"Contents :
- Preface
- How to Improve Inductor Life, Part 2
- Optimizing Axle Scan Hardening Inductors
- Processing of Multi-Layer Materials by Induction Heating Gradient Effect
- Increasing Inductor Lifetime by Predicting Coil Copper Temperatures
- Heat Transfer Characteristics of Laminar Methane/Air Flame Impinging on
a Flat Surface
- Controlling Induction Heating Magnetic Fields with Flux Field
- Thermodynamic and Kinetic Aspects of Endothermic Carburizing
Atmospheres with Natural Gas Enrichment
- New Applications of EPM in Metal, Oxide and Semiconductor Processing
- An Attractive Materials Process: Exploring High Magnetic Field
Processing for Developing Customized Microstructures with Enhanced
- Heat Treating Atmosphere Activation
- Microwave Processing and Heat Treating of Metals
- Fluidized Bed: An Energy Efficient Heat Treating Technology for Cast Al
- Integrated Heat Treatment ? System for Precise Die Hardening in
Automotive Industries
- Effect of Post-Spray Heat Treatment on Mechanical Properties of Ni-TiC
Composite Coatings Produced by Cold Gas Dynamic Spray
- Microstructure and Property Predictions by Using a Heat-Treatment
Planning System, CHT-q/t
- Modeling of Microstructure Evolution During the Rapid Heating of
Hypoeutectoid Steels
- Assessing Heat Treatment Distortion Sensitivity
- Optimal Spray Characteristics in the Air-Assisted Water Spray Cooling of
a Downward-Facing Heated Surface
- Some New Approaches in the Field of Quenching Fundamentals
- Intensive Quenching to Reduce the Carburizing Cycle for Automotive
Cross Production
- Applying CFD to Characterize Gear Response during Intensive
Quenching Process
- Improving Gear Performance by Intensive Quench
- Historical Review of Residual Stress in Quenched Fe-Ni Alloy Cylinders
and Explanation of Its Origin Using Computer Simulation
- Effect of Quenching on the Dimensional Stability of SAE 52100 Make
Bearing Components
- George E. Totten, Ph.D, FASM: A Biographical Overview of His Life and a
Brief Overview of His Impact on Global Quenching Technology
- The Contribution of Dr. George E. Totten to Unitize World Heat Treatment
R & D, and Update State of the Quenching and Control of Distortion
- History of Quenching
- Effective Design of Heat Treat Processes Using Computer Simulations
- Using Wave Technology for Heat Treatment, etc."