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Ditemukan 17 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Garland, Sarah
London: Francis Lincoln, 1995
635.7 GAR h
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ulbricht, Catherine E., in-chief-eiditor
Missouri: Mosby Elsevier, 2010
R 615.321 NAT
Buku Referensi  Universitas Indonesia Library
Thomas, Ian
Abstrak :
Culpepper Limited was formed in 1927, the aim was to revive the taste for wholesome natural medicines, pure cosmetics, and the use of herbs in cooking', Today Culpepper is the largest herbal specialist in Great Britain and the only herbalist to grow its own herbs. The natural, medicinal and therapeutic properties of herbs and plants have been used by mankind since time began. These practical and interesting guides illustrated with colour drawings contain comprehensive explanatory lists of herbs and how they can benefit you.
London: Brockhamton Press, 1999
615.321 THO h
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Thomas, Ian
Abstrak :

Penelitian ini menyelidiki dampak modal intelektual (intellectual capital) terhadap kinerja keuangan perusahaan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) dari tahun 2014 hingga 2023. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memvalidasi dan membandingkan model Value-Added Intellectual Capital (VAIC) tradisional oleh Pulic (2004) dengan model Adjusted-VAIC (A-VAIC) yang diusulkan oleh Nadeem et al. (2018). Studi ini mengkaji ukuran akuntansi (ROA, ROE, ATO) dan ukuran berbasis pasar (Tobin's Q) untuk menilai pengaruh modal intelektual. Dengan memanfaatkan data dari database Refinitiv dan laporan tahunan, analisis regresi berganda dilakukan pada sekitar 310 data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa modal intelektual secara signifikan mempengaruhi kinerja keuangan, terutama di industri dengan modal intelektual tinggi (High-IC). Capital Employed Efficiency (CEE) secara konsisten menunjukkan pengaruh signifikan pada semua indikator kinerja keuangan untuk industri High-IC dalam kedua model VAIC dan A-VAIC. Namun, structural capital dan innovation capital juga menunjukkan tingkat signifikansi yang bervariasi di berbagai model dan jenis industri. Temuan ini menyoroti pentingnya mengelola dan memanfaatkan modal intelektual secara efisien untuk meningkatkan nilai perusahaan. Penelitian ini juga memberikan wawasan tentang dampak berbeda dari komponen modal intelektual di industri dengan modal intelektual tinggi versus rendah.

This research investigates the impact of intellectual capital on the financial performance of companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) from 2014 to 2023. It aims to validate and compare the traditional Value-Added Intellectual Capital (VAIC) model by Pulic (2004) with the Adjusted-VAIC (A-VAIC) model proposed by Nadeem et al. (2018). The study examines both accounting measures (ROA, ROE, ATO) and market-based measures (Tobin's Q) to assess the influence of intellectual capital. Utilizing data from the Refinitiv database and annual reports, multiple regression analyses were conducted on approximately 310 data points. The results indicate that intellectual capital significantly affects financial performance, particularly in high intellectual capital (High-IC) industries. Capital Employed Efficiency (CEE) consistently shows significant influence across all financial performance indicators for High-IC industries in both VAIC and A-VAIC models. However, structural capital and innovation capital display varying levels of significance across different models and industry types. The findings highlight the importance of managing and utilizing intellectual capital efficiently to enhance firm value. The study also provides insights into the differential impacts of intellectual capital components in high versus low intellectual capital industries.

;Culpepper Limited was formed in 1927, the aim was to revive the taste for wholesome natural medicines, pure cosmetics, and the use of herbs in cooking', Today Culpepper is the largest herbal specialist in Great Britain and the only herbalist to grow its own herbs. The natural, medicinal and therapeutic properties of herbs and plants have been used by mankind since time began. These practical and interesting guides illustrated with colour drawings contain comprehensive explanatory lists of herbs and how they can benefit you., Culpepper Limited was formed in 1927, the aim was to revive the taste for wholesome natural medicines, pure cosmetics, and the use of herbs in cooking', Today Culpepper is the largest herbal specialist in Great Britain and the only herbalist to grow its own herbs. The natural, medicinal and therapeutic properties of herbs and plants have been used by mankind since time began. These practical and interesting guides illustrated with colour drawings contain comprehensive explanatory lists of herbs and how they can benefit you.]
London: Brockhamton Press, 1999
615.321 THO h
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Thomas, Ian
Abstrak :

