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Riski Muhammad Akbar Kaharuddin
Abstrak :
Pendahuluan Penurunan cakupan imunisasi yang diakibatkan oleh pandemi Covid-19 menyebabkan dampak diberbagai sektor khususnya dibidang kesehatan, ada beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi ibu bayi sehingga tidak membawa anaknya ke pelayanan kesehatan untuk di imunisasi antara lain pendidikan, sikap, dan pengetahuan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui faktor perilaku ibu dalam pemenuhan cakupan imunisasi dimasa pandemi Covid-19 di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Cimanggis Kota Depok. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain cross-sectional. Sampel pada penelitian ini sebanyak 103 responden, diambil menggunakan metode non- probability dengan jenis consecutive sampling. Hasil analisis multivariat dengan menggunakan regresi logistik ganda menunjukkan bahwa dari 3 variabel yang diduga berhubungan secara signifikan dengan cakupan imunisasi adalah variabel sikap dengan P value 0,000 (95% CI: 28.525 -981.422) yang dipengaruhi oleh pendidikan dan pengetahuan ibu. Kesimpulan penurunan cakupan imunisasi dominan dipengaruhi oleh sikap ibu sehingga faktor sikap sangat berpengaruh terhadap pemenuhan cakupan imunisasi dimasa pandemi Covid-19 di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Cimanggis Kota Depok. Temuan penelitian ini menyarankan perlu meningkatkan akses informasi dan edukasi terkait program imunisasi dengan memberikan edukasi yang mudah diakses dikalangan masyarakat, sehingga pemenuhan cakupan imunisasi tetap terpenuhi ......Introduction The decline in immunization coverage caused by the Covid-19 pandemic has had an impact on various sectors, especially in the health sector. Purpose of this study was to determine the behavioral factors of mothers in fulfilling immunization coverage during the Covid-19 pandemic in the Cimanggis Health Center working area, Depok City. Research method uses quantitative research with a cross-sectional design. The sample in this study was 103 respondents, taken using a non-probability method with consecutive sampling type. The Results of multivariate analysis using multiple logistic regression showed that of the 3 variables thought to be significantly related to immunization coverage, the attitude variable with a P value of 0.000 (95% CI: 28.525 -981.422) was influenced by mother's education and knowledge. Conclusion is that the decrease in immunization coverage is dominantly influenced by the mother's attitude so that the attitude factor greatly influences the fulfillment of immunization coverage during the Covid-19 pandemic in the work area of ​​the Cimanggis Health Center, Depok City. The findings of this study suggest that it is necessary to increase access to information and education related to immunization programs by providing education that is easily accessible among the public, so that immunization coverage is still fulfilled.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 1994
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sigiro, V. Tagor Sidik S.
Abstrak :
Tesis ini membahas mengenai perilaku kewirausahaan dilihat dari aspek aspek kepribadian mana yang paling berpengaruh bagi individu untuk memutuskan menjadi wirausahawan, dengan melihat faktor entrepreneurial intention dari wirausawan. Responden yang terlibat adalah mereka yang memutuskan menjadi wirausahawan seteleh sebelumnya pernah bekerja dalam suatu organisasi atau perusahaan. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan melakukan analisa hasil dari kuestioner. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa faktor behavioural control dan need for achievement merupakan faktor yang paling berpengaruh dalam proses pengambilan keputusan untuk wirausaha yang beralih dari sebelumnya menjadi karyawan. Entrepreneurial intention yang tinggi dari individu juga sangat berkaitan erat dengan entrepreneurial decision (action). ......This thesis discussed about the entrepreneurial behavior evaluated from the aspect of personalities of the individual which most affected when decided to become entrepreneurs, by looking at factors of entrepreneurial intention of entrepreneurs. Respondents involved are those who decide to become entrepreneurs, before previously worked in an organization or company. This research is a quantitative research by analyzing the results of the questionnaire. The study concluded that behavioral factors control and need for achievement is the most influential factor in the decision making process for entrepreneurs who change its employment status from the employee to the entrepreneur. Those individual with high entrepreneur intention very close to take action and become entrepreneur.
