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Ditemukan 6 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Amelia Susanti
Abstrak :
Banjir bandang menimbulkan masalah psikologis dan memerlukan resiliensi yang positif untuk beradaptasi. Resiliensi dipengaruhi oleh berbagai faktor, salah satunya dukungan psikososial. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan bentuk dukungan psikososial dengan resiliensi pada korban pasca bencana. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif korelasi dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Jumlah sampel sebanyak 148 responden. Instrumen yang digunakan kuesioner Medical Outcames Study: Social Support Survey (MOS) dan CD-RISC 10. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada hubungan antara umur dan bentuk dukungan psikososial dengan resiliensi (p ˂ 0.05). Variabel yang paling berhubungan dengan resiliensi adalah dukungan penghargaan. Peningkatan kemampuan personal dan dukungan psikososial diperlukan untuk meningkatkan resiliensi.
Flash flood evokes psychosocial problems and need positive resiliences to be adapted. Resilience is being affected by various factors, one of them is psychosocial support. The aim of this research is to find out the correlation of psychosocial support with resilience of post-disaster victims. This is a descriptive correlation research using Cross Sectional approach. Samples consists of 148 respondens. Medical Outcames Study : Social Support Survey (MOS) and CD-RISC-10 questioner was used as the instrument. The result shows that there are significants correlation between ages and psychosocial supports with resiliences (p < 0.05). The most corresponding variables with resiliences is appreciating supports. Improving personal ability and psychosocial support is needed to improve resiliences.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Armila Rista Septina
Abstrak :
Banjir bandang merupakan bencana hidrometeorologi yang dapat menyebabkan kerugian besar dalam waktu yang cepat. Kabupaten Cianjur, khususnya DAS Cikundul merupakan daerah yang sering terjadi banjir bandang. Melihat ancaman tersebut, diperlukan pemetaan potensi banjir bandang untuk mengurangi ancaman kerugian yang dapat ditimbulkan banjir bandang. Dalam pemetaan wilayah potensi banjir bandang, metode Flash Flood Potential Index FFPI masih jarang diterapkan di Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat perbandingan wilayah potensi banjir bandang berdasarkan model yang telah dikembangkan dalam metode FFPI yaitu model Smith, Brewster, Krudzlo, dan Ceru. Keempat model menggunakan variabel kemiringan lereng, penggunaan tanah, tekstur tanah, dan tutupan vegetasi. Analisis spasial overlay dan uji statistik dilakukan untuk menvalidasi wilayah potensi banjir bandang dengan lokasi terdampak banjir bandang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan DAS Cikundul didominasi oleh wilayah potensi rendah berdasarkan model Smith, dan wilayah potensi sedang berdasarkan model Brewster, Krudzlo, dan Ceru. Sebanyak 65 dari 68 Sub-Sub DAS memiliki potensi berbeda dan 35 memiliki potensi sama. Wilayah dengan potensi tinggi pada keempat model cenderung berada di bagian Hulu DAS Cikundul. Hasil uji Fit Test Crosstab menunjukkan model Smith merupakan model yang paling mendekati dengan kejadian aktual. ...... Flash flood is a hydrometeorological disaster that can cause huge losses in a short period of time. Cianjur regency, especially Cikundul Watershed is a flash flood frequent area. Therefore, flash flood potential mapping is needed to reduce the threat that can be caused by flash flood. In the flash flood potential mapping, Flash Flood Potential Index FFPI method is still rarely applied in Indonesia. This study aims to see the comparison of flash flood potential areas based on models developed in the FFPI method which is Smith, Brewster, Krudzlo, and Ceru models. The four models used slope, land use, soil texture, and vegetation cover as variables. Spatial analysis and statistical test was implemented to validate the flash flood potential areas with flash flood affected locations. The result reveals that Cikundul Watershed was dominated by moderate potential areas based on Brewster, Krudzlo, and Ceru model but low by Smith model. The result also reveals that 65 of 68 Sub Sub Watershed have different potential and 35 have same potential. High potential areas in all four models was distributed in the Upper Cikundul Watershed. The Crosstab Fit Test result shows that Smith model is the closest model to the actual event.