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Eryda Listyaningrum
Abstrak :
Aneka barang dan/atau jasa ditawarkan dengan hubungan timbal balik antara pelaku usaha dan konsumen. Hubungan ini tidak selamanya berjalan lancar, adakalanya antara konsumen dan pelaku usaha terjadi sengketa. Sengketa konsumen adalah sengketa antara pelaku usaha dengan konsumen yang menuntut ganti rugi atas kerusakan, pencemaran dan/atau yang menderita kerugian akibat mengkonsumsi barang dan/atau memanfaatkan jasa. Upaya penyelesaian sengketa konsumen dapat ditempuh melalui 2 (dua) alternatif penyelesaian sengketa yaitu melalui proses di dalam pengadilan dan di luar pengadilan. Penyelesaian sengketa konsumen di pengadilan khususnya perkara perdata, dapat dilakukan atas dasar gugatan perbuatan melawan hukum dan gugatan wanprestasi. Hukum acara yang berlaku dalam pemeriksaan sengketa konsumen di pengadilan pada perkara perdata berlaku Hukum Acara Perdata pada umumnya, termasuk dalam hal pembuktian. Pembuktian selalu berkaitan dengan dengan alat-alat bukti yang digunakan dipersidangan. Alat-alat bukti dalam perkara perdata terdapat dalam Pasal 164 HIR yaitu bukti dengan surat, bukti dengan saksi, persangkaanpersangkaan, pengakuan, dan sumpah. Untuk penyelesaian sengketa konsumen di luar sidang yaitu melalui Badan Penyelesaian Sengketa Konsumen (BPSK), terdapat alat bukti yang berbeda dari ketentuan Hukum Acara Perdata. Alat bukti pada penyelesaian sengketa konsumen di BPSK terdapat dalam Keputusan Menteri Perindustrian dan Perdagangan Republik Indonesia Nomor: 350/MPP/ Kep/12/2001 yaitu barang dan/atau jasa, keterangan para pihak yang bersengketa, keterangan saksi dan/atau saksi ahli, surat dan/atau dokumen, dan bukti-bukti lain yang mendukung. Selain alat bukti tersebut di atas, seringkali di persidangan dihadirkan ahli untuk didengar keterangannya. Dalam sengketa konsumen, keterangan ahli membantu memberikan penjelasan kepada hakim atas perbuatan pelaku usaha yang dinilai perbuatan tersebut sulit diketahui umum. Mengingat keterangan ahli bukanlah sebagai alat bukti, segala keputusan tergantung kepada hakim untuk mempertimbangkan keterangan tersebut ataukah tidak. Namun, karena pada dasarnya keterangan ahli sangat berperan dalam proses pembuktian sengketa konsumen diharapkan hakim lebih bijak dalam menimbang keterangan ahli. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penulisan skripsi ini adalah metode penelitian yuridis normatif.
Various goods and / or services offered by the mutual relations between business and consumers. This relationship does not always go smoothly, sometimes between the consumer and business disputes occur. Consumer disputes are disputes between the consumer business is demanding compensation for the damage, pollution and / or who suffer losses due to consumption of goods and / or utilize services. Consumer dispute resolution efforts can be pursued through 2 (two) alternative dispute resolution is through the process in court and outside court. Settlement of consumer disputes in the courts, especially civil cases, can be done on the basis of the law of tort actions and lawsuits against defaults. Procedural law applicable in the examination of consumer disputes in court on civil matters Civil Code applicable law in general, including in terms of proof. The proof is always in relation to the evidence used in a court. Evidence in civil cases is found in Article 164 HIR with a letter of evidence, evidence by witnesses, conjecture, suspicion, recognition, and the oath. For the settlement of consumer disputes out of court through the Consumer Dispute Settlement Board (BPSK), there is evidence that different from the provisions of Civil Code Law. The evidence on the settlement of consumer disputes in BPSK contained in the Decree of the Minister of Industry and Trade of the Republic of Indonesia Number: 350/MPP/Kep/12/2001 the goods and / or services, statements of the parties, witnesses and / or expert witness, a letter and / or documents and other evidence that supports. Besides the evidence mentioned above, often in the trial were presented expert testimony to be heard. In consumer disputes, expert help to explain to the judge for what is considered business works hard to identify the general. Given the expert is not as evidence, all depends on the judge's decision to consider such information or not. However, because the expert is basically a very important role in consumer dispute verification process is expected to judge more wisely in weighing expert. Research methods used in the writing of this thesis is a normative juridical research methods.
