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Mohd. Hafsah
Kuala Lumpur: Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia, 1997
R 581.6025595 MOH d
Buku Referensi  Universitas Indonesia Library
Purba, Endang Christine
Abstrak :
Penelitian ?Etnobotani Masyarakat Enis Karo di Kecamatan Merdeka, Sumatera Utara? bertujuan untuk mengetahui pemanfaatan spesies tumbuhan berguna dan perbedaan pengetahuan lokal tentang pemanfaatan tumbuhan berdasarkan gender dan umur oleh masyarakat etnis Karo di Kecamatan Merdeka. Pelaksanaan penelitian dilakukan melalui pendekatan etik dan emik. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara terbuka dan semi terstruktur, observasi partisipatif dan diskusi kelompok fokus (Focus Group Discussion--FGD). Data tentang keanekaragaman pemanfaatan spesies tumbuhan dianalisis dengan metode LUVI (Local User?s Value Index), ICS (Index of Cultural Significance); dan data tentang perbedaan pengetahuan pemanfaatan tumbuhan brdasar gender dan umur dianalisis dengan metode UVs (Use Values), dan statistik. Terdapat 158 spesies yang termasuk dalam 61 famili yang dikenal dan dimanfaatkan masyarakat etnis Karo di KecamatanMerdeka. Seratus lima puluh delapan spesies tumbuhan tersebut dimanfaatkan untuk obat-obatan, pangan, sumber penghasilan, teknologi lokal, kayu bakar, adat/ritual/hiasan, racun/anti racun dan pewarna. Berdasarkan analisis LUVI diperoleh 60 spesies yang dianggap paling penting dan pangan sebagai kategori guna terpenting. Oryza sativa mendapat nilai ICS tertinggi yaitu 50, yang dimanfaatkan sebagai makanan pokok. Berdasarkan umur dari kelompok responden, rata-rata jumlah spesies tumbuhan yang diketahui dan dimanfaatkan dan nilai UVs pada responden umur lebih dari 50 tahun lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan umur 30--50 tahun. Sementara itu, berdasarkan gender, rata-rata jumlah spesies tumbuhan yang diketahui dan dimanfaatkan dan nilai UVs pada responden laki-laki lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan perempuan
The purposes of this study are to identify the plant species perceived by Karonese of Merdeka District and determine whether gender and age have different local knowledge differences of use values of plant species. The ethnobotanical research and collection data were conducted by open and semistructured interview, observation, focus group discussion (FGD). The ethnonotanical information according to general categories of plant species uses analysed by LUVI (Local User?s Value Index), ICS (Index of Cultural Significance); and the differences in knowledge of plant based on age and gender was analysed by UVs (Use Values) dan statistic analysis. Karonese of Merdeka District use 158 plant spesies, 60 families for 8 general use categories, which in medicinal uses, food, economical plants, local technology, firewood, traditional celebration/ritual/ornaments, poisonous plants, and dye-colors. There are 60 species which considered as the most useful plants based on LUVI analysis. The ICS analysis indicated that Oryza sativa gained the highest value (50), which is used as staple food. Based on the age of respondents, the average number of plant species that are known and utilized; and value UVs on respondents aged more 50 years old higher than the age of 30--50 years old. Meanwhile, based on gender, men of Karo ethnic society in District Merdeka know more plant species than the women.;The purposes of this study are to identify the plant species perceived by Karonese of Merdeka District and determine whether gender and age have different local knowledge differences of use values of plant species. The ethnobotanical research and collection data were conducted by open and semistructured interview, observation, focus group discussion (FGD). The ethnonotanical information according to general categories of plant species uses analysed by LUVI (Local User’s Value Index), ICS (Index of Cultural Significance); and the differences in knowledge of plant based on age and gender was analysed by UVs (Use Values) dan statistic analysis. Karonese of Merdeka District use 158 plant spesies, 60 families for 8 general use categories, which in medicinal uses, food, economical plants, local technology, firewood, traditional celebration/ritual/ornaments, poisonous plants, and dye-colors. There are 60 species which considered as the most useful plants based on LUVI analysis. The ICS analysis indicated that Oryza sativa gained the highest value (50), which is used as staple food. Based on the age of respondents, the average number of plant species that are known and utilized; and value UVs on respondents aged more 50 years old higher than the age of 30--50 years old. Meanwhile, based on