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Ditemukan 5 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Retno Hayati Sugiarto
Abstrak :
The most characteristic in clinical finding of thalassemia are anemia, facies Cooley, and enlargement of the spleen and liver. Osseous alterations occur in response to marrow overstimulation due to ineffective erythropoiesis these alterations result in changes of the skeletal architecture which is most typically reflected in the maxillofacial appearance of the patients. Uncontrolled maxillary overgrowth and procumebency of the anterior teeth make facial disfigurement (Asbell,1969). The therapy of thalassemia is focussed on treating the anemia by giving blood transfusions. It is believed that blood transfusion could prevent bone deformities (Karagiorga-Lagana 1988). Even though dentoskeletal deformity was found in many thalassemia children, not much attention has been given yet to the maxillofacial aspect. The effect but also in the alteration of mastication function. The condition of thalassemia children usually undernourish and anorexia caused by anemia. The dysfunction of mastication made the condition became worse. Therefore, it is necessary to prevent the deformity of dentoskeletal. The purpose of this study was to evaluate growth in thalassemia children. The result of this study revealed that dentoskeletal of thalassemia children in general had smaller size than normal, but not well proportion vertically caused by lower face. The skeletal profile was more convex than normal and indicated class II skeletal due to retruded mandible. The factor of age influenced all linear skeletal and dentoskeletal component, and only one angular skeletal components (SNB). the mean level of hemoglobin pretransfusion influenced the posterior cranial base, skelet of palatal, maxilla and posterior face of thalassemia children.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 1995
UI - Laporan Penelitian  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Pola konsumsi telah diketahui sebagai salah satu faktor risiko dari masalah gizi pada ibu hamil. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menilai hubungan pola konsumsi dengan kadar hemoglobin ibu hamil. Disain penelitian adalah cross sectional dengan jumlah sampel 200 ibu hamil yang dipilih secara proportional stratified random sampling. Data dikumpulkan oleh petugas lapangan yang terlatih meliputi pola konsumsi, kadar hemoglobin, berat dan tinggi badan ibu hamil. Analisis multivariat digunakan untuk melihat hubungan pola konsumsi dan kadar hemoglobin. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa prevalensi anemia ibu hamil sebesar 41% di mana umumnya anemia ringan dan sedang (54,9% dan 43,9%). Pola makan ibu hamil pada umumnya nasi, ikan, dan sayur-sayuran secukupnya. Sayuran dan buah sangat jarang dikonsumsi dan hanya 3-6 kali seminggu. Asupan energi dan protein hanya 59% dan 72% AKG (angka kecukupan gizi) atau 1300 kcal dan 48 gr. Umumnya vitamin hanya dikonsumsi sekitar 40% AKG kecuali untuk vitamin A (76%, 605 RE), asam folat (195%, 1170 ug), dan Vitamin B12 (142%, 3,7 ug). Analisis multivariat menunjukkan lama sekolah, status gizi lingkar lengan atas (LILA), konsumsi tablet besi, asupan vitamin C dan B6 berhubungan bermakna dengan kadar hemoglobin ibu hamil (p = 0,001; R2 = 0,24). Disimpulkan bahwa kadar hemoglobin ibu hamil berhubungan dengan pendidikan, status gizi, konsumsi tablet besi dan pola konsumsi. Diharapkan perbaikan pola konsumsi dapat dijadikan program dalam mencegah terjadinya anemia pada ibu hamil.

Food consumption pattern is known as a determinant factor for nutritional problems among pregnant mothers. This study was intended to assess food consumption and its relationship to anemia in Maros Districts, Indonesia. This study was conducted in two sub-districts and pregnant mothers was randomly selected (n = 200) and proportionally from both districts. Data was collected by train field workers including measurement of hemoglobin, height and weight, 24-hour recall and food frequency questionnaire. Multivariate analyses were performed to see the relationship between food consumption and anemia. It showed that anemia prevalence was 41% whereas mostly in mild and moderate levels (44% and 55% respectively). The most common pattern of food consumption was rice, fish, and some vegetables. However, vegetables and fruit mostly consumed only 3-6 time a week. Energy and protein intakes were only 59% to 72% recommended dietary allowance (RDA) or 1300 kcal and 48 gr respectively. Most vitamin was consumed only around 40% except for vitamin A (76%, 605 RE), folic acid (195%, 1170 ug), and Vitamin B12 (142%, 3,7 ug). However, iron and zinc intakes were only 6.1 gr (17.5% RDA) and 5.9 gr (44% RDA), respectively. Multivariate analyses showed that education duration of mothers, nutritional status, iron tablet intakes, vitamin C, and B6 consumption were significantly related to anemia of pregnant mothers in the study and accounted for 24% (p<0.05). We conclude that food consumption was relatively low and caused lack intakes for both macro and micro nutrients of pregnant mothers in the study. Education and nutritional status of the mothers contributed also to the anemia prevalence.
