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Ditemukan 20 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Bandar Seri Begawan: State Mufti's Office, Prime Minister's Office Brunei Darussalam, 2009
297.14 BRU i
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ega Megawati
Abstrak :
Tesis ini membahas tentang pengawasan yang dilakukan terhadap produk makanan halal dalam rangka mengimplementasikan ketentuan pasal 30 Undangundang Nomor 8 Tahun 1999 tentang Perlindungan Konsumen guna memberikan perlindungan bagi konsumen muslim di Indonesia. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian yuridis kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menyarankan bahwa diperlukan adanya pengetahuan, dukungan berupa moril dan materiel dari pihak pemerintah serta berusaha untuk senantiasa menjalin koordinasi dan komunikasi yang baik antar sesama pelaksana pengawasan.
This thesis describes the surveillance conducted on halal food products in order to implement the provisions of article 30 of law number 8 of 1999 on Consumer Protection to provide protection for Muslim consumers in Indonesia. This research is quantitative juridicial research. The result suggest that the needed knowledge, moral support and material from of the government are always trying to establish coordination and good communication between the excecutive members.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Algifari
Abstrak :
Skripsi ini mengambil dari penelitian yang pernah dilakukan oleh peneliti di Inggris. Tujuan utama skripsi ini adalah mengetahui faktor yang mempengaruhi konsumen untuk melakukan pembelian kembali makanan pada restoran bersertifikat halal. Namun, perilaku konsumen untuk bersantap di restoran halal tidak hanya dipengaruhi oleh adanya sertifikasi halal melainkan juga faktor budaya dan religiusitas. Data dikumpulkan melalui self-admistrated questionnare di wilayah Jabodetabek. Responden penelitian ini adalah masyarakat Jabodetabek yang pernah mengunjungi restoran bersertifikat halal dalam satu bulan terakhir. Analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Structural Equation Modelling SEM untuk menganalisis pengaruh faktor perceived value, perceived value, satisfaction, role of culture serta religiusitas konsumen terhadap repurchase intention konsumen restoran bersertifikasi halal. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perceived value perceived usefulness, horizontal collectivism dan vertical individualism memengaruhi repurchase inention. Sedangkan variabel religiusitas hanya mempengaruhi hubungan vertical individualism dengan repurchase intention. ......This research is adopted from previous study was conducted in British. The main objective of this research is to determine factors those affect consumer intention to repurchase halal restaurant. However, consumer behavior to dine in halal restaurant is not only affected by halal certification, but also by culture and religiosity. Data was collected from self adminstrated questionnaire within Jabodetabek. This research using a Structural Equation Modelling SEM to analyze the effect of perceived value, perceived usefulness, satisfaction, role of culture towards consumers repurchase intention halal restaurant. This research find that perceived value, perceived usefulness, horizontal collectivism and vertical individualism affect consumers repurchase intention. However, religiosity is only affect the relationship between vertical individualism and Repurchase Intention.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Khemal Rianda
Abstrak :
Berkembangnya industri halal di Indonesia pada tahun 2022 khususnya makanan halal membuat para pelaku usaha lebih giat dalam mengkampanyekan makanan halal khususnya pada halal labelling. Pemerintah pun juga melakukan hal yang sama untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan maupun kesadaran masyarakat terkait halal produk. Mulai banyaknya jenis makanan yang dijual di Indonesia dari makanan seperti Warteg, Rumah Makan Padang, Local Food Chain, International Food Chain, Korean/Japanese/Chinese Food, Indian Food, hingga jenis makanan lainnya membuat masyarakat lebih memiliki banyak pilihan dalam memesan produk makanan. Namun permasalahan muncul disaat mayoritas penduduk Indonesia yang merupakan beragama Islam mereka tentunya ingin mengkonsumsi makanan yang halal sesuai dengan syariat yang di anut. Munculnya label “No Pork No Lard” kemudian menjadi kontroversi di kalangan masyarakat terkait konsep makanan yang dinilai berbeda dengan makanan yang sudah memiliki logo halal. ......The development of the halal industry in Indonesia in 2022, especially halal food, has made business actors more active in campaigning for halal food, especially on halal labeling. The government is also doing the same thing to increase public knowledge and awareness regarding halal products. Starting from the many types of food sold in Indonesia, from food such as warteg, Padang restaurants, local food chains, international food chains, Korean/Japanese/Chinese food, Indian food, to other types of food, people have more choices in ordering food products. However, problems arise when the majority of Indonesia's population, who are Muslim, of course, want to consume halal food in accordance with the Shari'a they adhere to. The emergence of the label "No Pork No Lard" then became a controversy among the public regarding the concept of food which is considered different from food that already has a halal logo.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Thawilah, Abdul Wahab Abdussalam
Jakarta : Pustaka Al-Kautsar , 2012
297.596 THA ft
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lodhi, Azhar-Ul-Haq
London: HFRC UK Ltd., 2009
338.476 4 LOD u
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adiska Rizki Khayyumi
Abstrak :

