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Ditemukan 21 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
H.B. (Hans Baque) Jassin, 1917-2000
Jakarta: Gunung Agung, 1985
899.209 JAS t
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
H.B. (Hans Baque) Jassin, 1917-2000
Jakarta : Gunung Agung , 1977
899.209 JAS t
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sunu Wasono
Abstrak :
Sebagai kritikus H.B. Jassin telah menghasilkan sejumlah buku. Hampir semua karya yang dihasilkannya amat berpengaruh dalam dunia pendidikan dan pengajaran. Karyanya yang amat terkenal Kesusasteraaan Indonesia dalam Kritik dan Esai banyak diacu siapapun yang melakukan peneltian terhadap sastra Indonesia.
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Basri Amin
Gorontalo: Kantor Bahasa Gorontalo, 2019
801.2 BAS h
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
Engkun Maskun
Abstrak :
Latar belakang dan tujuan Bahan berbahaya dalam kebakaran dapat mempengaruhi kesehatan petugas pemadam. Bahan kimia yang terkandung dalam asap kebakaran akan terserap kedalam tubuh dan mempengaruhi fungsi organ-organ tubuh, di antaranya adalah peningkatan kadar hemoglobin darah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruli pajanan asap kebakaran terhadap peningkatan kadar hemoglobin darah pada tim pemadam kebakaran. Metode Penelitian ini menggunakan disain studi kasus-kontrol terhadap 120 subjek terdiri dari 40 kasus kadar Hb tinggi dan 80 kontrol dengan memadankan umur. Subjek penelitian adalah anggota pasukan, sopir mobil pemadam, kepala regu dan kepala peleton pemadam kebakaran. Tingkat pajanan dihitung secara skoring terhadap faktor-faktor yang terkait pajanan. Hasil dan kesimpulan Faktor-faktor pajanan yang diteliti yaitu umur, masa dinar, jabatan, lama pemadaman, frekuensi pemadaman, pemakaian masker dan kebiasaan merokok, secs statistik tidak ada hubungan yang bermakna dengan kadar Hb (p> 0,05). Hipotesis tingkat pajanan asap yang tinggi mempunyai risiko kadar Hb tinggi lebih besar dibanding tingkat pajanan rendah, ditolak. Tingkat pajanan tidak berhubungan bermakna secara statistik dengan kadar Hb (p >0,05).
Background and objective The exposure of fire smokes contained hazardous substances ;potentially effect firefighter's health. The cumulative effect of these substances can abnormally increase the haemoglobine level. This study is aimed at finding the associations of fire smokes exposure to high haemoglobine level and its risk factors. Methods. This study design was a case-control study involving sample of 120 subjects consisted of 40 cases of high I-lb level and 80 controls. The exposure levels offire smokes were scored for exposure related factors. Results and conclusions. The exposure factors included age , periode of job, job position, length of service, frekuency of service, masker usage, and smoking habit were no statistical significant association to high Hb level (p>0,05). The hypotesis stated the high exposure level offire smokes have higher risks :3f Hb level than low exposure level alit was rejected . The level of exposure was no statistically significant association with Hb level (p>0, 05).
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eva Ayu Maharani
Abstrak :
Latar belakang. PMI merupakan suatu organisasi yang mendapat penugasan dari pemerintah untuk menyediakan darah bagi keperluan pengobatan dan terapi. Darah serta komponen yang dibutuhkan untuk transfusi harus memenuhi kriteria darah yang aman (bebas dari infeksi penyakit), dan kualitas darah yang baik, agar proses transfusi menjadi efisien dan efektif. Salah satu faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi kualitas darah yaitu adanya variasi donor, seperti adanya kelainan genetik pada sel darah merah. Thalasemia dan hemoglobin varian (Hb varian) merupakan kelainan genetik yang mempengaruhi sintesis dan kualitas Hb yang berfungsi sebagai pengangkut oksigen dari paru-paru ke seluruh tubuh. Prevalensi thalasemia dan Hb varian yang cukup tinggi di Indonesia, memungkinkan ditemukannya donor pembawa sifat thalasemia dan Hb varian. Seperti diketahui, pembawa sifat thalasemia dan Hb varian tidak mempunyai gejala klinis dengan konsentrasi Hb normal, sehingga dapat lolos seleksi donor. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui frekuensi pembawa sifat thalasemia dan Hb varian pada donor darah serta kualitas darahnya. Metodologi. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain potong lintang dengan sampel berasal dari 138 donor darah. Dilakukan skrining thalasemia dan Hb varian pada keseluruhan sampel, yang meliputi pemeriksaan hematologi rutin, analisis Hb metode HPLC dan analisis DNA (terutama pada suspek pembawa sifat thalasemia ?). Disertai dengan uji kualitas darah donor melalui pemeriksaan persentase hemolisis terhadap Whole Blood (WB) donor pada hari ke-1 dan ke-7 penyimpanan darah. Hasil. Berdasarkan hasil skrining terdeteksi pembawa sifat thalasemia dan Hb varian sebesar 7,97%, dengan rincian, pembawa sifat thalasemia ? 