gender, men of Karo ethnic society in District Merdeka know more plant species than the women.;The purposes of this study are to identify the plant species perceived by Karonese of Merdeka District and determine whether gender and age have different local knowledge differences of use values of plant species. The ethnobotanical research and collection data were conducted by open and semistructured interview, observation, focus group discussion (FGD). The ethnonotanical information according to general categories of plant species uses analysed by LUVI (Local User’s Value Index), ICS (Index of Cultural Significance); and the differences in knowledge of plant based on age and gender was analysed by UVs (Use Values) dan statistic analysis. Karonese of Merdeka District use 158 plant spesies, 60 families for 8 general use categories, which in medicinal uses, food, economical plants, local technology, firewood, traditional celebration/ritual/ornaments, poisonous plants, and dye-colors. There are 60 species which considered as the most useful plants based on LUVI analysis. The ICS analysis indicated that Oryza sativa gained the highest value (50), which is used as staple food. Based on the age of respondents, the average number of plant species that are known and utilized; and value UVs on respondents aged more 50 years old higher than the age of 30--50 years old. Meanwhile, based on gender, men of Karo ethnic society in District Merdeka know more plant species than the women., The purposes of this study are to identify the plant species perceived by Karonese of Merdeka District and determine whether gender and age have different local knowledge differences of use values of plant species. The ethnobotanical research and collection data were conducted by open and semistructured interview, observation, focus group discussion (FGD). The ethnonotanical information according to general categories of plant species uses analysed by LUVI (Local User’s Value Index), ICS (Index of Cultural Significance); and the differences in knowledge of plant based on age and gender was analysed by UVs (Use Values) dan statistic analysis. Karonese of Merdeka District use 158 plant spesies, 60 families for 8 general use categories, which in medicinal uses, food, economical plants, local technology, firewood, traditional celebration/ritual/ornaments, poisonous plants, and dye-colors. There are 60 species which considered as the most useful plants based on LUVI analysis. The ICS analysis indicated that Oryza sativa gained the highest value (50), which is used as staple food. Based on the age of respondents, the average number of plant species that are known and utilized; and value UVs on respondents aged more 50 years old higher than the age of 30--50 years old. Meanwhile, based on gender, men of Karo ethnic society in District Merdeka know more plant species than the women.]
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Khairissa Trisliani Asmara
Abstrak :
Penelitian terhadap pengetahuan etnobotani dan perspektif pengembangan Arenga pinnata oleh masyarakat Desa Bulumario, Kecamatan Sipirok, Sumatera Utara telah dilaksanakan pada Bulan Agustus-Oktober 2019. Penelitian bertujuan mendokumentasikan pengetahuan masyarakat mengenai pemanfaatan tumbuhan dan jenis tumbuhan apa saja yang penting bagi masyarakat Bulumario. Informasi yang dikumpulkan diharapkan dapat berperan dalam konservasi tumbuhan yang menunjang proses pengembangan kesejahteraan masyarakat di Desa Bulumario. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah wawancara secara mendalam dengan dipandu kuisioner, observasi partisipatif, dan survey lapangan. Pada penelitian etnobotani kategori guna terdapat 9 informan kunci dan 37 responden umum yang terdiri dari laki-laki dan perempuan yang berusia 30 tahun. Penelitian mengenai kajian pemanfaatan aren, responden adalah masyarakat yang bekerja sebagai petani aren, penyadap aren maupun tengkulak hasil produksi aren. Data di analisis secara kualitatif yaitu deskriptif dan kuantitatif yaitu nilai indeks kultural (ICS) dan analisis vegetasi. Hasil menunjukkan terdapat 164 spesies tumbuhan dari 63 famili yang dimanfaatkan masyarakat dalam berbagai kategori guna. Nilai ICS tertinggi adalah bargot (Arenga pinnata (Wurmb) Merr) yaitu sebesar 110 dengan pemanfaatan sebagai obat, pangan, ritual, minuman dan bahan bangunan. Pemanfaatan Arenga pinnata sebagai tumbuhan multiguna cukup tinggi di Bulumario, persebaran individu Arenga pinnata juga merata dengan kerapatan pohonnya 94 ind/ha. Bagian yang paling banyak dimanfaatkan adalah air nira yang berasal dari bunga jantan. Masyarakat Bulumario masih memanfaatkan aren yang tumbuh liar dan belum ada upaya budidaya tumbuhan tersebut.