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lubis, Saefurrahman
Abstrak :
Fenomena VUCA merupakan suatu tantangan baru bagi sektor pemerintah. Untuk menghadapi tantangan tersebut diperlukan manajemen organisasi baru yang disebut sebagai konsep agile, pada sektor pemerintah disebut dengan agile government. Untuk dapat menerapkan konsep tersebut, organisasi sektor pemerintah memerlukan beberapa pendekatan pendukung, salah satunya yaitu agile human resource management. Jakarta Smart City merupakan salah satu organisasi sektor pemerintah yang bergerak dalam pengembang smart city kota Jakarta yang menerapkan konsep agile. Jakarta Smart City terdiri dari 17 pegawai ASN dan 200 Tenaga Ahli, juga memiliki status sebagai Badan Layanan Umum Daerah (BLUD) membuat Jakarta Smart City fleksibel dalam melakukan manajemen sumber daya manusia, oleh karena itu peneliti tertarik melihat praktik agile human resource management pada Jakarta Smart City. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori agile human resource management dari Ranasinghe & Sangaradeniya (2021) yang memiliki enam dimensi yaitu agile recruitment, agile performance management, agile coaching, agile compensation, agile learning and development, dan agile career paths and succession management untuk menganalisis manajemen sumber daya manusia di Jakarta Smart City. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan post-positivist dengan pengumpulan data melalui wawancara mendalam dan studi kepustakaan. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa mamanjemen sumber daya manusia di Jakarta Smart City sudah menerapkan 5 dimensi dan belum menerapkan satu dimensi. Lima dimensi yang berhasil diterapkan yaitu agile recruitment, agile performance management, agile coaching, agile learning and development, dan agile career paths and succession management. Satu dimensi yang dinyatakan belum siap yaitu dimensi agile compensation. ......The VUCA phenomenon is a new challenge for the government sector. To face these challenges, new organizational management is needed which is referred to as the agile concept, In the government sector it is called agile government. To be able to apply the concept, government sector organizations need several supporting approaches, one of which is agile human resource management. Jakarta Smart City is one of the government sector organizations engaged in developing smart cities in Jakarta that applies agile concepts. Jakarta Smart City consists of 17 civil servants and 200 experts, also has the status of a Regional Public Service Agency (BLUD) making Jakarta Smart City flexible in conducting human resource management, therefore researchers are interested in seeing agile human resource management practices in Jakarta Smart City. This research uses the agile human resource management theory from Ranasinghe & Sangaradeniya (2021) which has six dimensions, namely agile recruitment, agile performance management, agile coaching, agile compensation, agile learning and development, and agile career paths and succession management to analyze human resource management in Jakarta Smart City. This study used a post-positivist approach with data collection through in-depth interviews and literature studies. The results of this study show that human resource management in Jakarta Smart City has implemented 5 dimensions and has not implemented one dimension. The five dimensions that have been successfully applied are agile recruitment, agile performance management, agile coaching, agile learning and development, and agile career paths and succession management. One dimension that is declared not ready is the agile compensation dimension.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
In selection of consulting services as known as consultant tender, the highest scoring from the process is in proposed experts. For consulting services selection in Ministry of Public Works arranged by regulation Keputusan Menteri Permukiman dan Prasarana Wilayah No: 257/KPTS/M/2004 includes: Standard of Selection Document, Guidance of Qualification Assessment, and Guidance of Proposal Evaluation. Wherein the regulation as implementation from higher regulations such as UU No.' l 8/l 999, PP No: 28/2000, PP No: 29/2000, Keppres No: 80/2003, and Keppres No: dl/2004. In fact, the implementation of those regulations is not along with consultant readiness in providing experts that appropriate with rule and regulation. From the implementation of the regulations emerge obstacles whether in consulting company as participant of consulting services selection (tender participant) or procurement committee. Obstacles in consulting company are the expert limitedness in following consulting services selection in Ministry of Public Works arranged by Keputuson Menteri Permukiman dan Prasarona Wilayah No: 257/KPTS/M/2004. From data collecting with questionnaire distribution obtained 40 respondents answered the expert limitedness affected by 2l factors in major i.e. consultant company, expert, regulation, tax, expertise certification, profession association, lNl(lNDO, LPJK, and owner in this case Ministry of Public Works. Will: Statistical Analysis (SPSS 13.0 for Windows) consists of Correlation-lntercorrelation Analysis, Factor Analysis, Regression Analysis and Model Test resulted there are the 5 definitive factors affect the expert limitedness are lack of readiness of INKINDO, lack of awareness in expert tar payment, lack of socialization and dissemination in expertise certification, budget limitation (high cost), and ignorance of expert about the obligation related with administration clauses.
Jurnal Teknologi, Vol. 20 (1) Maret 2006 : 1-7, 2006
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library