Jakarta: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dessy Triany
Abstrak :
Latar belakang. Dampak perubahan iklim menyebabkan tingginya penyebaran penyakit DBD, dan semakin meningkatnya jumlah KLB DBD dibeberapa wilayah kabupaten/kota di Indonesia. Pada bulan Januari 2016 terjadi KLB DBD di Kabupaten Tangerang. Metodologi. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kejadian DBD pada saat KLB di Kabupaten Tangerang, menggunakan desain kasus kontrol dengan analisis multivariat uji logistic regresion. Jumlah sampel 201 terdiri dari 67 kasus dan 134 kontrol. Kasus adalah penderita DBD pada saat KLB dengan konfirmasi medis yang berusia 5-44 tahun, kontrol adalah tetangga kasus yang berada pada radius 100 dari rumah kasus. Data diambil langsung kerumah kasus dan kontrol yang dilakukan pada bulan Februari sampai dengan Mei 2016. Hasil penelitian, Kejadian DBD dipengaruhi oleh faktor umur OR: 22,87 (95% CI: 6,67-78,51), jenis kelamin 3,62 (95% CI : 1,71-7,67), kebiasaan tidur siang OR: 2,47 (95% CI:1,20-5,12), kontak dengan penderita OR: 2.22 (95% CI: 1,05-4,68) dan lingkungan rumah yang terdapat kebun/semak OR: 2,02 (95% CI: 0,99-4,14). Umur merupakan faktor dominan yang mempengaruhi kejadian DBD. Disarankan. Masyarakat disarankan lebih waspada terhadap penyakit DBD dan kepada pemerintah agar meningkatkan promosi kesehatan tentang penyakit DBD sehingga masyarakat dapat berperanan dan berpartisipasi aktif dalam upaya pengendalian penyakit DBD. ......Background. Impact of climate change to high spread of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) and also increasing number of DHF outbreak in some district or city in Indonesia. Outbreak of dengue fever occurred in Tangerang regency in January 2016. Methods. The aim of this study was to determine influence factors of DHF outbreak incidence. This study was conducted in Tangerang Regency. A case-control study design with logistic regresion test of multivariate analysis. The total sample was 201, 67 cases of DHF and 134 controls. Cases were 5-44 years old DHF patients during an outbreak with medical confirmation. The control was a neighbor of cases who live in the radius of 100 meter. The study was conducted from February to May 2016 using the primary data. Results, Incidence of dengue was influenced by age OR: 22.87 (95% CI: 6.67 to 78.51), the sex OR 3.62 (95% CI: 1.71 to 7.67), the habit of napping OR: 2.47 (95% CI: 1.20 to 5.12), contact with patients DHF OR: 2:22 (95% CI: 1.05 to 4.68) and a home environment there are gardens/shrubs OR: 2.02 ( 95% CI: 0.99 to 4.14) and DHF incidence. Age is the dominant factor affecting the incidence of DHF. Suggestion. Increasing the awareness of DHF in the community. The government increased health promotion on DHF so that people can contribute and participate actively to control DHF.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Masih tingginya angka kejadian 30 - 50 gangguan otot rangka di kalangan pekerjaindustri proses kimia. Studi pendahuluan di PT.X mendapatkan gangguan otot rangka84,9 , berpotensi menurunkan produktivitas pekerja. Salah satu faktor risikonyaadalah perilaku kerja yang tidak ergonomi. