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Zuraida Usman Bany
Abstrak :
PeneIitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh informasi mendalam tentang pengelolaan praktek kerja lapangan siswa SPRG Depkes Banda Aceh tahun 1999. Metode penelitian dilaksanakan dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif Informan terdiri dari kelompok siswa yang telah melaksanakan PKL pada bulan Maret tahun 1999, kelompok guru SPRG, Kepala poli gigi dan mulut lahan praktek, instruktur lahan praktek, Kepala unit pendidikan SPRG dan kepala tata usaha SPRG Banda Aceh yang berkaitan dengan administrasi surat menyurat PKL. Keseluruhannya berjumlah 26 orang.

Pengumpulan data dilaksanakan dengan menggunakan teknik wawancara mendalam (WM) terhadap Ka. poli gigi dan instruktur lahan praktek, KTU serta Ka. unit. Pendidikan SPRG dan diskusi kelompok terarah (DKT) terhadap kelompok guru dan kelompok siswa.

Dari hasil penelitian terlihat bahwa proses pengelolaan PKL mulai dari perencanaan, pengorganisasian, pelaksanaan, pemantauan dan penilaian belum dilaksanakan sesuai dengan pedoman PKL SPRG yang dikeluarkan oleh Pusdiknakes. Hal lain yang penting adalah pada pelaksanaan kegiatan PKL tersebut yang mengkoordinir kegiatan adalah Ka.ur.klinik dimana seharusnya adalah Ka. ur.pendidikan.

Guru penanggung jawab mata pelajaran yang berkaitan dengan PKL serta pengajar yang menjadi guru pembimbing tidak pernah terlihat dalam perencanaan PKL. Pertemuan dengan instruktur klinik pun tidak pernah dilakukan. Akibatnya koordinasi antara institusi dengan lahan praktek tidak ada, sehingga menyebabkan adanya perbedaan persepsi antara guru sekolah dengan pembimbing lahan praktek tentang tujuan yang ingin dicapai yang mengacu kepada kompetensi yang dipersyaratkan. Ternyata selama ini belum pernah dilakukan suatu evaluasi yang menyeluruh bagaimana pengelolaan pelaksanaan kegiatan PKL SPRG Banda Aceh.

Untuk mengefektifkan kegiatan, maka disarankan sebagai penanggung jawab teknis kegiatan PKL adalah kepala unit pendidikan yang sesuai dengan pedoman Pusdiknakes. Begitu juga dengan pengelolaan PKL agar berhasil dengan baik, maka pelaksanaan kegiatannya harus mengikuti ketentuan-ketentuan yang telah digariskan dalam pedoman PKL bagi SPRG yang dikeluarkan oleh Pusdiknakes, dilakukan pengelolaan hubungan kemitraan antara institusi pendidikan dengan lahan praktek serta program pembelajaran tuntas.

Oleh karena masih banyak guru yang belum mengikuti pelatihan Akta mengajar III dan Akta mengajar IV disarankan kepada Kanwil Depkes D.I Aceh untuk memfasilitasi pelatihan tersebut kepala guru-guru SPRG. Guru-guru yang berkualifikasi SPRG dipersiapkan untuk mengikuti pendidikan Diploma III Kesehatan Gigi.

Agar tugas-tugas rutin sekolah dapat berjalan dengan lancar, Pemda TK I Aceh memprioritaskan pengadaan transpor untuk SPRG.

Daftar bacaan : 31 (1975 -1999)

Analysis of Field Work Management to Improve the Quality of Education of Dentists Nursery School, Banda Aceh in 1999-Academic YearThis research has been done to obtain the depth information about the field to work maintenance of the students at Dentists Nursery School (SPRG) Depkes Banda Aceh in year 1999. The design of this research is a qualitative method. Analysis unit is the group of student whom already done the field work on March I999, the teachers at Dentist Nursery School, the head of tooth and mouth clinical in practice area, the clinical instructor at the practice site, the clinical instructor at the practice site, the head of unit education at dentist nursery school, the head of administration department at SPRG and all of them are 26 persons.

The process of gathering the data has been done with the depth interview for the head of tooth and mouth clinical and clinical instructor in practice area, the head of administration department at SPRG and the head of unit education at dentist nursery school and focus group discussion technique for the teachers and student group.

From this result shows that the maintain process of the field to work since the planning, organize, realization, observing and evaluation hasn't been done according to the manual of field to work SPRG which product by Pusdiknakes (The Center of Health Man Power Education Ministry of Health). Besides that, another important thing is coordinator of fieldwork was clinical department was organized of this field to work by educational department.

