas pelanggaran HAM berat yang mungkin dilakukannya. Demikian juga dalam Rome Statute of The International Criminal Court, dimana Undang-Undang No. 26 tahun 2000 banyak mengadopsi konsep-konsep (materiil dan formil) yang berada didalamnya. Sehingga menarik untuk menganalisis perbuatan seperti apa yang (dapat) dikategorikan sebagai pelanggaran HAM berat oleh korporasi dan bagaimanakah pertanggungjawaban korporasi untuk diterapkan pada tindak pidana pelanggaran HAM berat. Dalam penelitian ini, metode yang akan digunakan adalah metode kepustakaan yang bersifat yuridis normatif. Alat pengumpulan data yang akan dipergunakan adalah studi kepustakaan. Kasus yang akan digunakan sebagai pengandaian untuk menjawab pokok permasalahan dan dianalisa dalam penelitian ini didasarkan pada pengajuan tuntutan sipil oleh International Labor Rights Fund atas nama tujuh lelaki dan empat wanita Aceh terhadap Exxon Mobil Corporation di Pengadilan Distrik Columbia. Metode pengolahan data yang digunakan adalah pengolahan data secara kualitatif, sehingga menghasilkan penelitian dalam bentuk deskriptif analitis. ......Human rights are a basic and fundamental rights entitled to every human being. Violation of human rights perpetrated by apparatus of a state or among citizen of a state indicates a denial of human race's dignity. There are two types of human rights violation, and gross violation of human rights. The article 7 of The Law No. 26 of 2000 concerning The Court of Human Right Violation defines gross violation of human rights as human rights intrusion that comprises of genocide and crimes against humanity. As legal science and society develops, two types of legal subject are already comprehended widely, natural person and legal person (rechtpersoon). Legal person in criminal law subject, namely corporation such as Multinational Corporation and other giant corporation are companies that possess large economic power that surpassed a state economic power. Until this moment, Indonesia has not yet established any set of regulation to penalize corporations for gross violation of human right that might be committed during its business operation. Lack of regulation related to this issue also occurs in The Rome Statute of International Criminal Court that had been adopted to the Law No. 26 of 2000. This law adopted material and formal concept within the statute. It is interesting to analyze "a conduct" that can be categorized as gross violation of human right perpetrated by corporation, and whether or not a corporation could be held as liable for committing gross violation of human rights. This research is a literature study using normative-juridical methods. Data collected in this research is mostly literatures and a case to presuppose the answer of the research questions is a civil suit by International Labor Rights Fund on behalf of seven men and four women from Aceh versus Exxon Mobil Corporation in Columbia USA District Court. Data analyses method in use for this research is qualitative methods, thus the result of this research will be in the form of analytic-descriptive report.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Prashasti Wilujeng Putri
Abstrak :
Skripsi ini membahas tentang bagaimana pemerintah Indonesia melakukan kejahatan dalam melakukan kebijakan privatisasi air bagi warga DKI Jakarta. Teori yang dipakai dalam skripsi ini adalah kejahatan negara yang dilakukan karena melakukan pelanggaran HAM oleh Julia dan Herman Scwendinger, teori Strukturasi oleh Giddens, dan crimes of domination oleh Quinney. Skripsi ini melihat bagaimana praktik-praktik yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah Indonesia tidak terlepas dari dan mendukung adanya struktur yang lebih besar dalam globalisasi. Indonesia dihegemoni oleh Bank Dunia dalam rangka globalisasi yang kemudian diberi reaksi oleh Indonesia sebagai bentuk adaptasi struktural sehingga pemerintah Indonesia melakukan crimes of domination. Dalam hal ini, pemerintah Indonesia melakukan kejahatan dengan adanya pelanggaran hak asasi manusia atas air bersih terhadap warga DKI Jakarta. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kriminologi kritis untuk mengkaji masalah kebijakan privatisasi air bersih ini. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif dengan studi dokumen, wawancara, FGD, dan penelusuran data sekunder sebagai teknik mengumpulkan data. ......This thesis discusses about how the Indonesian government commit a crime in doing water privatization policy for the Jakarta citizens. The theory and concept used in this thesis are a state crime for committing human rights violations by Julia and Herman Schwendinger, Structuration theory by Giddens, and crimes of domination by Quinney. This thesis sees how the practices done by the government of Indonesia cannot be separated from and promote the bigger structure in the globalization. World Bank performs hegemony in the context of globalization to Indonesia whose the reaction, as a form of structural adaptation, is committing crimes of domination. In this case, the Indonesian government commit a crime in the presence of human right to water violation to the people in Jakarta. This study uses critical criminology approach to study the problem of clean water privatization policy. The method used is a qualitative method with the documents study, interviews, focus group discussions, and secondary data retrieval as data gathering technique.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library