Ditemukan 17 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Washington D.C.: Public Affair Press, 1949
911.949 AND w
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
London: Oxford University Press, 1937
346.11 DEV
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Aggarwal, Vinod K.
Abstrak :
In this volume, a set of issue and country experts tackle the questions surrounding the challenges of a resurgent Russia for the world order as well as for relations between the European Union and the United States. Following a brief introduction laying out the circumstances of Russia?s rise, the book proceeds in three sections. In the first, Russian scholars tackle the topic of how a newly resurgent Russia sees the world. The second section examines Russia?s role in the contemporary global political economy in terms of trade and financial flows and nuclear energy. The third section looks at American and European responses to Russia, and the conclusion draws together the findings from each of the chapters and presents some broad propositions regarding Russia?s rise and the challenges that it presents for the US, EU and the international order in the years to come.
New York: Springer, 2012
eBooks Universitas Indonesia Library
R. Narendra Jatna
Abstrak :
This article tries to give an image on whether or not european Law can be considered as a genre in law. The treaty of the European Union, the institution of European Union itself,the role of European Court of Justice, and the draft of the European constitution all combined made the European Union not just an ordinary Regional International Organization but more a distinctful European Federation,because it still holds the sovereignty of each member states. What even more interesting to analyze is how European law combines the tradition of Roman Law and tradition of the Anglo Saxon Law. Due to these distinctive features, any country conducting bilateral relations with any ot the member states should also put some considerations to the European law that will affect their bilateral relations.
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Sumner, B. H.
Amsterdam: J. M. Meulenhoff, 1948
BLD 947.084 SUM r (1)
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Yoga Bagas Satwika
Abstrak :
Skripsi ini membahas peran Persatuan Bulutangkis Seluruh Indonesia PBSI dalam pasang surut prestasi bulutangkis Indonesia khususnya di kejuaraan Thomas Cup pada rentang waktu tahun 1965 hingga 1989. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian sejarah, yaitu heuristik, kritik sumber, interpretasi, dan historiografi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Persatuan Bulutangkis Seluruh Indonesia selalu berusaha mempersiapkan pemain untuk berprestasi di kancah internasional khususnya kejuaraan Thomas Cup meskipun ada beberapa hambatan yang dihadapi seperti, Peristiwa Scheele, insiden Bangkok, dan pertikaian IBF dan WBF. Hasilnya adalah Indonesia berhasil menjadi negara peraih juara terbanyak sepanjang rentang waktu 1965 hingga 1989 dan PBSI memprakarsai bersatunya IBF dan WBF.
This thesis discusses about the role of The Badminton Association of Indonesia in the ups and downs of Indonesian badminton achievements, especially in the Thomas Cup on the period between 1965 to 1989. This research uses historical methods Heuristic, source criticism, interpretation, and historiography. This research proved that The Badminton Association of Indonesia is always trying to prepare players to excel in the international area, especially in the Thomas Cup, although there are some obstacles encountered such as, Scheele Event, Bangkok incident, and IBF WBF infighting. The result is that Indonesia succeeded in becoming the overall champion from 1965 to 1989 and the merger of IBF and WBF.
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Galuh Dwi Amithyasari
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini membahas tentang gerakan Skinhead yang telah melakukan
kekerasan rasial di Rusia Gerakan ini muncul di Rusia pada tahun 1990 an ketika
runtuhnya Soviet yang dikarenakan negara tidak mempersiapkan masyarakatnya
untuk menerima dan melaksanakan kebijakan glasnost dan perestroika Pada
masa tersebut timbul krisis di bidang politik ekonomi dan sosial Salah satunya
mengakibatkan banyak pengangguran Hal ini membuat persaingan antara warga
Rusia dan para migran dalam mencari pekerjaan sehingga timbul kebencian
terhadap para migran maupun kelompok etnis minoritas lain Kekerasan rasial
terhadap etnis lain telah menelan korban jiwa Untuk itu Pemerintah Federasi
Rusia mengeluarkan beberapa kebijakan seperti pasal pasal terkait anti kekerasan
rasial yang terdapat dalam Undang undang Hukum Pidana Federasi Rusia
Berdasarkan data yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa Pemerintah Federasi Rusia
telah menerapkan kebijakannya secara efektif.
