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Ditemukan 2 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Gaudensia Diana K. F.
"Penelitian dengan judul Faktor-faktor yang Mendorong Prestasi Belajar Anak Asuh (Studi Kasus Terhadap 5 Orang Remaja Panti Asuhan Vincentius Putera Jakarta Yang Berprestasi Belajar Sangat Baik) ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan faktor-faktor internal dan ekstemal yang dapat menjadi pendorong prestasi belajar anak asuh di Panti Asuhan Vincentius Putera Jakarta. Faktor internal adalah segala faktor yang berasal dari dalam din anak asuh yang mendorong prestasi belajamya, dan faktor eksternal adalah faktor-faktor yang berasal dari luar diri anak asuh yang mendorong prestasi belajamya.
Latar belakang pemilihan topik penelitian ini adalah tingginya prestasi belajar beberapa orang anak asuh di Panti Asuhan Vincentius Jakarta yang sedang berada pada jenjang pendidikan Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) Sint Joseph Jakarta. Padahal, para penghuni Panti Asuhan Vincentius Putera secara umum merupakan anak-anak yang mempunyai masalah di dalam keluarga, Sebagian besar kasus ditemukan bahwa para anak asuh tersebut berasal dari keluarga miskin dan tidak mengenal orang tua sejak dari bayi. Kurangnya kasih sayang serta dukungan keluarga merupakan faktor-faktor yang sesungguhnya sangat berpengaruh dalam perkembangan anak. Pada dasamya, anak asuh yang menjalani kehidupan sehari-hari dalam lingkungan panti asuhan adalah anakanak bermasalah. Namun, dalam kondisi tersebut, tetap ditemukan adanya anakanak penghuni panti asuhan yang mempunyai prestasi akademik bagus. Situasi ini sangat menarik untuk diamati, sehingga ditetapkan sebagai topik dalam penelitian ini, yang secara khusus akan mendeskripsikan tentang faktor-faktor pendorong berprestasi anak asuh dengan studi kasus terhadap remaja di Panti Asuhan Vincentius Putera Kramat Raya 134 Jakarta Pusat.
Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian studi kasus. Lokasi penelitian ini adalah Panti Asuhan Vincentius Putera Jalan Kramat Raya 134 Jakarta Pusat. Janis sampling (type of sampling) penelitian ini adalah non-probability sampling atau nonrandom sampling. Penentuan sampel dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik purposive. Data dalam penelitian ini dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan tiga teknik yaitu wawancara mendalam (indepth interview), observasi, serta menggunakan data non manusia (sekunder) dan dianallsis secara deskriptif kualitatif.
Pembahasan dalam penelitian tentang faktor-faktor pendorong berprestasi ini menggunakan teori dari beberapa pakar pendidikan dan psikologi yang membahas tentang faktor internal (intrinsik) dan eksternal (ekstrinsik) yaitu Sobur, Hakim, Makmun, Munandar, dan lain-lain. Teori tersebut menekankan bahwa faktor dan dalam diri individu (internal) dan faktor Iingkungan dari luar diri individu (ekstemal) sebagai faktor-faktor yang mendorong seseorang untuk berprestasi. Melalui penelitian ini, maka akan dikaji faktor-faktor pendorong tersebut dalam setting panti asuhan dengan informannya adalah 5 orang remaja berprestasi di Panti Asuhan Vincentius Putera yang sedang mengikuti pendidikan di jenjang Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Sint Joseph Kramat Raya Jakarta Pusat.
Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa faktor internal yaitu faktor fisik dan psikis, serta faktor ekstemal dari Panti Asuhan Vincentius Putera berupa fasilitas belajar, peran pengasuh, waktu belajar, dan peraturan maupun dari SMK Sint Joseph berupa fasilitas belajar, bimbingan dan pendampingan, metode belajar dan peraturan menjadi pendorong prestasi belajar anak asuh di Panti Asuhan Vincentius Patera. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini memberikan rekomendasi terhadap pihak-pihak yang terkait dengan pendidikan anak seperti; sekolah dan panti asuhan untuk lebih memberikan perhatian terhadap masalah pendidikan anak, khususnya pendidikan bagi anak-anak panti asuhan.

The Thesis which title The Study Achievement Stimulating Factors for Foster Child (Case Study to 5 adolescents at Vincentius Putra Foster Care that over achiever). Purposes of the research is to describe study achievement stimulating factors both internal and external factors at Vincentius Putra Foster Care Jakarta. Internal factors are all factors that coming from foster child itself, and external factors are all factors that coming from the environment of foster child.
