Ditemukan 8 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Muhammad Razaq Raudhi
Abstrak :
Thirdspace merupakan sebuah teori yang menawarkan sebuah alternatif untuk keluar dari dominansi secondspace conceived space kelompok sosial dominan. Untuk mencapai thirdspace, dekonstruksi dilakukan kepada tatanan visi utopis dan oposisi biner yang diberlakukan oleh kelompok dominan. Kelompok dominan di sini adalah AMI Arsitek Muda Indonesia yang sekarang anggotanya telah mapan dengan nama pribadi. Kemapanan AMI dijelaskan melalui hegemoni budaya.
Thirdspace is a theory which offers an alternative from the dominance of the dominant social group rsquo;s secondspace conceived space . To achieve thirdspace, the dominant group rsquo;s order of utopian vision and binary oppositions. The dominant group is defined as AMI Arsitek Muda Indonesia which members have their personal names established with prestige. This prestige is then explained by cultural hegemony.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tugas Akhir Universitas Indonesia Library
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2002
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Panjaitan, Meisan
Abstrak :
Perkembangan teknologi komunikasi telah memudahkan individu untuk
mengekspresikan hal-hal yang dianggap tabu oleh masyarakat timur termasuk
bidang seks yang biasanya tidak pernah bisa diungkapkan secara gamblang lewat
real life.Salah satunya ialah melalui forum online Krucil.net lewat section Adult
Corner di dalamnya.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan budaya seks yang sudah
menghegemoni budaya para pengguna forum online lewat social media.
Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode Critical Discourse Analyis
model Norman Fairclough, melalui pendekatan kualitatif, strategi virtual
ethnography, dan sifat deskriptif.
Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa wacana mengenai seks sudah meluas
melampaui ikatan perkawinan dan dikonsumsi serta didistribusikan bersama di
ruang publik, boleh dikatakan bahwa adanya teknologi social media, seks menjadi
hegemoni budaya bagi masyarakat dan sudah menjadi bagian dari kehidupan
keseharian mereka.
xpress things that are considered taboo especially by eastern society, including
sex which normally can never be expressed explicitly through real life. One of
many media serving it is online forum Krucil.net through its section called Adult
This study aims to describe the sex culture that has been hegemony in
online forum users? culture through social media. Research carried out by using
the method of Critical Discourse Analysis by Norman Fairclough, through a
qualitative approach and virtual ethnography strategy.
The study found that public discourse on sex has been expanded beyond
the bonds of marriage and consumed and distributed together in public spaces. It
may be said that because of the existence of social media technology, sex
becomes a cultural hegemony for the community and have become part of their
daily lives.
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open Universitas Indonesia Library
Novita Angelina
Abstrak :
Kedatangan grup musik The Beatles pertama kali ke New York menjadi jalan
pembuka bagi kejayaan musisi Inggris berbakat lainnya di Amerika Serikat.
Peristiwa tersebut lebih dikenal dengan istilah British Invasion. Hal ini ditandai
ketika musisi Inggris berhasil mendominasi tangga lagu US Billboard sejak tahun
1964-1974. Kehadiran The Beatles menjadi sebuah fenomena budaya baru dalam
kehidupan masyarakat Inggris. Budaya Populer Inggris pada era British Invasion
mendominasi dan melakukan hegemoni budaya terhadap masyarakat Amerika
Serikat dan dunia. Musisi Inggris menawarkan nilai-nilai baru yang dapat diterima
dengan baik oleh masyarakat Amerika Serikat.
The arrival of musical group The Beatles for the first time in New York is
considered as the pioneer in opening the way of other talented British musicians?
to gain triumph in the United States. The event is more known as the British
Invasion. It is characterized when British musicians successfully dominated US
Billboard charts since 1964-1974. The presence of the Beatles was a new cultural
phenomenon in British life at that time. British popular culture during the British
Invasion era dominated and caused cultural hegemony to the United States and the
world. British musicians offer new values that are well-accepted by the American
public.;The arrival of musical group The Beatles for the first time in New York is
considered as the pioneer in opening the way of other talented British musicians?
to gain triumph in the United States. The event is more known as the British
Invasion. It is characterized when British musicians successfully dominated US
Billboard charts since 1964-1974. The presence of the Beatles was a new cultural
phenomenon in British life at that time. British popular culture during the British
Invasion era dominated and caused cultural hegemony to the United States and the
world. British musicians offer new values that are well-accepted by the American
public.;The arrival of musical group The Beatles for the first time in New York is
considered as the pioneer in opening the way of other talented British musicians?
to gain triumph in the United States. The event is more known as the British
Invasion. It is characterized when British musicians successfully dominated US
Billboard charts since 1964-1974. The presence of the Beatles was a new cultural
phenomenon in British life at that time. British popular culture during the British
Invasion era dominated and caused cultural hegemony to the United States and the
world. British musicians offer new values that are well-accepted by the American
public., The arrival of musical group The Beatles for the first time in New York is
considered as the pioneer in opening the way of other talented British musicians’
to gain triumph in the United States. The event is more known as the British
Invasion. It is characterized when British musicians successfully dominated US
Billboard charts since 1964-1974. The presence of the Beatles was a new cultural
phenomenon in British life at that time. British popular culture during the British
Invasion era dominated and caused cultural hegemony to the United States and the
world. British musicians offer new values that are well-accepted by the American
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Khanza Defeorenzia Salsabila
Abstrak :
Tesis sarjana ini difokuskan pada studi supremasi kulit putih sebagai salah satu dari banyak manifestasi hegemonik budaya, yaitu kelas dominan yang berhasil makmur dengan bantuan doktrin yang konstan dan halus dari media yang dikonsumsi masyarakat umum dan tanpa sadar menerima. Studi ini membahas tentang bagaimana franchise film terbesar dan paling menguntungkan dalam sejarah sinematik, Marvel Cinematic Universe, adalah salah satu agen yang bertanggung jawab untuk menyebarkan doktrin supremasi kulit putih dengan cara mereka memilih untuk membingkai ulang poin plot, narasi, dan pilihan casting mereka.
