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Ditemukan 20 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Pekka Leviäkangas
"This paper discusses mobility pricing concepts from viewpoint of ecological targets and sustainable development. The current Finnish mobility pricing system is used as a starting point, and then proceeding along the lines of discussion towards its strengths and weaknesses with regard to environmental policy agenda. Since the Finnish practice has a long tradition of internalizing the external costs of ecological and environmental costs, it serves as a good spring board towards eco-pricing. If eco-pricing would be adopted, there would be necessary economic trade-offs. Hence, the question turns into political and social one: how much are we willing to pay for ecological mobility? The technological issues are considered in the end, as eco-pricing will require the employment of different technologies. However, the technological challenges are probably easier to tackle than the political, social and institutional ones. Finally, some aspects of advanced vs. developing economies are discussed."
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Depok: Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI-IJTECH 2:2 (2011)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Indramawan Cynammetra Ekaseputra
Beberapa tahun terakhir ini, Jakarta telah berkembang sangat cepat di mana salah satu konsekuensinya adalah pertumbuhan penduduk yang memerlukan suatu sistem pendukung yang seimbang untuk memenuhi kebutuhannya.
Salah satu kebutuhannya adalah suatu sistem transportasi yang handal untuk memungkinkan tingkat mobilitas yang tinggi, di samping tersedianya fasilitas yang memadai.
Salah satu pemecahan masalah yang selama ini dilaksanakan adalah pengemba.ngan prasarana jalan baru yang mencapai kurang dari 4% per tahun dibandingkan dengan laj u pertumbuhan kendaraan antara 14-15% per tahun. Sementara itu perkembangan daerah Perumahan/pemukiman yang kurang terkendali dan makin jauh dari pusat kegiatan kota, akan meningkatkan pula kebutuhan akan sarana dan prasarana transportasi untuk memungkinkan terjadinya mobilitas yang dapat mendukung kegiatan penduduk Kota.
Kegiatan transportasi tersebut, telah menjadi sebab utama pencemaran udara dan sumber bising di wilayah-wilayah tertentu di Jakarta, begitu pula, kerapatan kendaraan di Jakarta dikuatirkan telah melampaui daya dukung jalan-jalan, yang ada, yang mana telah menambah tingkat pencemaran udara dan kebisingan di sa.mping menimbulkan kemacetan lalu lintas yang menyebabkan waktu per.jalanan menjadi lebih panjang.
Hal-hal tersebut telah menyebabkan timbulnya masalah eksternalitas berupa beban sosial yang harus ditanggung oleh warga kota terutama masyarakat sepanjang koridor jalan dan pemakai jalan.
Eksternalitas akibat transpartasi darat yang penting sehubungan dengan:
- menurunnya kualitas udara
- tingkat kebisingan-
- kemacetan lalulintas
- kecelakaan.
Di pihak lain, masyarakat sepertinya belum memperhatikan masalah eksternalitas ini serta belum menyadari. dampak kegiatan transportasi ini.
Kajian ini berusaha untuk mengetahui :
1. Apa anggapan masyarakat terhadap dampak pencemaran dan eksternalitas oleh kegiatan transportasi darat
2. Gambaran tentang eksternalitas tersebut
Lokasi penelitian dipilih koridor jalan di daerah Senin, mewakili daerah kegiatan campuran. Tebet, mewakili daerah perumahan. Bunderan Hotel Indonesia-Sudirman. Dipilihnya daerah tersebut, karena daerah-daerah tersebut merupakan daerah padat penduduk dan merupakan pusat kegiatan masyarakat di samping sebagai moda tranportasi berlalulalang.
Data primer dikumpulkan dengan menggunanan cara pengambilan sampel acak sederhana. Untuk permasalahan tanggapan masyarakat terhadap dampak dan eksternalitas, data dikumpulkan dari responden melalui wawancara yang berpedoman pada daftar pertanyaan yang terstrutur, sedangkan data lain sehubungan dengan kualtas lingkungan serta tataruang, diperoleh melalui pengamatan dan pengukuran di lapangan, maupun mengumpulkan data sekunder.
Data kemudian dianalisis secara deskriptif dengan menggunakan statistik. Beberapa pendekatan digunakan untuk memperhitugnakn eksternalitas.
