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Dyah Rahmawati
Abstrak :
Cacat tulang dapat terjadi dari berbagai macam penyebab seperti infeksi, tumor, trauma, pembedahan, etiologi bawaan/kongenital dan seterusnya. Bone graft digunakan untuk merawat kerusakan tulang tersebut. Di Indonesia bone graft berbasis Xenograft banyak digunakan, namun sayangnya kurang di resorbsi sehingga tulang yang terbentuk kurang optimal. Oleh karena itu perlu pengembangan kandidat material alternatif bone graft untuk bidang kedokteran gigi. Monetite diprediksi memiliki kemampuan mudah diresorbsi dan membentuk tulang dengan baik. Kelarutan berkaitan erat dengan kemampuan suatu material untuk diresorbsi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah membuat granul monetite dengan menggunakan gipsum sebagai prekursor dengan metode hidrotermal, kemudian membandingkan kelarutan monetite hasil sintesis, dengan granul hidroksiapatit non-sinter (prototipe) dan granul xenograft hidroksiapatit komersial (Bio HA, BATAN). Perubahan fasa granul dianalisis menggunakan metode difraksi sinar-X (XRD). Analisis kelarutan dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry (AAS) dengan menggunakan larutan buffer asetat dan larutan buffer tris sebagai larutan simulasi. Selanjutnya, pengamatan mikrostruktur dan komposisi elemen menggunakan metode SEM-EDX. Hasil analisis XRD menunjukkan bahwa gipsum sudah berubah menjadi monetite pada suhu 100°C,125°C,150°C selama 24 jam. Impuritas ditemukan pada hasil sintesis suhu 100°C, sehingga granul hasil sintesis suhu 125°C digunakkan untuk pengujian kelarutan. Granul monetite memiliki kelarutan pada buffer asetat sebesar 92,70 mg/L dan pada buffer tris sebesar 11,16 mg/L. Granul xenograft memiliki kelarutan pada buffer asetat 15,94 mg/L dan pada buffer tris sebesar 5,02 mg/L. Sedangkan untuk granul HA non sinter memiliki kelarutan pada buffer asetat 189,1 mg/L dan pada buffer tris sebesar 150,04 mg/L. Hasil uji kelarutan menunjukkan granul monetite dan HA non sinter memiliki potensi diresorbsi oleh osteoklas lebih baik dari xenograft. Namun granul HA non sinter juga memiliki kelarutan yang tinggi pada larutan buffer tris (13 kali kelarutan monetite) sehingga kemungkinan akan cepat terlarut oleh cairan tubuh ketika nanti diimplankan dibandingkan dengan granul monetite. Berdasarkan hasil karakterisasi XRD dan pengujian kelarutan, granul monetite dapat dibuat dengan metode hidrotermal dan memiliki potensi kemampuan diresorbsi dan pembentukan tulang paling baik bila dibandingkan dengan granul kontrol. ......Bone defects can occur from various causes such as infection, tumor, trauma, surgery, congenital/congenital etiology and so on. Bone graft is used to treat the damaged bone. In Indonesia, Xenograft bone grafts are widely used, but unfortunately their low resorption hinder bone formation. Therefore, it is necessary to develop an alternative bone graft materials for dentistry. Monetite is predicted to have the ability to be easily resorbed and form a new bone. Solubility is closely related to bone graft degradability. The purpose of this study was to make monetite granules using gypsum as a precursor through hydrothermal method, then to compare the solubility of the synthesized monetite with non-sintered hydroxyapatite granules (prototype) and commercial hydroxyapatite xenograft granules (Bio HA, BATAN). The granules were characterized using X-ray diffraction (XRD) method. Solubility measurement was carried out using the Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry (AAS) method in acetate buffer solution and tris buffer solution. Furthermore, the observation of the microstructure and elemental composition were done using the SEM-EDX method. The results of XRD analysis showed that the gypsum was into monetite at a temperature of 100°C, 125°C, 150°C for 24 hours. Impurities were found in the synthesis at 100°C, thus granules obtained at 125°C were used for further analysis. Monetite granules have a solubility of 92.70 mg/L in acetate buffer and 11.16 mg/L in tris buffer. Xenograft granules have a solubility of 15.94 mg/L in acetate buffer