5 subjek ( 3,62%) yang salah satu diantaranya disertai dengan kelainan darah ovalositosis herediter tipe Asia Tenggara (South East Asian Ovalositosis / SAO), pembawa sifat thalasemia ? 3 subjek ( 2,17%), dan HbE 3 subjek ( 2,17%). Donor pembawa sifat thalasemia dan Hb varian serta SAO tersebut mempunyai persentase hemolisis pada darah simpan hari ke-7 kurang dari satu persen. Simpulan. Frekuensi total pembawa sifat thalasemia dan Hb varian pada populasi donor darah di UTD PMI DKI Jakarta adalah sebesar 7,97%. Keseluruhan sampel pembawa sifat thalasemia dan Hb varian serta SAO mempunyai kualitas darah simpan hari ke-7 cukup baik yang ditunjukkan dengan persentase hemolisis < 1%. ......Background. Red Cross Indonesia/Palang Merah Indonesia (PMI) is an organization that gets an assignment from the government to provide blood for the purposes of treatment and therapy. Blood and components needed for transfusion must meet the criteria for safe blood (free from infectious diseases) and the quality of blood transfusion should also be good, so that the process of transfusion becomes more efficient and effective. One of the factors that can affect the quality of blood storage is donor variations, such as genetic abnormalities in red blood cells. Thalassemia and Hemoglobin (Hb) variant is a genetic disorder that affects the synthesis and quality of Hb which serves as a carrier of oxygen from the lungs throughout the body. The prevalence of thalassemia and Hb variant are quite high in Indonesia, allow the identification of the donor carrier of thalassemia and Hb variant. As we known, thalassemia and Hb variants carier have no clinical symptoms with normal Hb concentration that can pass the donor selection. The aim of this study was to determine the frequency of Thalassemia and Hb variant among blood donors coming to Blood Centre Unit in Jakarta. It was also reviewed the quality of blood from donors identified as a carrier of thalassemia and Hb variant. Methods. This cross-sectional study was conducted on 138 blood samples obtained from blood donors in the Blood centre unit in Jakarta. All samples were tested for Thalassemia and Hb variant by Complete Blood Count (CBC) and Hb analysis with HPLC method and DNA analysis for the detection of ? thalassemia carrier, and for the quality of blood storage by hemolysis rate of red blood cells (RBCs) in Whole Blood (WB) on days 1 and 7. Results. Out of the 138 donors, 5 (3,62%) were diagnosed for ? thalassemia carrier which one of them is ? thalassemia carrier co-inherited with ovalositosis hereditary (Southeast Asian Ovalositosis / SAO) , 3 (2.17%) for ? thalassemia carrier, and 3 (2, 17%) for HbE carrier. Donors were detected carrier of thalassemia and Hb variant also SAO have hemolysis percentage until seven days storage is below one percent. Conclusion. The total number of thalassemia carrier and Hb variants in blood donors at blood centre unit red cross Indonesia in Jakarta is 7,97%. The quality of blood storage in seven day from donor with thalassemia and Hb variants carrier also SAO, have the quality of blood storage were quite good. Hemolysis frequency did not seem to be donor dependent.
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Loes D. Sjahruddin
Abstrak :
Indonesian Journal of Dentistry 2006; Edisi Khusus KPPIKG XIV: 134-138 One of the growth indicators that can be used to assess a child's developmental growth is through skeletal maturation. Skeletal maturity can be evaluated by using anatomical changes of the cervical vertebral bones observed on the lateral cephalometric radiographs. The purpose of this study was to determine the stage of cervical vertebrae maturation of Hb E B thalassemia patients by comparing the shape changes of the second to fourth cervical vertebrae bodies with a control group. The design of this study was a cross sectional. The subjects were children with Hb E B thalassemia aged 9-14 years. The results showed that the retarded maturation of the cervical vertebrae in Hb E B thalassemia was not found in subjects of pre-puberty age (9-11 years old), but in those of puberty age (12-14 years old).;One of the growth indicators that can be used to assess a child's developmental growth is through skeletal maturation. Skeletal maturity can be evaluated by using anatomical changes of the cervical vertebral bones observed on the lateral cephalometric radiographs. The purpose of this study was to determine the stage of cervical vertebrae maturation of Hb E B thalassemia patients by comparing the shape changes of the second to fourth cervical vertebrae bodies with a control group. The design of this study was a cross sectional. The subjects were children with Hb E B thalassemia aged 9-14 years. The results showed that the retarded maturation of the cervical vertebrae in Hb E B thalassemia was not found in subjects of pre-puberty age (9-11 years old), but in those of puberty age (12-14 years old).
