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Ditemukan 12 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Thariq Fikri Ashidqi
Abstrak :
Kereta Cepat adalah suatu bentuk transportasi yang menghubungkan antara tempat-tempat yang jauh, dalam hal ini kota ke kota Jakarta dan Bandung. Waktu tempuh dengan menggunakan moda transportasi ini berkurang karena tidak akan ada kemacetan sama sekali karena menggunakan jalur kereta api sebagai jalur perjalanannya. Selama perjalanannya, akan menemui banyak terowongan seperti Terowongan Walini. Saat memasuki, di dalam dan keluar terowongan akan banyak peristiwa aerodinamis yang akan terjadi dan mempengaruhi kereta api. Seluruh permukaan badan kereta, terowongan, dan juga lingkungan sekitar akan terpengaruh oleh peristiwa ini. Fokus analisis efek adalah pada bagian hidung kereta, dipengaruhi oleh kecepatan dan tekanan yang dihasilkan kereta. Ini dipengaruhi oleh perbedaan tekanan yang dibawa kereta berkecepatan tinggi dari lingkungan luar ke terowongan dengan input kecepatan tinggi. Menyebabkan peningkatan tekanan di depan kereta terutama bagian hidung kereta api berkecepatan tinggi karena kerusakan tekanan mikro yang perlu melakukan perjalanan ke bagian belakang kereta untuk menstabilkan kondisi aerodinamis sebelum menjadi kondisi stabil ketika 2-3 panjang kereta api keluar dari terowongan sehingga kondisi aerodinamis kereta api berkecepatan tinggi menjadi sepenuhnya stabil terhadap terowongan dan lingkungan sekitarnya......The High-speed Train is a form of transportation that connects between far places, in this case town to town of Jakarta and Bandung. Travel time using this method of transportation is decreased since there will be no congestion whatsoever since it uses rails as the path of its travel route. During its journey, it will encounter many tunnels like the Walini Tunnel. Whilst entering, inside and exiting the tunnel there will be many aerodynamic events that will be occurring and affecting the train. The whole body surface of the train, the tunnel, and also the nearby environment will be affected by these events. The focus of the effects analysis is on the nose of the train, influenced by velocity and pressure that the train produces. These are affected by the pressure difference that the High-speed train brings from the outside environment to the tunnel with a high velocity input. Causing a pressure build up in front of the train especially the nose of the High-speed train due to it micro-pressure breakage that needs to travel to the back of the train to stabilize the aerodynamic condition before it became stable condition when 2-3 length of the train have exit the tunnel so the aerodynamic condition of the High-speed train become fully stable to the tunnel and the nearby environments.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andyka Kusuma
Abstrak :
Indonesia is one of the largest economics compared to others in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), with a population of 240 million in 2016. Most of the country’s economic and service-related activities are located on the island of Java, which is home to 50% of the population. A good and reliable transport infrastructure is therefore critical to ensuring that the movement of both passengers and goods is efficient, fast, reliable, and safe. The Indonesian government has initiated a High-Speed Train (HST) service to connect Jakarta and Surabaya, two big cities in the west and east of Java, respectively, in order to improve mobility and connectivity on Java. The first phase of the HST project is planned to connect Jakarta and Bandung. This study aims to understand the travel characteristics of potential HST passengers, which is important for predicting demand for the HST. The study conducts roadside interviews using a stated preference methodology for several passenger transport modes serving the Jakarta–Bandung route, namely the private car, 10-seater bus (shuttle), coach, and conventional rail. The survey asks respondents about their potential for shifting from their current transit mode to HST. The HST stations will be located in Halim (Jakarta) and Gedebage (Bandung). The study finds that most of the respondents have good economic welfare. A total of 64% of the respondents agreed that they would pay an HST ticket price of between 200,000 and 300,000 rupiahs to save 90 minutes’ travel time. Furthermore, the average amount paid to use a passenger car on the same trip is 200,000 rupiahs, which is slightly higher than the amount paid by a train passenger (Rp. 150,000). This finding demonstrates that the passenger traffic vehicle capitulates the benefit of choosing HST in comparison with the existing transport modes. It should also be noted that there is greater uncertainty with regard to traffic conditions for road traffic in comparison to that faced by railway passengers. In more detail, a sensitivity analysis indicates that passengers traveling from Jakarta could be more easily shifted to the HST than could passengers traveling from Bandung. The fact that those in Jakarta indicate a greater preference to shift to a faster transport mode than those in Bandung indicates that people in Jakarta place a higher value on time. This information is also useful for operational policy, including ticket price differentiation based on travel time period and travel origin–destination.
