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Ditemukan 4 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Abstrak :
Pasien anak dengan pneumonia mengalami gangguan pernapasan berupa sesak dan napas cepat yang mempengaruhi saturasi oksigen, oleh karena itu dibutuhkan intervensi berupa pengaturan posisi yang tepat yang bisa meningkatkan saturasi oksigen dan frekuensi napas. Terpenuhinya oksigen akan mempengaruhi kesembuhan anak sehingga akan mengurangi lama rawat di rumah sakit. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasikan pengaruh pengaturan posisi lateral kanan dan pronasi terhadap saturasi oksigen dan frekuensi napas pada balita pneumonia. Desain penelitian adalah quasi eksperimental pre-posttest with control group design. Responden berjumlah 32 balita pneumonia (lateral kanan =16 dan kelompok kontrol =16), secara consecutive sampling. Analisis yang dilakukan univariate dan bivariate. Ada perbedaan bermakna saturasi oksigen dan frekuensi napas pada pengaturan posisi lateral kanan sehingga posisi lateral kanan dapat diterapkan untuk saturasi oksigen dan frekuensi napas pada balita pneumonia. Penelitian selanjutnya agar menggunakan time series dengan sampel yang lebih besar serta tidak terbatas pada posisi lateral kanan dan pronasi. ......Pediatric patients with pneumonia experience respiratory distress in the form of shortness and rapid breathing which affects oxygen saturation, therefore intervention is needed in the form of proper positioning that can increase oxygen saturation and breathing frequency. Fulfillment of oxygen will affect the healing of children so that it will reduce the length of stay in hospital. The purpose of this study was to identify the effect of right lateral positioning and pronation on oxygen saturation and breath frequency in toddlers pneumonia. The study design was a quasi experimental pre-posttest with control group design. Respondents were 32 toddlers with pneumonia (right lateral = 16 and control group = 16), by consecutive sampling. Univariate and bivariate analyzes were performed. There is a significant difference in oxygen saturation and breath frequency in the right lateral position so that the right lateral position can be applied to oxygen saturation and breath frequency in toddlers pneumonia. Future studies should use time series with larger samples and not limited to the right lateral position and pronation.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Diah Ayu Agustin
Abstrak :
Balita pneumonia mengalami batuh napas cepat dan bunyi napas ronkhi. Madu memiliki efek antimikroba dan antibodi yang dapat menghambat pertumbuhan agen mikroba penyebab pneumonia. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian madu terhadap frekuensi batuk, frekuensi napas dan bunyi napas balita pneumonia. Desain penelitian quasi experimental nonequivalent control group before afier. Jumlah sampel 34 balita dengan teknik consecutive sampling. Analisis data menggunakan Margirnl Homogeni$t, Pair t Test, Mc Nemar, Kolmogorov Smirnov, Fisher Exact, dan Independent t test. Hasil penelitian menemukan adanya perbedaan bermakna frekuensi batuk (p:0,001), frekuensi napas (p:0,0001), dan bunyi napas (p=0,012) antara kelompok kontrol dan kelompok intervensi sesudah pemberian madu. Rekomendasi penelitian adalah perlu menerapkan evidence based nursing practice pemberian madu padabalita pneumonia untuk menurunkan batuk, frekuensi napas, dan bunyi ronkhi. ......Children underfive with pneumonia hove cough, rapid breathing ond breath sounds ronchi. Honey has antimicrobial fficts and antibodies that can inhibit the growth of microbes thst cause pneumonia agents. This study aims to determine the ffict of honey on the frequency of cough, respiratory rate and breath sounds on ihildren under five with pneumonia. Quasi-experimental research design nonequivalent control group before after. Ihe sample number consist of 34 children with a consecutive sampling technique. Data analysis used Marginal HomogeniQt, Pair t Test, Mc Nemar, Kolmogorov Smirnov, Fisher Exact ond Independent t test. Results of the study showed significant differences in the frequency of cough (p : 0.001), respiratory rate (p : a.0001), and breath sounds (p : 0.012) between the control and the intervention group. Recommendntions research is need to implement evidence-based nursing practice giving honey to the children under five with pneumonia to reduce cough, respiratory rate, and breath sounds ronchi
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Simorangkir, Ayu Ferissa
Abstrak :