Research on the ethnobotany knowledge and perspective of Arenga pinnata development by the people of Bulumario Village, Sipirok District, North Sumatra has been carried out in August-October 2019. The research aims to document public knowledge about the use of plants and what types of plants are important for the Bulumario community. The information gathered is expected to play a role in the conservation of plants that support the process of developing community welfare in Bulumario Village. The research method used was in-depth interviews guided by questionnaires, participatory observation, and field surveys. In the ethnobotany category uses there were 9 key informants and 37 general respondents consisting of men and women aged 30 years. For study of the use of sugar palm, respondents are people who work as sugar palm farmers, sugar palm tappers and middlemen from the production of palm sugar. The data were analyzed qualitatively namely descriptive and quantitative namely the value of the cultural index (ICS) and vegetation analysis. The results showed that there were 164 plant species from 63 families that were utilized by the community in various use categories. The highest ICS value is bargot (Arenga pinnata (Wurmb) Merr) which is 110 with utilization as medicine, food, ritual, drinks and building materials. Utilization of Arenga pinnata as a multipurpose plant is quite high in Bulumario, the individual distribution of Arenga pinnata is also evenly distributed with a tree density of 94 ind/ ha. The most widely used part is sap water that comes from male flowers. The people of Bulumario are still using the sugar palm that grows wild and there has been no attempt to cultivate these plants
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Maikel Simbiak
Abstrak :
Telah dilakukan suatu studi etnoekologi untuk mengungkap hubungan suku asli di sekitar kawasan Taman Nasional Wasur (TNW) dengan lanskap budaya mereka melalui tiga sumbu pendekatan etnoekologi yaitu kosmos (sistem kepercayaan), corpus (pengetahuan ekologis), dan praxis (pengelolaan dan pemanfaatan sumber daya). Data dalam penelitian ini diperoleh melalui kombinasi metode ekologi, antropologi, dan linguistik. Pengumpulan data diperoleh melalui wawancara semi-struktural, diskusi kelompok terfokus (DKT), metode distribusi kerikil, dan survei lapangan dengan teknik walktransect and free-listing serta observasi bebas. Hasil studi mengungkapkan bahwa suku asli di sekitar kawasan TNW memiliki dasar penguasaan lanskap budaya yang diinisiasi oleh kosmos yang juga mempengaruhi corpus serta praxis. Corpus suku asli di sekitar kawasan TNW tentang etnoekotop (satuan-satuan lanskap utama) menunjukan kesamaan konsep berdasarkan fisiografi kawasan yang sama dari dataran rendah aluvial yang secara musiman dipengaruhi genangan air. Corpus suku asli tentang asosiasi vegetasi dengan masing-masing etnoekotop diidentifikasi secara perseptual berdasarkan persepsi budaya dan alamiah berdasarkan indikator spesies. Praxis suku asli dipengaruhi oleh kosmos melalui hubungan Dema-totem-klan yaitu suatu struktur dasar komunitas suku asli yang berhubungan dengan mitologi asal-usul yang mengatur pengelolaan dan pemanfaatan sumber daya hayati sehingga terbentuk suatu tatanan kehidupan yang harmonis. Praxis suku asli juga dipengaruhi kosmos dengan adanya penentuan areal-areal sakral, sistem sasi (sar), dan aktivitas budidaya tumbuhan simbolik. Dalam hubungan budaya dengan lingkungan, aktivitas subsisten suku asli tidak secara mutlak dipengaruhi oleh lingkungan. Mereka mampu mengembangkan teknologi adaptasi melalui pengetahuan yang diperoleh dari pemahaman tentang alam lingkungan mereka An ethnoecological study has been carried out to reveal the relationship of indigenous tribes around the Wasur National Park (WNP) area with their cultural landscape through three axes of an ethnoecological approach, namely kosmos (belief system), corpus (ecological knowledge), and praxis (resource management and utilization). The data in this study were obtained through a combination of ecological, anthropological, and linguistic methods. Data collection was obtained through semi-structural interviews, focus group