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisisfaktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pembentukan perilaku kerja pada pekerjaan angkatangkut di industri proses kimia. Desain penelitian adalah cross sectional denganpendekatan kuantitatif menggunakan kuesioner dan diklarifikasi dengan wawancara danobservasi, sedangkan untuk mengetahui keluhan terkait dengan gangguan otot rangkamenggunakan kuesioner Nordic Body Map. Hasil telitian menunjukkan sebagian besar 87 pekerja di PT.X berusia 36-50 tahun, semua 100 berpendidikan cukup SMA sebagai tenaga pelaksana dan sebagian besar 60,2 dengan masa kerja lebih dari 16tahun. Dari distribusi Perilaku kerja didapati 64,4 responden berperilaku kerja tidakergonomi. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pembentukan perilaku kerja yangsignifikan yaitu sikap sebagai faktor predisposisi, alat bantu angkat angkut sebagaifaktor pemungkin dan pengawasan sebagai faktor pendukung dengan nilai p< 0,05. ......High number of Musculoskeletal Disorders MSDs cases among Chemical ProcessIndustry workers are 30 50 . Preliminary study in PT.X showed thatit has 84.9 potential to decrease work productivity. One of risk factors is non ergonomic workbehavior. Purpose of this study was to analyze effect of factors on work behaviorformation of lift and transfer work in Chemical Process Industry. Design of this studywas cross sectional with quantitative approach by using questionnaire and was clarifiedby interview, and observation. Nordic Body Map questionnaire was used to get thenumber of Musculoskeletal Disorders complaints. The results showed characteristics ofworkers which 87 of them were at age 36 50 years old, 100 of workers with HighSchool SMA educational background working as executive staff and 60.2 workershad 16 years of working experience. Based on distribution of workers rsquo behavior, therewere 64.4 respondents with non ergonomic work behavior. Factors whichsignificantly affect work behavior formation were attitude as predisposing factor, liftand transfer equipment as enabling factor and supervision as reinforcing factor with pvalueless than 0.05 p value.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nur Purwoko Widodo
Abstrak :
Kota Mataram adalah salah satu daerah endemis penyakit DBD di Indonesia, karena sejak Tahun 2003 hingga Tahun 2012, selalu ditemukan kasus penyakit DBD. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara karakteristik, perilaku dan lingkungan rumah penduduk dengan kejadian DBD. Penelitian ini merupakan studi analitik dengan rancangan kasus kontrol. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah penduduk Kota Mataram, sedangkan sampel penelitian adalah sebagian penduduk Kota Mataram yang berasal dari semua kecamatan yang ada di Kota Mataram. Kasus adalah penduduk Kota Mataram yang pernah dirawat di rumah sakit pada periode Januari?Maret 2012 dan didiagnosis menderita suspek DBD/DD/DBD. Kontrol adalah tetangga kasus yang tidak pernah diagnosis menderita suspek DBD/DD/DBD pada periode yang sama. Penelitian ini menemukan, variabel yang berhubungan dengan kejadian DBD di Kota Mataram pada Tahun 2012 adalah variabel pekerjaan (OR bekerja=2,04 ; 95%CI=1,032-4,015 ; OR bersekolah=3,80 ; 95%CI=1,281-11,302) dan penggunaan kassa nyamuk (OR=0,42 ; 95%CI=0,218-0,810). Bagi masyarakat, perlu peningkatan upaya perlindungan diri terhadap penularan penyakit DBD, terutama saat beraktifitas di luar rumah (saat bekerja/bersekolah), diantaranya dengan menggunakan pakaian yang dapat mencegah gigitan nyamuk dan penggunaan obat nyamuk oles (repellent). Bagi Dinas Kesehatan Kota Mataram, perlu intensifikasi pemeriksaan jentik dan PSN DBD di tempat-tempat umum, khususnya di sekolah-sekolah dan perkantoran bekerja sama dengan lintas program dan lintas sektor terkait.