Kesimpulan yang didapat melalui penelitian ini:
a. Tingkat pengetahuan masyarakat terhadap masalah eksternalitas masih rendah sehingga dalam beberapa hal sulit menentukan besarnya biaya sosial.
b. Biaya sosial (eksternalitas) yang ditimbulkan oleh kegiatan transportasi adalah cukup besar.
Manfaat dari penelitian ini, adalah untuk memahami tingkah laku masyarakat sehubungan dengan masalah pencemaran kegiatan transportasi dan mengetahui besarnya eksternalitas yang ditimbulkan oleh kegiatan transportasi.

Jakarta has been recently developed in rapid speed that consequently the increased population requires a. balance support system to fulfill the human need.
One of the need is a transportation system to enable a high mobility beside a feasible residence.
An alternative has been performed so far led to the transportation infrastructure development at ± 4% growth rate per annum compared with the growth of the motorized vehicles at 14%-15% per annum.
Meanwhile, the residential area were uncontrolled developed being far from public activity center which will generate demand of transportation system to accommodate the arisen need of mobility supporting the residents activity.
The transportation activity has been a major source of air pollution and noise in the certain region of Jakarta. The motorized vehicles density was said had been exceed the existing road capacity which increase the degree of noise and air pollution, beside the occurrence of traffic jam else where that caused a travelers losing times due to the longer travel time.
Those condition, arisen a problem called externality in which the citizen especially people who stay along the highway corridor and the road users suffer and share the social cost due to exposing to the polluted environment.
It is said that the essential externalities due to the land transportation are of:
- degradation of air quality
- noise level
- traffic jam
- traffic accidents
On the other hand, it seems the public do not really concern with the externalities, they might: do not realize that is the impact of the transportation activities.
This study is trying to understand
1. The public reaction or conception against the pollution impacts and the externalities born by the land transportation activity
2. What the figure of the externalities is
The study took place along the highway corridor at around Senen which represent the mix--used area., Tebet represent residential area and Bunderan Hotel I ndones i a, Sudirman.
Such the location were chosen for the reasons of they were a public activities central, besides, various transportation modes passing through.
The primary data were collected by mean of drawing simple random sample. I n case for the issue of public response against the pollution and its externalities, the data were collected by inter-viewing the people based on a list of structured questionnaire while .the others related with the environmental quality such as the air quality and the spatial plan such as the land use configuration, were provided by measurement, observation at site and collecting secondary data.
The data were statistically analyzed adopting description method, some approach applied in calculating the externalities.
The study concluded :
1. The public knowlwdge on externalities is still at a low level that makes difficulties to predict what the social cost of certain impact is.
3. Externatilities arises from the land transportation activity are financially significat in amount.
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Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 1997
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Miyao, Takahiro
New York : Academic Press, 1981
330.917 32 MIY d
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Angga Sukmara Christian Permadi
In his 100 days of leadership, Governor Anies issued a policy of closing one of the roads for the street vendor selling area (PKL), which led to pros and cons. The Jatibaru Raya road closure policy is seen as a step towards the realization of Anies campaign promise to establish 200,000 UMKM during the DKI Jakarta Election in 2017. Deeply examined by the externality model of neo classical economics, the third party who is disadvantaged from the road closure policy is Block G traders, pedestrians, and city transport drivers. These problems are examined using the externality model of the neo classical economic theory. The externality model is a model that views the impact (of transactions) of a third party (who does not participate in a transaction) in an agreement made between the first party and the second party. This research is about to answer the reasons why Governor Anies issued a policy on managing the Blok G Tanah Abang Market by closing one of the Jatibaru Raya Road segments and who benefited from the management policy of the Blok G Tanah Abang Market and which parties were disadvantaged for the implementation of the policy. In establishing the policy, Governor Anies reasoned to accommodate the street vendors so that the disadvantaged parties emerged from the policy so that Governor Anies was deemed to have mal administrated the Ombudsman, one of which was by violating Law No. 22 of 2009 concerning Road Traffic and Transportation."
