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Hasil Pencarian

Ditemukan 4 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
"In the era reformation, transparency and globalization the organization of financial bureau is demanded to be responsible to its environmental, accountable, and it must reflect and transform the constitution mandate and justice principles. Those things are getting more important in order to give the public service so the government officers must provide a variative and qualify service.
That situation becomes a challenge for the government to change its paradigm, method for system and procedure of accomplishment so it can be fitting up with the social development. in order to create an government which can provide a high quality of goods and services it needs to be supported by government's policy which matching with government tasks and functions.
According to the analysis results the Financial Bureau is less effective on doing its tasks. It can be found on how much barriers faced by the Budget Drafting Department, such as the realization of spending budget is over the limit, a lack of budget in case of the employees mutation, some compensatory demands by employees, and a disorder on Budget Realization Reports founded by Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan (BPK).
In order to analyze the factors which influence the effectiveness of organization, this research is using a 7S framework that formulated by Mc Kinsey which including: structure, strategy, system, staff, skills, style and shared value. This research is using an explanative research method that explain the relationship between two variables or more; in this case are the dependent variable and the independent variable. The dependent variable is organization effectiveness and the independent variable are structure, strategy, system, staff, skills, style and shared value. This research is using a primary and secondary data. In order to increase the effectiveness of the organization there are some factors that needed to be repaired soon, especially the quality and the quantity of human resources. It needs an administrator to coordinate and activate all elements. There must be a professional person on documentation handling. The organization must create a working system and a job description as the employees working guide, and also doing an orderly administration and documentation. If those clauses could be provided there will be a high consciousness on every employee to appreciate the already exist constitution so the Financial Bureau organization's effectiveness will be done.
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Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rika Yuristia Mardhiyah
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pembedaan kewenangan lembaga
pemerintah non kementerian (LPNK) yang dibentuk Pemerintah atas perintah
undang-undang dengan LPNK yang dibentuk Pemerintah tidak atas perintah
undang-undang dalam membentuk peraturan perundang-undangan. Dalam
penelitian ini akan didalami atas dasar apa LPNK yang dibentuk Pemerintah tidak
atas perintah undang-undang tidak memiliki kewenangan untuk membentuk
peraturan perundang-undangan atas nama LPNK tersebut. Selanjutnya, bagaimana
kedudukan produk hukum yang ditetapkan oleh LPNK tersebut dalam sistem
perundang-undangan di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan bentuk penelitian
hukum yuridis normatif.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa pembedaan
kewenangan LPNK yang dibentuk Pemerintah atas perintah undang-undang
dengan kewenangan LPNK yang dibentuk Pemerintah tidak atas perintah undangundang
dalam membentuk peraturan perundang-undangan adalah karena atribusi
kewenangan, sebagai dasar konstitusional yang bersifat formal, hanya dapat
dimiliki oleh badan, lembaga, atau komisi yang diberi kewenangan oleh UUD
1945 atau undang-undang. Dengan demikian, hanya LPNK yang dibentuk
berdasarkan perintah UUD 1945 atau undang-undang lah yang memiliki
kewenangan membentuk peraturan perundang-undangan atas nama LPNK
tersebut. Sedangkan LPNK yang dibentuk Pemerintah tidak atas perintah undangundang
bukan merupakan lembaga yang berwenang untuk membentuk peraturan
perundang-undangan. Dengan demikian, produk hukum yang dihasilkan bukan
merupakan jenis peraturan perundang-undangan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam
Pasal 8 ayat (1) UU Nomor 12 Tahun 2011, melainkan merupakan peraturan
kebijakan (beleidsregel) yang mengikat umum secara tidak langsung. Untuk itu,
perlu dilakukan pencerahan kembali bagi kementerian dan LPNK mengenai
sistem perundang-undangan Indonesia yang membatasi badan-badan apa saja
yang berwenang membentuk peraturan perundang-undangan. Penelitian ini juga
menyarakankan agar UU Nomor 12 Tahun 2011 mengatur dengan tegas materi
muatan jenis peraturan perundang-undangan yang termasuk ke dalam Pasal 8 ayat
(1) agar tidak semua materi muatan pengaturan dituangkan dalam bentuk
peraturan perundang-undangan dan diundangkan ke dalam Berita Negara
Republik Indonesia

