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Pelayanan jasa kesehatan rumah sakit di Indonesia akhir-akhir ini banyak mengalami perubahan. Salah satu paradigma baru yang berkembang adalah mengenai mutu sehingga banyak rumah sakit yang meredefinisi ulang tujuannya ke arah fokus pada pelanggan.

Saat ini belum ada metode baku untuk mengukur kepuasan pelanggan terhadap mutu layanan rumah sakit. Penelitian ini mencoba menerapkan metode SERVQUAL yang dikembangkan Zeithaml, et at., 1990 yang membagi variabel layanan daiam lima dimensi mutu yaitu keandalan, ketanggapan, jaminan, empati dan perwujudan.

Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian survei, dilakukan terhadap 49 karyawan yang berobat di Instalasi Rawat JaIan RS Santa Maria selama bulan Juni 2001. Sebagai variabel kepuasan dihitung gap skor antara persepsi dengan harapan.

Dari uji validitas dan reliabilitas didapatkan semua atribut dalam kuesioner mempunyai korelasi cukup erat kecuali untuk atribut mengenai pelayanan tanpa membedakan jam kedatangan pasien yang mempunyai korelasi rendah.

Hasil penelitian didapatkan SERVQUAL SCORE negatif untuk semua dimensi pelayanan yang berarti secara keseluruhan pelanggan tidak puas dengan pelayanan yang diberikan. Setelah diteliti masing-masing atribut ditemukan dua atribut yang mempunyai skor paling jelek yaitu mengenai ketersediaan obat dan peralatan yang lengkap, bersih dan modern.

Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat bermanfaat untuk menyusun strategi peningkatan mutu pelayanan di Instalasi Rawat Jalan RS Santa Maria dengan nilai skor sebagai acuan prioritas penyelesaian masalah. Disarankan untuk penelitian lanjutan melibatkan responden yang bukan karyawan rumah sakit.

Employees Satisfaction Analysis in Santa Maria Hospital Pekanbaru As an ASKES Participants Through Services in Santa Maria's Outpatient Unit Using SERVQUAL MethodForward-moving corporations and health care organizations are shifting their attention away from outdoing their competitors toward satisfying their customers. Successful corporations recognize the importance of a customer focus and the direct relationship between a customer focus and business success. Customer-oriented people treat customer satisfaction as a much higher priority than what's traditional or convenient for themselves as providers. Managers who treat employees as customers recognize that satisfied employees do not jump ship but instead have motivation to contribute to the organization's objectives.

Since November 2000, Santa Maria Hospital Pekanbaru had changed the employee's health program to an insurance company : PT ASKES. To assess this decision we need a model of customer satisfaction study that can be used to internal customers. This quantitative study called SERVQUAL developed by Zeithaml, et al. ( 1990 ) consisted of two sections : (1) an expectations section and ( 2) a perceptions section measured customer's assessments within five service categories : reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy and tangibles.

This study was a cross sectional survey using descriptive analysis approach. The population of study were all the employees in Santa Maria Hospital. The sample used were employees who visited the outpatient's unit during June 2001.

The study showed negative SERVQUAL SCORE for all the five dimension. The more negative SERVQUAL SCORE, the more serious the service quality shortfall in the eyes of customers. The most negative score for reliability dimension was the statement for drug supplies and the most negative score for tangibles dimension was the statement for modem-looking equipment. Clearly, there is a mismatch between the priorities expressed by customers and the levels of quality delivered by the hospital management

The study recommended that the SERVQUAL method can be used to asses customer satisfaction in hospital fields and for the next study should include respondents who are not hospital's employees.

UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nelly Wulansari
Abstrak :
Sejak tahun 1999, RS Kanker "Dharmais" telah menggunakan Sistem Informasi Manajemen Kepegawaian (SIMKA). Sistem informasi ini merupakan paket sistem informasi yang dibuat oleh Departemen Kesehatan R.I. Namun walaupun telah ada SIMKA, RSKD masih mengalami beberapa masalah dalam menangani data kepegawaiannya, antara lain adanya duplikasi data, data yang tidak akurat dan juga data yang tidak lengkap. Sehubungan dengan permasalahan tersebut, maka penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan evaluasi terhadap pemanfaatan SIMKA di RSKD untuk mengenali penyebab masalah tersebut dan mencarai cara pemecahan masalah yang tepat. Penelitian ini dimulai dengan menentukan komponen-komponen yang berpengaruh dalam pemanfaatan SIM secara umum dan membobot derajat kepentingan komponen-komponen tersebut dengan menggunakan metode Proses Hirarki Analitik (PHA). Hasil pembobotan tersebut selanjutnya dijadikan dasar untuk melakukan evaluasi terhadap kondisi/kinerja komponen-komponen SIMKA di RSKD. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa seluruh komponen dalam pemanfaatan SIMKA di RSKD berada dalam kondisi yang lemah. Dengan hasil ini maka disarankan untuk melakukan perrbaikan terhadap seluruh komponen SIMKA itu sendiri dengan melibatkan semua pihak terkait. Dan hal yang paling mendasar adalah membangun pemahaman akan pentingnya arti SIMKA bagi rumah sakit.
Since 1999, Dharmais Cancer Hospital has been using Human Resources Management Information System called SIMKA. This system is made by Ministry of Health of Republic of Indonesia. Nevertheless, Dharmais Cancer Hospital still have some problems of taking it human resources datas in hand, such as, duplication datas, inaccurate datas and also uncompleted datas. In accordance with that problems, this study is to aim at evaluating the utilization of SIMKA in Dharmais Cancer Hospital. This evaluation means to find the sources of those problems and also find its solution. The step of the research began with ascertaining the components of a Management Information System in general and then make the rank of those components by using Hierarchical Analytical Process Method. The result of this step will be used as the foundation in evaluating the condition of the component in accordance with the utilization of SIMKA at Dharmais Cancer Hospital. Results show that all of the components of the utilization of SIMKA at Dharmais Cancer Hospital laid in weak conditions. With these results, the recommended solution is totally improvement of all components of SIMKA by involving all related parties in hospital. And the most importance thing is to developed the perception of how important SIMKA is to the hospital.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Djoko Widagdo
Abstrak :
This study is conducted for analyzing the correlation of organization culture and leadership on the employee's performance in the State Corporation (Perjan) "Harapan Kita" Child and Maternity Hospital (RSAB). Jakarta. This study also tests the significance and determination of organization cultural correlation on employee's performance, leadership on employee's performance, and the correlation of organization culture and leadership on employee's performance. The population in this study are employees in the Perjan "Harapan Kita" RSAB Jakarta from the management position to staff position as many as 1214 employee's, with the sample respondents of 275 persons (with reference of Krejcie table) divided into two elements, i.e. 40 respondents of managerial position and 235 respondents of staff, respectively are taken by simple random sampling method. Data collection method used questionnaire composed of 4 parts. Part one contains inquiries related to respondents' identity of 8 points, part two contains inquiries related to organization culture of 26 points, part three is of inquiries related to leadership of 30 points, and part four is of inquiries related to employee's performance that are divided into two: 8 points for managerial and 5 points for staff. A validity and reliability test was once conducted on 25 respondents and all have been stated valid and no single indicator is stated void. The data processing and analysis used SPSS (Statistical Package For Social Science) program version 10.0 for testing the organization cultural correlation with employee's performance, the leadership correlation with employee's performance, while the correlation of organization culture and leadership on employee's performance uses Pearson correlation test technique (cross tabs). The result of the test on organization culture and employee's performance indicates a very low correlation, positive with value (r) = 0.120, (p) = 0.047 and determination coefficient = 0.014. The test on correlation of leadership and employee's performance indicates no significant correlation with value (r) = 0.035, (p) = 0.568 