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Salman Mauluddin Idris
Abstrak :
Indonesia merupakan negara dengan penduduk muslim terbanyak di dunia dan pengirim jemaah haji terbanyak ke Arab Saudi. Minat penduduk muslim Indonesia berhaji sangat tinggi mengakibatkan masa tunggu keberangkatan yang sangat panjang. Lamanya masa tunggu mempengaruhi kesiapan dan kemampuan jemaah haji, termasuk status kesehatannya. Jemaah haji yang berangkat ke Arab Saudi dengan risti penyakit dan usia lanjut berpotensi menimbulkan permasalahan kesehatan selama menunaikan ibadah haji. Kebijakan Istithaah Kesehatan Haji merupakan upaya untuk melakukan filterisasi kesehatan bagi Jemaah sebelum berangkat agar dapat menunaikan ibadah haji dalam keadaan sehat dan mandiri. Istithaah kesehatan ditetapkan saat pemeriksaan kesehatan tahap kedua, satu tahun sampai tiga bulan sebelum keberangkatan ke Arab Saudi. Implementasi kebijakan tidak terlepas dari tantangan dan kendala di lapangan, sehingga perlu dilakukan revisi dan simplifikasi agar tujuan kebijakan menjaga kesehatan jemaah haji sebelum berhaji dapat tercapai dengan baik. Oleh karena itu menarik untuk dilakukan Policy Review terhadap kebijakan istithaah kesehatan haji yang ada, untuk menghasilkan rekomendasi terhadap kebijakan istithaah kesehatan haji yang sedang direvisi dan disimplifikasi. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan pendekatan kualititatif dengan metode wawancara mendalam terhadap informan kunci serta telaah dokumen. Segitiga kebijakan Walt dan Gilson digunakan untuk melakukan review terhadap kebijakan istithaah kesehatan haji dengan melihat dimensi aktor, konten, konteks dan proses dalam penyusunan sampai implementasi kebijakan ini. Kesimpulan hasil review menunjukkan kebijakan telah dilaksanakan dengan baik dari pusat sampai ke daerah, tetapi perlu pengembangan dan revisi terkait pemeriksaan kesehatan dan penentuan status Istihaah Kesehatan. Keterlibatan aktor Pusat dan Daerah dengan kewenangan/perannya berjalan sinergis dan responsif terhadap permasalahan yang ada. Harmonisasi kebijakan selaras dengan peraturan yang lebih tinggi dan sinergis dengan kebijakan dari Kementerian Agama terkait penyelenggaraan haji. Revisi dan simplifikasi terhadap substansi kebijakan berdasarkan hasil diskusi dan saran dari stakeholder digunakan sebagai masukan dalam membuat penyempurnaan konten kebijakan istithaah kesehatan haji. Secara konteks, faktor yang mempengaruhi pengembangan dan implementasi kebijakan istithaah kesehatan adalah faktor situasional terkait kondisi internal Jemaah, yaitu tingginya angka risti kesehatan dan usia lanjut pada jemaah haji, serta kondisi eksternal yaitu kebijakan pelaksanaan ibadah haji Arab Saudi sebagai respon dari kondisi kesehatan masyarakat internasional yang berpengaruh terhadap pelaksanaan ibadah haji. Faktor struktural yaitu belum adanya struktur organisasi yang menangani program kesehatan haji di Dinkes Provinsi dan Kab/Kota, sehingga penyelenggaraan kesehatan haji belum terkelola dengan baik. Proses Birokratisasi melibatkan stakeholder terkait dalam penyusunan sampai penerapan kebijakan, tidak terbatas pada pemerintah tetapi juga masyarakat dan keagamaan agar kebijakan yang disusun sesuai dengan syariat Islam. Monitoring dan evaluasi dilaksanakan untuk menganalisis apakah kebijakan berjalan dengan baik serta kepentingan pengembangan kebijakan selanjutnya. Penelitian merekomendasikan untuk melakukan revisi dan simplifikasi terhadap substansi Kebijakan Istithaah Kesehatan Haji, kemudian perlu pembahasan untuk mitigasi kondisi kesehatan khusus yang mempengaruhi penyelenggaraan haji. Selain itu perlu peningkatan kerjasama terkait pertukaran dan pemanfaatan data jemaah antara Kemenag dengan Kemenkes serta Dinkes Provinsi dan Kab/Kota, sosialisasi Istithaah kesehatan haji dalam materi edukasi kesehatan pada manasik haji di Kabupaten/Kota, serta diperlukan struktur organisasi untuk menjalankan program kesehatan haji di Dinkes Provinsi dan Kab/Kota, sehingga jemaah haji dapat mencapai kondisi istithaah kesehatan sebelum berangkat menunaikan ibadah haji di Arab Saudi. ......Indonesia is a country with the largest Muslim population in the world and sends the most pilgrims to Saudi Arabia. The interest of the Indonesian Muslim population for hajj is very high resulting in a very long waiting period for departure. The length of the waiting period affects the readiness and ability of the pilgrims, including their health status. Pilgrims who leave for Saudi Arabia with a history of illness and old age have the potential to cause health problems during the pilgrimage. The Istithaah Hajj Health Policy is an effort to carry out health screening for pilgrims before departure so that they can perform the Hajj in a healthy and independent condition. Health istithaah is determined during the second phase of the medical examination, one year to three months before departure to Saudi Arabia. Policy implementation is inseparable from challenges and obstacles in the field, so it is necessary to revise and simplify the policy, so that the policy objectives of maintaining the health of pilgrims before pilgrimage can be