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Ditemukan 6 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Miltenberger, Raymond G.
Abstrak :
This book uses a precise, step-by-step, scientific approach to explain human behavior. Case studies and examples illustrate key principles.
Boston: Cengage Learning, 2016
153.85 MIL b
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Billington, Ray
London: Routledge , 1997
181.1 BIL u
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kathryn S. Plaisance
Abstrak :
This volume provides a broad overview of issues in the philosophy of behavioral biology, covering four main themes, genetic, developmental, evolutionary, and neurobiological explanations of behavior. It is both interdisciplinary and empirically informed in its approach, addressing philosophical issues that arise from recent scientific findings in biological research on human and non-human animal behavior. Much of the work in this volume builds on presentations given at the international conference, ?Biological explanations of behavior : philosophical perspectives?, held in 2008 at the Leibniz Universität Hannover in Germany.
Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhamad Nur Kamaluddin
Abstrak :
Studi mengenai hubungan antara lingkungan buatan dan perilaku manusia, yang dalam penelitian ini memusatkan kajian pada karakteristik kegiatan berkumpul remaja, telah memberikan sumbangan pemikiran berupa hasil penelitian di tiga lokasi penelitian. Karakteristik kegiatan berkumpul remaja ini di dasari oleh jenis kegiatan yang ada, yaitu necessary, optional dan social activities yang dapat memberikan gambaran khusus mengenai hubungan karakteristik kegiatan berkumpul remaja dan pemilhan jalan. Pemilihan jalan Bulungan dan jalan Mahakam sebagai lokasi penelitian di dasarkan atas beberapa alasan: pertama, memiliki keunikan dalam hal sejarah (sudah sejak lama dipersiapkan sebagai pusat kegiatan umum); dan kedua, memiliki lokasiltempat berkumpul remaja yang cukup banyak, antara lain karena di Iokasi ini terdapat 2 sekolah pilihan (SMUN 70 dan SMUN 6), dan adanya sebuah gelanggang remaja (Gelanggang Remaja Bulungan). Jenis penelitian ini adalah studi kasus intrinsik dengan metode statistic non parametrik. Populasi dalam penelitian ini tidak dapat diketahui sucara pasti hal ini dikarenakan jumlah remaja yang berkumpul selalu berubah-ubah sehingga teknik sampling yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah incidental sampling yaitu teknik pengambilan sampel secara incidental di lokasi. Adapun pertanyaan yang diajukan dalam penelitian ini adalah seperti berikut: ? Kegiatan apa sajakah yang terjadi pada saat remaja berkumpul? ? Faktor-faktor apa sajakah yg mempengaruhi pemilihan jalan bagi remaja? ? Adakah hubungan antara pemilihan jalan dengan karakteristik kegiatan berkumpul remaja Bertitik tolak dari tiga pertanyaan di atas, hipotesis penelitian yang dicoba untuk dibuktikan adalah: Ada hubungan antara pemilihan jalan dengan karakteristik kegiatan berkumpul remaja Dari basil penelitian lapangan yang dilakukan dengan kuesioner dan wawancara, diperoleh beberapa temuan penelitian sebagai berikut: 1. Kegiatan berkumpul remaja di lokasi penelitian memiliki karakteristik yang berbeda satu dengan yang lain. Karakteristik ini di dasari oleh jenis kegiatan yang ada, yaitu necessary, optional dan social activities (Jan Gehl, 1987), 2. Diketahui faktor-falctor yang mempengaruhi remaja (secara umum) dalam memilih jalan, yaitu: Jarak dengan sekolah; Sifat keterbukaan ruang; Batas fisik pelingkup; Ketersediaan tempat duduk; Jalan yang banyak dilalui oleh kendaraan; Persimpangan jalan; Luasan; Material permukaan; Pengawasan dari orang lain; Tempat pedagang kaki lima. 3. Disimpulkan bahwa hipotesis nol ditolak, yaitu bahwa ada hubungan antara pemilihan jalan dengan karakteristik kegiatan berkumpul remaja dengan faktor-faktor: a. Jarak dengan sekolah; b. Sifat keterbukaan ruang; c. Batas fisik pelingkup d. Ketersediaan tempat duduk; e. Jalan yang banyak dilalui kendaraan; f. Persimpangan jalan 3.B Hipotesis nol diterima, yaitu bahwa tidak ada hubungan antara pemilihan jalan dengan karakteristik kegiatan berkumpul remaja dengan faktorfaktor: a. Luasan b. Material permukaan c. Pengawasan dari orang lain d. Tempat pedagang kaki lima
This is a study of the relationship between human being and its environment, specifically discussing particularly the aspect of the cause and effect relationship between artificial environment and human behaviour. Human being has always been an interesting subject. There are researches conducted that concluded that there are some positive and negative influence occurrences (according to Bell-1984). In this study, the focus emphasize to the characteristic of teenagers' habit on spending their leisure time (and its connection to the function of artificial environment surrounds them), in which has conducted in 3 locations and based on the characteristic of their activities on their `hang out spot' that is randomly selected with sampling procedures both step method and strata. These characteristics were based on the varieties in their activity, in which comprises into 3 item: Necessary, Optional and Social Activities (that will be able to provide the overview to the relationship between these activities with their choice of places. Bulungan and Mahakam road is the place chosen as the research site with some good reasons, for instance: firstly, it has its own unique historical value that its function was long prepared by our government as a place for social activities. Secondly, these locations has 2 Jakarta's major high school (SMUN 70 and SMUN 6). The proceeding of this research has a descriptive nature with Parametric statistical method. Populations that is used in the research are: Students that