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2006
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tri Kusuma Widiasih
Abstrak :
Latar belakangHemoglobin A1c HbA1c adalah pemeriksaan kontrol glikemik jangka panjang yang banyak digunakan. HbA1c berhubungan dengan risiko komplikasi diabetes. Akurasi pemeriksaan HbA1c dapat dipengaruhi kondisi hemoglobin varian. Hemoglobin varian adalah kelainan struktur hemoglobin. Di Indonesia, Hb E paling sering dijumpai. Sehingga peneliti ingin mengetahui prevalensi penderita hemoglobin varian pada pasien pemeriksaan HbA1c di RSUPNCM dan pengaruh hemoglobin varian terhadap pemeriksaan HbA1c metode afinitas boronat POCT dan ion-exchange HPLC dan gambaran mutasi gen hemoglobin varian heterozigot.MetodeDilakukan uji ketelitian between day serta uji ketepatan within run menggunakan kontrol normal dan patologis. Subjek uji prevalensi adalah seluruh pasien yang melakukan pemeriksaan HbA1c di RSUPNCM. Terhadap subjek tersebut dilakukan pemeriksaan HbA1c metode ion-exchange HPLC dan pada subjek yang didapatkan variant window dilakukan analisa hemoglobin metode ion-exchange HPLC. Dilakukan uji perbedaan dua rerata antar kelompok pemeriksaan, subjek didapatkan secara konsekutif yang memenuhi krteria inklusi dan eksklusi. Terhadap subjek dilakukan pemeriksaan HbA1c metode ion-exchange HPLC, HbA1c metode afinitas boronat POCT Nycocard , dan HbA1c ion exchange extended HPLC dan dilakukan analisa hemoglobin metode ion-exchange HPLC. Analisa hemoglobin metode ion-exchange HPLC dilakukan terhadap seluruh subjek pada kedua kelompok. Dilakukan analisa DNA dengan metode PCR-RFLP dan metode DNA sequence untuk mengetahui gambaran mutasi hemoglobin varian heterozigot pada penelitian ini.Hasil Didapatkan proporsi penderita hemoglobin varian sebesar 17 per 994 pasien 1.8 pada pasien yang melakukan pemeriksaan HbA1c di RSUPNCM. Pada uji perbedaan rerata HbA1c, metode afinitas boronat POCT dibandingkan ion-exchange extended HPLC didapatkan nilai HbA1c lebih rendah bermakna secara statistik pada kelompok hemoglobin varian p=0.006 . Uji perbedaan rerata HbA1c metode ion-exchange HPLC dibandingkan dengan metode ion-exchange extended HPLC tidak didapatkan perbedaan bermakna pada kelompok subjek hemoglobin normal p= 0.534 dan hemoglobin varian p=0.781 . Uji perbedaan median HbA1c metode afinitas boronat dan ion exchange extended HPLC tidak bermakna pada kelompok hemoglobin normal p=0.006 , dan terdapat perbedaan bermakna pada kelompok hemoglobin varian p=0.006 . Hemoglobin varian heterozigot pada penelitian ini terdiri dari 2 subjek HbG Makassar dan 19 subjek Hb E heterozigot. Hasil DNA sequence dideteksi HbE homozigot dan Hb G Makassar. Hasil PCR-RFLP didapatkan HbE heterozigotKesimpulan Proporsi hemoglobin varian pada pasien pemeriksaan HbA1c di RSUPNCM adalah 17 per 994 pasien 1.8 . Hemoglobin varian menyebabkan nilai HbA1c lebih rendah bermakna secara statistik dan klinis pada pemeriksaan metode afinitas boronat POCT dibandingkan metode ion-exchange extended HPLC. Hasil pemeriksaan HbA1c metode ion-exchange HPLC dibandingkan ion-exchange extended HPLC metode rujukan pada kedua kelompok tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna. Hasil DNA sequence dideteksi HbE homozigot dan Hb G Makassar. Hasil PCR-RFLP didapatkan HbE heterozigotKata Kunci : Hb G Makassar, Hb E, pemeriksaan HbA1c, ion-exchange extended HPLC.