Kebutuhan alat bantu napas CPAP sangat vital pada bayi prematur yang mengalami distress pernapasan, tetapi penggunaan CPAP jangka panjang sangat merugikan. Upaya untuk melakukan weaning perlu dilakukan dalam memfasilitasi bayi beradaptasi pasca weaning. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasikan pengaruh pengaturan posisi prone dan supine terhadap status oksigenasi bayi prematur yang menjalani weaning CPAP. Desain penelitian adalah randomize control trial. Responden berjumlah 60 bayi prematur dengan alat bantu napas ventilasi non mekanik atau CPAP (kelompok intervensi posisi prone =30 dan kelompok kontrol posisi supine =30), secara randomisasi kontrol acak. Analisis yang dilakukan univariate dan bivariate. Ada perbedaan bermakna saturasi oksigen, frekuensi napas dan denyut nadi pada posisi prone sehingga posisi prone dapat memberikan kestabilan saturasi oksigen, frekuensi nadi dan frekuensi napas pada bayi prematur selama menjalani weaning CPAP. Pada kelompok prone lebih sedikit mengalami reCPAP yaitu 3 responden (10%). Tetapi tidak ada hubungan antara pemberian posisi dengan reCPAP (p=0,472). Penelitian selanjutnya agar menggunakan posisi quarter prone atau semi prone dan sampel yang lebih besar. ......The need for a CPAP is vital for preterm baby with respiratory distress, but the impact of long-term use is very harmful. The effort to do weaning must be done and facilitate the baby to adapt after weaning. The purpose of this study was to identify the effect of prone positioning on oxygen status in preterm infants undergoing CPAP weaning. The research design was a randomize control trial. Respondents total 60 preterm infants with non-invasive ventilation or CPAP (prone position intervention group = 30 and control group supine position = 30). Univariate and bivariate analyzes were performed. There is a significant difference in oxygen saturation, respiratory rate and pulse rate in the prone position so that the prone position can stabilize oxygen saturation, heart rate and respiratory rate in preterm infants during CPAP weaning. ReCPAP in the prone group was less frequent (10%). However, there is no relation between positioning and reCPAP. Further research should use the position of quarter prone or semi prone in the larger sample.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Syan Sarmila
Abstrak :
Salah satu gangguan sistem pernapasan yang umum ditemukan pada bayi dan anak-anak yaitu pneumonia karena bayi belum memiliki sistem kekebalan tubuh yang matang, sehingga mudah terpapar patogen penyebab pneumonia. Masalah keperawatan utama yang dapat terjadi yaitu bersihan jalan napas tidak efektif karena kondisi pneumonia membuat alveoli diisi dengan sputum yang sulit dikeluarkan, sehingga terasa sakit saat bernapas dan membatasi asupan oksigen. Karya ilmiah ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis efektivitas penerapan terapi fisioterapi dada terhadap perbaikan status pernapasan pada bayi dengan pneumonia. By. Ny. R lahir secara sectio caesarea pada usia gestasi 36-37 minggu atas indikasi hidramnion, kondisi bayi terdengar ronkhi (+/+), gelisah dan rewel, sesak napas (+), retraksi dada (+), frekuensi napas 41x/menit, saturasi oksigen rendah yaitu 80% on high flow nasal dengan flow 4 dan FiO2 25%. Intervensi dilakukan selama 6 hari dengan penerapan intervesi fisioterapi dada. Hasil menunjukkan terdapat perbaikan status pernapasan pada bayi terutama saturasi oksigen dan frekuensi napas stabil pada rentang normal yaitu 30-60x/menit, suara ronkhi minimal, sesak minimal, produksi sekret 15-25 cc. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan terapi fisioterapi dada sesuai indikasi secara rutin untuk pengeluaran sekret sehingga meningkatkan status pernapasan pada pasien dengan pneumonia. ......One of the common respiratory system disorders found in infants and children is pneumonia because infants do not have a mature immune system, so they are easily exposed to pathogens that causes pneumonia. The main nursing problem that can occur is ineffective airway clearance because pneumonia conditions make the alveoli filled with sputum that is difficult to remove, making it painful to breathe and limiting oxygen intake. This scientific work aims to analyze the effectiveness of the application of chest physiotherapy therapy on improving respiratory status in infants with pneumonia. By. Ny. R was born by sectio caesarea at 36-37 weeks gestation for indications of hydramnios, the infant condition was heard ronkhi (+/+), restless and fussy, shortness of breath (+), chest retraction (+), respiratory rate 41x/min (normal), low oxygen saturation which is 80% on high flow nasal with flow 4 and FiO2 25%. The intervention was carried out for 6 days with the application of chest physiotherapy interventions. The results showed that there was an improvement in the respiratory status of the infant, especially oxygen saturation and respiratory rate stabilized in the normal range of 30-60x/min, minimal ronkhi sound, minimal tightness, 15-25 cc secretion production. Therefore, chest physiotherapy is needed according to indications routinely for secretion removal so as to improve respiratory status in patients with pneumonia.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library