This research aims to analyze about any difference of the non-ministerial
government institutions (LPNK) constructed by the government under command
of act with the non-ministerial government institutions under non-mandatory
decree by act to formulate legislation. Questions of this research are what is the
reasons of the under non-mandatory LPNK which has not the authority to make
regulations, and what is the status of the law products made by such LPNK in the
Indonesian legislation system? This research is a normative juridical law method
The results of this research show that reasons of differences between mandatory
LPNK and non-mandatory LPNK to formulate legislation are regard to the
problem of required attribution of authority as constitutional consideration for
making regulations is formally conferred by the Constitution of 1945 or an act to
any board, institution, or commission. This means that only the mandatory LPNK
has exclusively authorized to make legislation, while the non-mandatory LPNK
established by the government without order of the act is non-authorized
institutions. By this reason, the legal status of legislative products of the nonmandatory
LPNK are not kind of legislations referred to Article 8 paragraph 1 of
the Act Number 12 of 2011, but only should be deemed as any kind of policy rules
(beleidsregels), which has indirectly legally binding force. It is needed, therefore,
to support legal awareness activities for the ministries and LPNK with regard to
the doctrine of Indonesian legislative system concerning to what institutions can
be conferred the attribution of authority of making regulations. Result of this
research also recommend for the Act Number 12 of 2011 to describe in details
what the legal substance can be included according to the Article 8 paragraph 1,
in order to understand that not all legal substances can be drafted as regulations
and published in the State Bulletin of the Republic of Indonesia"
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UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kristianto Saputro
"Meskipun pentingnya pelatihan diakui, organisasi terkadang kesulitan memahami bagaimana efektivitasnya dihasilkan. Studi ini menyelidiki apakah faktor-faktor pra-pelatihan seperti dukungan organisasi, lingkungan pelatihan, kualitas pelatih, dan analisis kebutuhan pelatihan memengaruhi efektivitas pelatihan baik secara langsung atau dimediasi oleh motivasi belajar, motivasi transfer, dan efikasi diri di lembaga pemerintah non-kementerian di Indonesia. Data dari 202 responden dari 19 lembaga diperoleh dengan menggunakan kuesioner daring yang didistribusikan ke sampel melalui teknik purposive sampling. Analisis data kuantitatif dilakukan dengan menghitung hasil statistik menggunakan Covariance Based-Square-Structural Equation Modeling (CB-SEM) dengan Lisrel 8.80. Teknik ini bertujuan untuk menguji hipotesis penelitian yang telah diajukan sebelumnya, dan hasilnya akan digunakan sebagai dasar untuk mendiskusikan temuan penelitian. Hanya kualitas pelatih yang memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadap motivasi belajar (t-value 5,60), motivasi transfer (7,21), dan efikasi diri (8,64). Namun, pengaruhnya tidak langsung terhadap efektivitas pelatihan karena harus dimediasi oleh motivasi transfer (z-score 4,294) dan efikasi diri (2,513). Penelitian ini menekankan peran penting pelatih dalam efektivitas pelatihan, di mana perannya lebih sebagai fasilitator. Hal ini menekankan pentingnya pelatih yang mampu memotivasi dan meyakinkan peserta. Dengan berinvestasi pada pelatih berkualitas melalui pengembangan berkelanjutan, sistem evaluasi, dan insentif, organisasi dapat meningkatkan efektivitas pelatihan dan mencapai tujuan organisasi lebih efisien.

While the importance of training is recognized, organizations sometimes struggle to comprehend how its effectiveness is generated. This study investigates whether pre-training factors such as organizational support, training environment, trainer quality, and training need analysis influence training effectiveness directly or mediated by self-efficacy, motivation to learn, and motivation to transfer in non-ministerial government institutions in Indonesia. Data from 202 respondents of 19 institutions are collected using online questionnaires distributed to samples through purposive sampling techniques. Quantitative data analysis was carried out by calculating statistical results using Covariance Based-Square-Structural Equation Modeling (CB-SEM) with Lisrel 8.80. This technique aims to test previously proposed research hypotheses, and the results will be used as a basis for discussing research findings. Only trainer quality has significant influence on motivation to learn (t-value 5,60), motivation to transfer (7,21), and self-efficacy (8,64). However, it does not have direct influence on training effectiveness as it should be mediated by motivation to transfer (z-score 4,294) and self-efficacy (2,513). This research emphasizes the vital role of trainers in training effectiveness, highlighting them as facilitators in the process. It stresses the importance of motivating and convincing trainers to enhance participants' motivation and self-efficacy. By investing in quality trainers through ongoing development, evaluation systems, and incentives, organizations can boost training effectiveness and achieve their goals more efficiently."
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Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rannatya Farahdilla Quriyah
"Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat apakah Rencana Strategis Kementerian Pemuda dan Olahraga 2016-2019 sesuai dengan indikator perencanaan strategis. Metode yang digunakan di dalam penelitian ini adalah post-positivist. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara mendalam dan studi literatur dengan menggunakan dokumen seperti Rencana Strategis Kementerian Pemuda dan Olahraga 2016-2019 dan Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah Nasional RPJMN 2015-2019 sebagai data sekunder. Hasil penelitian ini adalah Kementerian Pemuda dan Olahraga mengalami beberapa masalah terutama dalam perencanaan strategis sehingga hasil evaluasi Sistem Akuntabilitas Kinerja Instansi Pemerintah SAKIP yang diperoleh masih kurang baik. Beberapamasalah dalamrencana strategis yaitu sasaran yang tidak berorientasi hasil dan indikator kinerja yang tidak terukur. Permasalahan lain dalam perumusan rencana strategis yaitu tidak adanya regulasi yang mengatur mengenai kemitraan, kurangnya pemahaman dalam merumuskan rencana strategis, dan tidak adanya indikator yang jelas mengenai sektor kepemudaan.

This study aims to observe the Strategic Plan of the Ministry of Youth and Sports 2016-2019 in accordance with strategic planning indicators. The method used in this research is post positivist. The data were collected through in depth interviews and literature studies using documents such as the Strategic Plan of the Ministry of Youth and Sports 2016-2019 and the Medium Term Development Plan RPJMN 2015 ndash 2019 as secondary data. The results of this study found that Ministry of Youth and Sports experienced some problems, especially in the strategic planning phase where the evaluation results of Performance Accountability System of Government Institutions SAKIP obtained is still not good. Some of the problems in the strategic plan are goals that are not result oriented and performance indicators that are not measurable. Other problems in the formulation of the strategic plan are the lack of governing partnerships regulation, lack of understanding in formulating strategic plans, and the absence of clear indicators of youth sector. "
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Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library