The topic had been choseen based on the fact that some of the foster child at Vincentius Putra Foster Care in the senior high school (SMK Sint Joseph) are over achiever students, whereas the children is coming from the broken family. In many cases found that the children who lived in Vincentius Putra Foster Care that they family is poor, and some of them never known they family since they were born. The less of passion and support from family was dominant factors that will be giving an influence for children growth and development, both physically and mentally in future time. In generally all the children that living in Vincentius Putra Foster Care are disorder children. But, in that unopportunity condition, still found some of the foster child that can reached over achievement than others. This situation is interesting to look deeply by social research methods to esspecially describe achihevment stimulating factors, both internally and externally, by case study to five over achiever adotesence at Vincentius Putra Foster Care that study at SMK Sint Joseph Kramat Raya 134 Jakarta.
This study uses qualitative method with case study as a approaching method. The research locate in Vincentius Putra Foster Care at Jalan Kramat Raya 134 Jakarta Pusat. Type of sampling uses non-probability sampling or nonrandom sampling. The technique to determine sampling is purposive. The data is collecting by three ways such as indepth interview, observation, and study documentation. All the data analizing uses descriptive-qualitative. The informants needed 12 person, consist of five foster children, three SMK Sint Joseph teachers, and four Vincentius Putra Foster Care Officers.
The research uses some theories such as Sobur, Hakim, Makmun, Munandar, and Jane Hams. The theories stress internal and external factors as a stimulating factors that influencing foster children in a study. Through this research, all those factors will be telling about internal and external factors that influence foster children that living in Vincentius Putra Foster Care and study at SMK Sint Joseph.
In the last chapter, known that of the research about internal and external factors (facilities, officers, study schedule, and rule) conclude that all factors are stimulated foster child to be over achiever at Vincentius Putra Foster Care. Thus, as a recomendation to goverment, education institution, and other foster care to give more seriuously to about education for children, especially children that living in foster care."
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Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Vonny Hardiyanti
"[Pengangkatan anak (adopsi) di kalangan masyarakat adat Tionghoa merupakan suatu perbuatan yang lazim dilakukan bila tidak terdapat keturunan laki-laki dalam suatu perkawinan. Keberadaan keturunan laki-laki dalam masyarakat Tionghoa adalah sangat penting sebagai penerus marga (she) dan pemelihara abu leluhur. Dalam perkembangannya masyarakat adat Tionghoa mengalami perubahan sistem kekerabatan menjadi bercorak parental sehingga sekarang dikenal pula pengangkatan anak perempuan. Motif utama pengangkatan anak turut mengalami perubahan, tidak lagi demi melanjutkan keturunan semata tetapi demi kepentingan terbaik anak. Kedudukan anak angkat dalam keluarga angkat haruslah dalam posisi yang menjamin kesejahteraan anak tersebut, termasuk pula bila orang tua angkatnya meninggal kelak berkaitan dengan warisnya. Yang menjadi permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana pelaksanaan pengangkatan anak pada masyarakat adat Tionghoa di Indonesia, bagaimana akibat hukum dari pengangkatan anak terhadap kedudukan anak angkat dalam hukum waris adat Tionghoa, bagaimanakah pelaksanaan pengangkatan anak (adopsi) yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat Tionghoa dalam penetapan Pengadilan
Negeri Jember Nomor 10/Pdt.P/2014/Pn.Jr. Metode penelitan yang digunakan adalah penelitian yuridis normatif dengan tipologi penelitian eksplanatoris. Data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder yang dikumpulkan dengan studi kepustakaan, selain itu dilakukan pula wawancara untuk mendukung fakta yang ditemukan dalam data sekunder. Dari penelitian diketahui bahwa masyarakat adat Tionghoa di Indonesia melakukan pengangkatan anak hanya secara adat karena pengangkatan anak melalui pengadilan dianggap rumit dan memakan banyak biaya. Akibat hukum dari pengangkatan anak terhadap kedudukan anak angkat dalam hukum waris adat Tionghoa adalah anak angkat menjadi ahli waris dari orang tua angkatnya. Pengangkatan anak yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat Tionghoa dalam penetapan Pengadilan Negeri Jember Nomor 10/Pdt.P/2014/Pn.Jr adalah pengangkatan seorang anak perempuan yang awalnya hanya dilakukan berdasarkan adat kebiasaan yang kemudian dapat disahkan oleh pengadilan negeri demi mendapat kepastian hukum dan mewujudkan kepentingan terbaik anak tersebut.