The teacher who has a responsibility of that subject which related with field work and also the teacher who has been as an instructor never been involved in planning process of field work, and it made the meeting with the clinical instructor never been done. It has a consequence, that the coordination between institutions with practice area wasn't good enough. It was made a different perception between the teachers and the instructor of the practice site about the purpose, suitable to competencies which being a pre-requirement/condition. There is an evaluation hasn't been done yet to maintain the realization of the fieldwork at Dentist Nursery School Banda Aceh.

Be made more effective this activity, the man who has a responsibility of this technique should be the Head of Education department according to the rules. To obtain the success of maintenance the field site, so that realization must be follow the rules in field work manual to Dentist Nursery School which guidance from Pusdiknakes, partner relationship management education department with practice area and final education program.

Many teachers have not follow the education/training of teaching's Akta III and Teaching's Akta IV yet, so I suggest to The Head of health Department. D.T. Aceh to allocate the fund in order to realize that training to dentist nursery school teacher. Qualified teachers dentists nursery school following to prepared D HI dentist nursery education.

In order to make the routine task well done, the Provincial DI Aceh government should make it as a priority for transportation.

References: 31 (1975 - 1999)

UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nurlinda Priyono
Abstrak :
Pendidikan Tenaga Kesehatan diselenggarakan untuk memperoleh tenaga kesehatan yang bermutu, mampu mengemban tugas untuk mewujudkan perubahan, peningkatan dan pembaharuan dalam rangka memenuhi kebutuhan pelayanan kesehatan bagi seluruh masyarakat secara optimal. Politeknik Kesehatan Jurusan Gizi mendidik mahasiswa dalam upaya peningkatan pelayanan kesehatan yang bermutu di bidang Gizi sesuai dengan fungsi dan kompetensinya. Salah satu upaya peningkatan ketrarnpilan dapat dilakukan dengan memberikan pengalaman belajar kepada mahasiswa melalui latihan kerja yang disebut dengan Praktek Kerja Lapangan. Praktek Kerja Lapangan dapat digunakan sebagai sarana informasi terhadap dunia pendidikan kesehatan, sehingga pendidikan kesehatan dapat mengembangkan diri sesuai dengan kebutuhan masyarakat. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan pendekatan kualitatif melalui wawancara mendalam terhadap Koordinator I, Ketua Penyelenggara Praktek Kerja Lapangan, Dosen Pengajar dan Supervisor, sedangkan terhadap mahasiswa dilakukan dengan Diskusi Kelompok Terarah. Hasil penelitian Input, Proses dan Output menunjukkan bahwa Praktek Kerja Lapangan belum dilaksanakan sesuai dengan Pedoman Praktek Kerja Lapangan yang dikeluarkan oleh Pusat Pendidikan Tenaga Kesehatan. Pengalaman belajar dilahan praktek harus diorganisasikan dan dinilai sehingga hubungan dan kesinambungan antara pengalaman belajar di ruang kuliah dan di tempat Praktek Kerja Lapangan terlaksana, sehingga PKL menjadi efektif sesuai dengan tujuan yang ingin dicapai. Lokasi PKL yang dilaksanakan di luar Propinsi menyebabkan biaya dibebankan tinggi pada mahasiswa, jika PKL dilakukan didalam Propinsi biaya dapat lebih diefisienkan. Pelaksanaan kegiatan Praktek Kerja Lapangan yang dilakukan oleh Institusi belum di evaluasi, keterlibatan staf pendidikan dalam pelaksanaan perencanaan Praktek Kerja Lapangan belum dilibatkan secara optimal.
Education for human resources in health sector is being provided to-obtain qualified human resources in health sector, improve their capability to make changes and development, as well as to improve the public health services. Department of Nutrition at Polytechnics for Health in Palembang provide the education for their students in order to improve the health service especially in nutrition sector, based on their expected functions and competences. One of the efforts to enhance the skill of the students, is by giving them the work experiences which is called field work. Field work can be used as information media for education sector, so that education of health can improve the human resources according to needs of society. The study had been done using a qualitative approach, by interviewing The Coordinator Education I, Head of field work, Lecturer and Supervisors, while the observation to the students was held by conducting a Group Discussion. Research result of input, process and output indicated that the field work had not been done based on manual of field work developed by The Center Of Health Man Power Education, Ministry of Health. The work experiences in the work field had been organized and evaluated to achieve the relationship and continuity between learning activities at campus and doing the field work outside the campus, so that the field work could be effective to reach the aim. The field work's location outside the province of South Sumatera seems to be too costly for the students. Undertaking the field work in the province could be considered as an alternative to increase the efficiency. We conclude that the field work provided by the institutions, had not been evaluated, the involvement of education staff in the work field planning had also not been entangled yet. References : 41 ( 1994-2002)
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2003
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library