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Ditemukan 13 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Geneva: World Health Organization, 2003
551.6 WOR c
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sauer, Elisa Swisher
Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkin , 2003
610.73 SAU p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tokyo: Gyosei Carporation, 1988
304.32 HEA (1)
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
USA: Environmental Health Perspectives, 2006
613.1 NAT n
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Indah Lestari
Kegiatan peleburan logam dan aki bekas yang dilakukan di Desa Pesarean, Kabupaten Tegal menimbulkan limbah buangan terbuka yang belum diolah dengan cara yang tepat. Limbah tersebut dapat mempengaruhi kualitas lingkungan sekitarnya, terutama tanah. Limbah akibat peleburan logam bekas dan aki bekas yang dilakukan menimbulkan limbah bahan berbahaya dan beracun yaitu timbal. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh konsentrasi timbal pada lingkungan khususnya tanah dan air tanah, menganalisis dampak kesehatan dari kasus tersebut dan upaya pengendalian yang telah dilakukan untuk mengurangi paparan pada kesehatan serta memilih teknik yang tepat untuk mengendalikan pencemaran tanah akibat kegiatan ini. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kuantitatif dan kualitatif dengan menggunakan data sekunder, kuesioner dan wawancara. Hasil penelitian menunjukan konsentrasi timbal pada tanah tahun 2012 terdapat di wilayah pembuangan limbah yang mencapai 14.343 ppm, dan konsentrasi tertinggi pada tahun 2015 berada di wilayah pemukiman dan tumpukan limbah yang mencapai 398.489 ppm. Pada air tanah, konsentrasi timbal masih di bawah baku mutu air bersih. Sedangkan, dampak kesehatan yang muncul akibat paparan timbal adalah gejala keracunan timbal kronis seperti gangguan pada pencernaan seperti nyeri perut, gangguan pada saraf yang ditandai dengan pusing dan sulit berkonsentrasi, gangguan pada darah dan dampak kronis terparah adalah kecacatan mental pada 5 anak dalam satu keluarga. Sosialisasi dengan pemberian pengetahuan serta penyuluhan untuk berperilaku sehat telah dilakukan dengan cukup baik. Teknik pengendalian pencemaran yang dilakukan yang tepat saat ini adalah secara ex-situ dengan metode fisika yaitu mengganti tanah terkontaminasi pengerukan tanah terkontaminasi dengan tanah bersih yang baru. Kata kunci: kesehatan manusia, polusi tanah, teknik remediasi, timbal

Abstract The smelting of metal and used battery which was carried out in Pesarean Village, Tegal District resulted a huge amount of openly waste that has not been processed properly. The waste can affect the quality of environment, especially the soil. This waste contains heavy metal such as lead that counted as a hazardous and toxic waste materials lead. The aims of this study were to analyze the effect of lead concentration on the environment, especially soil and groundwater, analyze the health impact of the case and the controlling that have been done to reduce health exposure towards people and choose an appropriate techniques to control the pollution of the soil due to this activity. The method that has been used in this study were quantitative and qualitative methods using secondary data, questionnaires and interviews. The results showed that the concentration of lead in soil in 2012 in waste disposal area reached 14,343 ppm, and the highest concentration in 2015 was in residential and dumpsite area with concentration 398,489 ppm. In groundwater, lead concentrations was still below the water quality standard. Meanwhile, the health effects that resulted from lead exposure were symptoms of chronic lead poisoning such as digestive disorders such as abdominal pain, nervous disorders characterized by dizziness and difficulty concentrating, blood disorders and the worst chronic effects that founded was 5 children in a family with mental disability. Socialization with the provision of knowledge and counseling for healthy behavior has been done fairly well. The current pollution control technique that can be concucted is ex situ using physics method with replacing contaminated soil dig and take the contaminated soil with uncontaminated soil.. Keywords lead, human health, soil pollution, remediation technique"
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UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