Background Hemoglobin A1c HbA1c is a widely used long term glycemic control check. HbA1c is associated with the risk of diabetes complications. Accuracy of HbA1c examination can be influenced by hemoglobin variant condition. Hemoglobin variant is a hemoglobin structure disorder. In Indonesia, Hb E is most commonly found. Researcher wanted to know the prevalence of hemoglobin variant patient in HbA1c examination patient at RSUPNCM and the influence of hemoglobin variant on HbA1c examination of POCT boronate affinity method and HPLC ion exchange and gene mutation heterogeneous hemoglobin variant Method Performed between day precision test and accuracy test within run using normal and pathological control. The subjects of prevalence test were all patients performing HbA1c examination at RSUPNCM. Against this subject, HbA1c examination of the HPLC ion exchange method and in the subjects obtained by the variant window was analyzed by the HPLC ion exchange method hemoglobin. The difference test was performed between the two groups, the subjects were obtained in a consecutive manner which fulfilled the inclusion and exclusion krteria. Subjects were subjected to HbA1c examination of the HPLC ion exchange method, HbA1c POCT Nycocard boronate affinity method, and HbA1c ion exchange extended HPLC and HPLC ion exchange hemoglobin analysis performed. The HPLC ion exchange method hemoglobin analysis was performed on all subjects in both groups. DNA analysis was performed using PCR RFLP method and DNA sequence method to find out the heterozygot hemoglobin mutations in this study. Result The proportion of variant hemoglobin patients was 17 per 994 patients 1.8 in patients who performed HbA1c examination at RSUPNCM. In the HbA1c mean difference test, the POCT boronate affinity method versus the HPLC extended exchange ion obtained significantly lower HbA1c values in the variant hemoglobin group p 0.006 . HbA1c difference test of the HPLC ion exchange method compared with the HPLC extended ion exchange method found no significant difference in the normal hemoglobin group p 0.534 and the variant hemoglobin group p 0.781 . The median HbA1c difference test of the boronate affinity method and the extended exchange ion HPLC was not significant in the normal hemoglobin group p 0.006 , and there was a significant difference in the variant hemoglobin group p 0.006 . Variant hemoglobin heterozygous in this study consisted of 2 subjects of HbG Makassar and 19 Hb E heterozygous subjects. The DNA sequence result was detected by HbE homozygot and Hb G Makassar. Results of PCR RFLP obtained HbE heterozygotes ConclusionThe proportion of variant hemoglobin in HbA1c examination patients at RSUPNCM was 17 per 994 patients 1.8 . Variant hemoglobin causes significantly lower HbA1c values statistically and clinically on examination of the POCT boronate affinity method than the HPLC extended exchange ion method. HbA1c examination of ion exchange HPLC method compared to HPLC extended exchange ion reference method in both groups was not significantly different. The DNA sequence result was detected by HbE homozygot and Hb G Makassar. Results of PCR RFLP obtained HbE heterozygotesKey Words Hb G Makassar, Hb E, HbA1c examination, ion exchange extended HPLC
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Kebugaran merupakan masalah pada karyawan di Puskesmas kecamatan cengkareng. Tingkat kebugaran kurang karyawan adalah 55,09%. Tujuan utama penelitian ini adalah menjelaskan faktor-fakotr yang berhubungan dengan kebugaran karyawan Puskesmas kecamatan Cengkareng. Tujuan khususnya menjelaskan dan mengetahui hubungan antara faktor umur, jenis kelamin, aktivitas fisik, IMT, kebiasaan merokok, dan kadar Hb dengan tingkat kebugaran karyawan. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan mei-Juni 2013. Metode penilitian ini menggunakan Cross sectional (potong lintang), dengan sampel 143 responden. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada hubungan yang bermakna antara faktor umur (p=0,0005), jenis kelamin (p=0,010), aktivitas fisik (p=0,0005), kebiasaan merokok (p=0,047) dengan kebugaran. Faktor yang paling dominan yang mempengaruhi tingkat kebugaran adalah umur, jenis kelamin, dan kadar HB. Sedangkan aktivitas fisik dan kebiasaan merokok merupakan faktor confounding. kesimpulan yang dapat diambil dari penelitian ini adalah tingkat kebugaran karyawan masih kurang. Faktor yang berhubungan dengan kebugaran adalah umur, jenis kelamin, aktivitas fisik, kebiasaan merokok, dan kadar HB. saran dari penelitian ini adalah meningkatkan aktivitas fisik, olahraga, dan pola hidup sehat. ......Fitness is a problem to the employess of Puskesmas Kecamatan cengkareng. based on the fitness test result obtained that the less-fot level of the employees is 55,9%. the man reason of this research is to explain factors that are related to the fitness of the