and determination coefficient = 0.001, while the test on correlation of organization culture and leadership on employee's performance indicates no significant correlation with (r) = 0.125, (p) = 0.118 and determination coefficient = 0.16. Thus, the hypothesis of study, stating that there is a correlation between organization culture and leadership on employee's performance in the Perjan "Harapan Kita" RSAB, Jakarta is not proven. In this opportunity, the writer would like to suggest as follows: To be able to survive in the global era, the Management of Perjan "Harapan Kita" RSAB should be willing and able to take the company to a global condition, i.e. a condition prioritizing customers' satisfaction as the service objective by visioner leadership in all lines. Miscommunication and misperception could be controlled by structured or formal and informal communication. Besides, Perjan "Harapan Kita" RSAB has began to design communication by utilizing information technology, thus the information passed and provided are according to the communication objective. A structured planning should be made for understanding the information technology to avoid technology stammer. Perjan "Harapan Kita" RSAB should immediately attempt to have an evaluation of performance based on the objective or target, so as to be able to avoid subjectivity in evaluation and the most important aspect of all is to developing culture by achievement or results.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mulat Wening Astuti
Abstrak :
masalah kesehatan paling umum terkait pekerjaan dan menempati peringkat 2 sebagai gangguan kerja dan paling banyak biayanya. Prevalensi gotrak lebih tinggi pada petugas kesehatan, dibandingkan dengan populasi umum, industri dan profesi konstruksi. Profesional sektor kesehatan khususnya mereka yang bekerja di lingkungan rumah sakit, lebih sering mengalami gotrak. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis faktor – faktor yang berhubungan dengan gangguan otot dan tulang rangka akibat kerja pada pegawai di RSUD X tahun 2022. Metode: Jenis penelitian ini adalah potong lintang dengan responden sebanyak 194 pegawai yang bekerja di RSUD X. Teknik pengumpulan data untuk data primer dilakukan dengan pengisian kuesioner, observasi, pengukuran dan wawancara. Sedangkan untuk data sekunder berupa profil RSUD, data pegawai dan data MCU pegawai. Hasil: Hasil kuesioner Nordic Body Map didapatkan bahwa prevalensi gotrak pada pegawai di RSUD X sebesar 83,5%. Pegawai yang mengalami keluhan gotrak mayoritas adalah tenaga medis yaitu sebesar 51,2%. Analisis penelitian ini didapatkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara faktor psikososial yaitu tuntutan psikologis dengan OR 6,25 dan ketidakpuasan kerja dengan OR 10,26. Kesimpulan: Prevalensi gotrak pada pegawai di RSUD X tinggi sehingga perlu dilakukan tindakan perbaikan untuk mengurangi keluhan gotrak pada pegawai di RSUD X. ......Background: Work Related Musculosceletal Disorders (WMSDs) is the most common health problem related to work and is ranked 2nd as a work disorder and has the most costs. The prevalence of WMSDs is higher among health workers, compared to the general population, industry and the construction profession. Health sector professionals, especially those who work in a hospital environment, are more likely to experience gorak. The purpose of this study was to analyze the factors associated with muscle and skeletal disorders due to work on employees at RSUD X in 2022. Methods: This type of research is cross-sectional with 194 employees working at RSUD X. Data collection techniques for primary data were done by filling out questionnaires, observations, measurements and interviews. As for secondary data in the form of hospital profiles, employee data and employee MCU data. Results: The results of the Nordic Body Map questionnaire showed that the prevalence of WMSDs in employees at RSUD X was 83.5%. The majority of employees who experience WMSDs complaints are medical personnel, which is 51.2%. The analysis of this study found that there was a significant relationship between psychosocial factors, namely psychological work demands with an OR of 6.25 and job dissatisfaction with an OR of 10.26. Conclusion: The prevalence of WMSDs on employees at RSUD X is high so it is necessary to take corrective action to reduce complaints of WMSDs on employees at RSUD X.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Atik Waharti
Abstrak :
