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Ditemukan 4 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Abstrak :
Poverty handling program designed to elevate family from poverty so they reach the welfare. One of the method to handle poverty is through empowerment through ability and potentiality development and empowerment. The empowerment meant to enhance women role or wives to support family economy productive on cassava and banana crackers in Playen subdistrict, Gunungkidul regency. The research was done to know family empowerment program to fulfil family needs. Data were gathered through interview and documentary analysis techniques. Data analyzed through qualitative descriptive technique. The finding showed that women (wives) were able to enhance family welfare. That meant economic productive skills could add family income to fulfill family needs especially base needs. It Is recommeded that the Minister of Soslal Affairs and related Institution should always monitor in each women empowerment activity as one of strategies to address problem in enhancing sosia! welfare poor families.
Yogyakarta: Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pelayanan Kesejahteraan Sosial Yogyakarta, 2016
360 MIPKS 40:3 (2016)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nurul Arsyianti Arsyad
Abstrak :
ABSTRAK Tesis ini menunjukkan bahwa kira-kira dari tahun 1800 sampai tahun 1900 dengan rnenerapkan nilai-nilai budaya Amerika, wanita frontier (daerah perbatasan) memberi sumbangan kepada ekonomi keluarga dan Iingkungannya. Pada wakti itu. pemerintah merasa perlu memperluas daerahnya ke arah barat, mengingat terus meningkatnya jumlah pendatang baru ke Dunia Baru itu. Westward Movement atau Gerakan ke Barat ini akan memberi kesempatan kepada warga Amerika untuk memiliki lahan seluas mereka inginkan, karena kawasan yang membentang sampai ke Samudra Pasifik hanya dihuni suku Indian dan binatang buas. Perbatasan di antara daerah yang sudah dihuni dan yang belum dihuni disebut frontier. Penghuni frontier disebut pioneer atau perintis. Mereka harus menjalani hidup yang sangat sulit disebabkan medan yang sering tidak bersahabat, iklim dan cuaca yang sering merugikan, serta ancaman serangan suku Indian. Khususnya wanita frontier memikul beban tugas yang arnat berat. Di samping pekerjaan rumah tangga biasa, seperti memasak, mencuci, membersihkan, dan sebagainya, dia juga mengurus trenak sapi dan unggas, bercocok tanam sayuran di pekarangan, dan mencari bahan bakar kayu dan gambut. Kecuali itu dia juga menjadi guru anak-anaknya yang masih kecil, yang belum mampu berjalan jauh ke sekolah di kota kecil terdekat. Dia juga merawat anggota keluarga yang sakit, mengawetkan makanan untuk musim salju, serta membuat lilin, mentega dan keju sendiri. Tidak jarang wanita frontier membantu suaminya di ladang atau turut menghalau atau menangkis serangan-serangan suku Indian. Untuk menambah pendapatan keluarga dan menyumbang ekonomi lingkungannya, wanita frontier sering menjual produk rumah tangganya, seperti telur, susu, mentega, keju, sayuran dan daging yang sudah diawetkan, di kota kecil terdekat. Tidak jarang dia menjual hasil jahitan dan rajutannya seperti taplak meja, sprei, atau selimut. Sebagai wanita frontier dia tidak mungkin melakukan semua pekerjaan di atlas tanpa menerapkan nilai-nilai budaya Amerika. Beberapa di antara nilai-nilai yang diterapkan wanita frontier adalah keraa keras, individualisme, dan self-reliance atau mengandalkan kemampuan diri sendiri.
