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Ditemukan 6 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Angga Kiryaditama Putra
Abstrak :
Law Number 15 of 2004 and Law Number 15 of 2006 only lay down the authority of the BPK in conducting audits in general and the types of audits that can be conducted by BPK. These regulations, however, do not specifically and explicitly provide the authority to the conduct of a foresight audit. Foresight audit launched by BPK in the 2016-2020 BPK Strategic Plan will be very important in the achievement of sustainable development goals (SDGs) by 2030, given that the BPK will provide feedback and suggestions on important future policies to accelerate the achievement of SDGs. Legal instruments have an important role for BPK as the legal basis for the institution in achieving the Highest Maturity Model of the Accountability Organization in conducting a foresight audit. This study employs a normative legal research method that aims to explore and study regulations that support BPK as a foresight auditor in the future. The results illustrate that the legal basis or legal instruments for the exercise of BPK’s foresight audit authority is sufficient but still needs to be improved. The addition of legal instruments and authorities can be a solution to ensure that any foresight audit performed in the future can run optimally and accelerate the achievement of the SDGs.
Jakarta: Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan Direktorat Penelitian dan Pengembangan, 2020
332 JTKAKN 6:2 (2020)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dwi Sani Suliantoro
Abstrak :
Tesis ini membahas mengenai perkembangan perusahaan industri jasa intelijen privat (IJIP) di Indonesia, dalam rangka menghadapi ancaman dan tantangan yang dihadapi Indonesia sebagai dampak diberlakukannya MEA di kawasan Asia Tenggara. Tesis ini melakukan analisis dengan membentuk skenario penguatan terhadap IJIP di Indonesia, guna menghadapi ancaman dan tantangan ini. Tesis ini merupakan produk akademik yang menggunakan metode riset intelijen kualitatif, dengan studi kasus peran PT. WCG sebagai bagian dari IJIP dalam menghadapi perkembangan dan kebutuhan akan industri jasa intelijen privat di Indonesia. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan PT. WCG mampu menjadi kekuatan dalam mengimbangi IJIP di Indonesia yang masih didominasi asing. ......This thesis discusses about the development of the private intelligence service industries (IJIP) in Indonesia, in order to deal with the threats and challenges faced by Indonesia as a result of the implementation of the AEC in Southeast Asia. This thesis conducted an analysis by formed a strengthening scenario of the private intelligence service industries in Indonesia, in order to face the threats and challenges that comes. This study is an academic product that used a qualitative intelligence research, which analyzes the role of PT. WCG as a part of a private intelligence service industries in facing development and the need for the private intelligence service industries in Indonesia as the case study. The results of this study showed that PT. WCG is able to become a force to counterbalance the private intelligence services industries in Indonesia whose still dominated by foreign companies.
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yuristka Rizki M
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini berfokus pada framing yang dilakukan TVRI terhadap siaran tunda konvensi Partai Demokrat pada 13 September 2013 lalu, kemudian menuangkan hasil analisis framing tersebut kedalam scenario dan foresight intelijen guna mengetahui sejauh mana implikasi penayangan siaran tunda tersebut memberi pengaruh terhadap positioning Partai Demokrat dalam Pemilu 2014 baik dari segi popularitas dan elektabilitas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa TVRI sebagai media televisi yang telah bertransformasi dari bentuknya sebagai stasiun televisi pemerintah menjadi lembaga penyiaran publik tetap tidak bisa lepas dari kulturnya yang lama, yakni cenderung sebagai alat propaganda pemerintah. Dalam hal pemberitaan mengenai Pemilu, ditinjau dari historis dan perkembangannya, TVRI mengindikasikan keberpihakannya pada