Mataram city is one of the endemic areas of dengue fever in Indonesia, because since the Year 2003 to 2012, is always found dengue fever cases. This study aims to determine the relationship between the characteristics, behavior and home environment of the population with the incidence of dengue. This study is an analytical study with case-control design. The population in this study were residents of the city of Mataram, while the study sample was part of the population Mataram from all districts in the city of Mataram. Case is a resident of the city of Mataram who had been treated in hospital in the period from January to March 2012 and was diagnosed with suspected DHF / DD / DHF. Control is a neighbor of cases that never diagnosed with suspected DHF / DD / DHF in the same period. This study found that variables related to the incidence of dengue in the city of Mataram in the year 2012 is the variable of work (OR worker=2,04 ; 95%CI=1,032-4,015 ; OR student=3,80 ; 95%CI=1,281-11,302) and the use of mosquito net (OR=0,42 ; 95%CI=0,218-0,810). For society, need to increase efforts to protect themselves against dengue disease transmission, especially when activities outside the home (at work / school), such as by using clothing to prevent mosquito bites and use mosquito repellent ointment. For Mataram City Health Department, need to the intensification of larvae and eradication of DHF mosquito breeding places examination in public places, especially in schools and offices, to work with cross sector / program linked.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Christina Natalia
Abstrak :
Menurut Badan Kesehatan Dunia (WHO) kejadian leptospirosis sebagian besar terjadi pada negara beriklim tropis dan subtropis yang mengalami curah hujan tinggi, hal ini menjadikan leptospirosis endemis di Kawasan Asia Tenggara termasuk Indonesia. Provinsi DKI Jakarta merupakan salah satu dari 11 Provinsi endemis leptospirosis di Indonesia yang menurut Kementerian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia selama 10 tahun terakhir telah melaporkan angka leptospirosis dan angka CFR yang fluktuatif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor perilaku pejamu dan lingkungan yang dapat menyebabkan kejadian leptospirosis pada kasus suspek leptospirosis di Provinsi DKI Jakarta. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain studi potong lintang dengan menggunakkan Data Surveilans Sentinel Leptospirosis 2017-2019 sebanyak 984 responden, meskipun sampel yang digunakkan hanya sebesar 434. Analisis yang digunakkan pada penelitian ini adalah analisis univariat dan bivariat yang menggunakkan uji statistik chi square. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan prevalensi leptospirosis pada kasus suspek leptospirosis di Provinsi DKI Jakarta pada tahun 2017-2019 besesar 10,4%. Uji statistik yang memiliki hubungan signifikan dengan kejadian leptospirosis antara lain adalah adanya luka terbuka (PR = 5,287; 95% CI 1,854 – 15,076), tempat penampungan sampah (PR = 0,371 ; 95% CI 0,195 – 0,706), dan keberadaan tikus (PR = 0,372 ; 95% CI 0,165 – 0,838). Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah terdapat hubungan antara adanya luka terbuka, tempat penampungan sampah, dan keberadaan tikus dengan kejadian leptospirosis pada kasus suspek leptospirosis di Provinsi DKI Jakarta menggunakkan Data Surveilans Sentinel Leptospirosis 2017-2019 ......The World Health Organization (WHO) declared that most cases of leptospirosis occur in tropical and subtropical countries that experience high rainfall. Thus makes leptospirosis endemic in the Southeast Asian Region, including Indonesia. DKI Jakarta is one of the 11 leptospirosis endemic provinces in Indonesia which according to the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia for the last 10 years has reported fluctuating leptospirosis rates and CFR rates. This study aims to determine the behavioral factors of the host and the environment that can cause leptospirosis in suspected and confirmated cases of leptospirosis in DKI Jakarta. This study used a cross-sectional study design using the Leptospirosis's Sentinel Surveillance 2017-2019 with their 984 respondents, although the sample used was only 434. The analysis used in this study was univariate and bivariate analysis using the chi square statistical test. The results showed that the prevalence of leptospirosis in suspected and confirmated cases of leptospirosis in DKI Jakarta Province in 2017-2019 was 10.4%. Statistical tests showed significant relationship between the incidence of leptospirosis and some variables, namely the presence of open wounds (PR = 5.287; 95% CI 1.854 – 15.076), trash containers (PR = 0.371 ; 95% CI 0.195 – 0.706), and the presence of rats (PR = 0.372 ; 95% CI 0.165 – 0.838). The conclusion of this study is that there is a relationship between the presence of open wounds, trash containers, and the presence of rats with the incidence of leptospirosis in suspected cases of leptospirosis in DKI Jakarta Province using Leptospirosis's Sentinel Surveillance 2017-2019