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Jakarta: Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional (BAPPENAS), 2019
330 JPP 3:1 (2019)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nurlaily Febriyuna
Salah satu tujuan pembangunan milenium dari tahun 1990 sampai dengan
2015 adalah mengurangi tingkat kematian balita hingga dua per tiga. Sampai
dengan saat ini, Indonesia telah berada pada jalur yang tepat dalam mencapai
target tersebut. Akan tetapi, perkembangan yang lambat pada penurunan kematian
bayi menunjukkan bahwa diperlukan perhatian lebih untuk meningkatkan
keselamatan pada bayi usia muda. Termotivasi oleh kondisi tersebut, penelitian ini
hendak mengidentifikasi determinan kematian bayi di Indonesia pada tahun 1997
sampai dengan 2012 menggunakan data Indonesia Demographic and Health
Survey (IDHS) periode ke 4, 5 dan 6. Disamping itu, penelitian ini juga bertujuan
untuk mengidentifikasi eksternalitas yang dapat diperoleh dari investasi pada
pendidikan ibu, sarana dan prasarana yang memadai pada sumber air minum dan
sanitasi, serta vaksinasi anak di lingkungan sekitar rumah tangga. Kerangka
konseptual dari penelitian ini didasarkan pada kerangka teoritis Mosley dan Chen
(1984). Penelitian ini menggunakan regresi logistik untuk mengestimasi pengaruh
dari berbagai macam faktor yang mempengaruhi kematian bayi.
Hasil regresi menunjukkan bahwa faktor bio-demografis, yakni
karakteristik ibu dan anak adalah faktor kunci dalam memprediksi kematian bayi
di Indonesia. Bayi berjenis kelamin pria, anak kembar, ibu dengan tingkat
kelahiran tinggi, jarak kelahiran yang pendek antar bayi, usia ibu diatas 35 tahun,
dan komplikasi kehamilan merupakan faktor-faktor yang terbukti berhubungan
positif dengan kematian bayi. Faktor perilaku antara lain institusi kelahiran,
pengetahuan tentang cairan rehidrasi oral, dan praktek kontrasepsi merupakan
faktor-faktor penting yang memiliki hubungan negatif dengan kematian bayi.
Selain itu, higienitas pada tempat tinggal seperti ketersediaan sumber air minum
yang bersih, kepemilikan toilet pribadi, dan penggunaan material lantai yang
lebih baik juga merupakan faktor penting yang dapat meningkatkan status
ketahanan hidup bayi di Indonesia. Beberapa variabel sosio ekonomis juga
terbukti merupakan determinan penting dari tingkat kematian bayi di Indonesia.
Diantara berbagai jenis faktor tersebut, jumah anggota rumah tangga merupakan
faktor yang memiliki keterkaitan yang paling kuat dengan kematian bayi. Pada
level komunitas, regional Sumatra dan Kalimantan pada periode 2012 memiliki
tingkat keterjadian kematian bayi yang lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan
regional Jawa dan Bali sedangkan regional Sulawesi pada periode 2007 memiliki
tingkat keterjadian kematian bayi yang lebih tinggi. Lebih lanjut, penelit ian ini
menemukan bahwa partisipasi masyarakat pada program imunisasi pemerintah
nasional memberikan efek eksternalitas yang positif pada tingkat ketahanan hidup
bayi di Indonesia

Reduction of under-five mortality rate by two-thirds between 1990 and 2015
is a Millennium Development Goal (MDG). Indonesia has been on track in
achieving the MDG target on under-five mortality. However, slower progress on
infant mortality reduction shows that more attention should be given in order to
improve the survival of younger children. Motivated by this situation, this study
attempts to identify determinants of infant mortality in Indonesia between 1997
and 2012 using the 4th, 5th and 6th rounds of the Indonesia Demographic and
Health Survey (IDHS) data. In addition, the study aims to identify externalities
which may be generated by investments in mother’s education, water and
sanitation, and child vaccination by a household’s neighbors. The conceptual
framework is based on Mosley and Chen (1984). Logistic regressions are used to
estimate the effect of a variety of factors on infant mortality.