and 5.02 mg/L in tris buffer. As for the non-sintered HA granules, the solubility in acetate buffer is 189.1 mg/L and in tris buffer is 150.04 mg/L. The results of the solubility test showed that monetite granules and non-sintered HA had better potential for osteoclast resorption than xenografts. However, non-sintered HA granules also have high solubility in tris buffer solution (13 times the solubility of monetite) so they are likely to be quickly dissolved by body fluids when implanted later than monetite granules. Based on the results of XRD characterization and solubility testing, monetite granules can be prepared using the hydrothermal method and have the best potential for resorption and bone formation compared to control granules.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Christina Calista
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang: Periodontitis merupakan penyakit inflamasi pada jaringan pendukung gigi dan angka penyakit ini bertambah setiap tahunnya di Inonesia. Pada terapi periodontal regeneratif, graft tulang digunakan untuk menggantikan jaringan tulang yang hilang dan memiliki berbagai sumber. Setiap jenis memiliki kelebihan dan keterbatasannya, pemilihan bergantung pada faktor tertentu. Literatur tentang persepsi dan preferensi pasien dalam pemilihan bahan graft tulang sudah banyak ditemukan, tetapi survei mengenai evaluasi klinis serta preferensi pemakaian graft tulang menurut dokter gigi terbatas, khususnya di Indonesia. Tujuan: Mengetahui tingkat pengetahuan, persepsi dan preferensi Dokter Gigi Spesialis Periodonsia dan mahasiswa Peserta Program Dokter Gigi Spesialis (PPDGS) Periodonsia di Indonesia dalam penggunaan graft tulang pada terapi regeneratif periodontal. Metode: Penelitian dilakukan menggunakan kuisioner via Google Form dengan desain penelitian deskriptif dan observasional dengan metode cross-sectional. Hasil: Seluruh responden memiliki pengetahuan dan preferensi yang beragam terkait penggunaan graft tulang pada terapi regeneratif periodontal. Oral Hygiene dan gambaran radiografis merupakan parameter yang harus dievaluasi sebelum prosedur regeneratif. Jenis graft tulang xenograft paling banyak dipilih karena hasil, biokompatibilitas, dan bioaktivitas material yang baik. Biaya merupakan alasan tidak digunakannya graft tulang. Graft tulang seringkali dikombinasikan dengan Teknik GTR dan membran, dan bentuk granul adalah sediaan yang paling sering digunakan. Graft tulang paling sering digunakan pada kasus periodontitis dengan kehilangan tulang vertikal diikuti pemasangan implan. Kesimpulan : Xenograft menjadi bahan graft tulang yang paling banyak dipakai. Tidak terdapat perbedaan statistik yang bermakna antara persepsi kedua kelompok dalam penggunaan graft tulang pada terapi regeneratif periodontal. Responden merasa puas dengan penggunaan graft tulang untuk terapi regeneratif periodontal dibandingkan dengan bahan lain ......Background: Periodontitis is an inflammatory disease of the supporting tissues of the teeth and the number of this disease increases every year in Indonesia. In regenerative periodontal therapy, bone grafts are used to replace lost bone tissue and it comes from various sources. Each type has its own advantages and limitations, the selection depends on certain factors. Literature on patient perceptions and preferences in the selection of bone graft material has been found, but surveys regarding clinical evaluation and preference for using bone grafts according to dentists are limited, especially in Indonesia. Objective: Evaluating the level of knowledge, perceptions and preferences of periodontists and periodontist resident students in Indonesia on the use of bone grafts in periodontal regenerative therapy. Method: A cross-sectional descriptive study using questionnaires given to Periodontists in Indonesia. Result: All of the respondents had various knowledge and preferences regarding the use of bone grafts in periodontal regenerative therapy. Oral hygiene and radiographic appearance are parameters that must be evaluated prior to regenerative procedures. The most widely chosen graft is the