ABSTRAK Latar Belakang : Malnutrisi merupakan faktor independen yang berhubungan dengan morbiditas, mortalitas dan tingginya biaya pengobatan sirosis hati. Kekuatan Genggam Tangan (KGT) merupakan suatu metode yang sering digunakan untuk mendeteksi malnutrisi dan menilai prognosis pasien. Hubungan KGT dengan Skor Child Pugh (CP) dan massa otot masih dalam kontroversi. Indonesia sampai saat ini belum memiliki data tersebut
Metode : Studi potong lintang pada pasien sirosis hati di poliklinik hepatobilier RSCM dari Februari-Juni 2015. Status nutrisi dinilai berdasarkan KGT. Massa otot diukur menggunakan bioimpedans. Analisis statistik menggunakan uji korelasi spearman
Hasil : Terdapat 115 pasien yang kontrol di poliklinik hepatobilier RSCM, 112 pasien memenuhi kriteria penelitian, terdiri dari 79 laki-laki dan 33 perempuan. Usia pasien rata-rata 54,15±10,55 tahun, median skor CP 6(5-13) dengan median KGT 26(11-50) kgF, rata-rata massa otot 44,43±8,12 kg. Median asupan energi 1334,82(604,75-3023,7) kkal, median protein 45,87(19-114,5) gram. Prevalensi malnutrisi berdasarkan KGT ditemukan sebanyak 33%. Kekuatan genggam tangan tidak berkorelasi dengan skor CP (p 0,046, r=-0,19) namun berkorelasi dengan massa otot (p <0,001, r= 0,70) Simpulan Terdapat 33% kasus malnutrisi berdasarkan KGT pada pasien sirosis rawat jalan. KGT tidak berkorelasi dengan skor Child Pugh namun berkorelasi dengan massa otot pasien sirosis hati.
ABSTRACT Background : Malnutrition is independent factor related to morbidity, mortality and high cost of treatment in liver cirrhosis. Hand grip strength (HGS) is one of the method use for malnutrition detection and prognosis evaluation. The correlation of HGS with liver function (Child Pugh or CP score) and muscle mass is controversial. These important evaluation is not yet avalaible in Indonesia.
Method : This is a cross-sectional study in liver cirrhosis patients at Hepatobiliary clinic of Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital from February to June 2015. Nutritional status was assessed by HGS. Muscle mass was obtained from bioimpedance. Data were analyzed using Spearman correlation test.
Results : There were 115 patients liver cirrhosis at Hepatobiliary clinic of Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, 112 patients who fit the inclusion criteria, consisted of 79 men and 33 women with mean age 54,15±10,55 years, median CP score 6(5-13) with median HGS 26 (11-50) kgF, mean muscle mass 44,43±8,12 kg. The median intake of energy 1334,82(604,75-3023,7) kkal, median protein 45,87(19-114,5) gram. Prevalence of malnutrition according HGS was 33%. Hand grip strength is not correlated with CP score (p 0,046, r=-0,19) however it is correlated with muscle mass (p<0,001, r= 0,70) Conclusion There are 33% malnutrition cases based on HGS in out patient liver cirrhosis. There is no correlation between hand grip strength with Child Pugh score however HGS is correlated with muscle mass in liver cirrhosis.;Background : Malnutrition is independent factor related to morbidity, mortality and high cost of treatment in liver cirrhosis. Hand grip strength (HGS) is one of the method use for malnutrition detection and prognosis evaluation. The correlation of HGS with liver function (Child Pugh or CP score) and muscle mass is controversial. These important evaluation is not yet avalaible in Indonesia.
Method : This is a cross-sectional study in liver cirrhosis patients at Hepatobiliary clinic of Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital from February to June 2015. Nutritional status was assessed by HGS. Muscle mass was obtained from bioimpedance. Data were analyzed using Spearman correlation test.
Results : There were 115 patients liver cirrhosis at Hepatobiliary clinic of Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, 112 patients who fit the inclusion criteria, consisted of 79 men and 33 women with mean age 54,15±10,55 years, median CP score 6(5-13) with median HGS 26 (11-50) kgF, mean muscle mass 44,43±8,12 kg. The median intake of energy 1334,82(604,75-3023,7) kkal, median protein 45,87(19-114,5) gram. Prevalence of malnutrition according HGS was 33%. Hand grip strength is not correlated with CP score (p 0,046, r=-0,19) however it is correlated with muscle mass (p<0,001, r= 0,70) Conclusion There are 33% malnutrition cases based on HGS in out patient liver cirrhosis. There is no correlation between hand grip strength with Child Pugh score however HGS is correlated with muscle mass in liver cirrhosis.;Background : Malnutrition is independent factor related to morbidity, mortality and high cost of treatment in liver cirrhosis. Hand grip strength (HGS) is one of the method use for malnutrition detection and prognosis evaluation. The correlation of HGS with liver function (Child Pugh or CP score) and muscle mass is controversial. These important evaluation is not yet avalaible in Indonesia.
Method : This is a cross-sectional study in liver cirrhosis patients at Hepatobiliary clinic of Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital from February to June 2015. Nutritional status was assessed by HGS. Muscle mass was obtained from bioimpedance. Data were analyzed using Spearman correlation test.
Results : There were 115 patients liver cirrhosis at Hepatobiliary clinic of Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, 112 patients who fit the inclusion criteria, consisted of 79 men and 33 women with mean age 54,15±10,55 years, median CP score 6(5-13) with median HGS 26 (11-50) kgF, mean muscle mass 44,43±8,12 kg. The median intake of energy 1334,82(604,75-3023,7) kkal, median protein 45,87(19-114,5) gram. Prevalence of malnutrition according HGS was 33%. Hand grip strength is not correlated with CP score (p 0,046, r=-0,19) however it is correlated with muscle mass (p<0,001, r= 0,70) Conclusion There are 33% malnutrition cases based on HGS in out patient liver cirrhosis. There is no correlation between hand grip strength with Child Pugh score however HGS is correlated with muscle mass in liver cirrhosis."