The regression results shows that bio-demographic factors which include
child and maternal traits are key predictors of infant mortality in Indonesia. Male
sex, birth multiplicity, higher birth rank, shorter birth interval, mother age above
35 years, and complication during pregnancy are positively related to infant
mortality. Behavioral practices such as institutional delivery, knowledge of Oral
Rehydration Solutions (ORS), and especially contraceptive practice are also
important factors that negatively related to infant mortality. Moreover,
household’s hygiene characteristics such as safe drinking water source, private
toilet, and improved flooring materials are also important factors that increase
infant survival status in Indonesia. Some socio economic variables are also found
to be significant determinants of infant mortality in Indonesia. Among the various
factors, the number of household members is the strongest factors related to infant
mortality. At the community level, Sumatra and Kalimantan regions in 2012 have
lower odds of infant mortality, whereas Sulawesi region in 2007 has higher odds
of infant mortality as compare to Java and Bali. Furthermore, the study finds that
immunization participation in the community has a positive spillover effect on
infant survival status.
Relevance to Development Studies
Beside economic achievement, the level of development in a country is also
reflected in the health status of its people. Several health indicators, including
mortality rate in young children, have been used by the United Nation
Development Programme (UNDP) as measurements of poverty. The literature
suggests that the high numbers of Child Mortality Rate (CMR), Infant Mortality
Rate (IMR), and Neonatal Mortality Rate (NMR) exist in the Less Developed
Countries (LDCs). Indonesia, a middle income country in South East Asia has
been successful in reducing child mortality, but has not yet made enough progress
in reducing infant and neonatal mortality. Situation analysis is needed to identify
factors which may provide insights on how greater progress may be achieved.
, Reduction of under-five mortality rate by two-thirds between 1990 and 2015
is a Millennium Development Goal (MDG). Indonesia has been on track in
achieving the MDG target on under-five mortality. However, slower progress on
infant mortality reduction shows that more attention should be given in order to
improve the survival of younger children. Motivated by this situation, this study
attempts to identify determinants of infant mortality in Indonesia between 1997
and 2012 using the 4th, 5th and 6th rounds of the Indonesia Demographic and
Health Survey (IDHS) data. In addition, the study aims to identify externalities
which may be generated by investments in mother’s education, water and
sanitation, and child vaccination by a household’s neighbors. The conceptual
framework is based on Mosley and Chen (1984). Logistic regressions are used to
estimate the effect of a variety of factors on infant mortality.
The regression results shows that bio-demographic factors which include
child and maternal traits are key predictors of infant mortality in Indonesia. Male
sex, birth multiplicity, higher birth rank, shorter birth interval, mother age above
35 years, and complication during pregnancy are positively related to infant
mortality. Behavioral practices such as institutional delivery, knowledge of Oral
Rehydration Solutions (ORS), and especially contraceptive practice are also
important factors that negatively related to infant mortality. Moreover,
household’s hygiene characteristics such as safe drinking water source, private
toilet, and improved flooring materials are also important factors that increase
infant survival status in Indonesia. Some socio economic variables are also found
to be significant determinants of infant mortality in Indonesia. Among the various
factors, the number of household members is the strongest factors related to infant
mortality. At the community level, Sumatra and Kalimantan regions in 2012 have
lower odds of infant mortality, whereas Sulawesi region in 2007 has higher odds
of infant mortality as compare to Java and Bali. Furthermore, the study finds that
immunization participation in the community has a positive spillover effect on
infant survival status.
Relevance to Development Studies
Beside economic achievement, the level of development in a country is also
reflected in the health status of its people. Several health indicators, including
mortality rate in young children, have been used by the United Nation
Development Programme (UNDP) as measurements of poverty. The literature
suggests that the high numbers of Child Mortality Rate (CMR), Infant Mortality
Rate (IMR), and Neonatal Mortality Rate (NMR) exist in the Less Developed
Countries (LDCs). Indonesia, a middle income country in South East Asia has
been successful in reducing child mortality, but has not yet made enough progress
in reducing infant and neonatal mortality. Situation analysis is needed to identify
factors which may provide insights on how greater progress may be achieved.
