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Ditemukan 13 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Jakarta: Sekretariat Wakil Presiden RI, 2004
R 352.23 HIM I
Buku Referensi  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: Sekretariat Wakil Presiden RI, 2004
R 352.23 HIM II
Buku Referensi  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: Sekretariat Wakil Presiden RI, 2004
R 352.23 HIM III
Buku Referensi  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: Sekretariat Wakil Presiden RI, 2004
R 352.23 HIM IV
Buku Referensi  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: Sekretariat Wakil Presiden Republik Indonesia, 2004
R 920.71 HAM
Buku Referensi  Universitas Indonesia Library
Leonardo Bayu Adi Prasetya
"Sambungan pengelasan baru setelah perbaikan pada pipa boiler Finishing Superheater pada komponen pembangkit listrik dilakukan studi untuk memprediksi sisa umur pakai. Studi difokuskan pada proses pengelasan dengan perlakuan panas (preheat dan PWHT) dan tanpa perlakuan panas. Studi ini dilakukan untuk menentukan periode pemeliharaan pipa boiler jika dilakukan pengelasan tanpa perlakuan panas berdasarkan data pengujian sisa umur pakai.
Pengujian untuk memprediksi sisa umur pakai pipa boiler dilakukan dengan pengamatan struktur mikro menggunakan mikroskop optik, pengukuran kekerasan mikro, dan pengujian stress rupture untuk mendapatkan kurva perbandingan Parameter Larson Miller (LMP) terhadap tegangan.
Hasil pengamatan struktur mikro pada lasan tanpa preheat menunjukan fasa martensit dengan bilah-bilah yang kasar, perbesaran butir pada HAZ dengan beberapa presipitat. Pada pengelasan dengan perlakuan panas butiran struktur mikro pada bagian lasan dan HAZ dapat diperhalus dan menyeragamkan nilai kekerasan rata-rata.
Berdasarkan pengujian stress rupture, sisa umur pakai pada lasan tanpa preheat diharapkan mampu beroprasi hingga 11,5 tahun pada temperatur maksimum metal 591°C. Setelah dilakukan PWHT ketahanan mulur pada sambungan las meningkat dibuktikan dengan prediksi umur pakai pada sambungan lasnya.

Remaining life time prediction of welded joint finishing superheater boiler tube have evaluated on each type of welding procedure (as welded and after PWHT). The aim of this study to determine maintenance period of as welded joint compared with weld joint after PWHT based on remaining life assessment data.
Examination of remaining life time conducted by microstructure evaluation using optical-microscope, microhardness indentation, stress rupture test to obtain correlation between Larson Miller Parameter (LMP) vs hoop stress.
As welded joint microstructural observation showed heterogenous microstructure that consist of coarse martensite lath exist on the weld metal, grain coarsening on the HAZ and some coarse precipitate. Grain refining and decrease of hardness have found on sample after PWHT.
Based on stress rupture examination, remaining lifetime on as weld joint expected to reach 11.5 years of operating hour at 591°C maximum metal temperature. Welded joint after PWHT increase its remaining life time.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Tujuan : Mengetahui korelasi antara asupan besi. hemoglobin dan kadar feritin serum dengan indikator panjang badan untuk usia pada bayi stunring usia 6-I2 bulan.
Tempat : Pada 20 desa dan kelurahan di Kota dan Kabupaten Tangerang di wilayah binaan CARE International Indonesia.
Bahan dan cara: Pada penelitian dengan disain potong lintang ini didapatkan 3l subyek sesuai kriteria penelitian. Data yang dikumpulkan meliputi pendidikan formal ibu, status gizi berdasarkan HAZ, asupan kalori, protein dan besi dcngan menggunakan FFQ semikuantitati pemeriksaan laboratorium darah yaitu hemoglobin clan feritin serum. Uji statistik yang digunakan adalah Kolmogorov Smirnov, dan korelasi Pearson/spernmn's Rank.
Hasil : Pada penelitian ini didapatkan 5I,6% pendidikan formal ibu sekolah dasar/sederajat. Subyek merupakan kelompok stunting yang sebagian besar (80,6%) merupakan stunting sedang. serata asupan energi adalah 767,99_+;275,42 kkal/hari dan protein 2l,80_~§l l,08 g/hari. Asupan energi dan protein subyek yang rendah 74,2% dan 29% dibandingkan RDA. Rcrata asupan besi adalah 6,06 j 4, l 6 mg/hari, sebagaian besar subyek (8l%) dengan asupan besi kurang menurut RNI. Rerata kadar hemoglobin 10,041 1,32 g/dL dan kadar feritin serum didapatkan median 10,93 (l,62; 90,38) pg/L. Subyek yang mengalami anemia 71%, depiesi besi tanpa anemia 9,7% dan anemia defisiensi besi 41.9°/6. Pada analisis tidak didapatkan korelasi yang bermakna antara asupan besi dengan hemoglobin dan feritin scrum. Pada analisis korelasi antara hemoglobin dan feritin serum dengan HAZ skor tidak didapatkan korelasi bermakna.