Adoption among Chinese Indonesians are a very common thing to do if there's no male descendant born in a marriage. Male descendants play a very important role as they are the successor whom continue the passage of family name (she) and the person in charge of preserving ancestor?s ash. Over the time Chinese Indonesian's descent system transforming into bilateral kinship system so that girls adoption are also recognized now. Adoption's main motives also started shifting, it was to
carry on the lineage but now it is for foster child's own benefit. Foster child?s should be placed in the proper position that guarantee his/her welfare being, including in the time of foster parents? death regarding the legacy. The subjects of this research are how is the practice of adoption among Chinese Indonesians, what
is the legal consequence of adoption in matter of foster's child's position in Chinese Indonesians customary inheritance law, how is the practice of adoption among Chinese Indonesians as stated in Jember district court order number 10/Pdt.P/2014/Pn.Jr. The research method are juridicial normative method with explanatory typology. Data used are secondary data which gathered through literature study, beside there's also interview performed to advocating facts found in secondary data. From the research we can tell that Chinese Indonesians conduct adoption solely based on their tradition because doing it through court considered complicated and will cost a lot of money. The legal consequence of adoption in Chinese Indonesians customary inheritance law is foster child becomes adoptive parent's heir. Adoption among Chinese Indonesians as stated in Jember district court order number 10/Pdt.P/2014/Pn.Jr is the adoption of a girl which at first only conducted based on tradition then authorized by district court for the sake of legal certainty and to actualize the child's best interest.;Adoption among Chinese Indonesians are a very common thing to do if there’s no male descendant born in a marriage. Male descendants play a very important role as they are the successor whom continue the passage of family name (she) and the person in charge of preserving ancestor’s ash. Over the time Chinese Indonesian’s descent system transforming into bilateral kinship system so that girls adoption are also recognized now. Adoption’s main motives also started shifting, it was to carry on the lineage but now it is for foster child’s own benefit. Foster child’s should be placed in the proper position that guarantee his/her welfare being, including in the time of foster parents’ death regarding the legacy. The subjects of this research are how is the practice of adoption among Chinese Indonesians, what is the legal consequence of adoption in matter of foster’s child’s position in Chinese Indonesians customary inheritance law, how is the practice of adoption among Chinese Indonesians as stated in Jember district court order number 10/Pdt.P/2014/Pn.Jr. The research method are juridicial normative method with explanatory typology. Data used are secondary data which gathered through
literature study, beside there’s also interview performed to advocating facts found in secondary data. From the research we can tell that Chinese Indonesians conduct adoption solely based on their tradition because doing it through court considered complicated and will cost a lot of money. The legal consequence of adoption in Chinese Indonesians customary inheritance law is foster child
becomes adoptive parents’ heir. Adoption among Chinese Indonesians as stated in Jember district court order number 10/Pdt.P/2014/Pn.Jr is the adoption of a girl which at first only conducted based on tradition then authorized by district court for the sake of legal certainty and to actualize the child’s best interest., Adoption among Chinese Indonesians are a very common thing to do if there’s no
male descendant born in a marriage. Male descendants play a very important role as they are the successor whom continue the passage of family name (she) and the
person in charge of preserving ancestor’s ash. Over the time Chinese Indonesian’s
descent system transforming into bilateral kinship system so that girls adoption
are also recognized now. Adoption’s main motives also started shifting, it was to
carry on the lineage but now it is for foster child’s own benefit. Foster child’s should be placed in the proper position that guarantee his/her welfare being, including in the time of foster parents’ death regarding the legacy. The subjects of
this research are how is the practice of adoption among Chinese Indonesians, what
is the legal consequence of adoption in matter of foster’s child’s position in
Chinese Indonesians customary inheritance law, how is the practice of adoption among Chinese Indonesians as stated in Jember district court order number 10/Pdt.P/2014/Pn.Jr. The research method are juridicial normative method with explanatory typology. Data used are secondary data which gathered through
literature study, beside there’s also interview performed to advocating facts found
in secondary data. From the research we can tell that Chinese Indonesians
conduct adoption solely based on their tradition because doing it through court
considered complicated and will cost a lot of money. The legal consequence of
adoption in Chinese Indonesians customary inheritance law is foster child
becomes adoptive parents’ heir. Adoption among Chinese Indonesians as stated in Jember district court order number 10/Pdt.P/2014/Pn.Jr is the adoption of a girl which at first only conducted based on tradition then authorized by district court for the sake of legal certainty and to actualize the child’s best interest.]
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Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library