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UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Teguh Yudono Adhi
"Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisa dampak jumlah kunjungan wisatawan mancanegara terhadap emisi CO2 di tujuh negara Asia Tenggara (Indonesia, Kamboja, Malaysia, Filipina, Singapura, Thailand dan Vietnam) pada periode 1995-2011 menggunakan metode panel data model fixed efect. Variabel-variabel yang digunakan pada penelitian ini antara lain emisi CO2 sebagai variabel terikat, sedangkan jumlah kunjungan wisatawan mancanegara, PDB per kapita, populasi, energi baru terbarukan serta efisiensi energi sebagai variabel bebasnya.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jumlah kunjungan wisatawan mancanegara tidak memberikan dampak signifikan pada peningkatan emisi CO2, sedangkan PDB per kapita dan populasi memberikan dampak yang signifikan dalam meningkatkan emisi CO2. Sementara itu efisiensi energi memberikan dampak signifikan dalam menurunkan emisi CO2, sedangkan variabel energi baru terbarukan tidak memberikan dampak signifikan dalam jumlah total tetapi memberikan dampak signifikan untuk menurunkan emisi CO2 dalam proporsi terhadap total energi yang dikonsumsi.

This study aims to analyze the impact of the number of tourist arrivals to the emission of CO2 in seven Southeast Asian countries (Indonesia, Cambodia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam) during 1995-2011 using data panel fixed-effect models. The variables in this study are CO2 emissions as the dependent variable, while the number of tourist arrivals, GDP per capita, population, renewable energy and energy efficiency as the independent variable.
The results showed that the number of tourist arrivals had no impact on the increasing of CO2 emissions, while GDP per capita and population had significant impact on the increasing of CO2 emissions. Meanwhile energy efficiency had a significant impact on reducing CO2 emissions while renewable energy showed insignificant impact as the total amount of renewable energy but had significant impact on decreasing CO2 emissions in renewable energy proportion of the total energy consumed.
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Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Setiyono Nugroho
"Multinational Companies MNC pada Kawasan Berikat KB memperoleh perlakuan yang berbeda dengan MNC diluar Kawasan Berikat yaitu memperoleh pembebasan pajak impor tetapi wajib mengekspor produknya, perbedaan tersebut diduga mengakibatkan perbedaan eksternalitas. Penelitian ini ini membahas dampak kehadiran MNC kepada produktivitas perusahaan lokal di Indonesia dengan ukuran produktivitas menggunakan Total Factor Productivity TFP serta memisahkan dampak MNC yang beroperasi pada Kawasan Berikat dengan yang beroperasi diluar Kawasan Berikat. Dengan menggunakan data laporan pajak perusahaan periode 2011-2015, hasil estimasi menunjukkan bahwa MNC membawa eksternalitas positif kepada produktivitas perusahaan lokal, serta MNC pada KB memiliki eksternalitas lebih besar daripada MNC diluar K.

Multinational Companies MNC in the Bonded Zone obtain tax incentives and are required to export their product. Those differences allegedly led to difference in externalities. This paper discussed the indirect impact of MNC on the productivity of local firm with a measure of productivity using Total Factor Productivity TFP . Furthermore, this thesis seeks to measure the difference impact between MNC which operated on BZ and FDI which operated outside the BZ. Using tax report data period 2011 2015, estimation result show that the presence of MNC bring positive externalities to local firm productivity, and MNC which operated on MNC have a bigger externalities than MNC which operated outside BZ"
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Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rizani Violita
"Salah satu strategi dalam pengembangan ekonomi, mendorong investasi serta meningkatkan daya saing adalah pengembangan Special Economic Zone (SEZ) atau Kawasan Ekonomi Khusus (KEK). Pengembangan KEK memfasilitasi kawasan yang lokasinya memiliki akses ke pasar global, meningkatkan produktivitas masyarakat wilayah sekitar serta pemusatan kawasan ekonomi hingga daerah cepat tumbuh. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh KEK di Indonesia terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi regional, baik terhadap wilayahnya serta terhadap Kabupaten/Kota di sekitarnya (spillover effect) dengan metode spasial ekonometrika yaitu Dynamic Spatial Durbin Model. Adapun hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengaruh KEK terhadap pertumbuhan wilayah hanya terdapat pada KEK Pariwisata sedangkan pada KEK Manufaktur belum berdampak signifikan. Pengaruh KEK pada pertumbuhan wilayah hanya pada jangka pendek. Variabel kontrol yang berpengaruh signifikan adalah Pertumbuhan Wilayah sebelumnya, PMDN, Tingkat Partisipasi Angkatan Kerja, Informasi dan Komunikasi, Indeks Pembangunan Manusia dan Pertumbuhan PDRB. Sedangkan pada wilayah sekitar variabel yang berpengaruh adalah Pertumbuhan PDRB serta Informasi dan Komunikasi.

