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Ditemukan 5 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Halberto Sidiq
Abstrak :
Belakangan ini transportasi barang perkotaan (Urban Freight Transport) memiliki berbagai macam masalah, termasuk kemacetan yang diakibatkannya. Sistem transportasi barang dituntut untuk menghasilkan biaya yang rendah. Pada dasarnya untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, konsep Green Urban Freight adalah jawabannya. Konsep ini didesain bukan hanya untuk ramah lingkungan, tetapi juga berfungsi ekonomis. Paper ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa tingkat pengetahuan dan kesadaran pemangku kepentingan terhadap Green Urban Freight Transport(GUFT). Metode yang digunakan adalah melalui survey wawancara untuk berbagai tema terkait GUFT kepada pemangku kepentingan seperti residents di wilayah Pulo Gadung, Tanjung Priok dan Kelapa Gading. Pemangku kepentingan lainnya adalah freight carriers di Indonesia. Hasil dari paper ini adalah secara umum tingkat kesadaran dari residents lebih tinggi dibandingkan tingkat pengetahuannya, tetapi pada pemangku kepentingan freight carriers tingkat pengetahuannya lebih tinggi dibandingkan tingkat kesadarannya. Terdapat korelasi yang cukup signifikan antar berbagai tema GUFT dalam hal tingkat pengetahuan dan kesadaran. Hal ini memberikan makna bahwa tema-tema dalam GUFT sudah cukup diketahui dan disadari keterhubungannya.
These days, there are various problems regarding urban freight transportation, one of which is traffic congestion. The transportation system is expected to have a small cost. The solution to these problems is the Green Urban Freight Concept. This Concept is designed not only to be environmentally friendly, but also economical. This paper analyzes the level of knowledge and awareness of certain stakeholders regarding Green Urban Freight Transport, or GUFT. The method that is used to collect information is a survey that involves topics related to GUFT. The survey is spreaded to certain stake holders such as residents residing in Pulo Gadung, Tanjung Priok, and Kelapa Gading. Freight carrier companies are also accounted as stake holders that affect the urban freight transportation. The result of this paper is that, in general, the level of awareness of residents, residing in said locations, is higher than their level of knowledge regarding GUFT, Whereas in freight carrier companies, their level of knowledge is higher that their level of awareness regarding GUFT. There is significant correlation about the level of awareness and knowledge in various GUFT topics. This reveals that the topics in GUFT are well known and are correlated.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Larasari Tisno Suryawati
Abstrak :
Sistem multimoda di Indonesia membutuhkan pengembangan untuk menciptakan angkutan barang yang lebih efisien dan andal serta mengurangi dominasi angkutan jalan raya, yaitu truk. Pemanfaatan lebih dari satu moda dalam sistem multimoda, dimana terdapat elemen door-to-door, memerlukan konsep pengembangan jaringan yang mengacu pada penggunaan generalised cost, bukan biaya yang dikeluarkan untuk menggunakan sistem tersebut (out of pocket). Generalised cost adalah konsep monetisasi variabel waktu, jarak dan biaya ke dalam satuan nilai tertentu (waktu atau biaya). Tujuan dari penelitian yaitu menentukkan faktor-faktor yang memiliki peran penting dalam pemilihan moda serta menganalisis model generalised cost angkutan barang di Jawa berdasarkan moda utama dan moda-pelaku usaha. Pada penelitian ini, variabel generalised cost yang digunakan didasarkan pada sudut pandang dari freight forwarder dan shipper yang diperoleh melalui survei primer menggunakan metode Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Monetisasi variabel kemungkinan keterlambatan dan lead time terhadap biaya didasarkan pada survei stated preference yang hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa moda truk memiliki nilai kemungkinan keterlambatan, yaitu Value of Delay Rp 1.181.771 dan nilai waktu, yaitu Value of Time Rp 174.079 (per pengiriman per jam). Nilai tersebut merupakan yang terbesar dibandingkan moda lainnya mengingat kemacetan dan belum tersedianya infrastruktur yang memadai menjadi faktor penyebab keterlambatan. Bentuk generalised cost disusun atas komponen biaya perjalanan, perkalian value of time terhadap lead time dan perkalian value of delay terhadap kemungkinan keterlambatan. Hasil generalised cost menunjukkan bahwa moda truk untuk freight forwarder memiliki nilai generalised cost 1,28 kali lebih mahal dibandingkan moda truk untuk shipper. Kondisi tersebut menunjukkan bahwa shipper bersedia membayar lebih untuk mengurangi lead time dan meminimalkan keterlambatan sehingga barang cepat sampai dan meningkatkan kredibilitas perusahaan. Hasil yang didapatkan dari penelitian ini sebaiknya dapat dimanfaatkan oleh pemerintah sebagai landasan dalam menentukan kebijakan pengembangan transportasi multimoda yang memungkinkan sistem tersebut dapat bersaing di sektor logistik. ......The multimodal system in Indonesia requires development in order to create more efficient and reliable freight transport and diminish the domination of road transport, i.e trucks.Utilization of more than one mode in a multimodal system, where there is a door-to-door element, requires a network development concept that refers to the use of generalised costs, instead of costs incurred to use the system (out of pocket). Generalised cost is the concept of monetization of time, distance and cost variables into a certain unit value (time or cost). The aim of this study is to analyze the generalised cost model of freight transport in Java based on main modes and modes-business actors. In this study, the generalised cost variable used is based on the viewpoint from freight forwarders and shippers obtained through primary surveys and the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. Monetization of delay and lead time variables on costs is taken from a stated preference survey, the results of which show that the truck mode has a Value of Delay Rp 1,181,771 and Value of Time Rp 174,079 (per delivery per hour). These values are the largest compared to the other modes considering that congestion and the unavailability of adequate infrastructure are the factors that cause delays. Generalised cost model is composed of components of travel costs, multiplication of value of time of lead time and multiplication of value of delay of delays. The result of generalised cost show that the truck mode for freight forwarders has the largest generalised cost value, is 1.28 times more expensive than the truck mode for shippers. These conditions indicate shippers are willing to pay higher to reduce lead time and minimize delays in order to deliver quickly and increase company’s credibility. The findings of this study may be used by government entities as a reference in determining multimodal transport development policies which will enable the system to compete in the logistics sector.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Imam Sonny