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aisyah Raini Az-Zahrah Putri
Abstrak :
Kebisingan merupakan semua suara yang tidak dikehendaki yang pada umumnya bersumber dari benda atau peralatan proses produksi yang dapat menyebabkan gangguan kesehatan baik gangguan pendengaran (efek auditory) maupun keluhan kesehatan subjektif yang bersifat non auditory . Keluhan subjektif non auditory merupakan efek yang ditimbulkan akibat paparan kebisingan, namun bukan pada organ pendengaran, melainkan efek yang menyebabkan ketidaknyamanan pada seseorang seperti keluhan fisiologis, keluhan psikologis, dan keluhan komunikasi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui gambaran keluhan non auditory pada pekerja dan menganalisis pengaruh dari tingkat pajanan kebisingan, karakteristik pekerja, dan perilaku pekerja terhadap keluhan non auditory pada pekerja bagian operasi di area unit 5-7 pada perusahaan pembangkit listrik PT. X Tahun 2022. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Maret – Mei dengan melibatkan 58 pekerja yang merupakan pekerja bagian operasi pada area unit 5-7. Desain yang digunakan pada penelitian ini ialah cross sectional dan pengambilan data dilakukan dengan menyebarkan kuesioner keluhan non auditory. Variabel independen pada penelitian ini diantaranya tingkat kebisingan (SEG), usia, masa kerja, penggunaan APT, pajanan kebisingan diluar aktivitas pekerjaan, dan pelatihan terkait bahaya bising. Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan terhadap 58 pekerja bagian operasi, terdapat 31 pekerja (53,4%) yang mengalami keluhan fisiologis, terdapat 43 pekerja (74,1%) yang mengalami keluhan psikologis, dan terdapat 43 pekerja (74.1%) yang mengalami keluhan komunikasi. Terdapat hubungan antara tingkat kebisingan (SEG) dengan keluhan psikologis dan keluhan komunikasi, namun tidak terdapat hubungan antara karakteristik dan perilaku pekerja pada keluhan non auditory. ......Noise is unwanted sound that comes from objects or equipment from the production process that can cause health problems in the form of hearing loss and non-hearing complaints. Non-auditory effects are symptoms caused by exposure to noise, but not on the hearing organ. This effects will cause discomfort to a person such as physiological complaints, psychological complaints, and communication complaints. The purpose of this study was to describe the description of non-auditory complaints on workers and analyze the effect of noise exposure levels, worker characteristics, and worker behavior on non auditory complaints among operating workers in the unit area 5-7 at the power plant company PT. X on 2022. This research was conducted in March – May involving 58 workers who are operating division workers in units 5-7 area. The design used in this research is cross sectional and data collection is done by distributing questionnaires related to non-auditory. The independent variables in this study included noise intensity based on SEG, age, working period, use of Hearing Protection Devices (HPD), noise exposure outside of work activities, and training related to noise hazards Based on research conducted on 58 workers in the operations worker, there were 31 workers (53.4%) who have physiological complaints, there were 43 workers (74.1%) who have psychological complaints, and there were 43 workers (74.1%) who have communication complaints. There is a relationship between the noise level based on SEG with psychological complaints and communication complaints, but there is no relationship between the characteristics and behavior of workers on non-auditory complaints.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anynda Putri Assyifa