partai-partai penguasa pada masanya; termasuk keberpihakannya kepada Partai Demokrat yang saat ini merupakan partai orang nomor satu Indonesia. Penayangan siaran tunda konvensi Partai Demokrat yang dilakukan TVRI menuai berbagai reaksi dari berbagai kalangan masyarakat, salah satunya Komisi Penyiaran Indonesia (KPI) yang menjatuhkan sanksi lisan dan tulisan kepada TVRI. Implikasi dari penayangan siaran tunda ini kemudian dianalisis dan dituangkan kedalam metode scenario dan foresight guna mengetahui langkah-langkah kebijakan bagi Partai Demokrat dalam hal positioning popularitas serta elektabilitas partai pada Pemilu 2014. Model scenario yang digunakan adalah tehnik skenario sumbu, dan ada empat model skenario yang dihasilkan dari tehnik skenario sumbu ini. Dari empat model yang ada, dipilih salah satu model yang dinilai paling dapat membawa Partai Demokrat kepada kondisi yang paling diharapkan pada Pemilu 2014. Dari hasil penelitian disarankan agar TVRI memulihkan nama baiknya dengan cara menjadi lembaga penyiaran publik yang sesuai dengan prinsipprinsip penyelenggaraannya yang independen, netral, tidak memihak, dan melayani asas kepentingan publik. Di samping itu, hasil penelitian juga menyarankan agar partai-partai politik, bukan hanya Partai Demokrat, selalu menjalin hubungan media dengan media-media televisi tidak hanya pada saat pemilu. Masyarakat juga dihimbau agar cerdas dalam menerima terpaan isi media, dalam hal ini pemberitaan mengenai pemilu.
This study focuses on the framing is done TVRI broadcast delay to the Democratic convention on 13 September 2013, then pour the framing analysis results into scenarios and foresight intelligence to determine the extent to which the implications of the delayed broadcast aired give effect to the positioning of the Democratic Party in the 2014 election either in terms of popularity and electability. The results showed that TVRI television as a medium that has been transformed from its shape as state television into public broadcasters still can not escape from the old culture, which tends to be a government propaganda tool. In reporting on the election, and review of the historical development, TVRI indicates inclination to authority parties at the time; including its inclination of Democratic Party as the party that is currently the number one in Indonesia. Delayed broadcast aired Democratic convention made TVRI received various reactions from various circles of society, one of the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI) which penalize both spoken and written to TVRI. The implications of this delayed broadcast aired later analyzed and poured into scenarios and foresight methods to determine policy measures for the Democratic Party in terms of positioning the popularity and electability of the party in the 2014 election. Scenario model used is axes scenario technique, and there are four models of scenarios generated from this axis scenario techniques. Of the four existing models, selected one of the models that assessed the Democrats can bring the most to the conditions expected in the 2014 election. From the results of the study suggested that TVRI restore his good name by being a public broadcaster in accordance with the principles of implementation independent, neutral, impartial, and serving the public interest principle. In addition, the results also suggest that political parties, not just the Democrats, always maintained relations with the television media not only at election time. Citizens are also urged to be smart in receiving exposure to media content, in this case the news about the election.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Benita nusetyarini
Abstrak :