xenograft, due to better results, biocompatibility, and bioactivity of the material. Cost is the main reason for the respondents not using bone grafts. Bone grafts are often combined with the GTR and membrane techniques, and the granular form is the most frequently used form of graft. Bone grafts are most often used in periodontitis cases with a vertical bone loss followed by implant placement.Conclusion : Xenograft are the most widely used bone graft material in Indonesia. There was no statistically significant difference between the perceptions of the two groups regarding the use of bone grafts in periodontal regenerative therapy. Respondents were satisfied with the use of bone grafts for periodontal regenerative therapy compared to other materials.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Pati adalah polimer alam yang memiliki sifat sebagai termoplastik. Kekurangan dari pati sebagai bahan plastik yaitu getas dan menyerap air. Guna meningkatkan sifat pati, dalam penelitian ini dilakukan proses grafting pati dengan methylacrylat, dengan inisiator ceric ammonium nitrat. Proses grafting dalam penelitian ini dilakukan pada konsentrasi inisiator 1x10-3, 3x10-3, 4x 10-3, dan 6x10-3, mol/L. Ekstraksi dan hidrolisa asam dilakukan pada hasil grafting untuk mengetahui prosentase polimethylacrylat homopolimer dan polimethylacrylat yang tergrafting.

Untuk mengukur berat molekul polimethylacrylat yang tergrafting digunakan GPC. Untuk menganalisa kualitas dari hasil grafting maka dilakukan beberapa pengujian antara lain spectra mapping dengan FTIR microspectroscopy, Uji tarik dengan alat uji tarik instron, dan sifat ketahanan terhadap air dengan uji sudut kontak. Proses grafting dilakukan dalam sebuah labu dengan 5 leher. Pati sebanyak 20 gram direaksikan pada temperatur kamar dengan 40 gram methylacrylat dalam 500 ml air dengan dialiri nitrogen dan digunakan ceric ammonium nitrat sebagai inisiator. Hasil grafting setelah dilakukan ekstraksi dan hidrolisa asam menunjukkan bahwa pada konsentrasi ceric ammonium nitrat yang meningkat menghasilkan meningkatnya persentase PMA homopolirner, sedangkan persentase PMA tergrafting, dan berat molekul dari PMA tergrafting menurun. Hasil ini berpengaruh terhadap sifat mekanik produk S-g-PMA, dimana untuk S-g-PMA yang dihasilkan dengan konsentrasi ceric ion 4x 10-3 mol/L memiliki sifat mekanik yang mirip elastomer. S-g-PMA yang dihasilkan pada konsentrasi ceric ion yang lain polimer yang dihasilkan merupakan plastik yang kuat dan ulet. Proses grafting jugs meningkatkan kwalitas pati dalam ketahanannya terhadap air, dari hasil uji sudut kontak menunjukkan bahwa pati setelah grafting pada kontak dengan air tidak mengalami penggelembungan (swelling).
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pande Made Wisnu Tirtayasa
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang Delayed graft function (DGF) adalah komplikasi yang umum dijumpai pada transplantasi dari mayat. Berdasarkan studi terdahulu, DGF dan factor resikonya memiliki hasil yang bervariasi pada donor nefrektomi hidup Metode Peneliti melakukan analisis retrospektif dari rekam medic donor dan resipien transplantasi ginjal pada 100 kasus laparoskopi donor nefrektomi hidup di Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo dari November 2011 hingga Februari 2014. Kriteria DGF adalah pasien didialisis pada 1 minggu post operasi dan/ atau kreatinin lebih dari 2.5 mg/dl pada hari ke 7 post operasi. Pasien yang tidak masuk dalam kriteria tersebut didefinisikan memiliki renal allograft yang berfungsi normal Hasil Prevalensi DGF pada penelitian ini adalah 14%. Indeks massa tubuh resipien, cold ischemia time, waktu anastomosis vaskular, dan total ischemia time lebih tinggi pada grup DGF, tetapi tidak ditemukan faktor resiko DGF yang signifikan secara statistic saat dilakukan analisis multivariat Kesimpulan Insidensi DGF pada studi ini masuk dalam rentang yang diamati pada studi-­‐ studi sebelumnya. Faktor resiko yang dilaporkan sebagai faktor resiko DGF pada laparoskopi donor nefrektomi hidup tidak signifikan secara statistik dengan DGF pada studi kali ini.
