"Tujuan: Menganalisis faktor yang paling berpengaruh antara tinggi dan densitas
mandibula, usia, jenis kelamin, tingkat pendidikan, lama tidak bergigi dan pengalaman
memakai gigi tiruan sebelumnya dengan kepuasan pasien terhadap hasil perawatan gigi
tiruan lengkap.
Metode: Penelitian potong lintang dilakukan pada 92 subjek (55 laki-laki dan 37
perempuan) berusia 45 tahun ke atas yang memakai gigi tiruan lengkap dan dibuat di
RSGM FKG Universitas Indonesia. Subjek dipilih melalui consecutive sampling
method dan diminta mengisi kuesioner PDA-ID 1 bulan pasca insersi gigi tiruan
lengkap. 92 radiograf panoramik dari subjek tersebut digunakan untuk mengukur
ketinggian tulang (di regio anterior serta posterior mandibula) dan densitas mandibula
menggunakan metode Xie dan MCI (Mandibular Cortical Index). Uji intraobserver dan
interobserver dilakukan untuk mengetahui konsistensi pengukuran tinggi dan densitas
tulang mandibula di antara 2 pengamat. Skor PDA-ID digunakan untuk mengukur
kepuasan subjektif pada subjek dengan perbedaan kelompok usia, jenis kelamin,
tingkat pendidikan, lama tidak bergigi dan pengalaman memakai gigi tiruan
Hasil: Hasil uji intraobserver dan interobserver menunjukkan tidak terdapat variasi
pengukuran antar pengamat untuk tinggi mandibula (p>0,05) serta Kappa Value
densitas mandibula = 0,78 tergolong baik. Analisis bivariat menunjukkan hubungan
bermakna pada tinggi tulang mandibula (p=0,000), tingkat pendidikan (p=0,013) dan
pengalaman memakai gigi tiruan sebelumnya (p=0,000). Variabel yang dapat diolah
kedalam analisis multivariat (p<0,250) yaitu tinggi mandibula (p=0,000), densitas
mandibula (p=0,160), tingkat pendidikan (p=0,013), jenis kelamin (p=0,174), lama
tidak bergigi (p=0,202) dan pengalaman memakai gigi tiruan sebelumnya (p=0,000).
Analisis multivariat menunjukkan faktor yang paling berpengaruh pada kepuasan pasien
terhadap hasil perawatan gigi tiruan lengkap yaitu tinggi tulang mandibula di anterior
(p=0,000). Pengalaman memakai gigi tiruan sebelumnya merupakan faktor confounding
yang penting (selisih Odds Ratio = 30%).
Kesimpulan: Tinggi tulang mandibula di anterior merupakan faktor yang paling
berperan dalam kepuasan pasien terhadap hasil perawatan gigi tiruan lengkap.
Objective: To analyze the most important factor affecting patients satisfaction
towards complete denture treatment with vertical heights and bone density of mandible,
age, sex, education level, duration of edentulism, and denture experiences.
Method : A-cross sectional study assessed the data of 92 subjects (55 men, 37 women),
aged 45 years and older who wore complete denture constructed in Dental Teaching
Hospital Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Indonesia. All participants selected through
consecutive sampling methods were asked to complete the PDA-ID questionnaire at 1-
month post complete denture insertion. 92 Panoramic radiograph of the subjects were
used in this study to evaluate the vertical heights (at the anterior and posterior of
mandible) and bone density of mandible using Xie methods and MCI (Mandibular
Cortical Index). Intraobserver and interobserver reliability test for the height
measurement and bone density of mandible was assessed between two observer. PDAID score was compared between the patients with different age group, sex, education
level, duration of edentulism and previous denture experiences.
Result: Intraobserver and interobserver reliability test show there were no significant
difference in vertical height measurement of mandible (p>0,05) and bone density of
mandible (Kappa Value=0,78) between two observer. Statistically, there were
significant differences in patient satisfaction between different vertical heights of
mandible (p=0,000), education level (p=0,013) and previous denture experiences
(p=0,000). Predictive factors could be included in multivariate analysis (p<0,250) were
vertical heights of mandible (p=0,000), bone density of mandible (p=0,160), education
level (p=0,013), sex (p=0,174), duration of edentulism (p=0,202) and previous denture
experiences (p=0,000). Multivariate analysis shows patients satisfaction with complete
denture treatment was mostly affected by vertical heights of anterior mandible
(p=0,000). Meanwhile, the previous denture experiences was contributed as an
important confounding factor (Odd Ratio difference = 30%).
Conclusion:.Vertical height of the anterior mandible is a determinant factor affecting
patients satisfaction towards complete denture treatment."