PLTU Jawa Tengah 2 X 1 000 MW merupakan prog1am percepatan pembangklt I 0 000 MW tahap II yang ddakukan PLN untuk mengeJar pertumbuhan kebutuhan hstrrk nasronal yang terus menmgkat setrap tahun PL TU m1 d1katakan akan menJadr PLTU dengan kapas1tas pembangklt terbesar se As1a Tenggara Trdak hanya rtu PLTU mr JUga termasuk ke dalam dua program nasronal ymtu Public P111 ate Pm tnu shzp yang drcanangkan untuk mempetcepat pembangunan mh astt uktur setia Masterplan Pet cepatan dan Pet!uasan Pembangunan Ekonom1 Indonesia (MP3EI) Namun p10yek PL TU m1 menghadap1 banyak hambatan dan stet! choldu y1ng sesungguhnya dapat drJadikan peluang Stud1 mt menerapkan pendekatan mteliJen sttategtk pada PT Bhnnasena Powet Indonesta (BPI) selaku pelabana proyek sebagar basrs untuk ment,atasr hambatan pembangunan p10yek dent, 111 matWJemen srstem fon5z;)zt untuk membe11 tempat kepada 5takcholdu Penchttm test'> m1 adalah penelittan kualrtatJt yang drlakukan dengan metode rlmnh dt1dlt'>t'> mteliJen (Prunckun 2010) Data dtkumpulkan dati sumber terbuka sepet tt Opw Sow u.. Data (OSD) Open Sow ce Infm matzon (OSIF) Open Sou1 ce Intdlz0 wcc (OSINT) dan Valzdatcd OSINT (OSINT V) termasuk melalm \\'1wanc'11 1 Penehttan mt menggunakan konsep pemtknan da11 Ltebowttz (2006) tent'1nt, mteltJen sttatejik Vecchtato (2011) tentang srstem fonszght dan Nutt ( 1999) tent1111:, ptoses pengambrlan keputusan Untuk mendukung proses anal!sts juga chgun1kan tekmk 5takcholdu mappzng dan 5oczal nctvvo1 k analy5Z5 Hast! penelttnn menemuk1n bahwa BPI secma mandm dapat menerapkan mteliJen stt dtejtk 1ga1 memahamr \takcholdu sekalrgus menggunakan 5takcholdu sebapt ->umbet mtei!Jen Dengan berbekal hal tersebut BPI mengetahm cb n e1 s of chan&c tetlnd1p kelangsung1n ptoyek Srstem jo1e~zght JUga membantu BPI untuk mehkukan co u uztzon goal\ 1t1u 1 aluc c1 wtzon dan p10ses pengambrlan keputus1n betlangsung lebd1 cep1t kat ena bet bekal mf01 masr mteliJen ......Central Jawa Powe1 Plant 2 X I 000 MW z.s mcluded zn the ja.st t1 ack p1 og1 am I 0 000 MW phase II whzch bezng w 1 anged by PLN to fitlfzll the zncreaszng needs of elect1 zczty supply each yem The powu plant zs .stated to be the bzggest power plant zn South Ea.st Asza Othe1 than that the power plant zs also zncluded m two natwnal prog1 ams whzch we Publzc P1zvate Pm tne1.shzp to enhance znji astructw e development and Masterplan fm Acccle1 atwn and E1.panswn on Indonesza s Economzc Development (MP3EI) Howcve1 the powu plant proJect ha.s faczng so many obstacles fi om the stakeholdu whzch actually can become oppm tunztzes Thzs .study zmplunent.s .st1 ategzc zntcllzgence app1 oach to PT Bhzma.sena Power Indonu.za (BPI) as the p1 OJect cont1 act01 zt become.s the bmzs to ove1 come obstacles zn the p1 OJCCl con.st1 uctwn by u.szng fm eszght .S} \tem managunent to gn e opp01 tunztv (o1 the .stakeholdu Thz\ thc.sz.s z.s a qualztatz1 c 1 c.sw1 ch whzch bung done hv .suentzfic method\ of tntcllzgena ana/y.sz.s (P1 unci un 20 I 0) The data z.s guthu ul f1 om open .sow co .such a.s Open Sow ce Data (OSD) Open Sow cc Infounatwn (OSIF) Open Sow cc Intcllzgena (OSINT} and Valzdatul OSINT (OSJNT V) zncludmg zntenzew.s The 1 e.suu ch z.s u.szng concept\ by Lzehonzt::: (2006) about .st1 atcgzc zntcl!tgena Vachzato (20 II) about foi c.s1ght .s y.stun and Nutt (!999) about deczswn makmg p1 occ.s.s To .supp01 t the analvtzwl p1 oa.s.s stakeholdu mappzng technzque and .soual nct1VOII analys1.s we al.so hung used zn thz.s thesz.s The 1 uuu ch 1 c 1 at!ed that BPI wn apphul .st1 ategze zntclhgena zndependentlv to undu .stand the stakeholdu u.s \1 ell as to usc the stakeholdu a.s the sow ccs of znfm malum Ba.sul on that BPiundu stand.s the ({, zvu .s of change [01 the p1 OJCCt P' ogn s.s Fon.szght .s y\tun a I .so a.s \z.st.s BPI to do co c1 uttwn goals 01 value u uttwn and the decz.szon malmg p1 oas.s can he done fa.stu due to the p1 e.suzce of mtclhgcnce zn[01 mat1on
Jakarta: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Antonius Suhenri
Abstrak :
Perum Peruri menghadapi masalah cepatnya perubahan lingkungan yaitu environmental dinamism dan environemental competitiveness. Environmental Dinamism ditandai dengan munculnya regulasi pemerintah tentang tender terbuka, pasar terbuka dan ijin operasional yang mengancam. Environemental competitiveness ditandai dengan munculnya pesaing. Dengan pendekatan stress test your strategy dan ambidexterity akan menciptakan sustainable competitve advantages. Pendekatan Ambidexterity didukung oleh strategic choices yang tepat yaitu corporate foresight terutama opponent role dan strategic orientation terutama market orientation sehingga tercapai Superior Performance. Ambidexterity unit melakukan exploratory dan exploitative innovation perlu juga untuk menjaga default risk agar perusahaan tidak default.