Background Delayed graft function (DGF) is a common complication affecting deceased donor renal transplantation. Based on previous studies, DGF and its risk factors in live donor nephrectomy (LDN) have a various results. Methods We retrospectively analyzed the medical records of donor and recipient from our first 100 cases of laparoscopic LDN in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital from November 2011 to February 2014. The criteria used to define DGF were the requirement for dialysis in postoperative week 1 and/or serum creatinine greater than 2.5 mg/dl at postoperative day 7. Patients who did not match any of these criteria were define as having normal renal allograft function. Results The overall prevalence of DGF was 14%. Recipients body mass index, cold ischemia time, vascular anastomosis time, and total ischemia time were higher among the delayed graft function group, but no risk factors for DGF were significantly associated after multivariate analysis. Conclusions The incidence of DGF in our study was in the range of that observed in previous studies. The factors that previously reported and believed as risk factors of DGF in laparoscopic LDN were not significantly associated with the development of DGF in our study.;Background Delayed graft function (DGF) is a common complication affecting deceased donor renal transplantation. Based on previous studies, DGF and its risk factors in live donor nephrectomy (LDN) have a various results. Methods We retrospectively analyzed the medical records of donor and recipient from our first 100 cases of laparoscopic LDN in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital from November 2011 to February 2014. The criteria used to define DGF were the requirement for dialysis in postoperative week 1 and/or serum creatinine greater than 2.5 mg/dl at postoperative day 7. Patients who did not match any of these criteria were define as having normal renal allograft function. Results The overall prevalence of DGF was 14%. Recipients body mass index, cold ischemia time, vascular anastomosis time, and total ischemia time were higher among the delayed graft function group, but no risk factors for DGF were significantly associated after multivariate analysis. Conclusions The incidence of DGF in our study was in the range of that observed in previous studies. The factors that previously reported and believed as risk factors of DGF in laparoscopic LDN were not significantly associated with the development of DGF in our study.;Background Delayed graft function (DGF) is a common complication affecting deceased donor renal transplantation. Based on previous studies, DGF and its risk factors in live donor nephrectomy (LDN) have a various results. Methods We retrospectively analyzed the medical records of donor and recipient from our first 100 cases of laparoscopic LDN in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital from November 2011 to February 2014. The criteria used to define DGF were the requirement for dialysis in postoperative week 1 and/or serum creatinine greater than 2.5 mg/dl at postoperative day 7. Patients who did not match any of these criteria were define as having normal renal allograft function. Results The overall prevalence of DGF was 14%. Recipients body mass index, cold ischemia time, vascular anastomosis time, and total ischemia time were higher among the delayed graft function group, but no risk factors for DGF were significantly associated after multivariate analysis. Conclusions The incidence of DGF in our study was in the range of that observed in previous studies. The factors that previously reported and believed as risk factors of DGF in laparoscopic LDN were not significantly associated with the development of DGF in our study., Background Delayed graft function (DGF) is a common complication affecting deceased donor renal transplantation. Based on previous studies, DGF and its risk factors in live donor nephrectomy (LDN) have a various results. Methods We retrospectively analyzed the medical records of donor and recipient from our first 100 cases of laparoscopic LDN in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital from November 2011 to February 2014. The criteria used to define DGF were the requirement for dialysis in postoperative week 1 and/or serum creatinine greater than 2.5 mg/dl at postoperative day 7. Patients who did not match any of these criteria were define as having normal renal allograft function. Results The overall prevalence of DGF was 14%. Recipients body mass index, cold ischemia time, vascular anastomosis time, and total ischemia time were higher among the delayed graft function group, but no risk factors for DGF were significantly associated after multivariate analysis. Conclusions The incidence of DGF in our study was in the range of that observed in previous studies. The factors that previously reported and believed as risk factors of DGF in laparoscopic LDN were not significantly associated with the development of DGF in our study.]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hazia Hanifa Bilqis