ABSTRACT This thesis attempts to show that approximately between 1800 and 1900 American frontier women made contributions to the economies of the family and environment, while applying American cultural values, such as hard work, individualism, and self-reliance. Because the increase of new immigrants in America, the government launched the Westward Movement to find new land for the population. The border between the populated and new territory is called frontier. Farmers and their families who lived on the frontier owned large lands, but they had a difficult and hard life. They had to work their lands by themselves, because they lived far from their neighbors and their neighbors were also too busy with their farms. These pioneers had to work very hard and had to protect themselves from wild animals and Indian attacks. Especially the wives must work very hard. They had to do the household work, such as cooking, washing, cleaning, and sewing. They also had to teach their small children, who could not walk to the distant schools. Wives also had to nurse sick family. They also looked after their cows and chickens, and vegetable garden. Wives often helped their husbands in the fields and had to collect wood and peet as fuels for cooking and to keep warm in the winter. Beside performing the above work, wives usually sell products in the nearest small city. For instance she sold eggs, milk, home made butter and cheese, sewn or knitted ware, such as tablecloths and blankets. The frontier women carried out all the above work by applying American norms, such as hard work, individualism. and self-reliance. ;This thesis attempts to show that approximately between 1800 and 1900 American frontier women made contributions to the economies of the family and environment, while applying American cultural values, such as hard work, individualism, and self-reliance. Because the increase of new immigrants in America, the government launched the Westward Movement to find new land for the population. The border between the populated and new territory is called frontier. Farmers and their families who lived on the frontier owned large lands, but they had a difficult and hard life. They had to work their lands by themselves, because they lived far from their neighbors and their neighbors were also too busy with their farms. These pioneers had to work very hard and had to protect themselves from wild animals and Indian attacks. Especially the wives must work very hard. They had to do the household work, such as cooking, washing, cleaning, and sewing. They also had to teach their small children, who could not walk to the distant schools. Wives also had to nurse sick family. They also looked after their cows and chickens, and vegetable garden. Wives often helped their husbands in the fields and had to collect wood and peet as fuels for cooking and to keep warm in the winter. Beside performing the above work, wives usually sell products in the nearest small city. For instance she sold eggs, milk, home made butter and cheese, sewn or knitted ware, such as tablecloths and blankets. The frontier women carried out all the above work by applying American norms, such as hard work, individualism. and self-reliance.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andayani Listyawati
Abstrak :
lstri nelayan pada hakikalnya merupakan potensi yang dapat meningkatkan pendapatan keluarga. Posisi istri sebagal ibu rumah tangga dapat ditingkatkan fungsinya sebagai pencari nafkah. Kondisi iklim dan hasil tangkapan yang tidak menentu, memicu nelayan harus menyesuaikan dengan kondisi pendapatan. Realitas tersebut menuntut dukungan istri dalam pendapatan rumah tangga. Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengetahui dukungan istri nelayan dalam perekonomian keluarga. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif-qualitatif. Lokasi penelitian di Kalurahan Sidoharjo, Kecamatan Pacitan,Kabupaten Pacitan, Provinsi Jawa Timur. Data diperoleh melalul teknik wawancara, pengamatan, dan telaah dokumen. Sefanjutnya dianalisis secara kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa nelayan datam kategori usia muda, tingkat pendidikan menengah-rendah. dan berpenghasifan per bulan relative terbatas yaitu antara Rp 701.000 sampai dengan Rp 1.000.000,-. Kondisi tersebut mendukung istri nelayan untuk ikut membantu dibidang ekonomi keluarga dengan bekerja, seperti membuka warung sembako, betemak ayam, mengolah ikan dan buruh. Kesimpulan: dukungan istri baik dari memelihara ayam, membuka warung sembako, menjual hasll tangkapan ikan,maupun menjadl buruh berupa tambahan materi yang diperoleh berklsar Rp 200.000,sampai dengan Rp 2Q0.000,-.per bulan. yang diperoleh akhirnya mampu menambah daya tahan ekonomi rumah tangga nelayan_ Rekomendasi dituJukan kepada Kementerian Sosial dan instansi terkail unluk secara bersama menyusun kebijakan sosial yang mampu mengangkat pertumbuhan ekonomi keluarga nelayan melalul bimbingan dan pelatihan keterampilan usaha ekonomi produktif untuk istri nelayan.
Fishermen's wives are essentially potential to increase family income. The roleot their wives as housewives can be increased its function as breadwinners. Uncertain climate conditions and catches prompt fishermen to adjust to their income conditions. They demands supports of their wivesfor household income. The research carried out to reveal the support of fishermen Wives In family economy. The research usedqualitative-descrlplive approach. The research locations was in Kaluralu:m Sidoharjo, Pacitan Sub-district, Pacitan District, Java Province. Data obtained through interview, observations, and further documentaryanalysls techniques, and analyzed through qualitative technique. The research found ft1at fishermen could be dev/dedin to category of young low-midc.Jie education level. Their income per month were relatively limited, between Rp 701.000 to Rp 1.000.000. -. These conditions support the fishermen's wives to participate in helping the family economy by working, such as opened food stalls, raised chickens, processed fish and labored. It can be concluded that the support of wives came from different kind of work, from raising chickens. opening food stalls, selling fish catches and those that were not related to the fishery sector. They also became tangible laborsthat give additional income, ranging from Rp 200.000,- to Rp 250.000.- per montll. The additional income finally abled to Increase family economic resilience of fishermen households. It recommended to the Ministry of Social Affairs and related agencies to jointly develop social policies that are capable of promoting the economic growth of fishermen families and give social guidance and skiffs training of productive economic enterprises for fishermen wives.