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang: Diare pada balita merupakan salah satu penyakit menular yang masih menjadi suatu permasalahan di dunia, seperti Indonesia. Diare pada balita telah masuk ke dalam 10 besar penyakit terbanyak ditemukan dan dilayani di Kota Depok. Salah satu kecamatan yang berada di Kota Depok adalah Kecamatan Limo, dimana jumlah kasus diare yang dilayani mengalami peningkatan dari tahun 2019 dan 2020. Banyak sekali penyebab dari diare pada balita, salah satunya adalah mengonsumsi air minum isi ulang yang terkontaminasi oleh bakteri Escherichia coli. Selain itu juga, beberapa penelitian sebelumnya juga menghasilkan bahwa diare pada balita dapat disebabkan oleh faktor perilaku (perilaku cuci tangan, pemberian ASI eksklusif, dan kebiasaan membuang tinja balita) dan faktor lingkungan (jenis lantai rumah, kondisi jamban, dan kondisi tempat sampah). Tujuan: Menganalisis hubungan antara kontaminasi Esherichia coli pada DAMIU (Depot Air Minum Isi Ulang) dengan kejadian diare pada balita di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Limo, Kota Depok tahun 2021. Metode: Penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain studi cross-sectional yang telah dilakukan pada balita yang tinggal di Kecamatan Limo, yaitu sebanyak 180 balita. Hasil: Terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara kontaminasi E. coli pada DAMIU (p = 0,000; OR = 4,204), pemberian ASI eksklusif (p = 0,006; OR = 2,760), kebiasaan membuang tinja balita (p = 0,001; OR = 3,222), perilaku cuci tangan (p = 0,003; OR = 2,899), kondisi jamban (p = 0,013; OR = 2,879), dan kondisi tempat sampah (p = 0,002; OR = 3,080) dengan kejadian diare pada balita. ......Background: diarrhea in children is one of communicable disease that still becoming a problem in the world, including Indonesia. Diarrhoea in children is a top 10 disease that has been found in Depok City. One of the sub-districts in Depok City is Limo, where has experienced increasing the number of children diarrhea cases from 2019 and 2020. There are plenty of causes of children diarrhoea, and one of them will be consuming an Escherichia coli contaminated refill drinking water. Furthermore, some of previous studies resulted that diarrhea in children can be caused by behavioral factors (such as hand-washing behavior, handling toddler’s faeces behavior, and exclusive breastfeeding behavior) and environmental factors (such as latrine condition, the types of house floor, and garbage condition). Objective: To analyze the relation between Escherichia coli contamination in refill drinking water depot and children diarrhea age under 5 years old in Community Health Center of Limo Working Area, Depok City in 2021, Methods: A quantitative study with cross-sectional design has been done to 180 children who lives in Sub-district Limo. Results: There are significant relations between E. coli contamination in refill drinking water depot (p = 0,000; OR = 4,204), exclusive breastfeeding behavior (p = 0,006; OR = 2,760), handling toddler’s faeces behavior (p = 0,001; OR = 3,222), hand-washing behavior (p = 0,003; OR = 2,899), latrine condition (p = 0,013; OR = 2,879), and garbage condition (p = 0,002; OR = 3,080) to diarrhea in children.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Linda Widiastuti
Abstrak :
Skripsi ini membahas mengenai faktor risiko perilaku (merokok, aktivitas fisik dan diet) dengan penyakit jantung dan pembuluh darah (penyakit jantung koroner dan stroke) pada usia ≥40 tahun di Indonesia tahun 2013. Berdasarkan data estimasi WHO, 17,5 juta orang meninggal di dunia karena penyakit kardiovaskuler (7,4 juta karena penyakit jantung koroner dan 6,7 juta akibat stroke pada tahun 2012). Perilaku memegang peranan penting dalam mempengaruhi kejadian penyakit jantung dan pembuluh darah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menilai pengaruh faktor risiko perilaku (merokok, aktivitas fisik dan diet) dengan kejadian penyakit jantung dan pembuluh darah pada usia ≥40 tahun. Penelitian bersifat kuantitatif, dengan desain studi cross sectional, menggunakan data sekunder Riskesdas Tahun 2013. Sampel penelitian ini adalah semua individu yang berusia ≥40 tahun yang menjadi responden dalam Riskesdas 2013. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perilaku merokok dan aktivitas fisik memiliki hubungan dengan penyakit jantung dan pembuluh darah, sedangkan diet tidak sehat memiliki risiko yang lebih rendah. Faktor yang berperan besar terhadap penyakit jantung koroner adalah merokok (yang merokok dibandingkan dengan yang tidak merokok, pada laki-laki OR: 1,32 dan perempuan OR: 1,63). Sedangkan untuk stroke, faktor aktivitas fisik yang memiliki risiko yang lebih besar terhadap kejadian stroke (yang berperilaku kurang gerak dibandingkan dengan yang beraktivitas fisik cukup, pada laki-laki OR: 2,01 dan perempuan OR: 2,60). Oleh sebab itu, memulai gaya hidup sehat akan sangat membantu dalam mencegah ketiga penyakit ini begitupun penyakit lainnya.