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Farmers are rational in decision making process with respect to any introduced agricultural technology. Farmers may consider the economic sacrifices in term of additional cost and potential benefit or additional income before they accept and adopt the introduced technology. This study aimed to analyze farmer’s criteria and determine explanatory variables affecting farmer’s decision to accept or to adopt submergence tolerant (Sub-1) rice varieties at flash flood and flood prone affected rice area. The study was conducted in Indramayu District, West Java, and Kayu Agung District, South Sumatra. Contingent Valuation Method (CVM) that derived Willingness to Accept (WTA) approach was exercised to analyze explanatory variables that influence farmers’ willingness to accept introduced rice varieties. The results showed that the economic cost of flooding that damaged rice was about US$7.63 million in Kayu Agung and US$11.25 million in Indramayu in every wet season planting. Farmer’s criteria used in submergence tolerant varietal evaluation varied and location specific in nature. Most of explanatory variables used in the model were significantly influenced farmers’ WTA for submergence tolerant rice varieties such as: (1) availability of seed, (2) submergence tolerant for more than 14 days, (3) high yield, (4) proffer rice taste, (5) households’ income during normal year, (6) area planted during normal year, and (7) age of farm household head. The only indicator that did not significantly influence the farmers’ WTA for the Sub-1 rice varieties was farm household income during the flood year cropping.
IJAS 13:2 (2012)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fikhriyah Khairunnisa
Abstrak :
DA Citarum Hulu dikenal dengan karakteristiknya yang unik dimana topografinya menyerupai cekungan dan dikelilingi oleh pegunungan. Dengan topografi berupa cekungan, kawasan DA Citarum hulu rawan banjir dan banjir bandang. Seperti di salah satu sub-DASnya yaitu Ciwidey, banjir bandang hampir terjadi setiap tahun dalam 10 tahun terakhir dan menimbulkan banyak kerugian. Berkaitan dengan permasalahan banjir bandang yang ada, perlu diwaspadai kejadian serupa di kemudian hari dengan melakukan kajian berupa upaya mitigasi untuk meminimalkan risiko dan dampak kerugian jiwa dan material. Dalam penelitian ini peneliti menerapkan metode indeks kerawanan banjir bandang yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik fisik, hidrologis, dan tata guna lahan serta kawasan rawan banjir bandang di sub DAS Ciwidey Jawa Barat dengan skoring dan pembobotan yang terintegrasi. dalam perangkat lunak berbasis sistem informasi geografis. Dari proses tersebut dihasilkan daerah rawan banjir bandang dengan tingkat kerawanan sangat tinggi sebesar 33,9%, tingkat kerawanan tinggi sebesar 3,49%, tingkat kerawanan sedang sebesar 38,63%, tingkat kerawanan rendah sebesar 15,77%, dan kerawanan sangat rendah. tingkat., 21%. ...... Upper Citarum DA is known for its unique characteristics where its topography resembles a basin and is surrounded by mountains. With a topography of a basin, the upstream Citarum DA area is prone to flooding and flash floods. As in one of its sub-watersheds, namely Ciwidey, flash floods have occurred almost every year for the last 10 years and have caused a lot of losses. In relation to the existing banjir bandang problems, it is necessary to watch out for similar incidents in the future by conducting studies in the form of mitigation efforts to minimize the risks and impacts of life and material losses. In this study, the researchers applied the banjir bandang susceptibility index method which aims to determine the physical, hydrological, and land use characteristics as well as flash flood-prone areas in the Ciwidey sub-watershed, West Java, with integrated scoring and weighting. in geographic information system-based software. This process resulted in flash flood-prone areas with a very high level of vulnerability of 33.9%, a high level of vulnerability of 3.49%, a moderate level of vulnerability of 38.63%, a low level of vulnerability of 15.77%, and a very low vulnerability. . level., 21%.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fadhlillah Ardito Armaz
Abstrak :