Penelitian ini menyelidiki dampak modal intelektual (intellectual capital) terhadap kinerja keuangan perusahaan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) dari tahun 2014 hingga 2023. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memvalidasi dan membandingkan model Value-Added Intellectual Capital (VAIC) tradisional oleh Pulic (2004) dengan model Adjusted-VAIC (A-VAIC) yang diusulkan oleh Nadeem et al. (2018). Studi ini mengkaji ukuran akuntansi (ROA, ROE, ATO) dan ukuran berbasis pasar (Tobin's Q) untuk menilai pengaruh modal intelektual. Dengan memanfaatkan data dari database Refinitiv dan laporan tahunan, analisis regresi berganda dilakukan pada sekitar 310 data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa modal intelektual secara signifikan mempengaruhi kinerja keuangan, terutama di industri dengan modal intelektual tinggi (High-IC). Capital Employed Efficiency (CEE) secara konsisten menunjukkan pengaruh signifikan pada semua indikator kinerja keuangan untuk industri High-IC dalam kedua model VAIC dan A-VAIC. Namun, structural capital dan innovation capital juga menunjukkan tingkat signifikansi yang bervariasi di berbagai model dan jenis industri. Temuan ini menyoroti pentingnya mengelola dan memanfaatkan modal intelektual secara efisien untuk meningkatkan nilai perusahaan. Penelitian ini juga memberikan wawasan tentang dampak berbeda dari komponen modal intelektual di industri dengan modal intelektual tinggi versus rendah.

This research investigates the impact of intellectual capital on the financial performance of companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) from 2014 to 2023. It aims to validate and compare the traditional Value-Added Intellectual Capital (VAIC) model by Pulic (2004) with the Adjusted-VAIC (A-VAIC) model proposed by Nadeem et al. (2018). The study examines both accounting measures (ROA, ROE, ATO) and market-based measures (Tobin's Q) to assess the influence of intellectual capital. Utilizing data from the Refinitiv database and annual reports, multiple regression analyses were conducted on approximately 310 data points. The results indicate that intellectual capital significantly affects financial performance, particularly in high intellectual capital (High-IC) industries. Capital Employed Efficiency (CEE) consistently shows significant influence across all financial performance indicators for High-IC industries in both VAIC and A-VAIC models. However, structural capital and innovation capital display varying levels of significance across different models and industry types. The findings highlight the importance of managing and utilizing intellectual capital efficiently to enhance firm value. The study also provides insights into the differential impacts of intellectual capital components in high versus low intellectual capital industries.