This thesis discusses about the Skinhead movement that conducts racial violence
m Russia This movement emerged in Russia in the 1990s along with the collapse
of Soviet was the result of the country s failure in order to set up its society to
accept and implement glasnost and perestroika policy During that period crisis
m politieal economic and social aspect emerged and one of the consequences
which occurred was unemployment That condition created a rivalry between
Russian and the lmmigrant m finding job and as result hatred toward the
lmmigrant arised Racial violence toward another ethnicity claim several victims
Therefore Russian Federation Government lssued couple of regulation From the
research mdicates that Russian Federation Government has been implemented its
policy effectively.
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Naufal, George
Abstrak :
The literature on remittance flows has relatively little information on the impacts of remittance outflows on countries. The Russian Federation consistently ranks among the top remittance senders in the world, however the Russian case remains a largely unstudied area. This article addresses this gap. The findings show that remittance outflows are still very small compared with GDP and that the Russian economy will continue to need foreign labor. So called push factors in neighboring countries will also continue to make the Russian Federation an attractive workplace for foreign workers. The authors encourage the Government of the Russian Federation to take pre emptive measures for both political and economic reasons, such as offering more investment opportunities for expatriate workers.
Thailand: United Nations Publications, 2017
363 APPJ 32:2 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Incompatible identities? : Baltic-Russian relations and the EU as an arena for identity conflict / Piret Ehin and Eiki Berg -- Imperial legacy and the Russian-Baltic relations : from conflicting historical narratives to a foreign policy confrontation? / Elena Fofanova and Viatcheslav Morozov -- Commemorating May 9 : the Baltic States and European memory politics / Eva-Clarita Onken -- Identity politics and contested histories in divided societies : the case of Estonian war monuments / -- Karsten BruÌ?ggemann and Amdres Kasekamp -- liminality and contested Europeanness : conflicting memory politics in the Baltic space / Maria MaÌ?lksoo -- The "return of history" or technocratic administration? : the effects of depoliticisation in Estonian-Russian relations / Alexander Astrov -- Entrapment in the discourse of danger? : Latvian-Russian interaction in the context of European integration / Andris Spruds -- Neighbourhood politics of Baltic States : between the EU and Russia / DovileÌ? JakniuÌ?naiteÌ? -- In and out of Europe : identity politics in Russian-European relations / Sergei Prozorov -- Contextualising and qualifying identities : Baltic-Russian relations in the context of European integration / Hiski Haukkala
Burlington: Asgate Pub., 2009
327.479 IDE (1)
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Bima Prasetya Dwi Marta
Abstrak :
Skripsi ini membahas tentang peranan kaum buruh pribumi di Jawa yang tergabung dalam serikat buruh dan federasi serikat buruh melawan penindasan yang dilakukan oleh kaum kapitalis asing dan pemerintah kolonial Hindia Belanda pada masa Perjuangan Pergerakan Nasional Indonesia. Kaum buruh ini memperjuangkan nasib mereka yang tertindas dan dieksploitasi oleh kaum kapitalis asing yang dilindungi oleh pemerintah kolonial Hindia belanda. Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa pada tahun 1920-an pergerakan kaum buruh dalam serikat buruh dan federasi serikat buruh berlangsung secara radikal dan revolusioner yang diwarnai dengan aksi protes dan mogok kerja terbuka yang terorganisir. Aksi ini juga didukung oleh organisasi bumiputra seperti Sarekat Islam dan PKI yang bersifat kontra terhadap kapitalisme asing dan pemerintah kolonial Hindia Belanda. Pada puncaknya, perjuangan itu menempuh jalan revolusioner yang diwarnai dengan pemberontakan PKI tahun 1926 di Jawa. Namun, aksi pemberontakan ini dapat ditumpas oleh pemerintah kolonial Hindia Belanda karena dinilai kurang matang dalam perencanaan dan aksinya.
The tesis discusses about the role of indigenous labors in Java who joined in the labor union dan federation labor union against pressure from the alien capitalist and Dutch Colonial Government in a time of National Movement of Indonesia. This indigenous labors struggle their live from pressured by alien capitalist who gets protected by Dutch Colonial Government. These study concluded that in the 1920s the labors movement in labor union and federation of labor union had been radikal and revolutionaire with full of protest and open organize strike. This action was also supported by opposing indigenous organisation like Sarekat Islam and PKI against alien capitalist and the Dutch Colonial Government. In climax, that struggle rule the way of revolutionaire with communist rebellion in Java 1926. But, this rebellion can terminated by the Dutch Colonial government because this rebellion is not to fit in plan and action.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Skripsi Open Universitas Indonesia Library