"Latar Belakang : Praktik kedokteran gigi ternyata memberikan dampak buruk bagi lingkungan sekitar. Saat ini sudah ada konsep praktik kedokteran gigi yang lebih ramah lingkungan yaitu green dentistry. Belum terdapat studi yang memberikan gambaran faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kesediaan dokter gigi di Jakarta untuk mengadopsi konsep green dentistry. Tujuan : Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kesediaan dokter gigi di Jakarta dalam mengadopsi konsep green dentistry dalam praktik sehari-hari. Metode : Penelitian ini merupakan studi cross sectional menggunakan teknik proportional quota sampling. Dokter gigi dari 5 wilayah di DKI Jakarta berpartisipasi dalam penelitian ini. Peneliti menggunakan kuesioner penelitian yang terbagi menjadi beberapa domain yaitu kesediaan, kategori pengadopsi, pengetahuan, sikap, praktik, serta faktor adopsi inovasi. Hubungan antarvariabel dianalisis menggunakan uji beda proporsi chi square, continuity correction test, fisher’s exact test serta uji korelasi spearman’s rho dan kendall’s tau b pada perangkat lunak IBM SPSS Statistik. Hasil Penelitian : Jumlah responden penelitian ini mencapai 210 dokter gigi di Jakarta. Terdapat 54,3% responden yang belum pernah mendengar istilah green dentistry dan hanya 2,9% yang sudah mengikuti pelatihan. Berdasarkan kategorisasi dokter gigi di Jakarta menurut teori difusi inovasi, terdapat 1% kelompok inovator, 28% pengadopsi awal, 44,3% mayoritas awal, 20,5% mayoritas akhir, dan 6.2% laggards. 75.2% dokter gigi telah memiliki pengetahuan yang tinggi, 54,3% sikap positif, dan 35,7% responden cukup mempraktikkan konsep green dentistry. Kesimpulan : Tidak ada hubungan karakteristik responden dengan kesediaan kecuali persepsi (mendengar istilah). Tidak ada hubungan antara tingkat pengetahuan, praktik, dan faktor adopsi inovasi dengan kesediaan. Terdapat hubungan antara kategori pengadopsi dan sikap dengan kesediaan. Terdapat hubungan antara faktor pengaruh adopsi inovasi dengan praktik serta hubungan antara pengetahuan, sikap, dan praktik dokter gigi di Jakarta tentang konsep green dentistry.
Backgrounds: Dental practice has a negative impact on the surrounding environment. Currently, there is a concept of dental practice that is more environmentally friendly, namely green dentistry. There are no studies that provide an overview of the factors affecting willingness of dentists in Jakarta to adopt the concept of green dentistry. Objective: This study aims to describe the factors affecting willingness of dentists in Jakarta to adopt the concept of green dentistry in daily practice. Methods: This research is a cross sectional study using proportional quota sampling technique. Dentists from 5 regions in DKI Jakarta participated in this study. Researcher used a research questionnaire which was divided into several domains, namely willingness, adopter categories, knowledge, attitudes, practices, and innovation adoption factors. The relationship between variables was analyzed using the chi square difference test, continuity correction test, fisher's exact test and spearman's rho and kendall's tau b correlation tests on IBM SPSS Statistics software. Results: The number of respondents in this study reached 210 dentists in Jakarta. There were 54.3% of respondents who had never heard the term green dentistry and only 2.9% who had attended training. Based on the categorization of dentists in Jakarta according to the theory of diffusion of innovation, there are 1% innovator group, 28% early adopters, 44.3% early majority, 20.5% late majority, and 6.2% laggards. 75.2% of dentists already have high knowledge of dentistry, 54.3% had a positive attitude, and 35.7% of respondents moderately practiced the concept of green dentistry. Conclusion: There is no relationship between respondent characteristics and willingness except perception (hearing the term). There is no relationship between the level of knowledge, practice, and innovation adoption factors with willingness. There is a relationship between adopter category and attitude with willingness. There is a relationship between the innovation adoption factors and practice and there is relationship between knowledge, attitude, and practice of dentists in Jakarta about the concept of green dentistry."