;Culpepper Limited was formed in 1927, the aim was to revive the taste for wholesome natural medicines, pure cosmetics, and the use of herbs in cooking', Today Culpepper is the largest herbal specialist in Great Britain and the only herbalist to grow its own herbs. The natural, medicinal and therapeutic properties of herbs and plants have been used by mankind since time began. These practical and interesting guides illustrated with colour drawings contain comprehensive explanatory lists of herbs and how they can benefit you., Culpepper Limited was formed in 1927, the aim was to revive the taste for wholesome natural medicines, pure cosmetics, and the use of herbs in cooking', Today Culpepper is the largest herbal specialist in Great Britain and the only herbalist to grow its own herbs. The natural, medicinal and therapeutic properties of herbs and plants have been used by mankind since time began. These practical and interesting guides illustrated with colour drawings contain comprehensive explanatory lists of herbs and how they can benefit you.]
London: Brockhamton Press, [;1999, 1999]
615.321 THO h
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Treben, Maria
Abstrak :
Much sought-after personal advice on the use of medicinal herbs from Europe's most popular herbalist. Comprehensive and infomative, this time-honored herbal remedies have been shown to cure even some so-called "incureable" diseases. The book about herbs, which was first published in 1980, has become a phenomenal success. So far, the Publisher Ennsthaler Verlag has sold over nine million copies of the book which has become a classic among health guides and has been translated into 27 languages. It gives a detailed description of 31 herbs, ranging from agrimony to yarrow. The author explains how to prepare teas, tinctures, body pastes, baths and juices. These herbs are native plants, such as yarrow or ribworth that grow in meadows and woodlands, and are very robust. The enormous success of Maria Treben ist most likely based on the fact that she has restored an ancient knowledge that had already largely been forgotten.
Austria: Ennsthaler Steyr, 2009
615.321 TRE h
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Griffith, H. Winter
Amerika: Fisher Books, 1998
615.328 GRI v
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rofino Putera
Abstrak :
Sekarang telah banyak beredar produk herbal daun sirsak yang menyatakan klaimnya sebagai terapi antikanker. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji aktivitas antioksidan, sebagai salah satu mekanisme antikanker, dari produk herbal daun sirsak dibandingkan dengan ekstrak etanol daun sirsak. Penelitian dilakukan terhadap sampel ekstrak etanol daun sirsak dan tiga produk herbal daun sirsak menggunakan metode DPPH, serta pengujian fitokonstituen tanin di dalam tiap sampel. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan aktivitas antioksidan ekstrak etanol daun sirsak lebih baik dibandingkan produk herbal. Hasil tersebut terkait dengan kadar tanin yang lebih tinggi pada ekstrak daun sirsak dan kadar ekstrak daun sirsak di dalam tiap produk sampel.
Now many herbs products of soursop leaves claim their products as anticancer therapy. This research?s purpose is to test the antioxidant activity, as one of the anticancer mechanism, of those herbs products of soursop leaves compared with ethanol extract of soursop leaves. Research samples are ethanol extract of soursop leaves and three products of soursop leaves, also tannin of every samples. Results show antioxidant activity of ethanol extract of soursop leaves is higher than herbs products. These are related to higher tannin level in ethanol extract of soursop leaves and level of soursop leaves extract in every herbs products.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yasmine Shafa Kamila
Abstrak :
Infeksi Saluran Pernafasan Akut (ISPA) merupakan salah satu penyakit yang memiliki gejala demam. Untuk meredakan demam, pasien biasanya mengonsumsi obat antipiretik untuk mengobati infeksi dan mencegah komplikasi. Namun penggunaan obat secara terus menerus akan meningkatkan dosis dan juga efek samping. Pengobatan alternatifnya bisa berupa jamu adem panas. Dalam penelitian ini, desain produksi formula ramuan campuran adem panas memiliki aktivitas antipiretik dan potensi ekonomi yang baik. Tahapan penelitian ini dibagi menjadi 3 tahapan yaitu simulasi interaksi zat aktif bayam panjang dengan protein target penyebab hiperglikemik, simulasi proses pembuatan ekstrak jamu adem panas dengan pelarut air, dan pemodelan reaksi enzimatik penghambatan obat non kompetitif yang merupakan hasil simulasi proses dengan besarnya hambatan interaksi hasil simulasi interaksi zat aktif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa interaksi zat aktif kaempferia, lengkuas dan obat standar terhadap protein target menggunakan Autodock v.4.0 berhasil dilakukan dan menunjukkan interaksi penghambatan zat aktif terhadap protein. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa simulasi produksi ekstrak jamu adem panas dengan pelarut air menggunakan SuperPro Designer v.9.0 berhasil dilakukan dengan memberikan perkiraan produksi tahunan 52.822 botol ekstrak seharga Rp 100.000 untuk setiap botol, komposisi zat aktif yang terkandung dalam setiap 1 kapsul, dan menghasilkan rasio keuangan yang layak investasi. Kedua hasil penelitian tersebut kemudian memberikan hasil penelitian tahap ketiga untuk memodelkan reaksi enzimatik penghambatan non-kompetitif dan menghasilkan perkiraan aktivitas penghambatan masing-masing zat aktif dan obat standar terhadap protein penyebab piretik. ......Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI) is one of the diseases that have fever as its symptoms. To relieve fever, patients usually take antipyretic drugs to treat infections and prevent complications. However, continuous use of drugs will increase the dose and side effects. The alternative medicine can be in the form of adem panas mixed-herb formula. In this research, the design of the production of adem panas mixed-herb formula has an anti-pyretic activity and good economic potential. The stages of this research were divided into 3 phases which are the simulation of the interaction of the active substance of the longevity spinach to the target protein that causes hyperglycemic, the simulation of the process of making the extract of adem panas mixed-herb formula with water solvent, and modeling enzymatic reactions of non- competitive inhibition of the drug which is the results of process simulation with its magnitude of the inhibition interaction results of the simulation of active substance interactions. The results of the study showed that the interaction of the active substances of kaempferia, galangal and standard drug to the target protein using Autodock v.4.0 was successfully carried out and showed interactions of inhibition of the active substances against the protein. The results of the study also showed that the simulation of the production of adem panas mixed-herb formula extracts with water solvent using SuperPro Designer v.9.0 was successfully carried out by providing an estimated annual production of 52,822 extract bottles for Rp 100,000 for each bottle, the composition of active substances contained in every 1 capsule, and produce a good financial ratio that is worth investment. The two research results then provide the third phase research results for modeling the enzymatic reaction of non-competitive inhibitions and produce estimates of the inhibition activity of each active substance and standard drugs against pyretic-causing proteins.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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