Depok: Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI-IJTECH 8:6 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ahmad Septiawan
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk memperkirakan faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi preferensi perpindahan penumpang dalam melakukan perjalanan menggunakan High Speed Train Jakarta Bandung, serta membentuk perangkat analisis permintaan berbentuk model pemilihan moda. Analisis dilakukan dengan menggunakan model logit multinomial yang dibentuk dengan hasil survey stated preference terhadap penumpang mobil pribadi dan angkutan shuttle/travel yang melalui rute Jakarta Bandung. Data yang diambil dalam penelitian ini adalah sebanyak 100 sampel. Hasil permodelan menggunakan metode Multinomial Logit menunjukkan bahwa pada saat tarif/biaya (selisih tarif = 0) mobil pribadi memiliki probabilitas berpindah ke kereta cepat sebesar 0,38 (38%). Sedangkan untuk angkutan shuttle/travel memiliki probabilitas berpindah ke kereta cepat adalah sebesar 0,23 (23%) serta probabilitas memilih kereta cepat sebesar 0,39 (39%). ......This study aims to estimate the factors that can affect the passengers preference in travelling using the High Speed Train Jakarta Bandung, and form of a choice mode selection model. The analysis was carried out using a multinomial logit model which was formed with the results of a stated preference survey of private car passengers and shuttle/travel passengers through the Jakarta Bandung route. The data taken in this study were 100 samples. The modelling results using the Multinomial Logit method indicate when the tariff/fee (fee defference = 0) of private cars has the probability of moving to high speed train by 0,38 (38%). Whereas for shuttle/travel has probability of moving to high speed train is 0,23 (23%) and theprobability choosing the high speed train is 0,39 (39%).
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Georgen, Raymond Jacson
Abstrak :
Pada proyek transportasi kereta api cepat biaya investasi, operasional dan pemeliharaannya begitu besar sehingga diperlukan ide dan inovasi untuk menarik pendapatan revenue agar biaya instasi serta biaya operasional dan pemeliharaan dapat tertutupi dalam jangka waktu tertentu. Untuk memprediksi revenue dilakukan pendekatan sistem dinamik yang dipercaya dapat menggambarkan potensi demand masing-masing daerah di kedua rute dipilih. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian lanjutan yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan revenue mengenai kelayakan investasi finance dengan konsep fungsi tambah pada Proyek Kereta Api Cepat Jakarta-Surabaya. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa nilai IRR untuk skenario multi fungsi pada kedua rute lebih besar daripada hanya single fungsi. Pada rute 1; skenario multi fungsi nilai IRR pada ketiga skenario tarif yaitu 6,98, 8,87, 10,97, sedangkan pada rute ke-2, nilai IRR yaitu 6,52, 8,59, 10,23. ......High Speed Railways HSR Infrastructure projects very costly in investment and also in operational and maintenance cost, thereby it will need a better idea and inovation to attrack revenue in order to cover the investment cost and also operational and maintenance cost on certain of period. To predict revenue dinamic system approach used which can describe demand potential on lokal area in two routes chosens. This research are continous research that aim to improve revenue about investment analysis with added function value on high speed railway project. The result shows that interntal rate of return on multi function more bigger rather than single function. On first route multi function IRR value on three tariff scenario are 6,98, 8,87, 10,97, whereas on second route, IRR value area 6,52 , 8,59 , 10,23.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tria Puspita Sari
Abstrak :