The European legislation (directive 2004/24/EC) brings clarification and recognition to herbal medicinal products / Giuseppe NisticoÌ? and Dagmar Roth-Behrendt -- Taxonomy, morphology, and ecology of medicinal plants: a botanical perspective / Simon Pierce, Alessandra Luzzaro, and Bruno E.L. Cerabolini -- Ethnopharmacological approaches used to identify medicinal plants / Tsukasa Sakurada ... [et al.] -- Medicinal plants : molecular biology/biotechnology approach -- Candida Vannini ... [et al.] -- Breeding and cultivation of medicinal plants / Christoph Carlen -- Sample preparation, analytical methods, and chemical standardization of medicinal plants -- Angela Perrone ... [et al.] -- The role of zebrafish in the future of natural product discovery -- Alexander D. Crawford, Camila V. Esguerra, and Peter A.M. de Witte -- Phytocomplexes versus single-entity drugs : the never-ending dilemma in herbal medicine / Elizabeth M. Williamson -- Molecular modes of action of drugs used in phytomedicine / Michael Wink -- Bioavailability issues of nonnutrient plant and fruit constituents / Mariusz Konrad Piskula and Junji Terao -- From identification to clinical translation of medicinal plants / Gian Franco Gensini ... [et al.] -- Recommendations for reporting randomized controlled trials of herbal medicine interventions / Joel J. Gagnier ... [et al.] --
Pharmacovigilance methods and systems in herbal medicines / Gioacchino Calapai -- Mechanisms and clinical relevance of herb drug interactions from the perspectives of pharmacokinetics / Laura Berliocchi ... [et al.] -- Nature?s gift to photodynamic medicine : hypericin, a herbal photosensitizer is a component of hypericum perforatum / Heinrich Walt -- Plants and plant-derived products as cancer chemopreventive agents / Douglas M. Noonan, Ilaria Sogno, and Adriana Albini -- From standard tanacetum parthenium extract to a stabilized derivative of parthenolide : studies in animal models of pain / Rosaria Greco ... [et al.] -- Antiviral effects of essential oils used traditionally in phytomedicine / JuÌ?rgen Reichling and Paul Schnitzler -- The neuroprotective capacity of achyrocline satureioides (Lam) D.C. and its flavonoids : mechanisms of action / Federico Dajas ... [et al.] -- Recent progress in echinacea research / Karin Woelkart and Rudolf Bauer -- Contribution of herbal medicine to human health : a brief history / Luigi Antonio Morrone ... [et al.] -- Quality issues of current herbal medicines / Paola Montoro, Sonia Piacente, and Cosimo Pizza -- Herbal medicines in the developing world : South America / Federico Dajas and Felicia Rivera-Megret -- Herbal medicines : epidemiology of their utilization, a perspective on the industrialized world / Anna Loraschi and Marco Cosentino."
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Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2012
615.321 HER
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This book focuses on exploring the linkages between natural disasters and sustainable development at the global, regional, and national levels. Disasters and development are closely related, yet the disciplinary silos prevail and there is little communication and cooperation between the disaster management, environment, and development communities. One catastrophic event, such as an earthquake, tsunami, or cyclone, can destroy infrastructure, people's lives and livelihoods, and set back development. Similarly, slow onset disasters--often associated with global climate change--pose threats to development, livelihoods, food security, and long-term sustainable development. This book is uniquely aimed at bridging the gaps between the environmental, development, and disaster management communities. It traces the evolution of concepts and practice and highlights the linkages between natural disasters and sustainable development in key sectors, including food security, health, and water. The book includes case studies from the field highlighting the complex issues that challenge sustainable development and disaster risk management in practice. It draws policy conclusions for the global community based on state-of-the art knowledge from research and practice. The primary target groups for the book are researchers, including graduate students, in the fields of environment and sustainable development, geography, disaster risk reduction, and climate change studies. The second target group comprises practitioners and policymakers working in national and international organizations, the private sector, and civil society. "
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Tokyo: Springer, 2016
338.927 SUS
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lucky Fadhillah Gunawan