discussions (FGD), pebble distribution methods (PDM), and field surveys using walk-transect and free-listing techniques as well as free observation. The results of the study reveal that the indigenous tribes around the WNP area have a basic mastery of the cultural landscape initiated by the kosmos which also affects the corpus and praxis. The corpus of indigenous tribes around the WNP area regarding ethnoecotopes (main landscape units) shows a similarity in concept based on the physiography of the same area of the alluvial lowlands which are seasonally influenced by waterlogging. Indigenous corpus about vegetation association with each ethnoecotope identified perceptually based on cultural and natural perceptions based on species indicators. Indigenous Praxis is influenced by the kosmos through the Dema-totem-clan relationship, which is a basic structure of indigenous tribal communities associated with the mythology of origins which regulates the management and use of biological resources so as to form a harmonious life order. Indigenous praxis is also influenced by the kosmos by determining sacred areas, the sasi system (sar), and symbolic plant cultivation activities. In the relationship between culture and environment, the subsistence activities of indigenous people are not absolutely influenced by the environment. They are able to develop adaptation technologies through knowledge gained from an understanding of their natural environment.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Timsuksai, Pijka
Abstrak :
The Cao Lan are a Tai-speaking ethnic group living in the Midlands of Northern Vietnam. Homegardens are an important component of their agroecosystem. The ecological structure of each homegarden of 17 household of the Cao Ngoi villge in Tuyen Quang province were described and modal patterns identifed. Most homegarden have organically shaped planting areas with indeterminate boundaries, polycentric planting patterns, and contain multiple species within the same bed or planting area ...
Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University, 2015
327 SEAS 4:2 (2015)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhamad Nikmatullah
Abstrak :
Etnoekologi dan Etnobotani Tumbuhan Obat pada Masyarakat Baduy-Dalam di Desa Kanekes, Kecamatan Leuwidamar, Kabupaten Lebak, Banten. Telah dilakukan kajian pengetahuan pemanfaatan lanskap dan pemanfaatan tumbuhan obat pada masyarakat Baduy-Dalam. Tujuan penelitian ini mengungkapkan keanekaragaman spesies tumbuhan obat yang tersebar pada berbagai lanskap yang sudah dikenal dan dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat Baduy-Dalam. Penelitian telah dilaksanakan pada September 2017 sampai Januari 2018. Pengambilan data menggunakan pendekatan emik dan etik melalui wawancara semi terstruktur close ended, open ended, observasi partisipatif, Focus Group Discussion FGD, analisis vegetasi dan jelajah bebas. Wawancara dilakukan pada 3 informan kunci dan 108 responden umum. Data dianalisis secara kualitatif dengan statistika deskriptif untuk menggambarkan pengetahuan lokal masyarakat dan kuantitatif dianalisis dengan menghitung nilai kultural Index of Cultural Significance, ICS, dan nilai kepentingan lokal Local User Value Index, LUVI. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, Baduy-Dalam mengenal 7 unit lanskap, yaitu Leuweng lembur Pemukiman, Cai sungai, Huma ladang, Jami bekas ladang ditinggalkan 1 tahun, Rheuma bekas ladang ditinggalkan 3 tahun, Rheuma kolot bekas ladang ditinggalkan 7 tahun, dan Leuweng kolot hutan lindung. Lansekap yang dianggap paling penting ialah leuweung lembur pemukiman dengan nilai rata-rata kepentingan 28.8. Pada 7 lanskap ditemukan 98 spesies tumbuhan obat yang memiliki 46 kegunaan, terdiri dari 91 genus dan 46 famili. Famili terbanyak ialah Asteraceae dan Zingiberaceae. Nilai ICS dan LUVI tumbuhan obat tertinggi di Cibeo dimiliki oleh Cocos nucifera ICS=24, LUVI=2.25 untuk laki-laki muda, Cocos nucifera ICS=24 dan Kaempferia galanga LUVI=1.91 untuk laki-laki dewasa, Kaempferia galanga ICS=16 dan Cocos nucifera LUVI=1.95 untuk laki-laki tua, Psidium guajava ICS=24, LUVI=2.15 untuk perempuan muda, K. galanga dan Z. cassumunar