[Direktorat Riset dan Pengabdian Masyarakat UI;Universitas Muslim Indonesia, Makassar. Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat;Universitas Muslim Indonesia, Makassar. Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat, Universitas Muslim Indonesia, Makassar. Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat], 2011
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ulinnuha Fitrianingrum
Abstrak :
[Resistensi yang terjadi pada beberapa obat antimalaria, seperti klorokuin, mendasari gencarnya dilakukan penelitian yang bertujuan untuk menemukan terapi antimalaria alternatif, salah satunya dengan memanfaatkan potensi herbal dari alam Indonesia. Ekstrak tanaman yang terbukti pada penelitian in-vivo memiliki efek antimalaria adalah akar pasak bumi (Eurycoma longifolia jack). Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental in-vivo yang menguji ekstrak akar pasak bumi dengan dosis 60 mg/kgbb, 75 mg/kgbb, dan 90 mg/kgbb terhadap mencit (Mus musculus) yang terinfeksi Plasmodium berghei. Peningkatan densitas parasitemia pada hari ke-4 terapi dosis 60 mg/kgbb lebih tinggi dari kontrol negatif, sedangkan terapi dosis 75 mg/kgbb dan 90 mg/kgbb lebih rendah dari kontrol negatif namun perbedaannya tidak signifikan secara statistik. Ditinjau dari persentase inhibisi parasitemia, terapi dosis 60 mg/kgbb memiliki persentase inhibisi parasitemia negatif, sedangkan terapi dosis 75 mg/kgbb dan 90 mg/kgbb memiliki persentase inhibisi parasitemia < 50%. Ditinjau dari kadar hemoglobin, ketiga dosis perlakuan memiliki kadar hemoglobin yang fluktuatif dan cenderung menurun hingga pada kondisi anemia. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak akar pasak bumi dosis 60 mg/kgbb tidak memiliki efek antimalaria, sedangkan dosis 75 mg/kgbb dan 90 mg/kgbb memiliki efek antimalaria namun kurang adekuat. Terapi dosis 90 mg/kgbb menunjukkan peningkatan densitas parasitemia hari ke-4 yang paling rendah dan persentase inhibisi parasitemia paling baik. Dengan demikian disimpulkan bahwa terapi ekstrak akar pasak bumi kurang tepat digunakan sebagai terapi tunggal malaria;Resistance on malaria medication, for example klorokuin, underlie the study that aim to find alternative malaria treatment by using herbal potention from the nature of Indonesia. Herbal extract that had been proven in vivo experimental study that has antimalarial effect is Pasak bumi root (Eurycoma longifolia jack). This study is in vivo experimental study that giving Pasak bumi root extract by dose 60 mg/kgbw, 75 mg/kgbw, and 90 mg/kgbw to mice (Mus musculus) infected by Plasmodium berghei. The increase of parasitemia density in the 4th day of treatment by dose 60 mg/kgbw is higher than negative control, while treatment by dose 75 mg/kgbw and 90 mg/kgbw are lower than negative control, but the difference is not significant in statistic analysis. Reviewed from parasitemia inhibition persentage, treatment by dose 60 mg/kgbw has negative parasitemia inhibition persentage, while treatment by dose 75 mg/kgbw and 90 mg/kgbw have parasitemia inhibition persentage <50%. Reviewed from hemoglobin level, those treatment by three doses have fluctuative hemoglobin level and tend to be decreasing till reaching anemia. It shows that pasak bumi root extract by dose 60 mg/kgbw does not have antimalarial effect, while 75 mg/kgbw and 90 mg/kgbw have inadequate antimalarial effect. Treatment by dose 90 mg/kgbw shows the lowest increase of 4th day parasitemia density and the best parasitemia inhibition persentage. Thus, it could be concluded that pasak bumi root extract is not good enough to be used as single treatment of malaria, Resistance on malaria medication, for example klorokuin, underlie the study that aim to find alternative malaria treatment by using herbal potention from the nature of Indonesia. Herbal extract that had been proven in vivo experimental study that has antimalarial effect is Pasak bumi root (Eurycoma longifolia jack). This study is in vivo experimental study that giving Pasak bumi root extract by dose 60 mg/kgbw, 75 mg/kgbw, and 90 mg/kgbw to mice (Mus musculus) infected by Plasmodium berghei. The increase of parasitemia density in the 4th day of treatment by dose 60 mg/kgbw is higher than negative control, while treatment by dose 75 mg/kgbw and 90 mg/kgbw are lower than negative control, but the difference is not significant in statistic analysis. Reviewed from parasitemia inhibition persentage, treatment by dose 60 mg/kgbw has negative parasitemia inhibition persentage, while treatment by dose 75 mg/kgbw and 90 mg/kgbw have parasitemia inhibition persentage <50%. Reviewed from hemoglobin level, those treatment by three doses have fluctuative hemoglobin level and tend to be decreasing till reaching anemia. It shows that pasak bumi root extract by dose 60 mg/kgbw does not have antimalarial effect, while 75 mg/kgbw and 90 mg/kgbw have inadequate antimalarial effect. Treatment by dose 90 mg/kgbw shows the lowest increase of 4th day parasitemia density and the best parasitemia inhibition persentage. Thus, it could be concluded that pasak bumi root extract is not good enough to be used as single treatment of malaria]
[, Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia], 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Palupi, Laksmi
Abstrak :
The effect of weekly iron supplementation and deworming on the hemoglobin level was studied among 289 children aged 2 to 5 years in a randomized double-masked placebo controlled community trial. Subjects were allocated into 3 groups which respectively received iron supplements and deworming, iron supplements only and placebos. Iron supplementation for 8 weeks using 30 mg elemental iron as ferrous sulphate syrup once per week, led to a significant reduction in the prevalence of anemia from 37.2%. to 16.2%. Using unsupervised distribution by mothers, hemoglobin concentration increased significantly in both groups which received iron (p<0.001) and also in the placebo group (p<0.05), but the changes in both treatment groups were significantly higher than the placebo group (p<0.001). No significant difference in hemoglobin changes was found between those who received additional deworming and those who received iron supplement only. Positive iron in stool were confirmed in 68.2% of the children who were reported received iron supplements (n=66). It is concluded that weekly iron supplementation is effective to reduce the prevalence of anemia among preschoolers.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 1995
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Anemia merupakan salah satu masalah gizi, yang perlu mendapat perhatian khusus. Remaja putri termasuk golongan yang rawan menderita anemia karena mengalami mensturasi setiap bulan dan sedang dalam masa petumbuhan. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui perbedaan efektifitas suplementasi TTD program lama dan baru Kemenkes terhadap perubahan kadar hemoglobin siswi anemia di Kabupaten Bengkulu Utara. Rancangan penelitian randomized control group pretest dan postest. Subyek penelitian dikelompokkan menjadi 2 kelompok perlakuan yaitu kelompok A (19 siswi) diberi suplementasi program lama (satu tablet per minggu dan satu tablet selama haid) dan kelompok B (19 siswi) diberi suplementasi program baru (satu tablet per minggu). Pemberian suplementasi TTD diminum di depan peneliti diberikan selama 8 minggu. Data asupan zat gizi diperoleh dengan kuesioner food recall, lama haid, lama menarche, kebiasaan minum teh atau kopi, pengetahuan tentang anemia dan TTD diperoleh melalui kuesioner berstruktur, kadar Hb awal dan akhir dengan cyanmethemoglobin. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tidak terdapat perbedaan efektifitas perubahan kadar Hb pada kedua kelompok intervensi (p=0.402) dan tidak ada hubungan bermakna antara variabel internal dan eksternal terhadap perubahan kadar hemoglobin siswi kecuali Hb awal (p=0.001) dengan rata-rata perubahan Hb siswi kelompok A sebesar 1.77 g/dl sedangkan kelompok B sebesar 1.44 g/dl.
Anemia is one of the nutritional problems, which needs to be highly concerned. Adolescent girls are included to a group which is susceptible to anaemia because of their monthly menstruation and gowth periods. This study aims to investigate difference effectiveness between old and new programs of the ministry iron supplementation in changes hemoglobin level among anemic students in Kabupaten Bengkulu Utara. Design of this study is randomized control group pretest dan posttest.Subjects were randomized into two groups, group A (19 subjects) old program supplementation ( once per week and once per day in menstrual period) and group (B) new program supplementation (once per week). Supplementation of iron tablet was given for a consecutive 8 weeks. Nutrient intake obtained with the food recall questionnaire, days menstruation, menarche, drinking tea or kopi, knowledge anemia and iron tablet through structured questionnaire and level of hemoglobin by cymenthemoglobin. The study shows no difference found in the change of hemoglobin level of the two groups (p=0.402) and internal and external variable were not significantly in the change of hemoglobin level except early hemoglobin with mean hemoglobin change in old program supplementation was 1.77 g/dl while in new program supplementation the change was 1.44 g/dl.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library