One of the strategies in economic development, encouraging investment and increasing competitiveness is the development of a Special Economic Zone (SEZ). (KEK). SEZs facilitate the region whose location has access to the global market, increases local productivity, and centralizes economic areas in fast-growing areas. The study aims to analyze the impact of SEZs in Indonesia on regional economic growth, both in its region and in its spillover effect with the method of spatial econometrics, dynamic spatial durbin model. The results of the study show that in Tourism SEZs, SEZ variables have a significant effect on regional economic growth, while in Manufacturing SEZs, SEZ variables do not have a significant effect. In general, SEZ is a short-term effect on regional economic growth. The significant control variables are Previous Regional Growth, Domestic Direct Investment (PMDN), Labor Force Participation Rate, Information and Communication Technology, Human Development Index (HDI), and Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) growth. Meanwhile, in the neighboring areas GRDP growth and Information and Communication Technology are significant variables."
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Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Chandra Yusuf
"Disertasi ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis peristiwa insider trading yang dilakukan oleh orang dalam (Direktur, Komisaris, Pegawai, Profesional yang terikat kontrak dengan perusahaan). Sementara investor yang tidak dapat mengakses informasi non publik mengalami keragian karena ia harus membeli saham dengan harga yang lebih tinggi. Orang dalam karena selfinterest yang berlebihan menggunakan informasi non publik yang dikuasainya. Saat itu, investor dihadapkan pada informasi asimetri di pasar modal yang lemon. Orang dalam telah merusak efisiensi pasar modal. Pembatasan yang sesungguhnya dari insider trading adalcih pembatasan selfinterest yang berlebihan. Sementara aturan insider trading dalam civil law dan common law system, apabila dilihat dari legal positivism, yang memisahkan hukum dan moral/etika, tidak dapat membatasi self-interest. Kemgian investor atau orang ketiga yang diakibatkannya ini termasuk dalam ekstemalitas. Sudut pandang economic analysis of law dapat menggunakan ekonomi normatif sebagai alat analisanya. Kaldor-Hicks Efficiency sebagai teori dalam ekonomi normatif dapat memberikan emalisa penyelesaian ekstemalitas. Orang dalam yang diuntungkan memberikan kompensasi kepada investor yang dimgikan. Pelaksanaannya Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) mengambil kebijakan pro efisiensi pasar modal. Pengembalian pasar modal ke keadaan semula akan memperbaiki efisiensi pasar modal. Oleh karenanya, OJK melakukan perhitungan kompensasi secara tepat ynng dituangkan dalam bentuk sanksi denda berdasarkan pelanggaran administrasi.

This dissertation aims at analyzing an event of insider trading committed by the insiders (Director, Commissioner, Employee, Profession's relating to company*s contract). Investor who cannot access non-public information undergoes a loss due to share purchase based on the public information. He/she lias to purchase share in a higher price. Such investors loss includes externality. The insider because of an excessive self-interest uses non-public information controlled. By that time, the investor underwent asymmetric information at a lemon capital market. Such act has ruineci capital market efficiency. Scope of a real rule from the msider trading is limitation to tiie excessive self-interest. Meanwhile, the rule on the insider trading in the civil law and common law system, if seen from a legal positivism, which separates law and moral/ethic, cannot restrict the self-interest. Point of view on the economic analysis of law c:an use a positive and normative eccjnomy as its analysis tool. Kaldor-Hicks Efficiency as a theory in the normative economy nan give an analysis on externality settlement. The msider who obtains benefit hereof, gives a compensation to the investor inflicting loss, fe implementation is Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJIQ (Financial Service Authority) makes a policy on pro-capital market efficiency. The OJK performs a proper compensation c^alculation as contained in the form of fine sanction in the administrative violation."
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Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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