ICS=12 dan Zingiber cassumunar LUVI=1.63 untuk perempuan dewasa, Pterocarpus indicus, Kaempferia galanga, Dinochloa scandens, Gigantochloa apus, Zingiber officinale, dan Crassocephalum crepidioides ICS=9 dan Cyrtandra pendula LUVI=1.57 untuk perempuan tua. Adapun Nilai ICS dan LUVI tumbuhan obat tertinggi di Cikeusik dimiliki oleh Cocos nucifera ICS=18, LUVI=2 untuk laki-laki muda, Cocos nucifera ICS=24 dan Cassia alata LUVI=1.35 untuk laki-laki dewasa, Cassia alata, Ageratum conyzoides, Cyrtandra pendula, Kaempferia galanga, Abrus precatorius, Mikania cordata ICS=9 dan Bridelia monoica LUVI=1.65 untuk laki-laki tua, Cocos nucifera ICS=24, LUVI=1.35 untuk perempuan muda, Kaempferia galanga ICS=12 dan Bridelia monoica LUVI=1.06 untuk perempuan dewasa, dan Gigantochloa apus, Blumea balsamifera ICS=12 dan Cassia alata LUVI=1.01 untuk perempuan tua. ......Ethnoecology and Ethnobotany of Medicinal Plants in Baduy Dalam Society Kanekes Village, Leuwidamar District, Lebak Regency, Banten.A study of utilization of landscape and medicinal plants has been undertaken in Baduy Dalam society. The purpose of this study is to reveals the diversity of medicinal plant species scattered in various landscapes that have been known and utilized by Baduy Dalam society. The study has been conducted from September 2017 to January 2018. Data was collected through semi structured close ended, open ended, participatory observation, focus group discussion FGD interviews, vegetation analysis and free roaming interviews. Interviews were conducted from 3 key informants and 108 general respondents. Data were analyzed qualitatively by descriptive statistics to describe local knowledges society and quantitative analyzed by calculating of Index of Cultural Significance ICS, and local user 39 s value Index LUVI. Based on research results, Baduy Dalam society recognizes 7 landscape units, namely Leuweung lembur residential area, Cai river, Huma field, Jami one year abandoned field, Rheuma three years abandoned field, Rheuma kolot seven years abandoned field, and Leuweung kolot protected forest. Leuweung lembur residential area considered the most important landscape which it has average of importance value of 28.8. It has been found 98 species of medicinal plants which is have 46 usefulness. It consists of 91 genera and 46 families. The most of families are Asteraceae and Zingiberaceae. The highest of ICS and LUVI values in Cibeo, category of young male chosen C. nucifera ICS 24, LUVI 2.25, category of adult male Cocos nucifera ICS 24 and Kaempferia galanga LUVI 1.91, category of old male Kaempferia galanga ICS 16 and Cocos nucifera LUVI 1.95, Psidium guajava category of young female chosen ICS 24, LUVI 2.15, category of adult female Kaempferia galanga and Zingiber cassumunar ICS 12 and Zingiber cassumunar LUVI 1.63, and category old female Pterocarpus indicus, Kaempferia galanga, Dinochloa scandens, Gigantochloa apus, Zingiber officinale, and Crassocephalum crepidioides ICS 9 and Cassia pendula LUVI 1.57. The highest of ICS and LUVI values in Cikeusik category young male chosen Cocos nucifera ICS 18, LUVI 2, category of adult male Cocos nucifera ICS 24 and Cassia alata LUVI 1.35, category of old male Cocos alata, Ageratum conyzoides, Cyrtandra. pendula, aempferia. galanga, Abrus precatorius, Mikania cordata ICS 9 and Bridelia monoica LUVI 1.65, category of young female Cocos nucifera ICS 24, LUVI 1.35, category of adult female Kaempferia galanga ICS 12 and Bridelia monoica LUVI 1.06 and category of old female Gigantochloa apus, Blume balsamifera ICS 12 and Cassia alata LUVI 1.01.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Reza Saputra
Abstrak :
