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Ditemukan 35 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Salmi Hayati
"Penggunaan timbal dan tembaga pada kosmetik mempunyai resiko yang cukup besar apabila dikonsumsi secara langsung. Efek toksik yang ditimbulkan di antaranya reaksi toksik topikal pada kulit dan kepala, kerusakan pada jaringan rambut, gangguan penyakit kulit seperti gatal-gatal, nyeri, dermatitis serta dapat juga menimbulkan keracunan sistemik (peradangan dan kerusakan organ ginjal dan hati, demam , gangguan syaraf). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa kandungan timbal dan tembaga dalam pewarna rambut serta rambut pemakai pewarna rambut. Sampel pewarna rambut di destruksi dengan asam nitrat 65% dan asam perklorat 60% menggunakan lempeng pemanas (hot plate) pada suhu 100°C. Larutan hasil destruksi dianalisis menggunakan spektrofotometer serapan atom. Sampel rambut dikeringkan dalam oven pada suhu 500C kemudian dilakukan destruksi basah dengan asam nitrat 65% dan asam perklorat 60% menggunakan lempeng pemanas (hot plate) pada suhu 1000C. Larutan hasil destruksi di analisis menggunakan spektrofotometer serapan atom.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kadar timbal dan tembaga dalam pewarna rambut merek A dan B masih dalam batas kadar yang diizinkan berdasarkan Surat Keputusan Menteri Kesehatan RI No 376/MenKes/Per/VIII/1990 sebesar 2% dan berdasarkan Food Drugs Administration, maksimum kadar timbal asetat sebesar 0,6% w/v dan kadar tembaga sebesar kurang dari 0,6% w/v. Rata-rata kadar timbal dalam rambut pemakai pewarna rambut merek A dan B masih dalam batas normal yakni sebesar kurang dari 12,00 mg/kg. Pada rambut pemakai pewarna rambut merek A dan B kadar tembaga telah melebihi batas normal yakni sebesar lebih dari 2,30 mg/kg.

The use of lead and copper in cosmetics have more high risk if consumed directly. Toxic effects including toxic reaction to topical on the skin and head, damage to the hair tissue, skin disorders such as itching, pain, dermatitis and may also cause systemic toxicity (inflammation and organ damage to kidneys and liver, fever, neurological disorders). This study aims to analysis the content of lead and copper in hair and hair of hair dye users. Samples of hair dyes destructed with 65% nitric acid and perchloric acid 60% using hot plate at a temperature of 100oC. After phase of destruction, it was analyzed by atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Hair samples were dried in an oven at a temperature of 50oC and then destructed with 65% nitric acid and perchloric acid 60% using hot plate at a temperature of 100°C. After phase of destruction, it was analyzed by atomic absorption spectrophotometer.
Results showed levels of lead and copper in hair dye brand A and B are still within levels permitted by the Minister of Health Decree No. 376/MenKes/Per/VIII/1990 of 2% and according to the Food and Drugs Administration, the maximum levels of the lead is 0,6% w/v and levels copper metal is less than 0,6% w/v. The average lead content in hair of hair dyes users brand A and B are still within the normal range which is less than 12,00 mg/kg, while the copper content in hair of the hair dye users has exceeded the normal limit of copper content in hair which is more than 2,30 mg/kg."
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Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
London: Hermes House, 2003
646.724 HAI
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Heinerman, John
"Heinerman "reveals the wellness-enhancing properties of scores of vitamins and minerals, points you toward their best food sources, and gives you easy preparation tips and recipes." Includes information on hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen"
New York: Prentice Hall, Paramus, N.J., 1998
613.286 HEI h
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
Romanowski, Perry
"The average American spends approximately $588 on personal care products each year. People would like to know whether these expensive items work and whether they are safe to use. Cosmetic chemist Romanowski and the creators of thebeautybrains.com have compiled the most frequently asked questions from that website along with information about the history of cosmetics, how they work, and how cosmetic companies advertise. The Q&A format offers brief explanations with basic information about topics such as how hair dyes work, why lip balm seems to be addictive, and the pros and cons of products with fragrance. The authors include a list of other useful websites for further information, an explanation of cosmetic labels and how to read them, and references for each chapter."
Canada: Brains Publishing, 2011
646.72 ROM c
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Khesia Ghassani Nusmara
"Daun tanaman pare (Momordica charanthia L.) secara tradisional digunakan untuk meningkatkan pertumbuhan rambut. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah membuat sediaan hair tonic yang mengandung ekstrak etanol daun pare dan menguji aktivitasnya terhadap pertumbuhan rambut serta stabilitas fisik dari sediaan hair tonic. Hair tonic dibuat dengan kandungan ekstrak daun pare pada konsentrasi berbeda yaitu 1%, 2% dan 4%. Sediaan ini diaplikasikan pada kulit tikus secara topikal dan panjang rambut diukur pada hari ke-7, 14 dan 21 sedangkan bobot rambut diukur pada hari ke 21. Hair tonic minoksidil digunakan sebagai kontrol positif.
Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa formula terbaik yang dapat meningkatkan pertumbuhan rambut adalah formula yang mengandung 4% ekstrak etanol daun pare. Aktivitas peningkatan pertumbuhan rambut pada formula ini tidak berbeda bermakna dengan kontrol positif minoksidil. Sediaan hair tonic yang mengandung ekstrak daun pare 1%, 2% dan 4% menunjukkan kestabilan fisik yang baik pada penyimpanan suhu kamar dan suhu tinggi. Pada penyimpanan suhu rendah terlihat adanya ketidakhomogenan hair tonic formula 3 yang mengandung ekstrak daun pare sebesar 4%.

Leaves of bitter melon (Momordica charanthia L.) are traditionally used to promote hair growth. This research was carried out to formulate hair tonic dosage form which contain ethanolic extract of bitter melon leaves and evaluate its hair growth-promoting activity and physical stability of hair tonic dosage forms. Hair tonics were made using bitter melon extract in various concentration, which are 1%, 2% and 4%. These dosage forms were applied topically on rats skin and the length of hairs were measured on 7th, 14th and 21th day while the weight of hairs were measured on 21th day. Minoxidil hair tonic used as positive control.
The results showed that the best formulation for promoting hair growth was given by the formulation which contains 4% ethanolic extract of bitter melon leaves. The hair growth-promoting activity of these formulation was not significantly different to minoxidil hair tonic. Hair tonic dosage forms which contain bitter melon leaves extract 1%, 2% and 4% showed a good physical stability at room temperature and high temperature storage. There was any irregularities in the hair tonic which contains extract of bitter melon leaves by 4% at low temperature (4 °C ± 2 °C ).
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Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bickley, Lynn S.
"Bates' Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking is designed for medical, physician assistant, nurse practitioner, and other students who are learning to interview patients, perform their physical examination, and apply clinical reasoning and shared decision making to their assessment and plan, based on a sound understanding of clinical evidence. The twelfth edition has many new features to facilitate student learning. As with previous editions, these changes spring from three sources: the feedback and reviews of students, teachers, and faculty; our commitment to making the book easier to read and more efficient to use; and the abundant new evidence that supports the techniques of examination, interviewing, and health promotion. Throughout the twelfth edition, we emphasize common or important problems rather than the rare or esoteric, though at times we include unusual findings that are classic or life threatening. We encourage students to study the strong evidence base that informs each chapter and to carefully review the clinical guidelines and citations from the health care literature"
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Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer, 2017
616.075 4 BIC b
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Peppy Fourina
"Latar belakang: Indonesia adalah negara dengan jumlah penduduk muslim yang besar.
Hijab dipakai oleh banyak wanita di Indonesia, sedangkan hijab berpotensi mengurangi
serapan sinar matahari di kulit yang memengaruhi sintesis vitamin D. Beberapa
penelitian telah mengaitkan defisiensi kadar 25-hydroxyvitamin D serum dengan
kerontokan rambut, tetapi tidak pernah dilakukan pada kelompok perempuan berhijab.
Tujuan: Mengetahui hubungan kadar 25-hydroxyvitamin D serum dengan kerontokan
rambut pada perempuan dewasa usia subur berhijab (H) dan tidak berhijab (TH).
Metode: Penelitian potong lintang ini dilakukan sepanjang bulan November 2019
hingga Maret 2020. Data terkait pemakaian hijab, kerontokan rambut, skor pajanan
sinar matahari, jumlah rambut rontok harian, hair pull test, dan kadar 25-
hydroxyvitamin D serum dievaluasi pada masing-masing 30 subjek berhijab dan tidak
berhijab yang tidak menderita penyakit sistemik maupun kejiwaan.
Hasil: Median kadar 25-hydroxyvitamin D serum pada kelompok H adalah 8,70 (6,13-
34,10) ng/mL dan mean kadarnya pada kelompok TH adalah 16,70 6,30 ng/mL.
Median jumlah rambut rontok harian pada kelompok H adalah 28,62 (3,00-118,50) helai
dan pada kelompok TH adalah 18,25 (3,50-134,50) helai. Berdasarkan uji korelasi
Spearman, didapatkan koefisien korelasi r = -0,190 pada kelompok H (p = 0,315), dan r
= 0,193 pada kelompok TH (p = 0,308).