ABSTRACTThis thesis discusses the behavioral risk factors (smoking, physical activity and diet) with heart and blood vessel disease (coronary heart disease and stroke) at age ≥40 years in Indonesia in 2013. According to the WHO estimates, 17.5 million people died in world as cardiovascular disease (7.4 million due to coronary heart disease and 6.7 million from stroke in 2012). Behavior plays an important role in influencing the incidence of heart disease and blood vessels. The purpose of this study was to assess the effects of behavioral risk factors (smoking, physical activity and diet) and the incidence of heart disease and blood vessels at age ≥40 years. The research is quantitative, with cross sectional study design, using secondary data Riskesdas 2013. The sample was all individuals aged ≥40 years who were respondents in Riskesdas 2013. The results showed that smoking behavior and physical activity linked to heart disease and blood vessels, whereas an unhealthy diet have a lower risk. Factors that played a major role against coronary heart disease is smoking (smoking compared with non-smokers, in men OR: 1,32 and women OR: 1.63). As for stroke, physical activity factors that have a greater risk for stroke (which behaves less movement compared with sufficient physical activity, in men OR: 2,01 and women OR: 2.60). Therefore, start a healthy lifestyle will be very helpful in preventing this disease as well as the three other diseases.;This thesis discusses the behavioral risk factors (smoking, physical activity and diet) with heart and blood vessel disease (coronary heart disease and stroke) at age ≥40 years in Indonesia in 2013. According to the WHO estimates, 17.5 million people died in world as cardiovascular disease (7.4 million due to coronary heart disease and 6.7 million from stroke in 2012). Behavior plays an important role in influencing the incidence of heart disease and blood vessels. The purpose of this study was to assess the effects of behavioral risk factors (smoking, physical activity and diet) and the incidence of heart disease and blood vessels at age ≥40 years. The research is quantitative, with cross sectional study design, using secondary data Riskesdas 2013. The sample was all individuals aged ≥40 years who were respondents in Riskesdas 2013. The results showed that smoking behavior and physical activity linked to heart disease and blood vessels, whereas an unhealthy diet have a lower risk. Factors that played a major role against coronary heart disease is smoking (smoking compared with non-smokers, in men OR: 1,32 and women OR: 1.63). As for stroke, physical activity factors that have a greater risk for stroke (which behaves less movement compared with sufficient physical activity, in men OR: 2,01 and women OR: 2.60). Therefore, start a healthy lifestyle will be very helpful in preventing this disease as well as the three other diseases.;This thesis discusses the behavioral risk factors (smoking, physical activity and diet) with heart and blood vessel disease (coronary heart disease and stroke) at age ≥40 years in Indonesia in 2013. According to the WHO estimates, 17.5 million people died in world as cardiovascular disease (7.4 million due to coronary heart disease and 6.7 million from stroke in 2012). Behavior plays an important role in influencing the incidence of heart disease and blood vessels. The purpose of this study was to assess the effects of behavioral risk factors (smoking, physical activity and diet) and the incidence of heart disease and blood vessels at age ≥40 years. The research is quantitative, with cross sectional study design, using secondary data Riskesdas 2013. The sample was all individuals aged ≥40 years who were respondents in Riskesdas 2013. The results showed that smoking behavior and physical activity linked to heart disease and blood vessels, whereas an unhealthy diet have a lower risk. Factors that played a major role against coronary heart disease is smoking (smoking compared with non-smokers, in men OR: 1,32 and women OR: 1.63). As for stroke, physical activity factors that have a greater risk for stroke (which behaves less movement compared with sufficient physical activity, in men OR: 2,01 and women OR: 2.60). Therefore, start a healthy lifestyle will be very helpful in preventing this disease as well as the three other diseases., This thesis discusses the behavioral risk factors (smoking, physical activity and diet) with heart and blood vessel disease (coronary heart disease and stroke) at age ≥40 years in Indonesia in 2013. According to the WHO estimates, 17.5 million people died in world as cardiovascular disease (7.4 million due to coronary heart disease and 6.7 million from stroke in 2012). Behavior plays an important role in influencing the incidence of heart disease and blood vessels. The purpose of this study was to assess the effects of behavioral risk factors (smoking, physical activity and diet) and the incidence of heart disease and blood vessels at age ≥40 years. The research is quantitative, with cross sectional study design, using secondary data Riskesdas 2013. The sample was all individuals aged ≥40 years who were respondents in Riskesdas 2013. The results showed that smoking behavior and physical activity linked to heart disease and blood vessels, whereas an unhealthy diet have a lower risk. Factors that played a major role against coronary heart disease is smoking (smoking compared with non-smokers, in men OR: 1,32 and women OR: 1.63). As for stroke, physical activity factors that have a greater risk for stroke (which behaves less movement compared with sufficient physical activity, in men OR: 2,01 and women OR: 2.60). Therefore, start a healthy lifestyle will be very helpful in preventing this disease as well as the three other diseases.]
Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library