Perum Peruri face the rapidly changing environment in the environmental dinamism and environmental competitiveness. Environmental Dinamism marked by the emergence of government regulations on open tender, open markets and threaten the business operating licenses. Environmental competitiveness is marked by the emergence of competitors. Through stress test your strategy and ambidexterity approach will create a sustainable competitive advantages. While Unit's Ambidexterity is supported by the right strategic choices of corporate foresight in particular with opponent role and strategic orientation particular with market orientation, especially in order to reach superior performance. Unit's Ambidexterity perform exploratory and exploitative innovation need to keep the default risk, so company do not default.
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dimas Angga Negoro
Abstrak :
Naik turunnya harga komoditas merupakan tantangan penting yang harus dihadapi oleh perusahaan berbasis komoditas agar dapat bertahan dan berkembang. Meningkatnya volatilitas siklus bisnis ini telah meningkatkan kesulitan dalam merespons secara strategis. Sebuah studi empiris telah dilakukan untuk membangun model organisasi bagi perusahaan berbasis komoditas guna menangani masalah ini secara mendasar. Penelitian ini menggunakan metodologi Structural Equation Modeling–Partial Least Square (SEM-PLS) untuk menganalisis 130 manajemen puncak yang mewakili 99 perusahaan pertambangan dan Minyak Sawit Mentah (CPO) di Indonesia. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perusahaan berbasis komoditas dapat memiliki kinerja yang lebih baik dengan menjadi organisasi ambidekstrus. Untuk mencapai hal ini, perusahaan perlu memiliki orientasi terhadap siklus bisnisnya, yang ditentukan oleh visi manajemen puncak dan ketidakpastian lingkungan. Penelitian ini memberikan kontribusi pada literatur yang ada tentang manajemen strategis terkait dengan organisasi ambidekstrus, visi manajerial, orientasi organisasi, ketidakpastian lingkungan, dan implikasi kinerjanya. Penelitian ini memberikan saran manajerial dengan mengusulkan model yang dapat memberikan wawasan berharga dalam tujuan membangun perusahaan ambidekstrus siklus bisnis. ......The ups and down in commodity prices is arguably important challenges to deal with for commodity-based firms in order to strive and survive. The increasing volatility of this business cycle has increased the difficulties in responding strategically. An empirical study has been undertaken to build an organizational model for commodity-based firms to deal with this issue fundamentally. This study used the Structural Equation Modeling–Partial Least Square (SEM-PLS) methodology to analyze 130 top management representing 99 different mining and Crude Palm Oil companies in Indonesia. It found that commodity-based firm can have better performance by being an ambidextrous organization. In order to achieve this, firms need to have orientation towards its business cycle and this orientation is determined by its top management foresight and environmental uncertainties. This study contributes to the existing literature on strategic management in relation to ambidextrous organization, managerial foresight, organizational orientation, environmental uncertainty, and its performance implications. The study provides managerial advice by proposing a model that could give valuable insights in the purpose of building business cycle ambidextrous company.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library