Kesimpulan : Tidak didapatkan korelasi yang bemiakna antara asupan besi dengan hemoglobin dan feritin serum. Tidak didapatkan korelasi yang bcrmakna antara hemoglobin dan feritin serum dengan HAZ skor.

Objective :To know correlation between dietary iron intake, hemoglobin, serum feritin and height tbr age Z score in shunting infant age 6-I2 month.
Location : 20 villages and kelurahan in Tangerang City and District the area under serviced by CARE, international Indonesia (Cll).
Material and Method: A cross sectional study had been canied out on 31
subjects selected. Data collected consist of' respondent (mother) tbmial education, subject characteristic i.e HAZ, dietary intake of energy, protein and iron using semi quantitative FFQ, and laboratory examination lbr hemoglobin and serum ferritin. Statistical analysis was using Kolmogorov-Smimov and Pearson/Spearman?s rank correlation tests.
Result : Most of mothers? formal education was primary school (5l.6%). Majority ofthe subjects was in moderate stunting (80,6%). Average energy and protein intake were 767.99i275.42 kcal/day and 2 l,80il l,08 g/day. respectively. Subjects with low energy and protein intake as compared to the RDA are 74.2% and 29%, respectively. Average iron intake 6.061 4.l6 mg/day and 8l% of the subject had iron intake less than RNI. Average hemoglobin level was l0.04=t:l.32 g/dl, whereas median serum ferritin was l0.93 (1.62; 9038) ug/L. Subject with anemia, iron depletion without anemia and iron deficiency anemia were 71%,9.7%, and 4l.9%, respectively. There was no significant correlation between iron intake and hemoglobin. There was negative correlation between iron intake and serum ferritin (p>0.05). No significant correlation was found between hemoglobin and serum ferritin with HAZ score.
Conclusion: There were no significant correlations between iron intake with hemoglobin, and serum ferritin. There were no significant correlations between hemoglobin and serum ferritin with HAZ score unstinting infant 6-12 month."
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aninda Novira
"Latar belakang: Stunting adalah gangguan pertumbuhan dan perkembangan pada anak-anak yang muncul dari akumulasi nutrisi buruk dan paparan infeksi berulang dalam 1000 hari pertama kehidupan. Stunting dicirikan dengan tinggi badan anak di bawah rata-rata dan ditemukan menyebabkan kelainan email karena berkurangnya massa jaringan email (hipoplasia) atau berkurangnya konten mineral di dalam email (hipomineralisasi). Kadar hemoglobin rendah masih menjadi kontroversi apakah ciri dari stunting karena faktor etiologinya yang serupa sering dijumpai pada kasus stunting. Tujuan: Menganalisis potensi kelainan email dan kadar hemoglobin sebagai prediktor kondisi stunting. Metode: Sampel penelitian adalah data pemeriksaan tahun 2019 pada siswa/i sekolah dasar (SD) kelas 1-2 Kecamatan Nangpanda, Ende, Nusa Tenggara Timur. Hasil: Kelainan email dan kadar hemoglobin secara statistik tidak mampu menjadi prediktor kondisi stunting (p>0,05). Tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna pada frekuensi kelainan email dan kadar hemoglobin antara anak normal dan anak dengan stunting (p>0,05). Korelasi antara frekuensi kelainan email dengan kadar hemoglobin secara statistik memiliki korelasi sedang negatif (p<0,05; r =-0,403). Tidak terdapat korelasi secara statistik antara variabel stunting dengan frekuensi kelainan email dan kadar hemoglobin (p>0,05). Kesimpulan: Pada anak 6-8 tahun, kelainan email dan kadar hemoglobin tidak mampu menjadi prediktor stunting, meskipun terdapat hubungan antara kelainan email dengan kadar hemoglobin.