Studi etnobotani pada suku Kokoda, Kampung Ugar, Pulau Ogasmuni, Kabupaten Fakfak, Papua Barat telah dilakukan dari bulan Februari ? November 2016. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui spesies tumbuhan yang dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat lokal suku Kokoda. Penelitian menggunakan metode wawancara semistruktur dan terstruktur, serta observasi partisipasi. Pemilihan informan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling dan snowball dengan jumlah informan sebanyak 11 orang. Informan terdiri dari kepala kampung, wakil kepala kampung, sekretaris kampung, kepala dusun, istri kepala dusun, dan warga yang sering memakai tumbuhan dalam kesehariannya. Hasil penelitian menunjukan, bahwa masyarakat lokal suku Kokoda di Kampung Ugar memiliki pengetahuan etnobotani yang cukup tinggi. Terdapat 202 macam pemanfaatan dari total 102 spesies tumbuhan yang dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat lokal. Penelitian berhasil mencatat 69 spesies tumbuhan sebagai obat, 34 spesies sebagai sumber pangan, 10 spesies sebagai sumber estetika, 6 spesies sebagai bahan ritual adat, 3 spesies sebagai bahan papan, 2 spesies sebagai racun, senjata, dan bahan bakar, serta masing-masing 1 spesies sebagai pewarna alami dan sandang.
Ethnobotanical study of Kokoda tribe, Ogasmuni Island, Fakfak Regency, West Papua, Indonesia was conducted from February to November 2016. Purpose of this research is to know the information about utilization of plant species by the indigenous people. This research used semi-structured and structured interviews by selecting 11 key informants using purposive sampling and snowball methods. The informants consisted of village chief, deputy head of the village, chieftain, traditional medical practitioners, and the local people often uses herbs medicine. Research successfully identified 102 plant species used by Kokoda?s tribe for various purpose, such as food, medicine, poison, and tradition ritual.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Marwan Setiawan
Abstrak :
Tesis ini menjelaskan tentang penelitian konservasi sebagai salah satu ciri new museum dengan perspektif baru. Penelitian dilakukan terhadap manajemen konservasi Museum Etnobotani Indonesia, dengan menggunakan metode pendekatan kualitatif. Kegiatan manajemen konservasi museum baru mencakup struktur organisasi, prinsip, program, penelitian, dan teknologi informasi dalam bidang konservasi. Hasil analisis dan pembahasan penelitian, menyimpulkan Museum Etnobotani Indonesia belum memiliki manajemen konservasi yang sesuai dengan konsep museum baru. Kegiatan konservasi masih berorientasi terhadap pelestarian koleksi benda budaya yang merupakan ciri museum tradisional. Untuk menjadi sebuah museum baru dalam bidang manajemen konservasi Museum Etnobotani Indonesia harus memperluas konsep pelestarian yang tidak hanya melestarikan koleksi benda budaya. Akan tetapi, melestarikan koleksi budaya tak benda seperti memori kolektif masyarakat dengan membuka informasi seluas luasnya terhadap publik. ...... This thesis describes the study of conservation as one of the characteristics of the new museum with a new perspective. Research conducted on conservation management Ethnobotany Museum Indonesia, using a qualitative approach. The new museum conservation management activities include organizational structure, principles, programs, research, and information technology in the conservation field. The results of the analysis and discussion of research concluded Ethnobotany Museum Indonesia does not have a conservation management in accordance with the concept of the new museum. Conservation activities are still oriented towards the preservation of cultural collections that are characteristic of traditional museums. To become a new museum in the field of conservation management Ethnobotany Museum Indonesia must expand the concept of preservation is not only to preserve a collection of cultural objects. However, preserving a collection of cultural objects such as people's collective memory with the widest breadth of information open to the public.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eisya Hanina Hidayati
Abstrak :