Dengan adanya pergeseran pola pelayanan kesehatan, manajemen rumah sakit juga harus merubah pola pelayanan menjadi pelayanan kesehatan yang berdasarkan customer oriented. Pelayanan jenis ini memerlukan partisipasi seluruh karyawan sehingga diperlukan motivasi kerja, komitmen dan kepuasan kerja yang tinggi. Berkaitan dengan peningkatan mutu pelayanan, yang perlu mendapat perhatian antara lain adalah peningkatan motivasi kerja dan penyusunan pola penggajian. Hal ini sesuai dengan teori Herzberg bahwa apabila faktor dissatisfier dianggap tidak memuaskan, tenaga kerja akan merasa kecewa dan akan banyak masalah hubungan industrial yang timbul. Pada dasarnya memang tidak ada korelasi langsung antara upa/lgaji dengan produktivitas, akan tetapi gaji dapat digunakan sebagai alat untuk mendorong motivasi apabila diciptakan kebijakan dan sistem yang memberikan penghargaan kepada prestasi kerja yang tinggi. Hal yang menjadi kendala dalam meningkatkan motivasi kerja di RSIAA adalah mengenai sistem imbalan dan pola penggajian. Adanya ketidak puasan karyawan terhadap penentuan golongan jabatan yang hanya berdasar tingkat pendidikan, disamping belum adanya pengaturan sistem penggajian yang dihubungkan dengan prestasi kerja. Untuk tujuan itu di RSIAA dilakukan penelitian yang mempunyai tujuan umum membuat struktur golongan jabatan pada berbagai jenis jabatan fungsional di rumah sakit yang lebih obyektif melalui evaluasi jabatan untuk menyusun struktur gaji dasar. Kemudian dikaitkan dengan penyusunan pola insentif prestasi kerja untuk membuat rancangan formulasi gaji tetap. Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan penentuan nilai jabatan-jabatan fungsional, dimana merupakan nilai relatif dari hasil mengkuantifikasikan sesuatu yang kualitatif. Penelitian ini merupakan riset operasional, dengan metode deskriptif analitik, melalui pendekatan kuantitatif. Populasi penelitian adalah 32 jabatan fungsional yang dipegang oleh karyawan purna waktu. Dibuat uraian jabatan dari hasil analisa jabatan yang telah dilakukan. Kemudian diidentifikasi faktor-faktor jabatan yang akan dipakai sebagai dasar evaluasi jabatan. Faktor-faktor jabatan ini nantinya diberi nilai dan bobot untuk setiap jenis jabatan. Kemudian disusun pola insentif atas dasar kriteria prestasi kerja yang dicapai tiap individu. Aktivitas tersebut didiskusikan dan disepakati dalam diskusi kelompok (peer review) diantara panitia evaluasi jabatan dan antara direksi rumah sakit dengan wakil yayasan. Diharapkan sistem penggolongan jabatan dan pola penggajian yang lebih obyektif tersebut dapat meningkatkan motivasi kerja karyawan sehingga menghasilkan kinerja yang baik untuk meningkatkan mutu pelayanan.
The Arrangement of Basic Salary Structure Through Job Evaluation Relates With The Incentives Pattern Based on The Work Performance for The Fixed Salary Formulation Design at the Mother and Child Hospital (RSIAA) of AN-Nisa, TangerangChanges and new direction in health services push hospital management to provide health care with survey customer orientation. This new direction need to be understood by all hospital employees, so that they have adequate motivation, commitment and satisfaction in work life. Furthermore, it is expected their performances will match to the current changes and direction in health services demand. In relation to high quality health service, it is needed to establish incentive and salary system. This is suggested and in the line with Herzberg's theory, which stated that if dissatisfied factors are unfulfilled will brought dissatisfaction and work relation problems. It is well understood that incentives and 1 or salary does not have direct relationship with worker productivity, however, accurate performance based salary system will increase staff motivation. In RSIAA hospital, the current situation shows that employees have low work motivation and dissatisfaction to salary system. The complain mainly the current salary system does not relate to merit system, and only relate to educations level. In this relation, this study was aimed to develop the job rank structure on many type of job title on the hospital that becomes more objective through the job evaluation to arrange the basic salary structure. And then relates with the incentive system based on work performance to makes the fixed salary formulation. In this study, we make account job value of functional employment which is the relative value of quantitative result from qualitative things. This study is operational research, used the analytical descriptive method, with the quantitative approach. Research population are 32 job title that be held by the full time employee. Job descriptions have been described from the job analysis that has been done. Job factors have been identified, to base for job evaluation. That job factor is going to appraise every kind of job title. And then arranging basic criteria of the work performance that will be gained by each of individual. Those activities have been discussed and reviewed in a group discussion between the job evaluation committee and between the hospital board of director with the vice organization. Hopefully the job rank system and the salaries pattern that more objective will increase staff motivation, so it can makes good performance to increase the quality service.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2002
T 10123
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library