Background: Stunting is an impaired growth and development in children arises from the accumulation of poor nutrition and repeated infections in the first 1000 days of a child's life. Characterized by height below their age peer’s average height and been reported caused defect on enamel structure, due to lack of tissue mass (hypoplasia) or lack of mineral content (hypomineralization). Meanwhile, low haemoglobin levels as for now is still a controversy as to whether the characteristic of stunting or not. Objective: To analyse the potency of enamel defects and haemoglobin levels as predictors of stunting. Methods: Examination data in 2019 from elementary school students of grades 1-2 (6-8 years old) at Nangpanda District, Ende, East Nusa Tenggara. Results: Enamel defects and haemoglobin levels were unable to predict stunting (p>0.05). There was no significant difference in enamel defects and haemoglobin levels between normal and stunted children (p>0.05). The frequency of enamel defects and haemoglobin levels has a statistically moderate negative (p<0.05; r=-0.403), there is no statistical correlation between stunting and the frequency of enamel defects and haemoglobin levels (p>0.05). Conclusion: Enamel defects and haemoglobin levels are not able to predict stunting, although there is a relationship between enamel abnormalities and haemoglobin levels."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Saint Diven
"Latar Belakang: Salah satu permasalahan kesehatan anak di Indonesia adalah adanya gangguan status nutrisi yang mempengaruhi pertumbuhan berupa stunting. Prevalensi stunting tertinggi di Indonesia terdapat di provisi Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT). Pada berbagai penelitian terdahulu tentang kesehatan gigi mulut ditemukan adanya kecenderungan perburukan nilai OHI-S pada anak dengan status nutrisi buruk dan disertai adanya peningkatan populasi bakteri oral Veillonella spesies, yakni bakteri yang berperan penting dalam menjaga integritas komunitas multispesies pada dental biofilm di tahap early colonization sebelum terbentuk middle dan late colonizer. Akan tetapi, sampai saat ini belum diketahui hubungan antara populasi oral Veillonella spesies dengan status stunting. Tujuan: Menganalisis perbandingan distribusi oral Veillonella spesies pada dental biofilm anak usia 6-7 tahun pada kelompok HAZ stunting serta menganalisa korelasi jumlah bakteri oral Veillonella spesies dengan nilai OHI-S. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian analitik laboratorik terhadap 40 sampel dental biofilm dari permukaan gigi M1 rahang bawah anak usia 6-7 tahun yang sebelumnya telah dikelompokkan berdasarkan status HAZ sesuai pengukuran standar WHO dan kategori OHI-S. Ekstraksi DNA dari dental biofilm sampel dilakukan dengan instaGene Matrix Kit. Hasil ekstraksi DNA kemudian dikuantifikasi menggunakan absolute quantification dengan mesin real-time PCR. Jumlah cycle dari tiap sampel dibandingkan dengan jumlah cycle pada kurva standar untuk mendapatkan jumlah bakteri secara spesifik. Hasil: Spesies Veillonella dispar ditemukan dominan di keseluruhan sampel. Jumlah spesies Veillonella denticariosi menunjukkan perbedaan bermakna antara kelompok HAZ normal dan stunting. Jumlah Veilonella denticariosi pada kelompok OHI-S sedang dan buruk menunjukkan korelasi dengan perbedaan bermakna. Kesimpulan: Tidak terdapat hubungan antara jumlah bakteri oral Veillonella spesies dari sampel dental biofilm gigi permanen anak usia 6-7 tahun dengan status stunting, kecuali Veillonella denticariosi. Selain itu, terdapat kecenderungan bahwa semakin buruk status OHI-S maka jumlah Veillonella denticariosi semakin menurun, sedangkan 6 oral Veillonella spesies lain tidak menunjukkan perbedaan jumlah pada kelompok OHI-S yang berbeda. Penelitian lanjutan diperlukan untuk mengetahui peran Veillonella denticariosi terhadap kebersihan mulut dan status nutrisi anak usia 6-7 tahun

Background: One of the major Indonesian children’s health problems is nutritional disorders that affects child’s developmental process, called stunting. Highest stunting prevalence in Indonesia is in East Nusa Tenggara Province. In various previous studies, it was found that there was a tendency of worsening OHI-S values in children with poor nutritional status and accompanied by an increase in oral Veillonella species population, which are bacteria that play an important role in maintain the integrity of the multispecies community on dental biofilms in early colonization stage before forming middle and late colonizer. However, until now, there is no study regarding the direct relationship between stunting and oral Veillonella spesies. Objective: To analyze distribution of oral Veillonella spesies in dental biofilm from stunting children range from 6-7 years old and to analyze correlation between oral Veillonella spesies and oral hygiene. Methods: Dental biofilm samples collected from 40 Indonesian children’s first permanent molar were divided into 2 groups (normal and stunting) and 3 oral hygiene groups (good, moderate, and poor). Genomic DNA was extracted from each sample. For this, we used absolute quantification of real-time PCR method with species-specific primer sets of 7 oral Veillonella species to detect these species effectively. Results: Veillonella dispar was found as the predominant species among all oral Veillonella species in 40 samples. There are no significant associations between 7 oral Veillonella species with normal and stunting conditions except for Veillonella denticariosi (stunting < normal). Significant associations are also found in moderate and poor oral hygiene status of Veillonella denticariosi also good and moderate oral hygiene status of Veillonella dispar. Significant correlation between Veillonella denticariosi and oral hygiene status is also found. Conclusion: This study demonstrated that there is no relationship between number of oral Veillonella species with stunting condition, except Veillonella denticariosi. Besides that, there is a tendency that the worse the OHI-S status, the lower the number of Veillonella denticariosi, while the other 6 oral Veillonella species do not show a difference in numbers in different OHI-S groups. Further research is needed to determine the role of Veillonella denticariosi on oral hygiene and nutritional status of children aged 6-7 years."