achieved properly. Therefore, it is interesting to carry out a Policy Review of the existing Hajj health istithaah policies, to produce recommendations for the Hajj health istithaah policies which are being revised and simplified. This research was conducted using a qualitative approach using in-depth interviews with key informants and document analysis. Walt and Gilson's policy triangle is used to review the Hajj health istithaah policy by looking at the dimensions of actors, content, context, and process in the preparation to implementation of this policy. The conclusion of the review results shows that the policy has been implemented well from the center to the regions government, but it needs development and revision related to medical examination and determining the status of Health Istihaah. The involvement of central and regional actors with their authority/role is synergistic and responsive to existing problems. Policy harmonization is in line with higher regulations and synergistic with policies from the Ministry of Religion regarding the implementation of Hajj. Revision and simplification of the substance of the policy based on the results of discussions and suggestions from stakeholders are used as input in making improvements to the content of the Hajj health istithaah policy. In context, the factors that influence the development and implementation of health istithaah policies are situational factors related to the internal conditions of the pilgrims, like the high number of health high risk and old age among pilgrims, as well as external conditions, specifically the policy of pilgrimage by Saudi Arabia Kingdom, as a response to the health situation of the international community that influence for the pilgrimage. Structural factors such as the absence of an organizational structure that handles the Hajj health program at the Provincial and District/City Health Offices, that impact the implementation of Hajj health is not well managed. The bureaucratization process involves relevant stakeholders in the formulation and implementation of policies, not limited to the government but also the community and religion so that the policies prepared are in accordance with Islamic law. Monitoring and evaluation is carried out to analyze whether the policy is running well and the interests of further policy development. The research recommends revising and simplifying the substance of the Hajj Health Istithaah Policy, then discussing the mitigation of special health conditions that affect the implementation of the Hajj. In addition, it is necessary to increase cooperation regarding the exchange and utilization of pilgrims data between the Ministry of Religion and the Ministry of Health as well as Provincial and District/City Health Offices, socialization of Hajj health Istithaah in health education materials on Hajj rituals in Regencies/Cities, and an organizational structure is needed to run the Hajj health program at the Health Office Provinces and Regencies/Cities, so that pilgrims can reach a state of health istithaah before leaving to perform the pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Losita Dewi
Abstrak :
Haji merupakan ibadah yang dilakukan satu kali dalam setahun oleh umat Islam. Kementerian Agama mengalokasikan kuota haji untuk setiap propinsi dengan mempertimbangkan proporsi jumlah penduduk yang beragama Islam pada masing-masing propinsi tersebut1. Pertanyaan yang muncul adalah apakah sistem yang ada saat ini bisa diterima atau tidak, ketika faktor sosial ekonomi ikut dipertimbangkan dalam penentuan kuota haji. Untuk itu, saya menerapkan Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), sebuah metode pengambilan keputusan yang menggunakan banyak kriteria di mana faktor-faktor tersebut disusun dalam suatu hirarki (Saaty, 1990).

Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kriteria yang paling berpengaruh untuk menentukan bobot kuota haji adalah jumlah pendaftar haji kumulatif. Saya juga menemukan bahwa waktu tunggu haji bagi masyarakat yang ingin melaksanakan ibadah haji, dalam penelitian ini menghasilkan rata-rata waktu tunggu haji yang lebih rendah, nilai waktu tunggu haji maksimum dan varians yang lebih kecil, dan selisih waktu tunggu haji yang lebih pendek. Oleh karena itu, sebuah pendekatan baru untuk menentukan kuota haji yang diajukan pada penelitian ini dapat membantu dalam penetuan kuota haji yang lebih adil dan proporsional. Selain itu, hal ini dapat menghasilkan perbaikan dalam penyusunan kebijakan haji, dan karenanya, mencapai hasil yang lebih baik untuk pelaksanaan haji di masa depan
The Hajj is the annual Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca. Because of limited capability, the Ministry of Religious Affairs allocates the quota for every province by considering the proportion of Muslims in that province2. The question is whether the current system is plausible or not, when the socio-economic considerations taken into account. To do so, I apply the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), a multi-criteria decision-making approach in which factors are arranged in a hierarchic structure (Saaty, 1990).

