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Pratomo Cahyo Nugroho
Abstrak :
Permasalahan bencana banjir tidak hanya dipengaruhui oleh fenomena alam yang ekstrim saja, tetapi juga dipengaruhi oleh kondisi kerusakan lingkungan, fenomena sosial mayarakat serta kebijakan pemerintah dalam upaya mengurangi risiko banjir. Strategi upaya mengurangi risiko banjir dapat dilakukan secara tepat dengan melakukan penilaian risiko banjir meliputi penilaian bahaya, kerentanan dan kapasitas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan model penilaian bahaya banjir berdasarkan data kejadian bencana banjir di DAS Kemuning Sampang Madura. Metode penilaian bahaya banjir terdiri dari 2 (dua) antara lain metode indeks topographi modifikasi dan metode kombinasi Geomorphic Flood Index(GFI) dan metode Height Above the Nearest Drainage (HAND). Indeks bahaya banjir dibagi menjadi 3 kelas yaitu rendah (indeks bahaya < 0,333), sedang (indeks bahaya: 0.333 - 0.666), tinggi (indeks bahaya > 0,666). Hasil Indeks Bahaya Banjir model indeks topographi modifikasi diperoleh luas bahaya banjir sebesar 6459 hektar (24%) indeks bahaya tinggi, 8329 hektar (31%) indeks bahaya sedang, dan 11882 hektar (45%) indeks bahaya rendah. Sedangkan hasil Indeks Bahaya Banjir model kombinasi GFI dan HAND luas bahayanya sebesar 1402 hektar (44%) indeks bahaya tinggi, 1271 hektar (40%) indeks bahaya sedang, 504 hektar (16%) indeks bahaya rendah. Model penilaian bahaya banjir metode kombinasi GFI dan HAND disimpulkan memiliki hasil yang sebagian besar mewakili kejadian sebenarnya di Kabupaten Sampang serta mampu mengakomodir model penilaian bahaya banjir sesuai ketentuan pada Perka BNPB No. 2 Tahun 2012 yaitu menggunakan parameter potensi ketinggian genangan, sehingga direkomendasikan sebagai model penilaian bahaya banjir tingkat Kab/Kota berdasarkan data kejadian (histori) banjir.
The problem of floods event is not only affected by extreme natural phenomena, but also influenced by conditions of environmental damage, social phenomena and government policies in efforts to reduce floods risk.The strategy to reduce flood risk can be done appropriately with conducting flood risk assessments including hazard assessment, vulnerability and capacity. This study aims to develop a flood hazard assessment model based on historical data on flood event in Kemuning watershed, Sampang-Madura. The flood hazard assessment method consists of 2, including the modified topographic index (MTI) method and the combination of the geomorphic flood index (GFI) method and the height above the nearest drainage (HAND) method. The disaster hazard level is divided into 3 classes, namely low (hazard index <0.333), medium (hazard index: 0.333 - 0.666), high (hazard index> 0.666). The result is a flood hazard index using modified topographic index models that with details of 1182 hectare (24%) high level, 8329 hectare (31 %) medium level, 11882 hectare (45%) low level. While the result is a flood hazard index using GFI and HAND Combination models that with details of 1402 hectare (44%) high level, 1271 hectare (40 %) medium level, 504 hectare (16 %) low level.The flood hazard assessment model of the GFI and HAND combination method is concluded to have results that largely represent the actual events in Sampang Regency and are able to accommodate the flood hazard assessment model according to the provisions of Perka BNPB No. 2 of 2012, namely using parameters of potential inundation height, so it is recommended as a flood hazard assessment model at the district /city level based on the event data (history) of floods.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Farmers are rational in decision making process with respect to any introduced agricultural technology. Farmers may consider the economic sacrifices in term of additional cost and potential benefit or additional income before they accept and adopt the introduced technology. This study aimed to analyze farmer’s criteria and determine explanatory variables affecting farmer’s decision to accept or to adopt submergence tolerant (Sub-1) rice varieties at flash flood and flood prone affected rice area. The study was conducted in Indramayu District, West Java, and Kayu Agung District, South Sumatra. Contingent Valuation Method (CVM) that derived Willingness to Accept (WTA) approach was exercised to analyze explanatory variables that influence farmers’ willingness to accept introduced rice varieties. The results showed that the economic cost of flooding that damaged rice was about US$7.63 million in Kayu Agung and US$11.25 million in Indramayu in every wet season planting. Farmer’s criteria used in submergence tolerant varietal evaluation varied and location specific in nature. Most of explanatory variables used in the model were significantly influenced farmers’ WTA for submergence tolerant rice varieties such as: (1) availability of seed, (2) submergence tolerant for more than 14 days, (3) high yield, (4) proffer rice taste, (5) households’ income during normal year, (6) area planted during normal year, and (7) age of farm household head. The only indicator that did not significantly influence the farmers’ WTA for the Sub-1 rice varieties was farm household income during the flood year cropping.
IJAS 13:2 (2012)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ira Utami Agusputri
Abstrak :