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kusfiat Fitriani
Material Bake Hardening merupakan material yang memiliki sifat mudah dideformasi sebelum diberi perlakuan panas dan sulit dideformasi setelah diberi perlakuan panas. Material ini merupakan material baru yang digunakan pada industri otomotif untuk digunakan pada kerangka mobil dan badan mobil. Material ini akan disambungkan menggunakan mesin Resistance Spot Welding. Resistance Spot Welding merupakan salah satu jenis pengelasan yang banyak digunakan di industri otomotif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh dari parameter kuat arus dari mesin resistance spot welding pada material bake hardening. Penyambungan material bake hardening ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan mesin resistance spot welding dengan pemberian kuat arus 8kA, 9kA, 10kA, 11kA dan 12kA. Pengujian yang dilakukan antara lain pengujian kekerasan, geser, pengamatan SEM, dan metalografi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kekuatan optimum yaitu 5,68kN dan kekerasan optimum yaitu 237,34 VHN didapat pada sampel yang diberi kuat arus sebesar 11kA. Pemberian kuat arus diatas 11kA akan menyebabkan penurunan pada kekuatan dan kekerasan. Pola penjejakan kekerasan menunjukkan bahwa daerah nugget memiliki kekerasan yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan base metal. Struktur mikro juga menunjukkan bahwa semakin ke daerah nugget, butir semakin membesar dan fasa bainite bertambah banyak.

Bake Hardening material is a material that is easily deformed before being given a heat treatment and become a hard deformed after being heat-treated. This material is a new material used in the automotive industry for car frame and car body. This material will be welded using Resistance Spot Welding machine. Resistance Spot Welding is one type of welding that is widely used in the automotive industry. This study aims to determine the effect of the current welding parameters of resistance spot welding to bake hardening material. The joining of bake hardening material is performed using resistance spot welding machine with current 8kA, 9kA, 10kA, 11kA and 12kA. Tests performed include hardness testing, shear, SEM and metallography. The results showed that the optimum tensile strength is 5,68kN and optimum Vickers hardness is 237.34 VHN samples were obtained at a current of 11kA. Giving current 11kA above will cause a decrease in tensile strength and Vickers hardness. Hardness distribution of Vickers hardness shows that nugget area has a higher hardness than the base metal. Microstructure also shows that the area to the nugget, grain growing and increasing bainite phase.
;Bake Hardening material is a material that is easily deformed before being given a heat treatment and become a hard deformed after being heat-treated. This material is a new material used in the automotive industry for car frame and car body. This material will be welded using Resistance Spot Welding machine. Resistance Spot Welding is one type of welding that is widely used in the automotive industry. This study aims to determine the effect of the current welding parameters of resistance spot welding to bake hardening material. The joining of bake hardening material is performed using resistance spot welding machine with current 8kA, 9kA, 10kA, 11kA and 12kA. Tests performed include hardness testing, shear, SEM and metallography. The results showed that the optimum tensile strength is 5,68kN and optimum Vickers hardness is 237.34 VHN samples were obtained at a current of 11kA. Giving current 11kA above will cause a decrease in tensile strength and Vickers hardness. Hardness distribution of Vickers hardness shows that nugget area has a higher hardness than the base metal. Microstructure also shows that the area to the nugget, grain growing and increasing bainite phase., Bake Hardening material is a material that is easily deformed before being given a heat treatment and become a hard deformed after being heat-treated. This material is a new material used in the automotive industry for car frame and car body. This material will be welded using Resistance Spot Welding machine. Resistance Spot Welding is one type of welding that is widely used in the automotive industry. This study aims to determine the effect of the current welding parameters of resistance spot welding to bake hardening material. The joining of bake hardening material is performed using resistance spot welding machine with current 8kA, 9kA, 10kA, 11kA and 12kA. Tests performed include hardness testing, shear, SEM and metallography. The results showed that the optimum tensile strength is 5,68kN and optimum Vickers hardness is 237.34 VHN samples were obtained at a current of 11kA. Giving current 11kA above will cause a decrease in tensile strength and Vickers hardness. Hardness distribution of Vickers hardness shows that nugget area has a higher hardness than the base metal. Microstructure also shows that the area to the nugget, grain growing and increasing bainite phase.]"
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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