Kereta cepat Jakarta-Surabaya memiliki jalur sepanjang 868 Km melewati tujuh kota/stasiun yaitu, Jakarta, Bandung,Cirebon, Semarang, Solo, Jogjakarta, dan Surabaya (CSID,2015). Pada proyek ini dilakukan rekasaya nilai tambah dengan menambahkan fungsi tambah berupa, penyewaan kawasan komersil dan periklanan stasiun (PTS), pengembangan kawasan pariwisata, pengembangan kawasan transit oriented development (TOD), Integrasi fiber optic(FO), Integrasi solar cell (SC), dalam rangka peningkatan pendapatan dan peningkatan kelayakan terhadap biaya. Analisa pendapatan dilakukan dengan simulasi sistem dinamik menggunakan perangkat lunak PowerSim Studio, dan Analisa kelayakan ekonomi dilakukan dengan membandingkan internal rate of return (IRR) dari tiga skenario tarif terhadap MARR. Skenario tarif dilakukan dengan dengan mempertimbangkan harga moda transportasi dan jasa lain terkait yang telah ada, serta Revenue didapatkan dengan proyeksi pemenuhan demand dan ketersediaan dari masing-masing fungsi. Revenue total skenario tarif terendah sebesar Rp. 548,7 trilliun, revenue total skenario tarif menengah sebesar Rp. 737,7 Trilliun, revenue total skenario tarif tertinggi sebesar Rp. 948,3 Trilliun. IRR total proyek meningkat dari 5%-14% dengan fungsi tunggal sebagai sarana transportasi menjadi sebesar 12.3%- 23.0% multifungsi (melaui nilai tambah). ......Jakarta-Surabaya High Speed Train Project with 868 Km long rute thtough seven cities/stations, Jakarta, Bandung, Cirebon, Semarang, Solo, Jogjakarta, and Surabaya. In this project value engineering is added by adding some fungtions as leasing comercial areas and adverstising in station (PTS), developing tourism area, developing transit oriented development (TOD) areas, Integrating fiber optic and integrating solar cell in order to increase income and an increase in the cost feasibility. Revenue analysis conducted by simulation of dynamic systems using software Powersim Studio, and economic feasibility analysis is done by comparing the internal rate of return (IRR) of the three scenarios against MARR rates. Fare Scenario done by consideration to existing transportation and service price, also revenue resulted of compliance with projected demand and availability of each function. Total revenue of lowest possible rate scenarios is Rp. 548.7 trillion, total revenue scenario intermediate rate of Rp. 737.7 Trillion, total revenue scenario of the highest rates of Rp. 948.3 Trillion. The total project IRR increases of 5%- 14% with a single function as transportation mode become 12.3%-23.0% as multifunctions (through value added).
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Farhan Tiarrafi Pratama
Abstrak :
Perkembangan teknologi sudah sangat pesat dalam dunia transportasi. Pemerintah Indonesia ingin melakukan terobosan untuk membangun kereta cepat yang menghubungkan Jakarta – Bandung hanya dalam 36 – 45 menit. Kereta akan menggunakan model CR400AF yang melaju dengan kecepatan 350 km/h. Pada kecepatan tinggi, aerodinamika pada sebuah transportasi menjadi aspek yang sangat penting, tidak terkecuali pada kereta. Kondisi dan lintasan kereta menjadi salah satu faktor pada beban aerodinamis kereta. Crosswind menjadi kondisi yang paling banyak menyebabkan kecelakaan dengan peningkatan beban aerodinamis 25 kali lebih besar serta lintasan seperti tunnel, embankment, dan jembatan menjadi lintasan kritis dalam rute kereta cepat. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan analisis terhadap pengaruh crosswind pada wilayah tunnel – jembatan – tunnel terhadap koefisien aerodinamis drag, lift, dan rolling moment. Analisis melakukan metode computational fluid dynamics (CFD) menggunakan ANSYS FLUENT dengan variasi kecepatan crosswind 0 m/s, 10 m/s, dan 25 m/s. Hasil simulasi menunjukkan semakin besar crosswind akan membuat beban aerodinamis lebih besar, 1.67 kali untuk koefisien drag, 58.8 kali untuk koefisien lift, dan 29.8 kali untuk rolling moment. Hasil juga menunjukkan proses keluar jembatan “OUT” mempunyai fluktuasi beban aerodinamis yang lebih besar dibandingkan proses masuk jembatan “IN” dan bagian head pada kereta mengalami beban aerodinamis terbesar dibandingkan bagian lain. ......The development of technology has been very rapid in the world of transportation. The Indonesian government wants to make a breakthrough to build a high-speed train (HST) that connects Jakarta - Bandung in just 36 - 45 minutes. The train will use the CR400AF model traveling at a speed of 350 km/h. When transportation speed increase, aerodynamics in transportation becomes a very important aspect. The condition and track of the train are the main factors in the aerodynamic load of the train. Crosswind is the condition that causes the most accidents with an increase in aerodynamic load 25 times greater and tracks such as tunnels, embankments, and bridges become critical paths on high-speed rail routes. In this study, an analysis was carried out on the effect of crosswind in the tunnel - bridge - tunnel that influence the aerodynamic drag, lift, and rolling moment. The analysis performed by computational fluid dynamics (CFD) method using ANSYS FLUENT with variations in crosswind 0 m/s, 10 m/s, and 25 m/s. The simulation results show that aerodynamic load will increase with greater crosswind environment. 