"Latar Belakang: Banyak keluhan subjektif yang timbul pada kehamilan trimester III seperti gatal, edema tungkai, rasa baal, kesemutan dan nyeri pada pergelangan tangan. Keluhan tersebut dapat menyebabkan penurunan kualitas hidup ibu hamil. Selama kehamilan dapat terjadi perubahan kadar albumin yang cukup masif yang diduga berhubungan dengan timbulnya keluhan subjektif tersebut.
Objektif: Mengetahui hubungan kadar albumin dengan keluhan subjektif (gatal, edema tungkai, rasa baal, kesemutan dan nyeri pada pergelangan tangan) pada kehamilan trimester III.
Metode: Ibu hamil trimester III tanpa penyakit penyerta yang kontrol kehamilan di poliklinik antenatal care (ANC) RSCM dan RSIA Anggrek Mas (n=78). Sampel tersebut di kelompokan menjadi sampel dengan keluhan subjektif (n=50) dan tanpa keluhan subjektif (n=28). Selanjutnya dilakukan pemeriksaan kadar serum albumin pada semua subjek penelitian di labolatorium dan dilakukan analisis untuk mencari hubungan variabel tersebut.
Hasil dan Kesimpulan: Kadar albumin di bawah 3.51 g/dl berhubungan bermakna secara statistik dengan keluhan kesemutan (P=0.025) dan edema tungkai (P=0.001) dengan sensitifitas & spesifisitas masing-masing 76% & 55% dan 47% & 92%. Perubahan kadar albumin tidak berhubungan dengan keluhan gatal (mean 3.60 g/dl), rasa baal (mean 3.61 g/dl) dan rasa nyeri pada pergelangan tangan (mean 3.60 g/dl)
Background: There was many of subjective complaints arise in the third trimester of pregnancy such as itching, leg edema, numbness, tingling, and pain in the wrist. These complaints can cause a decrease in the quality of life for pregnant women. During pregnancy, changes in albumin levels are quite massive which is thought to be related to subjective complaints that arise.Objective: Knowing the asociation beetween albumin serum levels and subjective complaints (itching, leg edema, numbness, tigling and pain in the wrist) during the third trimester of pregnancyMethods: Third trimester pregnant mother without complication that control their pregnancy in the clinic RSCM and RSIA Anggrek Mas (n=78). These samples are grouped into samples with subjective complaints (n=50) and without subjective complaints (n=28). Furthermore, albumin serum level examination of all subject were performed on laboratory and all the result were analyze to obtain the association between these variables.Results and Conclusions: Albumin serum levels below 3.51 g/dl were statistically significantly related to numbness complaints (P=0.025) and leg edema (P=0.001) with sensitivity & specificity of 76% & 55% and 47% & 92%, respectively. Changes in albumin levels were not associated with complaints of pain tingling (mean 3.60 g/dl), numbness (mean 3.61 g/dl) and pain in the whirst (mean 3.60 g/dl )."