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Hasil Pencarian

Ditemukan 8 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Almas Kurnia Listiyanto
"Proses pengadaan material pada proyek adalah proses pengadaan material dari luar proyek guna terlaksananya proyek. Risiko-risiko yang tidak dilakukan tindakan selama proses pengadaan dapat menyebabkan penyimpangan biaya proyek sehingga kinerja biaya proyek tidak tercapai. Maka tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisa risiko pada tahap pengadaan proyek EPC yang berpengaruh pada biaya proyek.
Dalam penelitian ini digunakan data primer hasil dari kuesioner terhadap responden yang kemudian dianalisa dengan menggunakan qualitative risk analysis untuk memperoleh risiko dengan level tertinggi untuk setiap fasenya dari 30 faktor risiko. Dari hasil penelitian ini, diperoleh 6 faktor risiko tertinggi dari 3 fase pada pengadaan proyek EPC.

Material procurement processes is the process of carry resource from outside for success of project. Unmitigated risk on the processes will result the discrepancy of Cost Performance Index. Therefore, this research will analyse all the associated risk on the Procurement Process that take effect to Cost Performance Index.
The study uses primary data from questionnaires ‎and analysed using Qualitative Risk Analysis to generate the highest level of risk for all procurement phases from 30 risk factors. Form the study, 6 highest risk factors coming from 3 phases of Procurement.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tambunan, Sondang Marihut
"The Influence of Contractors Involvement in Engineering Procurement Phase to Construction Project Cost Performance in IndonesiaThe structure of the construction industry is very complex due to the involvement of a wide range of contractors including main contractors, subcontractors and design consultant. The amount of participants in the actual construction process requires various relationships and joint combination often leading to lower levels of performance in construction projects.
In Indonesia, there are many construction projects that are performed in a traditional manner, where designers and contractors are given work in separate contracts. Contractors generally get involved in the construction phase. After completing planning, design and specifications, the designer embarks on supervision in the construction phase. In 1986, The Construction Industry Institute, in Austin, USA, defined Constructability as the optimum use of construction knowledge and experience in planning, engineering, and procurement and construction field operations to achieve overall project objectives.
This research was carried out in order to complete the requirement of Magister Program Curriculum in The Department of Civil Engineering, Postgraduate Program of The University of Indonesia. It is mainly aimed to investigate the relationship between the contractors personnel involvement in engineering and procurement phases with the construction project cost performance in Indonesia.
Data of the research were obtained through questionnaires returned from contractor companies that performed many kinds of construction projects completed over the last decade between 1987-1997 in Indonesia. The method chosen for the research was a descriptive-analysis type relying on data compiled and verified from the samples of the construction projects. Both quantitative and qualitative analysis utilizing correlation and multiple regression to establish a model of the relationships.
The final model after being subjected to the needed statistical tests provided clear evidence about the influence of constructability variables as in contractor personnel involvement in engineering and procurement phases to construction project cost performance in Indonesia The significant contractor personnel variables were found to be carefully assign appropriate construction personnel who has the required experience and team approach to the project team and make timely input to design to avoid the need for changes."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2000
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhamad Abdi
"Proyek EPC (Engineering-Procurement-Construction) pembangkit listrik memiliki kompleksitas yang tinggi untuk mencapai keberhasilan proyek (biaya, mutu, waktu). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor efektivitas tim yang secara langsung atau tidak langsung secara signifikan mempengaruhi keberhasilan proyek EPC pembangkit listrik. Faktor efektivitas tim diidentifikasi menggunakan SLR (systematic literature review) berdasarkan jurnal manajemen proyek. Setelah itu dilakukan metode Delphi untuk menganalisis relevansi dan dampak dari faktor-faktor tersebut pada keberhasilan proyek. Kami menemukan 28 faktor dan urutan pengaruhnya. Selanjutnya kami menilai proyek EPC pembangkit listrik di Sulawesi Indonesia berdasarkan tingkat penerapan, kepentingan, dan frekuensi masalah dengan melakukan kuesioner dan diskusi kelompok. Analisis Fishbone Diagram digunakan untuk menyelidiki akar permasalahan dan mencari perbaikan atau solusi. Empat faktor dianggap perlu perbaikan lebih lanjut: rasa hormat (respect); metode pengadaan/kontrak yang efektif (efficacy of procurement method and contract); komunikasi (communication); dan pengambilan keputusan (decision making). Hal penting dari studi adalah berfokus pada proyek EPC pembangkit listrik di Indonesia dan ini memberikan pengetahuan bagi manajer proyek dan anggota untuk menciptakan tim yang efektif untuk keberhasilan proyek. Akhirnya, penelitian ini memberikan indikator referensi untuk membentuk tim proyek yang efektif.