Tradisi lisan seringkali menjadi sarana penting dalam menyimpan dan meneruskan pengetahuan ekologi dan biologi masyarakat lokal, termasuk pemahaman tentang pemanfaatan hewan dan tumbuhan lokal. Tatangar Banjar merupakan tradisi lisan yang mengandung beragam pengetahuan lokal dan pandangan masyarakat Banjar dalam bentuk pertanda-pertanda. Banyak spesies tumbuhan dan hewan lokal telah terdokumentasi sebagai pertanda Tatangar, namun dokumentasi pengetahuan lisan tersebut masih minim, dan penelitian etnobiologi yang mendalam belum pernah dilakukan sebelumnya. Penelitian eksplorasi terhadap tumbuhan dan hewan yang berperan sebagai Tatangar dilaksanakan selama 10 bulan, dari Februari hingga November 2023, di Desa Mandiangin Barat, Kabupaten Banjar, Kalimantan Selatan. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi dan wawancara semi-struktural terhadap 3 informan kunci, dengan total 32 responden dari berbagai kelompok generasi. Data etnobotani yang terkandung dalam Tatangar dianalisis menggunakan Use Value (UV) dan Index of Cultural Significance (ICS). Sementara itu, data etnozoologi yang termuat dalam Tatangar juga dianalisis dengan Use Value (UV) dan Cultural Significance Index (CSI). Masyarakat Banjar di Desa Mandiangin Barat menggunakan 35 spesies tumbuhan dari 20 famili dan 28 genus serta 40 spesies hewan dari 10 kelas dan 24 ordo sebagai pertanda Tatangar. Pengetahuan etnobiologi yang dikodekan dalam tradisi lisan tersebut mencakup pemanfaatan spesies sebagai indikator cuaca dan iklim, indikator ekologis yang juga meliputi asosiasinya dengan spesies lain, mitigasi bencana alam, serta simbolisme kepercayaan masyarakat Banjar. Meski banyak spesies tumbuhan dan hewan yang disebutkan memiliki nilai kegunaan dan indeks kepentingan budaya yang tinggi selain peran mereka sebagai Tatangar, sebagian besar hewan memiliki nilai UV dan CSI yang rendah karena digunakan hanya sebagai pertanda Tatangar, tanpa pemanfaatan lain. Beberapa spesies tumbuhan dan hewan yang disebutkan juga merupakan spesies yang dilindungi serta masuk dalam daftar merah IUCN dan Apendiks CITES. Hasil tersebut menunjukkan bahwa tumbuhan dan hewan yang berperan sebagai Tatangar memiliki nilai simbolik penting bagi masyarakat maupun dalam ekosistem dan dapat menjadi upaya mempromosikan kesadaran ekologis dan pengelolaan keanekaragaman hayati lokal di Kalimantan Selatan. ......Oral traditions often serve as vital repositories and conduits for passing on ecological and biological knowledge within local communities, encompassing insights into the utilization of local plants and animals. Tatangar Banjar is an oral tradition embodying diverse local knowledge and perspectives of the Banjar community in the form of omens or signs. Despite many local plant and animal species being documented as Tatangar signs, documentation of this oral knowledge remains limited, and in-depth ethnobiological research has not been previously undertaken. Exploratory research into the plants and animals that play a role as Tatangar signs was conducted over 10 months, from February to November 2023, in Mandiangin Barat Village, Banjar Regency, South Kalimantan. Data collection involved observational studies and semi-structured interviews with three key informants, totaling 32 respondents from various generational groups. Etnobotanical data within Tatangar were analyzed using Use Value (UV) and Index of Cultural Significance (ICS). Concurrently, etnozoological data within Tatangar were also analyzed using Use Value (UV) and Cultural Significance Index (CSI). The Banjar community in Mandiangin Barat utilized 35 plant species from 20 families and 28 genera, alongside 40 animal species from 10 classes and 24 orders, as Tatangar signs. The ethnobiological knowledge encoded within this oral tradition encompasses the utilization of species as indicators of weather and climate, ecological indicators including their associations with other species, natural disaster mitigation, and symbolism in Banjar community beliefs. While many mentioned plant and animal species hold significant utility and cultural importance beyond their roles as Tatangar signs, most animals have low UV and CSI values as they are solely used as Tatangar indicators without additional utilization. Some of the mentioned plant and animal species are also protected and listed in the IUCN Red List and CITES Appendices. These findings highlight the important symbolic value of plants and animals serving as Tatangar signs within both the community and ecosystem, serving as a means to promote ecological awareness and the management of local biodiversity in South Kalimantan.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library