"Contents :
- Preface
- Chapter 1: Metal Forming Processes in Manufacturing
- Chapter 2: Forging Processes: Variables and Descriptions
- Chapter 3: Plastic Deformation: Strain and Strain Rate
- Chapter 4: Flow Stress and Forgeability
- Chapter 5: Plastic Deformation: Complex State of Stress and Flow Rules
- Chapter 6: Temperature and Heat Transfer
- Chapter 7: Friction and Lubrication
- Chapter 8: Inverse Analysis for Simultaneous Determination of Flow Stress and
- Chapter 9: Methods of Analysis for Forging Operations
- Chapter 10: Principles of Forging Machines
- Chapter 11: Presses and Hammers for Cold and Hot Forging
- Chapter 12: Special Machines for Forging
- Chapter 13: Billet Separation and Shearing
- Chapter 14: Process Design in Impression-Die Forging
- Chapter 15: A Simplified Method to Estimate Forging Load in Impression-Die
- Chapter 16: Process Modeling in Impression-Die Forging Using Finite-Element
- Chapter 17: Cold and Warm Forging
- Chapter 18: Process Modeling in Cold Forging Using Finite-Element Analysis
- Chapter 19: Microstructure Modeling in Superalloy Forging
- Chapter 20: Isothermal and Hot-Die Forging
- Chapter 21: Die Materials and Die Manufacturing
- Chapter 22: Die Failures in Cold and Hot Forging
- Chapter 23: Near-Net Shape Forging and New Developments
- Index "