In this thesis, the result shows that the most influential criterion for determining the hajj quota?s weight is the number of cumulative registrant. I also find that the calculated hajj waiting time for people who want to do hajj yields a lower average, smaller maximum value and variance, and a narrower hajj waiting time gap. Therefore, the new approach proposed in this research can help make the hajj quota allocation fairer and more proportional. In addition, it may lead to an improvement in the hajj policy, and hence, achieve better results for implementation of hajj in the future.;The Hajj is the annual Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca. Because of limited capability, the Ministry of Religious Affairs allocates the quota for every province by considering the proportion of Muslims in that province2. The question is whether the current system is plausible or not, when the socio-economic considerations taken into account. To do so, I apply the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), a multi-criteria decision-making approach in which factors are arranged in a hierarchic structure (Saaty, 1990). In this thesis, the result shows that the most influential criterion for determining the hajj quota?s weight is the number of cumulative registrant. I also find that the calculated hajj waiting time for people who want to do hajj yields a lower average, smaller maximum value and variance, and a narrower hajj waiting time gap. Therefore, the new approach proposed in this research can help make the hajj quota allocation fairer and more proportional. In addition, it may lead to an improvement in the hajj policy, and hence, achieve better results for implementation of hajj in the future.;The Hajj is the annual Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca. Because of limited capability, the Ministry of Religious Affairs allocates the quota for every province by considering the proportion of Muslims in that province2. The question is whether the current system is plausible or not, when the socio-economic considerations taken into account. To do so, I apply the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), a multi-criteria decision-making approach in which factors are arranged in a hierarchic structure (Saaty, 1990). In this thesis, the result shows that the most influential criterion for determining the hajj quota’s weight is the number of cumulative registrant. I also find that the calculated hajj waiting time for people who want to do hajj yields a lower average, smaller maximum value and variance, and a narrower hajj waiting time gap. Therefore, the new approach proposed in this research can help make the hajj quota allocation fairer and more proportional. In addition, it may lead to an improvement in the hajj policy, and hence, achieve better results for implementation of hajj in the future.;The Hajj is the annual Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca. Because of limited capability, the Ministry of Religious Affairs allocates the quota for every province by considering the proportion of Muslims in that province2. The question is whether the current system is plausible or not, when the socio-economic considerations taken into account. To do so, I apply the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), a multi-criteria decision-making approach in which factors are arranged in a hierarchic structure (Saaty, 1990). In this thesis, the result shows that the most influential criterion for determining the hajj quota’s weight is the number of cumulative registrant. I also find that the calculated hajj waiting time for people who want to do hajj yields a lower average, smaller maximum value and variance, and a narrower hajj waiting time gap. Therefore, the new approach proposed in this research can help make the hajj quota allocation fairer and more proportional. In addition, it may lead to an improvement in the hajj policy, and hence, achieve better results for implementation of hajj in the future.;The Hajj is the annual Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca. Because of limited capability, the Ministry of Religious Affairs allocates the quota for every province by considering the proportion of Muslims in that province2. The question is whether the current system is plausible or not, when the socio-economic considerations taken into account. To do so, I apply the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), a multi-criteria decision-making approach in which factors are arranged in a hierarchic structure (Saaty, 1990). In this thesis, the result shows that the most influential criterion for determining the hajj quota’s weight is the number of cumulative registrant. I also find that the calculated hajj waiting time for people who want to do hajj yields a lower average, smaller maximum value and variance, and a narrower hajj waiting time gap. Therefore, the new approach proposed in this research can help make the hajj quota allocation fairer and more proportional. In addition, it may lead to an improvement in the hajj policy, and hence, achieve better results for implementation of hajj in the future., The Hajj is the annual Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca. Because of limited capability, the Ministry of Religious Affairs allocates the quota for every province by considering the proportion of Muslims in that province2. The question is whether the current system is plausible or not, when the socio-economic considerations taken into account. To do so, I apply the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), a multi-criteria decision-making approach in which factors are arranged in a hierarchic structure (Saaty, 1990). In this thesis, the result shows that the most influential criterion for determining the hajj quota’s weight is the number of cumulative registrant. I also find that the calculated hajj waiting time for people who want to do hajj yields a lower average, smaller maximum value and variance, and a narrower hajj waiting time gap. Therefore, the new approach proposed in this research can help make the hajj quota allocation fairer and more proportional. In addition, it may lead to an improvement in the hajj policy, and hence, achieve better results for implementation of hajj in the future.]
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library