EPC (Engineering-Procurement-Construction) power plant projects have a high complexity to achieve project success (i.e., cost, quality, and time). This study aims to identify factors of team effectiveness that significantly affect the successful outcomes of the EPC power plant project either directly or indirectly. SLR (systematic literature review) based on project management journals is applied to identify the factors of team effectiveness. Delphi method is utilized to analyze their relevance and impacts on the project’s success. We reveal twenty-eight factors and their impacts. Subsequently, we assess an EPC power plant project according to their implementation, importance, and frequency of problems by conducting a survey and a focus group discussion. Fishbone diagrams are employed to investigate the root causes and to seek improvements or solutions. Four factors are discovered and deemed to improve: respect, efficacy of procurement method and contracts, communication, and decision-making. The important point of the study is that it focuses on the EPC power plant project in Indonesia and this provides knowledge for project managers and members to create an effective team for project success. Finally, the study provides reference indicators for forming an effective project team."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ivan Yoga Putra
"Non value-adding activities (NVAA) didefinisikan sebagai kegiatan yang mengeluarkan waktu, biaya dan sumber daya tetapi tidak memberikan nilai tambah secara langsung bagi proyek. Terminologi ini digolongkan sebagai waste. Waste dapat mempengaruhi kinerja dan produklivitas pekerjaan konstruksi secara signifikan.
Metode penelitian dilakukan dengan menyebarkan kuesioner kepada personel yang pernah terlibat dalam pekerjaan konstruksi pada proyek EPC dengan pengalaman minimal 5 tahun, karena diharapkan responden mempunyai pengetahuan dan pemahaman yang cukup mengenai aktivitas-aktivitas konstruksi. Data akan di dapat dari kuesioner dan wawancara. Dari 21 proyek ETC dalam kurun waktu tahun 1997 sampai dengan tahun 2002. Kemudian data dari responden tersebut ditabulasi dan diolah dengan bantuan software SPSS versi 10.05 dan LISREL versi 8.51 dan dilakukan analisis korelasi, analisis faktor dan uji model.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan identifikasi faktor-faktor NVAA dan penyebab NVAA serta pengaruhnya terhadap kinerja biaya proyek pada fase konstruksi.
Dari hasil penelitian ini diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa faktor penentu NVAA yang mempengaruhi secara signifikan terhadap kinerja biaya proyek adalah:
(1) sistem manajemen konstruksi yang lemah dan
(2) wasting time.
Sedangkan faktor penentu penyebab NVAA adalah:
(1) perencanaan,
(2) lokasi proyek, dan
(3) resources. Dan model hubungan antar variabel penentu NVAA dan penyebab NVAA terhadap kinerja biaya proyek adalah sistem model simultan (simultaneous model system)."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2003
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Puspita Resti Anggraini
"Seiring dengan meningkatnya kebutuhan energi yang terus bertambah, maka pembangunan fasilitas pendukung juga terus meningkat. Proyek pembangunan fasilitas produksi energi ini pada umumnya menggunakan kontrak proyek jenis EPC (Engineering, Procurement, Construction), dimana setiap fasenya saling berhubungan, cenderung padat modal, sarat teknologi tinggi dan intensif pengetahuan. Input, output serta manajemen proyek EPC melibatkan berbagai pengetahuan dan aktivitas kreatif intelektual. Oleh karna itu, proyek EPC biasanya merupakan mega proyek dengan tingkat kerumitan yang tinggi, lebih banyak ketidakpastian, sehingga membuat proyek EPC berisiko tinggi, terutama untuk kontraktor. Salah satu masalah yang sering timbul adalah rework, yang kemudian akan berdampak negatif pada kualitas proyek.
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menurunkan intensitas rework sehingga dapat meningkatkan kualitas akhir dalam pengelolaan proyek EPC fasilitas produksi energi dengan cara mengembangkan Standar Operasional Prosedur knowledge management yang terintegrasi berbasis risiko. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kuantitatif, dengan strategi penelitian berupa survei, analisa arsip, studi kasus, serta validasi pakar. Sedangkan instrument yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah berupa kuesioner dan interview para pakar profesional yang telah lama berkecimpung dalam proyek-proyek EPC fasilitas produksi energi, yang kemudian menghasilkan kesimpulan bahwa SOP knowledge management yang terintegrasi pada pengelolaan proyek EPC dapat menurunkan rework yang terjadi sehingga dapat meningkatkan kinerja mutu di akhir proyek.