Kesimpulan: Tidak terdapat hubungan kadar 25-hydroxyvitamin D serum dengan
kerontokan rambut baik pada perempuan dewasa usia subur berhijab maupun tidak

Background: Indonesia has a large muslim population. As hijab is considered
compulsory for most, wearing it may potentially reduce skin absorption of sunlight
which plays important role in vitamin D synthesis. Several studies had described
significant correlation between serum 25-hyroxyvitamin D level and hair loss, but never
specifically conducted in hijab wearing women.
Objective: To assess the correlation between serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D level and
hair loss in adult childbearing-age women who wear (H) and do not wear hijab (NH).
Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted from November 2019 to March
2020. Data concerning hijab use, hair loss, sun exposure score, daily hair loss, hair pull
test, and serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D level were evaluated in 30 subjects of each group.
Results: The median level of serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D in the H group was 8,70
(6,13-34,10) ng/mL while the mean serum level in the NH group was 16,70 6,30
ng/mL. The median number of daily hair loss in the wearing hijab group was 28,62
(3,00-118,50) and in the not-wearing hijab group was 18,25 (3,50-134,50). Based on
Spearman’s correlation test, r = -0,190 in the H group (p = 0,315) and r = 0,193 in the
NH group (p = 0,308).
Conclusion: There was no significant correlation between serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D
level and hair loss in both groups.
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Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Leonie Di Karachi
Pewarnaan rambut untuk mengubah atau menambahkan warna selain warna asli rambut yang hitam, kini dapat dilihat dilakukan oleh sebagian masyarakat Indonesia. Pewarnaan rambut, sebagai bagian dari penampilan atau bentuk visual seseorang, adalah bagian dari komunikasi non verbal orang tersebut. Komunikasi manusia adalah hal yang kompleks, melibatkan penyampaian pesan dari individu kepada dirinya sendiri, kepada individu lain, maupun kepada khalayak. Makalah ini mengkaji pewarnaan rambut pada dimensi self yaitu diri individu yang mewarnai rambutnya. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk melihat bagaimana tindakan pewarnaan rambut berfungsi sebagai media komunikasi dan pengembangan diri individu. Kajian dilakukan melalui analisis data primer yang diperoleh dari wawancara kepada individu pelaku pewarnaan rambut menggunakan konsep konsep dari literatur. Hasilnya, pewarnaan rambut melibatkan berbagai aspek dalam diri individu. Berawal dari keinginan dan tujuannya, dipengaruhi oleh konsep diri yang dibentuk oleh lingkungan sosial dan budaya serta pemahaman pribadi individu. Kemudian memperoleh tanggapan dari orang lain, dan membentuk kembali konsep diri individu pelaku pewarnaan rambut. Lebih dalam dari itu semua, pewarnaan rambut juga dapat menjadi langkah aktualisasi diri individu, yaitu suatu tindakan menuju posisi maksimal diri individu yang sesungguhnya.

Hair coloring as an action to change or adding more to the natural black color of one s hair, now can be seen in some of Indonesian people. Hair coloring which is a part of personal appearance or a visual form of a person is included as the person s non verbal communication. Human communication is a complex practice, it involves sending or transmitting message from one person to his/her own self, to another person, or to the audience. This paper examines hair coloring in the self dimension of the person doing it. This writing intended to look at how hair coloring functioned as a media for one s communication and self improvement. The examination be done through analyzing data collected through interview to some people who colored their hair with the literatures. The result is, hair coloring involves many aspects of the self. Starting from the person s desire and goal, affected by his/her self concept which formed by the social and cultural environment and the person s own understanding. Then, obtaining other s response, might increase self esteem and reform the self concept of the doer. Deeper than all of that, hair coloring can also be a person s step toward his/her self actualization.
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Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Victor R. Preedy, editor
"This handbook provides an academic approach to hair in health and disease. Divided into five sections the Handbook of Hair in Health and Disease provides an insight into hair growth and loss, molecular and cellular biology of hair, dietary toxicity and pathological history, diseases and treatments of hair, as well as shampoos and conditioners. Unique features of each chapter in this volume include relevant and useful 'Key facts' which highlight interesting or important findings of the specific subjects and 'Summary points' that will give a clear overview of the subjects treated in each chapter."
Netherlands: [, Wageningen Academic], 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Robbins, Clarence R.
"Human hair is the subject of a remarkably wide range of scientific investigations. Its chemical and physical properties are of importance to the cosmetics industry, forensic scientists and to biomedical researchers. The fifth edition of this book confirms its position as the definitive monograph on the subject. "
Berlin: [, Springer], 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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