1.67 times for the drag coefficient, 58.8 times for the lift coefficient, and 29.8 times for the rolling moment coefficient. The results also show that the "OUT" process has a larger aerodynamic load fluctuation than the "IN" process and head component of a train will experience greatest aerodynamics load followed by tail and middle component of the train.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
M. Faiz Naufal
Abstrak :
Pengoperasian kereta api cepat menjadi salah satu perhatian dalam penelitian dan pengembangan industri kereta. Kecelakaan kereta yang diakibatkan oleh bencana dan kondisi pengoperasian yang tidak aman harus dicegah. Crosswind adalah salah satu ancaman yang dapat mengakibatkan kecelakan kereta. Crosswind effect dapat membuat kereta cepat terbalik pada saat kereta mengalami beban aerodinamika dikarenakan adanya normal dan tangensial stress pada permukaan kereta. Skripsi ini bertujuan untuk mencari dan menganalisa performa aerodinamika yang paling optimum dari beberapa kereta yang diuji ketika mengalami crosswind effect spesifik pada saat kereta berada dalam kondisi non-elevated. Model kereta yang digunakan adalah model kereta cepat Jakarta-Bandung Railway Project, yaitu kereta CR400 AF Fuxing Train yang telah disederhanakan. Simulasi akan dilakukan menggunakan computational fluid dynamics dan mencari parameter aerodinamika dan aliran pada kereta api cepat pada saat mengalami crosswind dengan menggunakan realizable k-ε turbulence model. ......The operation of high-speed trains has become one of the concerns of current railway research and development. Fatal railway accidents, which are catastrophic consequences of unsafe operating conditions, should be prevented. Crosswinds are one of the major threats that can cause fatal railway accidents. Crosswind effect can flip and overturn the high-speed train as the train experiences aerodynamic loads due to the normal and tangential stresses in its surfaces when it cruises. This thesis aims to find and analyze the most optimum aerodynamics performance for the high-speed trains when experiencing crosswind effects from several train models specifically on non-elevated conditions (ground conditions). The train models used the simplified train model of the Jakarta-Bandung Railway Project which is CR400 AF Fuxing Train. The simulation will be conducted using computational fluid dynamics and try to obtain the aerodynamic parameters and flow process of the high-speed trains due to crosswind using realizable k-ε turbulence model.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ega Leonar Soekarno
Abstrak :
Ketika kereta api berkecepatan tinggi memasuki ruang terbatas seperti terowongan, udara di dalam terowongan mengalami kesulitan untuk menyebar di sekitarnya karena ruang udara yang terbatas. Oleh karena itu, ia menghasilkan gelombang tekanan yang merambat melalui panjang terowongan ke portal keluar dengan kecepatan suara. Perubahan tekanan udara dan implikasinya terhadap keselamatan pengoperasian kereta api, kenyamanan penumpang, dan dampak lingkungan yang ditimbulkan oleh kereta api berkecepatan tinggi yang memasuki terowongan merupakan bagian penting dari aerodinamika kereta api. Ini juga merupakan masalah utama untuk membiarkan kereta berjalan pada kecepatan yang lebih tinggi. Berbeda dengan di udara terbuka, kereta api yang memasuki terowongan bertindak sebagai piston yang bergerak melawan udara yang menempati ruang terowongan yang dibatasi oleh dinding terowongan dan dengan demikian, "efek piston" dihasilkan. tesisnya bertujuan untuk menjelaskan parameter yang mempengaruhi kecepatan udara dan medan tekanan yang diinduksi, menciptakan efek piston di terowongan. Model kereta api dan terowongan yang berskala dan disederhanakan diikuti dengan simulasi numerik telah dilakukan untuk menganalisis kontur dan amplitudo kecepatan dan tekanan udara yang berfluktuasi di dalam terowongan dan di dalam kereta. Model ini akan menjadi model standar yang digunakan dalam percobaan ini untuk