Yogyakarta: Balai Besar dan Pengembangan Pelayanan Kesejahteraan Sosial Yogyakarta (B2P3KS), 2017
360 MIPKS 41:2 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tamrin Bangsu
Abstrak :
Sampai saat ini angka kematian bayi dan angka kematian ibu pada masa maternal masih tergolong tinggi jika dibandingkan dengan Philipina dan Srilanka dan beberapa negara dunia ketiga lainnya. ini mencerminkan kemampuan negara memberikan pelayanan khususnya perawatan kehamilan serta proses persalinan dan neonatal. Kenyataan tingginya angka kunjungan pemeriksaan kehamilan pada petugas kesehatan tidak disertai dengan pemilihan petugas kesehatan sebagai tenaga penolong persalinan. Kecamatan Talang IV sampai akhir tahun 1994 sudah memiliki 11 orang bidan 3 orang dokter 14 orang perawat/mantri kesehatan. Namun pemilihan dukun sebagai tenaga penolong persalinan masih lebih banyak jika dibandingkan dengan yang memilih petugas kesehatan. Tujuan penelitian untuk memperoleh informasi mengenai faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan pemilihan tenaga penolong persalinan. Desain penelitian adalah "cross sectional" dengan pendekatan kuantitatif dan kualitatif dengan wawancara mendalam. Hasil analisis kualitatif digunakan untuk memperkuat analisis kuantitatif. Populasi penelitian adalah ibu-ibu yang bersalin antara Januari sampai dengan Desember 1995 di Kecamatan Talang IV Bengkulu Utara, yang berjumlah 334 orang. Sampel diambil dengan tehnik random sampling berjumlah 165 orang. Dari hasil analisis bivariat diketahui empat dari enam variable independen yaitu pendidikan ibu, pengetahuan, status ekonomi keluarga dan lingkungan sosial terbukti mempunyai hubungan dengan pemilihan tenaga penolong persalinan. Sedangkan variabel umur dan paritas ibu terbukti tidak mempunyai hubungan yang bermakna dengan pemilihan tenaga penolong persalinan. Setelah dilakukan uji multivariat terbukti dua variabel independen yaitu status ekonomi keluarga dan lingkungan sosial paling besar hubungannya dengan pemilihan tenaga penolong persalinan. Mengingat status ekonomi dan lingkungan sosial mempunyai hubungan yang paling besar dengan pemilihan tenaga penolong persalinan, disarankan pada instansi terkait untuk menetapkan standar biaya serta sistem pembayaran biaya persalinan dengan tidak terlalu memberatkan masyarakat, serta lebih mengaktifkan petugas kesehatan dan kader-kader kesehatan yang ada guna penyebaran dan penyampaian informasi tentang penolong persalinan dan persalinan sebagai salah satu jalur informasi dalam lingkungan sosial masyarakat. ......Until this moment, mother mortality rate and infant mortality rate during maternity period is still very high compared to those in Philippine, Srilanka and the other third world countries. This shows the ability of the country in providing medical services surrounding the maternity process. The indication that a lot of women went to hospitals for regular check up during pregnancy period does not always meant that they will use the services in the hospital for delivering their babies. Until end of 1994 there were 11 midwifes, 3 doctors and 14 nurses/healthcare personnel in Talang IV district. Nevertheless, there are still a lot of women prefer to choose indigenous medical practitioner to professional health care personnel for delivering their babies. The objective of this study is to obtain information regarding the factors related to the pregnant women in choosing whose services to be used during labor. This cross sectional study is done by in-depth interview and the result of the qualitative analysis will be used to strengthen the result of the quantitative analysis. The study is done to pregnant women between January to December in 1994 who lives in Talang IV District. North Bengkulu which has population of 334 residents.The sampling is done by random sampling which totaled up to 165 persons. By bivariate analysis, it was found that 4 out of 6 independent variables, such as education level of the mother, general knowledge, family's economic status and social environment do influence the choice of whose services to be used during labor. Where as the variables such as age--and mother's parity were proven to have no distinct influences in deciding whose services to be used during labor. Moreover, with multivariate test, two independent variables such as economy status and social environment are found to have the highest influences in choosing whose services to be used during labor. From the above analysis, it was suggested that the government sector concerned should offer affordable hospital charge and paying system to the public and to motivate more health care personnel in passing information to the public regarding the advantages of using the professional medical services during maternity periods.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 1995
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library