......This undergraduate thesis is focused on the study of white supremacy as one of the many hegemonic manifestations of culture, namely the dominant class that prospered with the help of constant and subtle doctrine from the media consumed by the general public and unconsciously accepting. This study discusses how the biggest and most profitable film franchise in cinematic history, the Marvel Cinematic Universe, is one of the agents responsible for spreading the doctrine of white supremacy by the way they choose to reframe their plot points, narratives, and casting choices.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Panjaitan, Meisan
Abstrak :
Perkembangan teknologi komunikasi telah memudahkan individu untuk mengekspresikan hal-hal yang dianggap tabu oleh masyarakat timur termasuk bidang seks yang biasanya tidak pernah bisa diungkapkan secara gamblang lewat real life.Salah satunya ialah melalui forum online Krucil.net lewat section Adult Corner di dalamnya.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan budaya seks yang sudah menghegemoni budaya para pengguna forum online lewat social media. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode Critical Discourse Analyis model Norman Fairclough, melalui pendekatan kualitatif, strategi virtual ethnography, dan sifat deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa wacana mengenai seks sudah meluas melampaui ikatan perkawinan dan dikonsumsi serta didistribusikan bersama diruang publik, boleh dikatakan bahwa adanya teknologi social media, seks menjadi hegemoni budaya bagi masyarakat dan sudah menjadi bagian dari kehidupan keseharian mereka.
......The raise of communication technology has made it easier for individuals to express things that are considered taboo especially by eastern society, including sex which normally can never be expressed explicitly through real life. One of many media serving it is online forum Krucil.net through its section called Adult Corner.
This study aims to describe the sex culture that has been hegemony in online forum users’ culture through social media. Research carried out by using the method of Critical Discourse Analysis by Norman Fairclough, through a qualitative approach and virtual ethnography strategy. The study found that public discourse on sex has been expanded beyond the bonds of marriage and consumed and distributed together in public spaces. It may be said that because of the existence of social media technology, sex becomes a cultural hegemony for the community and have become part of their daily lives.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open Universitas Indonesia Library
Fabyan Putra Suwardi
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini membahas bagaimana proses hegemoni budaya Amerika atau amerikanisasi di Jerman melalui film Swing Kids (1993). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pemahaman baru atau common sense apa saja yang terbentuk melalui film Swing Kids (1993). Penelitian ini menggunakan teori hegemoni budaya Antonio Gramsci dan menggunakan metode analisis semiotika Roland Barthes untuk mengungkap bagaimana hegemoni budaya ditampilkan dalam Swing Kids (1993). Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa film Swing Kids (1993) telah menciptakan dua pemahaman baru atau common sense. Pertama, tindakan remaja atau masyarakat Jerman yang mencintai budaya, gaya hidup, dan nilai-nilai Amerika dapat dinilai sebagai tindakan yang benar dan baik untuk dilakukan. Kedua, tindakan remaja atau masyarakat Jerman yang memiliki rasa cinta yang besar terhadap budaya dan negara Jerman dapat dinilai sebagai tindakan yang salah dan buruk seperti halnya Nazi. Pembentukan dua pemahaman baru tersebut secara tidak langsung dapat berpotensi mempengaruhi perspektif penonton terhadap negara Amerika dan juga negara Jerman.
......This study discusses the process of American cultural hegemony or Americanization in Germany through the film Swing Kids (1993). The aim of this study is to analyze what the new understanding or common sense is formed through the film Swing Kids (1993). This study uses Antonio Gramsci's theory of cultural hegemony and uses Roland Barthes' semiotic analysis method to reveal how cultural hegemony is displayed in Swing Kids (1993). The study results show that the film Swing Kids (1993) has created two new understandings or common sense. First, the actions of German teenagers or people who love American culture, lifestyle and values can be considered as the right and good thing to do. Second, the actions of German teenagers or people who have a great love for German culture and the country can be considered as wrong and bad actions like the Nazis. The formation of these two new understandings can indirectly potentially influence the audience's perspective on America and Germany.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Tugas Akhir Universitas Indonesia Library
Sarah Adzani Adri Rahmanti
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini membahas mengenai banyaknya produk makanan dan minuman berbahasa Jepang yang sudah masuk ke pasar Indonesia, yang diteliti melalui toko swalayan berskala nasional di kawasan Jalan Raya Margonda, Depok. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Dengan menggunakan teori hegemoni budaya oleh Antonio Gramsci, hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa melalui kerja sama ekonomi dan Cool Japan Initiative, Jepang menanamkan budayanya melalui produk makanan dan minuman. Kemudian, masuknya produk-produk makanan dan minuman yang menggunakan bahasa Jepang tersebut merupakan bentuk dari hegemoni budaya Jepang di Indonesia.
This study discusses the number of Japanese food and beverage products that have entered the Indonesian market, which is examined through a national scale supermarket in Margonda Highway, Depok. This research is qualitative and quantitative research. Using the theory of cultural hegemony by Antonio Gramsci, research results show that through economic cooperation and Cool Japan Initiative, Japan cultivates its culture through food and beverage products. Then, the entry of Japanese food and beverage products is a form of Japanese cultural hegemony in Indonesia.
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library