Abstrak :
Merancang jaringan infrastruktur transportasi sangat penting terutama untuk daerah dan negara di mana kurangnya perhatian diberikan pada perencanaan sistem transportasi berbasis kepulauan. Penelitian ini mengusulkan sebuah model yang akan digunakan sebagai alat untuk perencanaan tingkat strategis transportasi multimodal, khususnya dalam perencanaan pembangunan jaringan terminal angkutan barang. Model ini menentukan rencana evaluasi jaringan angkutan barang yang optimal, yang memilih set optimal tindakan dari sejumlah tindakan yang mungkinkan. Model ini dikembangkan dalam kerangka masalah rute kapal menggunakan masalah pemrograman dua tingkat, di mana menggunakan teknik multimodal yang tergabung dalam masalah tingkat yang lebih rendah yang secara eksplisit memperhitungkan arus barang, dan kegiatan di dalam terminal penangan di pelabuhan . Masalah tingkat atas mengoptimalkan kombinasi tindakan tersebut bahwa barang disampaikan dalam terminal dilayani secaramaksimal. Opsi tindakan yang layak meliputi perbaikan infrastruktur yang ada, hubungan jaringan transportasi laut dan pemilihan lokasi terminal angkutan. Jenis masalah dapat dianggap sebagai masalah optimasi kombinatorial, di mana teknik perhitungan evolusi berdasarkan algoritma genetika digunakan sebagai prosedur solusi. Model ini diuji pada jaringan angkutan barang di Propinsi Maluku Utara, Indonesia, di mana pengembangan angkutan jaringan transportasi yang diinginkan untuk meningkatkan pemanfaatan moda laut daripada kendaraan berbasis jalan. Hasil mengungkapkan bahwa prosedur berdasarkan Genetik Lokal bisa memberikan kinerja yang lebih baik dan memadai bisa menemukan kombinasi terbaik dari tindakan di antara alternatif yang tersedia.
Designing a multimodal freight transport infrastructures network is essential especially for regions and countries where lack of attention is given on the planning of multimodal transport systems. This research proposes a model that will be used as a tool for strategic level of multimodal transport planning, particularly in freight terminal network development planning. The model determines an optimal freight transport evaluation plan, which selects an optimal set of actions from a number of possible actions. The model is developed within the framework of vehicle routing problem using bi level programming problem, where a multimodal multi user assignment technique is incorporated within lower level problem that explicitly takes into account freight flows, and activities within terminals. the upper level problem optimizes the combination of actions such that the freight delivered within terminal served frequently is maximized. The feasible actions include improving the existing infrastructures, sea link and freight terminals. This type of problem can be considered as a combinatorial optimization problem, where evolutionary computation techniques based on genetic algorithms applied as solution procedures. The model is tested on the freight transport network in North Maluku Island, Indonesia, where freight transport network development is desired to increase the utilization of other modes rather than road based vehicles. Result revealed that the procedure based on Genetic Local Search could provide better performance and could adequately find the best combination of action among available alternatives.
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
The series of Interdisciplinary Conferences on Production, Logistics and Traffic (ICPLT) address the research community as well as practitioners in these fields with special attention to links and interfaces between the three disciplines. The fourth ICPLT in particular deals with technology from intralogistics to automated trucking driving as well as the societal aspects of commercial transport. To contribute to a high-level and beneficial exchange between authorities in politics and municipalities with researchers and practitioners in production and logistics management the ICPLT has asked for contributions from the three disciplines to better understand innovative technologies, best practises and latest results. These contributions have been evaluated and selected based on a double-blind review process to become part of this book. It comprises 21 contributions examining trends and challenges for commercial transport as the essential link for production, logistics and society. Therefore, innovative technologies and strategies are presented and discussed to better understand the interdependencies, conflicts of interest and to develop feasible solutions.
Switzerland: Springer Nature, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
In order to build a sustainable transport system for people and goods that meets the needs of all users, a truly integrated and seamless approach is needed, and the full potential of transformative technologies has to be exploited. This can only be achieved if user-centeredness, cross-modality and technology transfer become the paradigm of shaping future transport. Mobility4EU is a project funded by the European Commission that focusses on these topics and is working on delivering an action plan towards a user-centric and cross-modal European transport system in 2030. The authors of this contributed volume are dedicated scholars and practitioners connected to Mobility4EU either as partners or external contributors. Their contributions focus on understanding user needs and report on technologies and approaches that support the tailoring of a user-centered cross-modal transport system for passengers and freight on long distances and in the urban context.
Switzerland: Springer Cham, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library