"Indeks Pembangunan Kesehatan Masyarakat tahun 2013 menempatkanKabupaten Cianjur terendah di Jawa Barat, dan Kota Sukabumi terjadi penurunanpaling signifikan di Provinsi Jawa Barat. Tujuan studi ini untuk menjelaskanimplementasi kebijakan urusan kesehatan di Kabupaten Cianjur dan KotaSukabumi serta mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya. Penelitiandengan pendekatan postpositivisme menggunakan metode kualitatif. Hasilpenelitian implementasi kebijakan urusan kesehatan di Kabupaten Cianjurmenunjukkan belum validnya data masyarakat miskin untuk program pembiayaankesehatan, adanya hutang Pemerintah Daerah ke fasilitas kesehatan, anggarankesehatan belum 10 , akses masyarakat ke fasilitas kesehatan masih sulit,rujukan puskesmas ke rumah sakit masih tinggi, kurangnya jumlah sumber dayamanusia kesehatan dan kualitas kompetensinya yang rendah, serta belum adaperencanaan dan program pengembangan sumber daya manusia kesehatan.Sementara Kota Sukabumi implementasi kebijakan urusan kesehatan yangmeliputi pembiayaan kesehatan, fasilitas kesehatan, dan sumber daya manusiakesehatan sudah berjalan dengan baik, namun yang masih harus diperhatikanadalah program pengembangan sumber daya manusia kesehatan yang belumberjalan. Faktor kepemimpinan, komunikasi, dan sosio cultural menjadi faktordominan yang mempengaruhi implementasi kebijakan desentralisasi urusankesehatan berdasarkan konsep factors affecting implementation ofdecentralization policies yang dikemukan oleh Cheema dan Rondinelli.Kata Kunci : Kesehatan, Desentralisasi, Implementasi Kebijakan, PembiayaanKesehatan, Fasilitas Kesehatan, Sumber Daya Manusia Kesehatan, KabupatenCianjur, Kota Sukabumi

West Java is one of the provincial area in Indonesia which consist of 25 districtsand cities. Based on 2013 Indonesian Public Health Development Index IPHDI ,there were two areas in West Java with major public health developmentconcerns. District of Cianjur has the lowest IPHDI rank in 2013, while City ofSukabumi experienced a significant decrease in IPDHI rank from 2007 to 2013.This study aimed to analyze implementation of health affair policy and to identifyfactors that affecting it in Cianjur and Sukabumi by using post positivismapproach and qualitative method. The results of the implementation of healthaffairs policy in Cianjur showed that the accurate data on poor society for healthfinancing program was not established, the presence of local government debt tohealth facilities, health budget has not covered 10 of the total budget, difficultiesin accessing health facilities, the number of referral from Puskesmas to hospitalwas high, the number and quality of competence in health human resources waslow, and human health resources development plan and program were notavailable. On the other hand, even though Sukabumi had significant decrease inIPDHI rank, this research found out that Sukabumi has established a wellperformedimplementation of health affairs policy which consist of healthfinancing programs, health facilities and health human resources. However,Sukabumi had to consider to implement the human health resource programswhich were not yet started. Overall, the findings from Cianjur and Sukabumishowed that leadership, communication and sociocultural are the dominant factorswhich influence the implementation of health affairs policy decentralization basedon factors affecting implementation of decentralization policies conceptbyCheema dan Rondinelli.Key words Healthy, Desentralization, Policy Implementation, Health Financing,Health Facility, Human Health Resources, Cianjur, Sukabumi"
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Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lidia Handayani
"Dalam pemenuhan industri manufakturing berkelanjutan, industri dituntut untuk untuk mencegah timbulnya limbah, serta efisiensi penggunaan material dan energi melalui hiraerki minimisasi limbah. Penelitian dilakukan pada salah satu industri komponen otomotif dengan produk leafsspring. PT. XYZ telah melakukan pengelolaan limbah melalui metode end of pipe namun pendekatan ini tidak efektif. Untuk memenuhi manufakturing berkelanjutan, dibutuhkan analisis keseluruhan dampak lingkungan dengan pendekatan proses. Analisis dampak dilakukan dengan identifikasi aliran material dan energi melalui material flow analysis dan life cycle assessment. Selain itu, dilakukan penilaian terhadap penerapan minimisasi limbah di PT.XYZ melalui persepsi pekerja. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan i) kajian pengelolaan limbah industri ii)identifikasi dampak lingkungan proses produksi, iii)penerapan minimisasi limbah melalui keterlibatan sumberdaya manusia. Hasil dari penelitian ini proses produksi menghasilkan kerusakan pada kualitas ekosistem, perubahan iklim,sumberdaya dan kesehatan manusia kerusakan lingkungan terbesar disebabkan oleh pemakaian listrik sebesar 0,514 Pt, penggunaan material baja sebesar 0,319 Pt, dan penggunaan bahan kimia sebesar 0,164. Untuk persepsi pekerja dikategorikan cukup baik karena pengetahuan pekerja baik dan perusahan memiliki upaya pengurangan limbah dengan motivasi pengurangan biaya operasional