employees of puskesmas cengkareng. The specific reasearch is to explain and knowing the relation of age factor, gender, physical activity, body mass index, smoking habit, and Haemoglobin level to the fitness of the employees. the research was held on May-June 2013. The research method is by using the cross sectional, with the sample of 143 respondents. the result of research show that are significant correlation between age factor (p=0,0005), gender (p=0,010), physical activity (p=0,0005), smoking habit (p=0,047) with fitness. Based on the most dominant factors that affect the fitness level are age, gender, and Hb level. While the physical activity and smoking habit are confounding factors. The conclusion of this research is the fitness level of the employees is still lacking factors related to fitness are age, gender, physical activity, and smoking habit. advice from this research is to increase physical activity, exercise and health lifestyle.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Savero Vasya Jendriza
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang: Talasemia merupakan penyakit kelainan hemoglobin (Hb) dengan prevalensi tinggi di Indonesia maupun dunia. Komplikasi pada talasemia dapat terjadi akibat kadar Hb pre-transfusi yang rendah dan penumpukan feritin serum. Pengetahuan, sikap, dan perilaku yang baik terhadap suatu penyakit dibutuhkan untuk mencapai kesehatan yang diinginkan dan mencegah komplikasi. Studi ini bertujuan untuk mencari hubungan antara pengetahuan, sikap, dan perilaku terhadap talasemia, Hb pre-transfusi dan kadar feritin serum pada pasien remaja talasemia karena mereka memiliki prevalensi tertinggi. Metode: Kuesioner pengetahuan, sikap, dan perilaku (PSP) melalui google form disebarkan untuk mendapatkan data dari pasien talasemia remaja yang memenuhi kriteria studi. Pengetahuan akan dibagi menjadi adekuat atau tidak adekuat, sikap dibagi menjadi positif atau negatif, perilaku dibagi menjadi baik atau buruk berdasarkan hasil skor kuesioner. Kadar Hb pre-transfusi dan feritin serum diambil dari rekam medik pasien, dan dikelompokkan menjadi Hb dan serum ferritin yang tinggi atau rendah. Hasil Penelitian: Dari 85 subjek, terdapat 49.4% pasien dengan pengetahuan adekuat, 91.8% pasien dengan sikap positif, dan 72.9% pasien dengan perilaku baik. Pasien masih kurang memahami fasilitas skrining dan pentingnya suplementasi vitamin. Pasien perlu meningkatkan sikap positif terhadap skrining thalassemia dan perilaku baik terhadap kepatuhan obat. Terdapat hubungan yang tidak bermakna secara statisik antara pengetahuan, sikap dan perilaku terhadap kadar Hb pre-transfusi dan kadar ferritin (p >0.05) pada remaja dengan talasemia. Kesimpulan: Remaja talasemia di Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo memiliki pengetahuan yang tidak adekuat, namun dengan sikap dan perilaku yang baik. Perlu adanya edukasi berkala untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan. ......Introduction: Thalassemia is a hemoglobin (Hb) disorder that has a high prevalence in Indonesia and the world. Complications in thalassemia can occur due to low pre-transfusion Hb and accumulation of serum ferritin. A good knowledge, attitude, and practice towards a disease are needed to achieve desired health outcomes and prevent complications. This study aims to find the relationship between knowledge, attitude, and practice towards thalassemia, pre-transfusion Hb, and serum ferritin levels in thalassemic adolescents as they have the highest prevalence. Methods: Knowledge, attitude, and practice (KAP) questionnaire through google form were distributed to adolescent thalassemic patients who met the criteria. Knowledge will be divided into adequate or inadequate; attitudes are divided into positive or negative; practice is divided into good or bad based on the questionnaire results. Level of Pre-transfusion Hb and serum ferritin were taken from the patient's medical record and grouped into high or low Hb and ferritin. Result: Out of 85 subjects, there were 49.4% patients with adequate knowledge, 91.8% patients with positive attitude, and 72.9% patients with good practice. Patients still lack understanding of screening facilities and the importance of vitamin supplementation. Patients need to increase positive attitude towards thalassemia screening and good behavior towards treatment adherence. There was a statistically insignificant relationship between knowledge, attitude, and practice on thalassemia with pre-transfusion Hb and serum ferritin (p > 0.05) in thalassemic adolescents. Conclusion: Thalassemic adolescents at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital have inadequate knowledge, but with good attitudes and behavior. Periodic education is needed to increase knowledge.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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