menyelidiki efek aerodinamis. Simulasi menggunakan CFD komputasi dengan tipe analisis transien. ......When a high-speed train enters a confined space such as a tunnel, the air inside the tunnel has difficulty diffusing around it because of the restricted airspace. Hence, it generates a pressure wave that propagates through the tunnel’s length to the exit portal at the speed of sound. Air pressure change and its implications on the safe operation of trains, passengers comfort, and environmental impact caused by a high-speed train entering a tunnel are important parts of train aerodynamics. It is also a key issue to let trains run at a higher speed. Unlike the case in the open air, a train that enters a tunnel acts as a piston that moves against the air that occupies the tunnel space which is constrained by the tunnel walls and thus, a “piston effect” is generated. his thesis aimed to explain the parameters affecting the induced air velocity and pressure fields, creating the piston effect in the tunnel. Scaled and simplified model of the train and tunnel followed with numerical simulations have been carried out to analyzed the contour and amplitude of fluctuating air velocity and pressure in the tunnel and on the train. The generic train model to represent the original high-speed train inside a tunnel. This model will be the standard model used in this experiment to investigate the aerodynamic effect. The simulation uses computational CFD with transient analysis type.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mohammed Ali Berawi
Abstrak :
As a consequence of an improvement in productivity, due to shorter travel time and further development in connectivity, a High Speed Train (HST) project is one kind of infrastructure which has a potential for positive impact on economic development and growth. However, HST project feasibility rarely meets related stakeholders’ expectations, since the benefits and added value are considered low, when compared to the value of investment. Therefore, a comprehensive study is required by producing innovative ideas to improve the feasibility of HST projects, from the viewpoint of both technical and economic aspects. This study is aimed at improving the feasibility of project investment for the conceptual design of Jakarta-Surabaya HST project by using Value Engineering (VE). The methodology uses both qualitative and quantitative approaches through in-depth interviews and life cycle cost analysis. Route 1 selected as the best scenario that has 4 stations connecting Jakarta to Cirebon to Semarang, and to Surabaya. The HST project requires a budget of 36 Trillion IDR with operational and maintenance costs estimated for about 1.2 Billion IDR per year for 685 km of high speed train infrastructure.
Depok: Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI-IJTECH 6:4 (2015)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Pada tahun 2020, Indonesia berencana akan mengoperasikan Kereta Api Cepat (High Speed Train) antara Jakarta-Surabaya yang akan dinamakan Argo Cahaya. Penelitian ini membahas tentang pengaruh beroperasinya High Speed Train terhadap permintaan moda pesawat udara. Model pemilihan moda yang dikembangkan menggunakan pendekatan logit biner yang berbasis data stated preference (SP). Dari fungsi utilitas yang dibangun, dapat diketahui probabilitas calon penumpang yang akan berpindah dari moda pesawat ke High Speed Train. Berdasarkan analisa sensitivitas terhadap faktor-faktor yang diduga berpengaruh terhadap pemilihan moda, disimpulkan bahwa faktor yang paling mempengaruhi calon penumpang dalam memilih High Speed Train adalah tarif. ......In 2020, Indonesia are planning to operate High Speed Train between Jakarta and Surabaya, it will be called Argo Cahaya. This study analyzes the impact of high speed train in comparison on air transport demand. By applying quantitative research logit binary and using stated preferences survey method. From the utility function that is produced, the prospective passenger that shifted from aircraft to high speed train could be defined. Based on sensitivity analysis of the factor?s that suspect to affected the mode selections, the result on traveler?s perceptions show that fare are most significant factor that affected passenger choice.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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