Abstrak :
Transplantasi ginjal dapat mengalami komplikasi delayed graft function yang merupakan salah satu bentuk gangguan ginjal akut. Terdapat banyak faktor yang dapat memengaruhi delayed graft function, yakni faktor intraoperatif dan ekstraoperatif. Studi ini meneliti faktor-faktor yang dapat menyebabkan delayed graft function pada faktor ekstraoperatif khususnya dari segi donor dan resipien. Tujuan: Mengetahui hubungan antara faktor donor (usia, hubungan kekerabatan dengan resipien) dan faktor resipien (usia, penyebab gagal ginjal) dengan kejadian delayed graft function pada resipien. Metode: penelitian ini menggunakan metode studi potong lintang dan melibatkan 483 sampel yang merupakan pasien transplantasi ginjal di RSCM periode November 2011-September 2018. Hasil: chi square dan fisher menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara usia donor (p=0,023), usia resipien (p=0,006), dan hubungan kekerabatan donor dan resipien (p=0,008) dengan delayed graft function. Tidak terdapat hubungan antara penyebab gagal ginjal diabetes mellitus, hipertensi, infeksi, penyakit autoimun, dan penyebab lain gagal ginjal. Diskusi: Dari analisis multivariat didapatkan adanya hubungan bermakna antara hubungan kekerabatan donor dan resipien dengan delayed graft function (p= 0,011. Disimpulkan bahwa hubungan kekerabatan donor dan resipien merupakan faktor yang paling berhubungan dengan terjadinya delayed graft function pada resipien transplantasi ginjal RSCM dibandingkan dengan faktor usia donor, usia resipien, dan penyebab gagal ginjal resipien. ABSTRACT
Background: Kidney transplant patients may have complications, such as delayed graft function which is one of acute kidney injury. There are a lot of factors that can affect delayed graft function, such as intraoperative and extraoperative factors. In this study we discussed more about extraoperative factors, specifically from donor and recipient factors. Objective: To determine the association between donor factors (age, relation with recipien)t, recipient factors (age, cause of kidney failure) and delayed graft function in transplant recipient. Methods: Cross-sectional study design was used in this study  by collecting 483 patient data of medical record from data recapitulation of renal transplant by Departement of Urology, Cipto Mangunkusumo National Hospital, from November 2011-September 2018. Results: Bivariat analysis with chi square and fisher test result showed that there was a significant association between donor age (p=0,023), recipient age (p=0,006) and donor and recipient relation status (p=0,008) with delayed graft function. There were no significant association between recipient age, and causes of kidney failure. Discussion: From the multivariate analysis it was found that there was a significant association between donor and recipient relation status (p=0,011) with delayed graft function.From these result we concluded that donor and relation status are the most  associated factor with delayed graft function in recipients.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Riki Satya Nugraha
Abstrak :
Coronary Arteri Bypass Graft masih menjadi tindakan bedah jantung terbanyak yang dilakukan diseluruh dunia, Komplikasi yang terjadi paska prosedur CABG dapat dikategorikan menjadi dua yaitu mayor dan minor. Salah satu komplikasi mayor adalah infeksi daerah operasi. Factor preoperasi yang mungkin dapat memicu infeksi daerah operasi mulai dari usia, status gizi, DM, kebiasaan merokok, durasi operasi dan penggunaan benang penutup operasi menjadi factor pre operasi yang harus diperhatikan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui faktor- faktor yang mempengaruhi kejadian infeksi daerah operasi pada pasien operasi coronary artery bypass graft di RS Jantung Jakarta. Penelitian ini menggunakan analitik observasional. Desain yang digunakan adalah case-control study. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah pasien CABG di kamar bedah RS.Jantung Jakarta periode 2019-2021. Sampel yang dipeorleh yaitu 64 sampel, 32 kasus infeksi, 32 non infeksi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada hubungan antara usia, DM, riwayat merokok, status gizi, lama operasi dengan kejadian infeksi daerah operasi pada pasien pascaoperasi CABG di RS Jantung Jakarta. Dan tidak ada hubungan antara peggunaan benang penutup luka operasi dengan kejadian. Bagi pelayanan keperawatan diharapkan dilakukan skrining yang lebih yang lebih lengkap untuk pasien-pasien yang akan dilakukan operasi CABG. ......Coronary artery bypass grafting is still the most common heart surgery performed worldwide. The complications occurring after the CABG procedure can be categorized into two types, namely major and minor complications. One of the major complications is infection at the surgical site. Age, nutritional status, diabetes mellitus, smoking habits, surgery duration, and the use of surgical sutures are all pre-operative risk factors that can lead to infection in the operating room. Those are preoperative risk factors that must be considered. The purpose of this study is to determine the factors that influence the incidence of surgical site infection in coronary artery bypass graft surgery patients at the Jakarta Heart Hospital. This study employs observational analytic techniques. The design research study is a case-control study. The population in this study were CABG patients in the operating room of the Jakarta Heart Hospital for the 2019–2021 period. 64 samples were collected, 32 of which were infected and 32 of which were not. The results showed that there is a relationship between age, diabetes mellitus, smoking history, nutritional status, the duration of surgery, and the incidence of surgical site infection in post-operative CABG patients at the Jakarta Heart Hospital. As a result, there is no link between the use of threads to cover surgical wounds and incidents. For nursing services, it is hoped that more comprehensive screening will be carried out for patients who will undergo CABG surgery.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pande Made Wisnu Tirtayasa
Abstrak :
Background: resistive index (RI) is highly utilised to assess the graft function using Doppler ultrasonography. The RI has been shown as the best ultrasound parameter to assess kidney allograft dysfunction. Several studies have established the role of the RI as a predictor of transplant failure. However, these studies were using RI measurement in the later stages post transplantation. The present study has conducted to identify the association between early RI measurement and early graft function represented as delayed graft function (DGF) and immediate graft function (IGF), as well as long-term graft survival. Methods: an evidence based clinical review of studies published before May 2018 was conducted from Medline, Science Direct, EMBASE and Cochrane databases. Studies on early measurement of RI whereby the primary or secondary goals of the study related to graft function and/or graft survival were included. Studies using late RI measurement and without RI value groups were excluded. The Mantzel Haenzel method was used to analyse pooled risk ratio and 95% confidence interval, while the heterogeneity of the study was calculated through I2 value. Data analysis was performed using Review Manager 5.3. Results: nine studies with a total of 1802 patients who had undergone a kidney transplant were analysed. DGF was found in 19% (193/1015) of the low RI group and in 42.8% (337/787) of the high RI group (RR 2.04 (95% CI 1.72 - 2.41), p < 0.00001, I2 = 28%). IGF was found in 39.5% (62/157) of the low RI group and in 10.5% (28/268) of the high RI group (RR 0.26 (95% CI 0.17 0.40), p < 0.00001, I2 = 0%). Long term graft survival, with follow up between 60 144 months, was found in 83% (701/845) of the low RI group and in 69.4% (395/569) of the high RI group (RR 0.82 (95% CI 0.72 0.93), p = 0.002, I2 = 63%). Conclusion: the results of this study emphasise the association between early measurement of RI and early graft function, and longterm graft survival. An elevated RI provides the chance of recognizing the patients with poor longterm prognosis, from the first moment after kidney transplant.