regularly spending their time at Bulungan and Mahakam road after school. The sampling technique that is used by the research is: Proportional Random Sampling (using the Riduwan 2004 formula). The findings that are proposed by this research are the following: - The connection of teenagers' activities characteristics with the choice of places. - The factors that influence in their decisions of choosing their place of hang out. Base on the findings above, the research hypothesis is proposing conclusions as follow: - There are proofs that justify that there are connections between the choice of places and the characteristics of teenagers' activities. - There are factors that determine the choice of places according to the characteristic of teenagers' activities. And the field research that is conducted with survey method and depth interview method has resulted with the following: 1. Teenagers' activities in research site has different characteristic that unique with one another, these characteristics are divided into 3 items: Necessary, Optional and Social Activities. These differences are based to the need of their activities. 2. These indicators influence (in general condition) teenagers the choice of places: reach distance from school; the outdoor nature of the place; Physical boundary parameter that surrounds it; The seat availability; Transportation availability; Crossroads, Area; Surface; Supervision; Hawker stall. 3. A These type of characteristics determine their choice of place to hang out with indicators as follow: reach distance from school; the outdoor nature of the place; Physical boundary parameter that surrounds it; the seat availability; transportation availability; crossroads. 3.B Other indicator: Area; Surface; Supervision; hawker stall; Therefore, the characteristic of teenagers' activities provide no influence.
Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Perumahan Cinta Kasih Tzu Chi merupakan suatu perumahan yang menampung warga gusuran Kali Angke akibat dicanangkannya Program Kali Bersih oleh Pemda DKI Jakarta. Komunitas perumahan tersebut mempunyai tingkat kompetensi yang rendah. Dengan salah satu aspek rendahnya pengetahuan tentang creative problem solving process. Untuk membantu komunitas meningkatkan kompetensinya dilaksanakan serangkaian kegiatan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan mengenai creative problem solving process. Target intervensi yang dituju adalah kalangan pemuda. Landasan yang digunakan dalam intervensi sosial ini adalah Lima Elemen dari Social Action yaitu cause, change agency, change targets, channels, dan change strategy. Sedangkan untuk proses perubahan perilaku individual menggunakan Trans-theoretical Model of Behavior Change dari Prochaska et al. Serta digunakannya Social Cognitive dari Bandura sebagai landasan proses perubahan perilaku kelompok. Prinsip dari teori ini adalah reciprocal determinism bahwa komponen kognisi, tingkah laku, dan lingkungan saling mempengaruhi. Program dirancang menjadi 13 langkah dimulai dan lobbying sampai dengan pemantauan berkala. Tulisan ini hanya menjabarkan langkah 1 sampai dengan kelima dilanjutkan dengan langkah ke sembilan sampai dengan tigabelas dengan fokus tulisan pada pelatihan peningkatan pengetahuan creative problem solving process. Hasil evaluasi menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan program berjalan sesuai rancangan yang telah dibuat. Tujuan kegiatan terpenuhi, ditandai dengan tercapainya indikator keberhasilan. Pelatihan ini mendapat tanggapan yang positif dari target intervensi.
Tzu Chi Housing Complex is provided for the people of Kali Angke who lost their houses when DKI Jakarta regional government implemented "Clean River Program". The community in Tzu Chi Housing Complex has a relatively low competency. This had led I to develop a program to deepen their knowledge in creative problem solving process in order to increase community competency. The intervention target of our program is the youth. This social intervention is based on five elements of Social Action which are cause, change agency, change targets, channels, and change strategy. While individual changing behaviour is based on Prochaska et al Trans-theoretical Model of Behavior Change. Furthermore, group changing behaviour is based on Bandura's Social Cognitive. The main argument of this theory is reciprocal determinism which says that cognition, attitude and environment are interconnected. This program was consisted of 13 phases, started from lobbying up to periodically monitoring. This thesis only describes step 1 up to step 5, followed by step 9 up to step 13, focusing on training of deepening knowledge in creative problem solving process. The result of our evaluation showed that this program has run smoothly as was planned. It successfully accomplished its objective as shown by the accomplishment indicator. Furthermore, it received a positive respond from the intervention target.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
This book describes a systematic approach to risk assessment for complex socio-technical systems like industrial processes, especially innovative ones. It provides an overview of applications of system dynamics theory and methodologies on industrial systems in order to demonstrate the relevance of such an approach in helping to assess risks in such complex systems. An important feature of this approach is that it takes into account the dynamic of the interactions of the components (technical, human and organizational ones) in order to study and simulate the behavior of the system. This methodology helps to define the failures and/or accident scenarios and to implement and test the prevention and protection barriers.
Switzerland: Springer Nature, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library