In fulfillment of a sustainable manufacturing, industry must prevent waste generation, reduce material, energy and pollution in stage of manufacturing through waste minimization hiraerki. Implementation of waste minimization without considering the social aspects tend to be ineffective, the successful environmental performance of industry influenced by the role of workers. PT. XYZ has conducted waste management but has yet to analyze the overall environmental impact to meet sustainable manufacturing requirement. Assessment through life cycle assessment method was conducted. Objective of this research are i) identification performance of waste management ii) identification of the environmental impact of production process, iii) understanding implementation of waste minimization through the involvement of human resources. The results of this study are PT.XYZ on manufacturing process generate liquid waste, solid waste, and emissions. The environmental damage of the production process is the change in the ecosystem quality, climate change, resources and human health due to the resulting electrical usage, steel material consumption, chemical consumption with score in a row 0,514 Pt, 0,319 Pt, 0,164 . The role of human resources in the implementation of waste minimization categorized well enought due to hight score of employee knowledge and motivation in cost reduction"
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Jakarta: Sekolah Ilmu Lingkungan Uiniversitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Alip Budiaman
"Dalam menghadapi globalisasi ekonomi dan datangnya MEA 2015 dimana terdapat peluang dan ancaman. Khususnya di bidang kesehatan, sesuai yang tertuang dalam MRA MEA 2015 untuk profesi : perawat, praktisi medis dan dokter gigi, dengan melihat kesiapan SDM Indonesia bidang kesehatan dalam memanfaatkan peluang dan menghadapi ancaman, serta upaya dalam memitigasi resiko terjadinya kerugian yang timbul di SDM bidang kesehatan akibat diberlakukannya MEA 2015.
Penelitian ini, penulis menggunakan teori ancaman dan teori warning intelligence dengan melalui analisa indeks daya saing global dan analisa SWOT untuk melihat kondisi kesiapan SDM Indonesia di bidang kesehatan dalam memanfaatkan peluang dan menghadapi ancaman MEA 2015 serta upaya dalam memitigasi resiko terjadinya kerugian.
Perlu peringatan dini melalui warning intelligence atas daya saing SDM kesehatan, karena penguasaan ekonomi suatu negara bisa secara tidak langsung menguasai negara tersebut dan menyebabkan ketergantungan negara dan mengganggu ketahanan negara, maka sangat berbahaya jika terjadi di Indonesia yang jumlah penduduk termasuk lima besar dunia dan terbesar di ASEAN, maka melalui anticipatory analysis untuk mengetahui langkah-langkah berupa saransaran perbaikan dan persiapan di SDM bidang kesehatan serta agar bisa memenangkan persaingan ke depannya perlu diadakan kontra intelijen melalui peningkatan daya saing SDM bidang kesehatan dalam menghadapi berlakunya MEA 2015.

In the face of economic globalization and the advent of AEC 2015 where there are opportunities and threats. Particularly in the areas of health, as required according to MRA AEC 2015 for the profession: nurses, medical practitioners and dentists, with the readiness of Indonesian human resources in the health sector take advantage of opportunities and face threats, as well as efforts to mitigate the risk of losses arising in the field of health human resources as a result of the enactment of AEC 2015.
This study, the authors use the threat theory and the theory of intelligence warning over global competitiveness index analysis and SWOT analysis to look at the readiness of Indonesian human resources in the health sector in exploiting the opportunities and threats facing the AEC 2015 as well as efforts to mitigate the risk of loss.
Need early warning through intelligence warning over the competitiveness of health human resources, because the control of a country's economy can indirectly control of the country and led to the country's dependence and disturbing resistance state, then it is very dangerous if it occurs in Indonesia, which includes five major population of the world and the largest in ASEAN, then through anticipatory analysis to determine the steps in the form of suggestions for improvement and preparation in the field of health and human resources in order to win the competition in the future should be a counter-intelligence by improving the competitiveness of human resources in health in the face of the enactment of AEC 2015.
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Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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