Jakarta: University of Indonesia. Faculty of Medicine, 2019
610 UI-IJIM 51:1 (2019)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tuti Indah Sari
Abstrak :
Graft copolymerization of an acrylonitrile monomer onto Deproteinized Natural Rubber (DPNR) is an important process in the modification of Natural Rubber (NR) to increase its oil resistance. However, coagulation at the beginning of the process was a problem causing a copolymerization foil to occur. The presence of a styrene monomer is therefore expected to improve the emulsion condition so that coagulation can be prevented in the early reaction step. For comparison purposes, the processes with and without styrene were investigated. The influence of the concentration of styrene as well as the ratio of the DPNR:monomer on the stabilization process were also observed. The results showed that the addition of styrene could improve the stabilization process as proven by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR). The presence of the functional group of CºN at FTIR proved the production of the polyacrylonitrile in the mixture. The investigation showed that the concentration of styrene monomer, which led to the emulsion stability, is up to 1.5 wt% concentration of styrene at the ratio of DPNR:monomer (M) of 70:30 wt%.
Depok: Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI-IJTECH 6:7 (2015)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Pendahuluan : Resesi gingiva merupakan salah satu kelainan pada jaringan periodontal yang sangat umum ditemukan pada populasi global. Modalitas pengobatan konvensional seperti pencangkokan gingiva menggunakan jaringan autologous memiliki keterbatasan dalam hal invasivitas, morbiditas area donor, dan tingkat keberhasilan yang bervariasi. Gelatin yang merupakan turunan dari kolagen mengandung sekuens arginin–glisin–asam aspartat (RGD) yang penting untuk mendukung adhesi dan interaksi sel di sekitarnya. Pengembangan biomaterial seperti hidrogel gelatin dinilai menjanjikan karena sifatnya yang biokompatibel, kemudahannya untuk disesuaikan, dan karakternya yang mirip dengan matriks ekstraseluler membuatnya menjadi agen regenerasi yang potensial. Tujuan: Mengevaluasi karakter fisik hidrogelgelatin crosslinked dengan menggunakan EDC/NHS dan non-crosslinked sebagai biomaterial potensial untuk scaffoldgingiva. Metode: Hidrogel gelatin dibuat menjadi 2 kelompok yaitu kelompok crosslink dengan menggunakan EDC/NHSdan kelompok non-crosslinked. Sampel dilakukan uji morfologi, uji viskositas, dan analisis gugus fungsi. Perbedaan morfologi diuji dengan uji T test independen dan hasil analisis viskositas dan gugus fungsi dilaporkan secara deskriptif. Hasil: Terdapat perbedaan bermakna antara kelompok hidrogel gelatin crosslinked dan non-crosslinked dimana kelompok gelatin crosslinked memiliki interkonektivitas yang lebih besar. Kelompok non-crosslinked tidak dapat dilakukan uji viskositas karena sifatnya yang temperatur sensitif. Analisis uji FTIR menunjukkan tidak terdapat perbedaan gugus fungsi yang signifikan antara kedua kelompok tersebut. Kesimpulan: Hidrogel gelatin crosslinked dengan menggunakan EDC/NHS memberikan gambaran scaffold yang lebih stabil dan potensial sebagai biomaterial scaffold gingiva. ......Introduction : Gingival recession is a kind of mucogingival deformity widely found in the global population. Conventional treatment modalities such as gingival grafting using autologous tissue have limitations in terms of invasiveness, donor site morbidity, and variable success rates. Gelatin, derived from collagen, contains the arginine–glycine–aspartic acid (RGD) sequence, which is crucial for supporting cell adhesion and interactions in its vicinity. The development of biomaterials like gelatin hydrogels might be promising due to their biocompatible nature, ease of customization, and structural similarity to the extracellular matrix, making them a potential agent for gingival regeneration. Objective: To evaluate the physical characteristics of crosslinked gelatin hydrogel using EDC/NHS and non-crosslinked gelatin as a potential biomaterial for gingival scaffolds. Methods: Gelatin hydrogels were divided into two groups: the crosslinked group using EDC/NHS and the non-crosslinked group. The samples underwent morphological, viscosity, and functional group