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh general risk  terhadap kepercayaan, kepuasan dan intention to recommend  makanan halal (studi pada makanan bersertifikasi halal MUI).  Desain penelitian ini adalah konklusif deskriptif yang dilakukan secara single-cross sectional. Peneliti  melakukan pengumpulan data kepada 202 responden dengan teknik survei via online kuesioner (google  form). Data diambil dengan metode pengambilan sampel non-probabilistic (convenience sampling). Sampel harus memenuhi kualifikasi sebagai berikut: responden yang beragama Islam dan dalam tiga bulan terakhir pernah membeli makanan  bersertifikasi halal MUI di DKI Jakarta.

Penelitian ini memberikan hasil bahwa health risk, psychological risk dan time-loss risk memiliki pengaruh terhadap kepuasan. Health risk dan psychological risk berpengaruh terhadap kepercayaan. Serta, health risk berpengaruh terhadap intention to recommend. Selanjutnya, kepercayaan pelanggan berpengaruh positif kepada kepuasan dan intention to recommend. Selain itu, kepercayaan juga secara positif mempengaruhi intention to recommend  pelanggan makanan halal studi pada makanan bersertifikasi halal MUI.

The main objective of this paper is to determine the influence of general risk to trust, satisfaction and intention to recommend  of halal food (study of MUI Certified Halal Food). The research design used in this study is a descriptive conclusive research design conducted by single-cross sectional. The researcher collected data from 202 respondents using a survey technique via online questionnaire (google form). Data was collected using  non-probabilistic sampling method (convenience sampling). The sample must meet the following qualifications: respondents who are Muslim and in the last three months who have purchased food that have been certified as MUI halal food in DKI Jakarta.

This study provides results that health risk, psychological risk and time-loss risk have an influence on satisfaction. Health risk and psychological risk have an effect on trust. Also, health risk affects the intention to recommend. Furthermore, customer trust has a positive effect on satisfaction and intention to recommend. In addition, trust also positively affects the intention to recommend customers of halal food, studies on MUI certified halal food.

Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
With recent technological developments, touted also as Industry 4.0, numerous articles published over the years have emphasized the need to investigate the role of technology across all sectors including the halal industry. This book provides a greater understanding of the technologies, trends, and debates associated with the halal industry from different sectors such as food, logistics, pharmaceutical, tourism, medical, cosmetic, and the retail sector. The book adds substantial discussion to the issues and trends of technology applications in the halal industry as well as the theories underpinning halal technology studies. It is in four sections: an overview of the halal industry, selected theories, technology, and recent issues. The contributors explore how technology has evolved and been applied in industry, and also look at how Industry 4.0 technologies like blockchain, Internet of Things (IoT), automation, machine learning, and augmented reality are being integrated in the halal supply chain process. Written by well- regarded scholars and international academics from Africa, Europe, Middle East, and Asia, this book provides expert contributions from research, regulatory, and industry perspectives. This book will interest upper level students, scholars, academics, and practitioners in the various discipline of tourism and travel, hospitality, food studies, marketing, pharmaceutical and medical, logistics, management, Islamic studies and information technology in the halal industry.
London: Routledge, 2023
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rizqika Humaira
Abstrak :
Permintaan akan produk halal terus meningkat, dengan banyaknya kuliner halal di seluruh dunia dan meningkatnya jumlah produsen. Perlu adanya pemahaman makna halal, konotasi keagamaannya, dan persyaratan kesadaran halal untuk menjangkau pasar yang lebih luas. Studi ini meneliti perilaku konsumen Muslim usia kerja di Bali terkait makanan halal, memberikan wawasan tentang tantangan dan motif mereka. Pertanyaan utama yang ingin dijawab adalah apakah faktor-faktor seperti keyakinan, sikap, kontrol perilaku yang dirasakan, norma subjektif, religiusitas, dan keakraban dengan kuliner halal berdampak langsung pada keinginan membeli makanan halal. Selain itu, studi ini meneliti sejauh mana religiusitas dan pengetahuan tentang kuliner halal memengaruhi sikap dan niat membeli makanan halal. Data dikumpulkan melalui survei lintas bagian dengan Google Forms dari Muslim penduduk asli Bali atau yang pernah berkunjung dan membeli makanan halal setahun sebelumnya. Temuan menunjukkan bahwa niat membeli makanan halal dipengaruhi secara signifikan oleh sikap, norma subjektif, kontrol perilaku yang dirasakan, dan kesadaran halal, tetapi tidak oleh agama. Agama memengaruhi persepsi positif tentang kuliner halal, yang mendorong kecenderungan membeli. Penelitian ini menegaskan kapasitas TPB untuk memprediksi perilaku konsumen terkait pembelian makanan halal. Kolaborasi antara pemerintah, media, dan perusahaan dapat meningkatkan kesadaran publik tentang manfaat kesehatan makanan halal, mendorong restoran untuk mendapatkan sertifikasi halal, ......The demand for halal products is growing, evidenced by the global abundance of halal cuisine and the increase in producers. There’s a need to understand halal's meaning, religious connotations, and the necessity of halal awareness to reach a broader market. This study explores the halal food behaviors of working-age Muslim consumers in Bali, focusing on their challenges and motivations. It examines whether beliefs, attitudes, perceived behavioral control, subjective norms, religiosity, and familiarity with halal cuisine directly impact the willingness of Bali's working-age Muslims to purchase halal food, and how religiosity and knowledge of halal cuisine influence attitudes and purchase intentions. The study uses Ajzen's Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) and considers factors like religion and halal knowledge. Data were collected through a cross-sectional survey via Google Forms from Muslims who were Bali natives or visitors who bought halal food. Key findings show that attitude, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control, and halal awareness significantly influence the intention to buy halal food, while religion has no direct significant effect. Religion and understanding of halal food positively influence views on halal cuisine, promoting purchase inclinations. The research suggests that collaboration between the government, media, and companies can enhance public awareness of halal food's health benefits, encourage halal certification for restaurants, and maintain the halal integrity chain.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nur Jihan Atikah
Abstrak :
Skripsi ini meneliti tentang faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi intensi pembelian produk makanan Halal pada Pasar Modern di DKI Jakarta. Penelitian tentang produk makanan Halal telah banyak dilakukan. Namun, faktanya, kesadaran Muslim akan kehalalan produk yang mereka konsumsi di Pakistan masih rendah. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini akan mengidentifikasi faktor kesadaran Halal, persepsi personal-sosial, pemasaran Halal, sertifikasi Halal, dan keyakinan agama terhadap intensi pembelian produk makanan pada pasar modern di DKI Jakarta. Penelitian menggunakan survey melalui self-administrated questionnaire. Analisis dalam penelitian ini menggunakan Structural Equation Model dengan Partial Least Square SEM-PLS . Hasil penelitian ini memiliki kesamaan dengan jurnal acuan di mana semua variabel berpengaruh terhadap intensi pembelian produk makanan Halal, kecuali kesadaran Halal responden yang berbelanja di pasar modern wilayah DKI Jakarta tidak mempengaruhi intensi pembelian. ...... This research identifies factors that affecting intention to purchase Halal food product at Modern Retailers in DKI Jakarta. There have been many researches in conducting Halal products. However, in fact, halal awareness of the Muslims themselves doesn't affect intention to purchase of what they consume. Therefore, this research will exhibit five indicators Halal Awareness, Personal Societal Perception, Halal Marketing, Halal Certification, and Religious Belief toward intention to purchase Halal food product. Survey through self administrated questionnare is used to collect the data and analysis using Structural Equation Model with Partial Least Square SEM PLS. This research has the similar results as the research that has been conducted before in Pakistan where all the variables influences intention to purchase Halal Food Product at Modern Retailers in DKI Jakarta, except the respondents'Halal Awareness of this research is still has no significant influence toward purchase.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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