ABSTRAKStudi ini berangkat dari keadaan dunia yang diwarnai oleh massifnya perkembangan
teknologi informasi dan komunikasi. Perkembangan teknologi berimplikasi pada dua
perilaku generasi konsumen yaitu generasi Digital Natives (DN) dan Digital
Immigrants (DI), suatu generasi yang sering mengalami kecemasan terhadap
teknologi, dikenal sebagai technology anxiety. Studi ini melihat bagaimana dua
generasi konsumen yang berbeda dalam proses memutuskan membeli produk
berbasis teknologi tinggi / high technology seperti smartphone, khususnya untuk
menggali proses komunikasi serta mengatasi technology anxiety. Berlandaskan
paradigma post-positivistik dengan pendekatan kualitatif, studi ini menghasilkan
temuan bahwa DI mengatasi kecemasan dan membeli high tech melalui proses
komunikasi dengan kelompok, sedangkan DN tidak memiliki kecemasan serta
cenderung melakukan proses komunikasi dengan dunia virtual sebelum membeli.
ABSTRACTThis research inspired by picture of a world whose full of information technology andcommunications. Development of information technology and communications haveimpact for the two generations of consumer behavior, namely the generation ofDigital Natives and Digital Immigrants, a generation that experience technologyanxiety. This research?s aim is digging about how two different generations ofconsumers in the process of deciding to buy a high tech product, smartphones, inparticular to explore the communication process and how to overcome technologyanxiety. Based on the paradigm of post-positivistic with a qualitative approach, thisresearch found that the DI overcome anxiety and buy high-tech through thecommunication process with the group, while the DN does not have anxiety and tendto make the process of communication with the virtual world before buying., This research inspired by picture of a world whose full of information technology andcommunications. Development of information technology and communications haveimpact for the two generations of consumer behavior, namely the generation ofDigital Natives and Digital Immigrants, a generation that experience technologyanxiety. This research’s aim is digging about how two different generations ofconsumers in the process of deciding to buy a high tech product, smartphones, inparticular to explore the communication process and how to overcome technologyanxiety. Based on the paradigm of post-positivistic with a qualitative approach, thisresearch found that the DI overcome anxiety and buy high-tech through thecommunication process with the group, while the DN does not have anxiety and tendto make the process of communication with the virtual world before buying.]"