analysis. Morphological differences were assessed using an independent T-test, while viscosity and chemical composition analysis results were reported descriptively. Results: There is a significant difference between the crosslinked and non-crosslinked gelatin hydrogel groups, where the crosslinked gelatin group exhibits greater interconnectivity. Viscosity testing could not be conducted on the non-crosslinked group due to its temperature-sensitive nature. FTIR analysis indicates no significant difference in chemical composition between the two groups. Conclusion: The EDC/NHS crosslinked gelatin hydrogel provides a depiction of a more stable scaffold that has more potential as a biomaterial for gingival regeneration.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Olvi Nancy Marimpan
Abstrak :
Implan lemak dalam bidang plastik rekonstruksi sudah lama digunakan oleh para ahli bedah, namun dengan seiringnya waktu lemak dapat mengalami absorpsi 30-50 , terutama pada lemak yang disentrifugasi. Untuk itu diperlukan suatu bahan autologous untuk mempertahankan viabilitas lemak. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah membandingkan antara lemak mikrolobular, lemak yang disentrifugasi, lemak mikrolobular dengan penambahan PRF dan lemak yang disentrifugasi dengan penambahan PRF. Tiga puluh enam kelompok dilakukan implan lemak di daerah dorsal telinga kelinci sebanyak 0,5cc, dievaluasi selama 4 minggu. Penilaian dilakukan secara makroskopik dengan menilai hiperemis, nekrosis dan menghitung diameter pada minggu pertama, kedua, ketiga dan keempat. Pada penelitian ini didapatkan bahwa pada minggu pertama hingga minggu keempat terjadi penurunan jumlah kelompok yang mengalami hiperemis, semua jaringan tidak terdapat nekrosis sejak minggu pertama dan diameter lemak yang mengalami penyusutan hanya terdapat pada perlakuan lemak yang disentrifugasi sebanyak dua kelompok, namun secara statistik tidak didapat perbedaan bermakna p>0,05 . Evaluasi mikroskopik didapatkan bahwa jumlah adiposit median= 547,74 , fibroblas median= 600,52 , pada perlakuan lemak mikrolobular dengan penambahan PRF lebih banyak dibandingkan kelompok perlakuan lainnya, namun secara statistik tidak bermakna p>0,05 , sedangkan parameter neovaskularisasi lebih banyak ditemukan pada kelompok lemak mikrolobular mean= 12,67 , tetapi secara statistik tidak bermakna p=0,268 Namun analisis regresi membuktikan bahwa peningkatan neovaskularisasi sejalan dengan pertambahan jumlah adiposit, hal ini membuktikan bahwa viabiltas adiposit bergantung pada neovaskularisasi.
Fat graft in plastic reconstructive surgery has been used for a long time by surgeons. However, problem lies with fat being absorbed up to 30 50 , especially centrifuged fats. Therefore, an autologous material is needed to maintain fat viability. This research aims to compare the viability of microlobular fat, centrifuged fat, microlobular fat with PRF, and centrifuged fat with PRF. As much as 0.5 mL of these fat were grafted to thirty six groups of rabbits at the dorsal area of rabbits rsquo ear, which were then evaluated for 4 weeks. Macroscopic evaluation was performed on the first, second, third, and fourth week while microscopic evaluation was performed only on fourth week. Macroscopic evaluation performed since the first to the fourth week on hyperemia parameter showed reduction of redness hyperemia in all treatment groups and necrosis parameter was not found since the first week in all treatment groups. Although the diameter parameter was seen in two centrifuged fat groups on fourth week, it showed no statistically significant difference p 0,05 . Upon microscopic evaluation, the amount of adipocytes in microlobular fat with PRF group showed a greater number median 547.74 and also fibroblast median 600,52 compared to other treatment groups, but it was also not statistically significant p 0,05 . Neovascularization parameter was greater on microlobular fat group mean 12,67 , but it was not statistically significant p 0,268 . Result of regression analysis proved that increase in neovascularization was in line with the increase amount of adipocytes. Therefore, it is proved that the viability of adipocytes depends on neovascularization
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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