Peristiwa banjir yang melanda sebagian besar wilayah Barabai pada awal tahun 2021 lalu menimbulkan kerugian yang cukup besar. Selain dari genangannya, terjadi pula banjir bandang berkecepatan tinggi serta mengandung puing-puing di daerah hulu yang merusak sejumlah infrastruktur dan bangunan lainnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang bangunan air yang mampu mengendalikan banjir bandang tersebut dengan cara mengimplementasikan bangunan air yang sesuai dan dengan melakukan simulasi banjir pada aplikasi HEC-RAS. Selain kondisi ekstrem, simulasi banjir periode ulang 100 tahunan juga dijalankan sebagai alternatif desain. Hasil simulasi menunjukkan bahwa aliran berkecepatan tinggi mampu dikendalikan dengan menerapkan check dam dan tanggul. Kedua bangunan tersebut dirancang dari segi dimensi dan stabilitasnya terhadap guling, geser, dan overstress. Hasil analisis menujukkan bahwa bangunan kondisi ekstrem memiliki dimensi yang lebih besar dibandingkan kondisi banjir 100 tahunan. Bangunan air yang telah memenuhi syarat digambar sebagai rekomendasi penanggulangan banjir untuk wilayah Barabai di masa mendatang. ......A flood that occurred in 2021 caused damage to Barabai and the surrounding area. Beside the inundation, fast moving water containing debris upstream is also responsible for the severe infrastructural damage and other buildings. This study aims to design appropriate structures to control the flash flood by implementing those structures and simulating the flood using HEC-RAS. In addition to extreme condition, this study also analyze the same event by using a smaller 100-year return period flood as an alternative. Simulation results show that the implementation of check dams and levees could control the velocity of flood. Both the check dams and levees are then designed to withstand oncoming forces by analyzing their stabilities against overturning moments, shear effects, and overstresses. The design process results in bigger dimension of structures designed to control the extreme condition. Drawings of structure are then commended to be used for future solution against flash flood.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fahmi Rohman Bimantoro
Abstrak :
Dampak bencana alam dapat memberikan pengaruh yang berbeda. Jenis atau kategori dari bencana alam, tingkat guncangan, potensi ancaman bencana hingga kapasitas sebuah negara memberikan hasil yang beragam. Berbagai literatur empiris menunjukan negara atau wilayah yang terdampak bencana banjir (general flood disaster) dapat memberikan pengaruh yang positif pada sektor pertaniannya. EM-DAT dalam databasenya mengkategorikan banjir kedalam 4 jenis, meliputi banjir sungai, banjir bandang, banjir rob dan banjir es. Untuk itu, kajian ini berusaha mengidentifikasi dampak bencana banjir spesifik seperti banjir bandang dan banjir sungai. Penelitian ini melihat respon atau pengaruh yang ditimbulkan dari variasi shock bencana banjir bandang yang terjadi di negara-negara Asia. Dengan menggunakan metode Vector Autoregressive (VAR) dan estimasi Impulse Response Function (IRF), hasil penelitian ini menunjukan shock area terdampak banjir bandang mampu memberikan pengaruh yang positif pada sektor pertanian melalui transmisi dari peningkatan kesuburan tanah lahan-lahan pertanian pasca bencana banjir bandang. Sementara itu, intensitas banjir yang tinggi di suatu wilayah mampu memberikan respon yang berbeda dan cenderung negatif bagi sektor pertanian. ......Impact of natural disasters can have a different effect. Types or categories of natural disasters, shock levels, potential disaster threats and the capacity of a country provide diverse results. Previous empirical literature shows that countries or regions affected by flood disasters can have a positive influence on the agricultural sector. EM-DAT database categorizes floods into 4 types, including river floods, flash floods, rob floods and ice floods. Therefore, this study seeks to identify the impact of specific flood disasters such as flash floods and river floods. This study shows the results of the response or influence caused by variations in flash flood shocks that occur in Asian countries. Through Vector Autoregressive (VAR) method and Impulse Response Function (IRF) estimation, the results of this study showed that shock areas affected by flash floods were able to have a positive influence on the agricultural sector through transmission of increased soil fertility of agricultural lands after the flash flood disaster. Meanwhile, the high intensity of flooding in an area is able to provide a different response and tends to be negative for the agricultural sector.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library