Penelitian ini melihat dampak penerapan Performance Related-Pay (PRP) terhadap performa Aparatur Sipil Negara (ASN) dalam menangani aduan masyarakat melalui Aplikasi Citizen Relation Management (CRM) di DKI Jakarta. Aplikasi CRM merupakan aplikasi yang dikembangkan dan dikelola oleh Jakarta Smart City (JSC) untuk mempermudah ASN menangani aduan masyarakat. Penelitian ini menganalisis data panel jumlah rasio laporan aduan selesai di 267 kelurahan selama bulan Januari 2016 hingga bulan Desember 2019. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan difference-in-differences (DID), penelitian ini menemukan bahwa secara rata-rata, setelah adanya kebijakan PRP, terjadi peningkatan tren jumlah rasio laporan selesai atau penanganan aduan di kelurahan-kelurahan rawan banjir sebesar 6,53% dengan tingkat signifikansi pada tingkat 1%. Selanjutnya, efek kebijakan PRP ditemukan positif namun lebih rendah pada saat kelurahan rawan banjir berada di dekat daerah aliran sungai dibandingkan dengan kelurahan rawan banjir yang tidak berada di dekat daerah aliran sungai. Temuan penelitian ini mendukung literatur yang menjelaskan bahwa PRP akan memotivasi pemberi layanan publik dalam meningkatkan performa mereka.

This research views the effect of Performance Related-Pay (PRP) policy towards civil servants performance on handling citizen complaints through the Citizen Relation Management (CRM) application in DKI Jakarta. CRM application developed and managed by Jakarta Smart City (JSC) for civil servants to effectively handle public complaints. This research analyzes panel data on total ratio data of complaint reports solved in 267 urban villages from January 2016 to December 2019. By using the difference-in-differences (DID) approach, the findings of this research show that after implementing the PRP policy, there was a 6,53% increase in the trend of solving the complaints in urban villages that are prone to flooding with a significance level of 1%. Furthermore, the effect of the PRP policy was shown to be lower on urban villages that are located close by the river, compared to the urban villages that are located far from the river.  The findings of this research support previous literature studies, that found PRP motivates civil servants to increase their work performance.


Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Diva Mazaya Muhsin
Abstrak :
Banjir merupakan kejadian ketika air di dalam saluran meningkat dan melampaui kapasitas daya tampungnya. Kejadian banjir di wilayah perkotaan banyak dipengaruhi faktor fisik dan faktor sosial. Dalam penelitian ini variabel yang digunakan adalah banjir, ketinggian wilayah, sungai, penggunaan lahan, dan drainase. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode overlay dan analisis deskriptif keruangan. Kecamatan Kelapa Gading terletak di Kota Jakarta Utara dengan ketinggian wilayah 5 - 10 mdpl dan dialiri oleh Sungai Sunter, Sungai Betik Pertamina, Sungai Cakung Lama, Sungai Warung Jengkol, dan Sungai Petukangan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian karakteristik banjir pada setiap kelurahan di Kecamatan Kelapa Gading pada umumnya disebabkan faktor yang sama, yaitu faktor sungai, penggunaan lahan, dan drainase. Terdapat pengecualian pada Kelurahan Kelapa Gading Timur yang menurut hasil penelitian karakteristik banjir pada kelurahan ini tidak disebabkan oleh faktor sungai. Pada Kelurahan Kelapa Gading Barat faktor drainase yang memengaruhi banjir meliputi volume drainasenya. Sementara pada Kelurahan Kelapa Gading Timur dan Pegangsaan Dua faktor drainase yang memengaruhi banjir meliputi kualitas drainasenya. ......Flood is an event when the water in the channel rises and exceeds its capacity. The occurrence of floods in urban areas is greatly influenced by physical factors and social factors. In this study, the variables used are floods, land height, rivers, land use, and drainage. This study uses the overlay method and spatial descriptive analysis. Kelapa Gading District is located in North Jakarta City with a land height of 5 - 10 m above sea level and is drained by the Sunter River, Betik Pertamina River, Cakung Lama River, Warung Jengkol River, and Petukangan River. Based on the results of the study, the characteristics of flooding in each sub-district in Kelapa Gading District are generally caused by the same factors, namely river factors, land use and drainage. There is an exception in the Kelapa Gading Timur Village, which according to the results of the study, the characteristics of flooding in this village are not caused by river factors. In Kelapa Gading Barat sub-district, the drainage factors that affect flooding include the volume of drainage. Meanwhile, in the Kelapa Gading Timur and Pegangsaan Dua sub-districts, the drainage factors that affect flooding include the quality of drainage.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library