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Ditemukan 4 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Ginanjar Wibowo
"[Dengan menggunakan data Indonesian Family Life Survey (IFLS) periode
tahun 2000 dan 2007, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dampak dari
program subsidi beras untuk orang miskin (Raskin) terhadap kesehatan anak
Indonesia. Indikator kesehatan yang menjadi fokus dalam penelitian ini adalah
tinggi dan berat badan anak yang telah dinormalisasi dengan umur masing-masing
anak, atau dikenal dengan istilah height-for-age dan weight-for-age. Sebagai
kontrol variable, penelitian ini juga menggunakan karakteristik anak, orang tua dan
rumah tangga. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah program Raskin berpengaruh positif
terhadap tinggi badan anak yang berasal dari keluarga penerima Raskin. Akan
tetapi, penelitian ini tidak menemukan cukup bukti tentang manfaat program Raskin
terhadap berat badan anak. Hasil penting lainnya dari penelitian ini adalah, dalam
jangka panjang, status gizi anak yang berasal dari keluarga penerima Raskin tidak
berbeda dengan mereka yang tidak menerima Raskin. Penelitian ini menemukan
bahwa manfaat dari program Raskin yang diberikan di masa lampau, tidak lagi
berpengaruh pada kesehatan anak setelah tujuh tahun kemudian;Using two waves of Indonesian Family Life Survey (IFLS) collected in 2000
and 2007, this paper examines the impact of the Indonesian food subsidies (Raskin)
program in improving child health. In this paper, the health status of children is
indicated by standardized height (height-for-age) and weight (weight-for-age)
anthropometric measures (called as Z-score). As control variables, this study also
uses children, parents and households characteristics. The finding of this study is
that the Raskin program positively affects height of children living in eligible
households. On the other hand, there is not enough econometric evidence about the
impact of the Raskin program on child weight. Another important evidence found
by this study is that the nutritional status of children with and without the Raskin
program is not different in the long term. It has been found that the Raskin program
in the past has no impact on child health seven years later.;Using two waves of Indonesian Family Life Survey (IFLS) collected in 2000
and 2007, this paper examines the impact of the Indonesian food subsidies (Raskin)
program in improving child health. In this paper, the health status of children is
indicated by standardized height (height-for-age) and weight (weight-for-age)
anthropometric measures (called as Z-score). As control variables, this study also
uses children, parents and households characteristics. The finding of this study is
that the Raskin program positively affects height of children living in eligible
households. On the other hand, there is not enough econometric evidence about the
impact of the Raskin program on child weight. Another important evidence found
by this study is that the nutritional status of children with and without the Raskin
program is not different in the long term. It has been found that the Raskin program
in the past has no impact on child health seven years later., Using two waves of Indonesian Family Life Survey (IFLS) collected in 2000
and 2007, this paper examines the impact of the Indonesian food subsidies (Raskin)
program in improving child health. In this paper, the health status of children is
indicated by standardized height (height-for-age) and weight (weight-for-age)
anthropometric measures (called as Z-score). As control variables, this study also
uses children, parents and households characteristics. The finding of this study is
that the Raskin program positively affects height of children living in eligible
households. On the other hand, there is not enough econometric evidence about the
impact of the Raskin program on child weight. Another important evidence found
by this study is that the nutritional status of children with and without the Raskin
program is not different in the long term. It has been found that the Raskin program
in the past has no impact on child health seven years later.]"
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jeshika Febi Kusumawati
"Pada anak usia sekolah, pertumbuhan linier ditentukan berdasarkan kriteria kurva pertumbuhan WHO/2007 dan CDC/2000 serta persentase tinggi badan menurut Waterlow/1977. Perbedaan kriteria yang digunakan akan menimbulkan perbedaan prevalens perawakan pendek. Penentuan kejar tumbuh anak juga masih mengalami perdebatan karena parameter kejar tumbuh dapat dinilai secara relatif (height-age z-score) dan absolut (height-age-differences). Kejar tumbuh linier yang terutama terjadi dalam 1000 hari pertama kehidupan dinilai dapat terus terjadi hingga usia sekolah. Studi potong lintang dilakukan pada 302 anak usia sekolah di Jakarta Barat. Semua anak diukur tinggi badan sewaktu penelitian dan saat subyek berusia 7 tahun. Perawakan pendek ditentukan dengan menggunakan kriteria WHO/2007, CDC/2000, dan persentase Waterlow/1977. Setiap kelompok usia diukur perbedaan nilai height-age z-score (HAZ) dan height-age-differences (HAD) dalam dua waktu pengukuran yang berbeda untuk melihat kejar tumbuh. Prevalens perawakan pendek pada anak usia sekolah berdasarkan kriteria WHO/2007 adalah 8,55%, berdasarkan CDC/2000 sebesar 13,75%, dan berdasarkan Waterlow/1977 sebesar 7,80%. Nilai Kappa WHO/2007 dan CDC/2000 adalah 0,5, WHO/2007 dan Waterlow/1977 adalah 0,8, sedangkan CDC/2000 dan Waterlow/1977 adalah 0,7. Nilai HAZ anak perempuan adalah -1,78 SD dan anak lelaki -1,44 SD. Nilai HAD anak perempuan adalah -10,83 cm untuk anak lelaki adalah -8,83 cm. Kesesuaian perawakan pendek anak WHO/2007 dan CDC/2000 memberikan hasil yang sama sebanyak 50%, WHO/2007 dan Waterlow/1977 memberikan hasil yang sama sebanyak 80%, sedangkan CDC/2000 dan Waterlow/1977 memberikan hasil yang sama sebanyak 70%. Kesan terdapat kejar tumbuh pada anak usia sekolah di Jakarta Barat berdasarkan adanya perbaikan nilai HAZ dan HAD pada pengukuran kedua dibandingkan dengan pengukuran pertama.

