This research examines the urgency of regulating military activities in EEZ. This study is a normative juridical study with a prescriptive nature that takes approaches to legislation and cases. The Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) is a new regime which is regulated in the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). The experts consider that the provisions of EEZ as set forth in UNCLOS are parts of international customary law and states practices. It is recognized that a state has sovereign rights over its EEZ. The definition of sovereign rights was defined by the experts in some different meanings. Some of the experts define that it is a special right between sovereignty of a state and the freedom of other states in high seas, and the others think that the status of EEZ is similar with the status of high seas in the scope of navigation. Nowadays, the military activity which is exercised by state in EEZ causes some conflicts and crisis because it is exercised in the EEZ by the other states. Those rising conflicts challenge the right and obligation of coastal state and the other state in EEZ related to the military activity, intelligence data collection. To anticipate conflicts between countries, there needs to be regulation regarding military activities in the EEZ.