Linear growth in school children is determined by using WHO/2007 and CDC/2000 growth chart, also height-age persentage as Waterlow/1977 criteria. Those classification resulted in different prevalence of short stature. Linear catch-up growth is considered to continue beyond the first thousand days of life, at least until school age. It could be relatively (height-age z score) or absolutely (height-age difference) assessed. A cross-sectional study was conducted in 302 school age children in West Jakarta. Body height was measured at 7 years old and at the time of study. Short stature was defined by using WHO/2007, CDC/2000, and height-age persentage as Waterlow/1977 criteria. Height-age z score (HAZ) and height age differences (HAD) was measured in each group to assess catch-up growth. The prevalence of short stature in school children was 8.55%, 13.75%, and 7.80%, according to WHO/2007, CDC/2000, and height-age persentage as Waterlow/1977 criteria, respectively. Kappa values were 0.5, 0.8, and 0.7, between WHO/2007-CDC/2000, WHO/2007-Waterlow/1977, and CDC/2000-Waterlow/1977, respectively. HAZ was -1.78 and -1.44 SD in female and male subjects, respectively. HAD was -10.83 and -8.83 cm in female and male subjects, respectively. WHO/2007 and Waterlow/1977 has the highest agreement, while WHO/2007 and CDC/2007 has the lowest agreement. Linear catch-up growth was observed among our subjects as determined by HAZ and HAD improvement compared to the first measurement."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tiffany Cornelia Angelin
"Kejadian stunting pada masa anak-anak masih menjadi masalah kesehatan masyarakat, khususnya di negara berkembang seperti Indonesia. Berdasarkan data Riset Kesehatan Dasar (Riskesdas, 2013) prevalensi stunting pada anak usia 5-12 di Indonesia sebesar 30,7%. Faktor nutrisi telah diketahui sebagai penyebab kejadian stunting. Namun, beberapa penelitian menemukan adanya kontribusi genetik terhadap penyerapan kalsium yang akan mempengaruhi pertumbuhan, yaitu gen vitamin D receptor (VDR). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan antara faktor genetik dan nutrisi terhadap height-for-age Z-core (HAZ) pada anak sekolah dasar di kabupaten Malang, Jawa Timur. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain studi potong lintang dan dilakukan pada tahun 2018. Penelitian ini melibatkan 142 anak sekolah dasar berusia 8-10 tahun. Pengukuran tinggi badan dilakukan untuk menghitung HAZ pada anak-anak. Asupan energi, protein, kalsium dan vitamin D diperoleh dengan 24-hour dietary recall selama 4 hari. Dua SNP yang terletak pada daerah promoter dari gen VDR dipilih (rs11568820 dan rs4516035); dan distribusi genotipnya dianalisis menggunakan Real Time PCR. Faktor lain seperti karakteristik sosiodemografi, riwayat penyakit menular dan skor paparan sinar matahari diperoleh dengan kuesioner terstruktur, dan kuesioner paparan sinar matahari. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa prevalensi stunting sebesar 21,8%. Asupan makan sebagian besar kurang terpenuhi, khususnya asupan kalsium dan vitamin D. Distribusi genotip rs11568820 adalah TT (19%), CT (43,7%) dan CC (37,3%). Sedangkan distribusi genotip rs4516035 adalah TT (90,8%) dan CT (9,2%). Analisis bivariat menunjukkan adanya korelasi yang signifikan antara asupan energi dan protein terhadap HAZ (p=0,030 dan p=0,016), tetapi tidak pada asupan kalsium dan vitamin D. Selain itu, tidak ditemukan hubungan yang signifikan antara polimorfisme kedua SNP gen VDR dengan HAZ (p>0,05). Setelah disesuaikan dengan faktor-faktor lainnya, asupan protein secara signifikan berkolerasi dengan HAZ (β=0,034, 95% CI 0,016 – 0,053, p<0,001, adj. R2=0,077). Efek dari aktivitas gen VDR kemungkinan tidak terlihat karena rendahnya asupan vitamin D yang diperlukan untuk meningkatkan penyerapan kalsium yang kemudian akan mempengaruhi HAZ.

Childhood stunting remains as a major public health problem, especially in developing countries such as Indonesia. According to Indonesia Basic Health Research (Riskesdas, 2013) the prevalence of stunting among children aged 5-12 years old in Indonesia was 30.7%. Nutrition factors has been known as a predominant factors associated with stunting. However, some studies discovered a genetic contribution in calcium absorption that will affect growth of the children, known as vitamin D receptor (VDR) gene. The aim of this present study was to assess the association between genetic and nutritional factors related to height-forage Z-score (HAZ) of elementary school children in Malang District, East Java. The study design was a cross-sectional study which began on 2018. In this study, 142 children aged 8-10 years old were included. Height measurement was obtained to calculate HAZ of the children. Dietary intake consist of energy, protein, calcium and vitamin D intake were obtained using 4 days 24-hour dietary recall. Two SNPs located in the promoter region of VDR gene were selected (rs11568820 and rs4516035); its genotype distribution were analyzed using Real Time PCR system. Other factors such as sociodemographic characteristics, history of infectious diseases and sun exposure score were assessed using structured questionnaire and sun exposure questionnaire. The result showed that the prevalence of stunting was 21.8%. Dietary intake were mostly inadequate, especially for calcium and vitamin D intake. Genotype distribution of rs11568820 was TT (19%), CT (43.7%), and CC (37.3). While for rs4516035 the distribution was TT (90.8%) and CT (9.2%). Bivariate analysis showed a significant correlation between energy and protein intake with HAZ of the children (p=0.030 and p=0.016, respectively), but not with calcium and vitamin D intakes. There were no significant association between VDR gene polymorphism for both SNPs and HAZ of the children (p>0.05). Adjusted by other factors, protein intake was significantly correlated with HAZ (β=0.034, 95% CI 0.016 – 0.053, p<0.001, adj. R2=0.077). The effect of VDR gene promoter activity might not revealed due to very low vitamin D intake to stimulates intestinal calcium absorption which in turn affect HAZ.

Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Daryn Cahyono
"Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) merupakan kelainan perkembangan yang dapat mempengaruhi kemampuan kognitif, komunikasi, dan tingkah laku. Penelitian ini bertujuan melihat apakah ada hubungan antara jenis kelamin dan PB/U dengan risiko autisme pada balita. Metode yang digunakan adalah pengumpulan data sekunder dari studi cross-sectional yang melibatkan 90 balita di Kelurahan Gajahmekar dan Kelurahan Andir yang diperoleh melalui metode clustered random sampling. Seluruh subjek telah menyetujui lembar informed consent untuk dilakukan pengambilan data dengan metode kuesioner. Kuesioner data diri digunakan untuk memperoleh data pribadi, termasuk jenis kelamin, panjang badan, dan usia balita. Kuesioner M-CHAT digunakan untuk memperoleh risiko autisme pada balita. Data yang telah memenuhi kriteria diolah dengan menggunakan aplikasi IBM SPSS 20 dan hubungan antar variabel diuji menggunakan uji chi-square dengan tabel 2x2. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah proporsi risiko medium-tinggi autisme pada balita perempuan sebanyak 40% dan laki-laki sebanyak 37,1%. Proporsi risiko medium-tinggi autisme pada balita berperawakan pendek-sangat pendek sebanyak 46,3% dan berperawakan normal sebanyak 27,8%. Uji chi-square hubungan jenis kelamin dengan risiko autisme menunjukkan nilai p=0,786 dan hubungan PB/U dengan risiko autisme menunjukkan nilai p=0,077. Kesimpulan pada penelitian ini adalah terdapat hubungan antara jenis kelamin dan PB/U dengan risiko autisme pada balita di Kelurahan Gajah Mekar dan Kelurahan Andir dengan kelompok jenis kelamin perempuan dan perawakan pendek-sangat pendek yang lebih banyak memiliki risiko medium-tinggi autisme. Namun hubungan jenis kelamin dan PB/U dengan risiko autisme pada balita tidak bermakna secara statistik dengan nilai p berturut- turut 0,786 dan 0,077.

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a developmental disorder that can affect cognitive abilities, communication, and behavior. This study aims to see whether there is a relationship between gender and Height/Age with the risk of autism in children under five. The method used is secondary data from a cross-sectional study involving 90 children under five in Gajahmekar and Andir villages obtained through clustered random sampling method. All subjects had agreed to the informed consent sheet for data collection using a questionnaire method. The personal data questionnaire was used to obtain personal data, including gender, body length, and age of children under five. The M-CHAT questionnaire was used to determine the risk of autism in children under five. Data that met the criteria were processed using the IBM SPSS 20 application and the relationship between variables was tested using the chi-square test with a 2x2 table. In this study, the results obtained from the proportion of medium-high risk of autism in girls as much as 40% and boys as much as 37.1%. The proportion of medium-high risk of autism in toddlers with short-very short stature was 46.3% and normal stature was 27.8%. Chi-square test for the relationship between gender and the risk of autism showed p value = 0.786 and the relationship between Height/Age and the risk of autism showed p value = 0.077. The conclusion of this study is there is a relationship between gender and Height/Age with the risk of autism in children under five in Gajah Mekar and Andir villages with the female sex group and very short-short stature, have more medium-high risk of autism. However, the relationship between gender and Height/Age and the risk of autism in children under five was not statistically significant with p values of 0.786 and 0.077, respectively."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library