Along with the increasing demand for energy, the development of supporting facilities also continues to increase. Projects for the construction of energy production facilities generally use contract types of EPC (Engineering, Procurement, Construction) projects, where each phase is interconnected, tends to be capital intensive, full of high technology and knowledge intensive. Input, output and EPC project management involve a variety of intellectual knowledge and creative activities. Because of that, the EPC project is usually a mega project with a high level of complexity, more uncertainty, making EPC projects high risk, especially for contractors. One problem that often arises is rework, which will then have a negative impact on the quality of the project.
The purpose of this study is to reduce the intensity of rework so that it can improve the final quality in managing the EPC project for energy production facilities by developing a standard risk-based integrated knowledge management procedure. The method used in this research is quantitative descriptive method, with research strategies in the form of surveys, archive analysis, case studies, and expert validation. While the instruments used in this study are questionnaires and interviews of professional experts who have long been involved in EPC projects in energy production facilities, which then concludes that the integrated knowledge management SOP in EPC project management can reduce the rework that occurs so that it can improve quality performance at the end of the project.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Andry Rezky
"Proyek Konstruksi Mega (MCP) menghadapi banyak tantangan seperti berurusan dengan pekerjaan yang rumit, kapasitas besar, melibatkan banyak pihak, menanggung risiko tinggi, dan menarik perhatian publik. Proyek Engineering-Procurement-Construction (EPC) sebagai salah satu MCP memiliki tingkat kompleksitas yang tinggi karena kontraktor bertanggung jawab atas desain, pengadaan, serta konstruksi. Proyek-proyek MCP memiliki nilai kontrak yang substansial lebih dari 1 Triliun Rupiah, namun, kontraktor sering mengalami pemborosan biaya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi faktor pemborosan biaya dominan dalam proyek mega EPC dan solusi terbaik di masa depan untuk menghadapi faktor-faktor tersebut. Dua puluh faktor pemborosan biaya diidentifikasi dengan literature review sistematis dari lima jurnal manajemen proyek terbaik dalam lima tahun terakhir (2012-2017) diikuti dengan penggunaan metode Delphi untuk mendapatkan faktor-faktor pemborosan biaya dominan. Lima faktor pemborosan biaya paling dominan hasil metode Delphi yaitu (1) kesalahan perhitungan dalam proses tender; (2) integrasi sub sistem; (3) korupsi dalam proses tender; (4) korupsi di proyek yang sedang berlangsung; dan (5) keterlambatan proyek. Tingkat konsensus yang dicapai berdasarkan skala Likert adalah 0.75 dan kalkulasi (Schmidt, 1997)adalah 0.78. dengan interpretasi kesepakatan tinggi. Wawancara dilakukan untuk menyelidiki faktor-faktor pemborosan biaya dan mengembangkan solusi praktik terbaik. Hasil dari wawancara di dua MCP adalah terjadinya kesalahan perhitungan dokumen tender dan keterlambatan proyek. Beberapa solusi dapat dilakukan untuk menyelesaikan faktor pemborosan biaya yang terjadi di MCP.

The Mega Construction Projects (MCP) face numerous challenges such as dealing with intricate work and large capacity, involving multiple parties, bearing high risk, and drawing public concern. The Engineering-Procurement-Construction (EPC) projects as one of the MCPs have a high degree of complexity because the contractors are responsible for the design, the procurement, as well as the construction. The MCP projects have a substantial contract value of over 1 Trillion Rupiah, however, contractors often experience costs overrun. The objective of this research is to identify the dominant cost overrun factors in EPC Mega Project and the future best practice to deal with the factors. Twenty costs overrun factors are identified from a systematic literature review of five best project management journals in the last five years (2012-2017) followed by utilizing the Delphi method to reveal the dominant factors. The results of this study are five dominant cost factors (1) miscalculation in the tender process; (2) subsystem integration; (3) corruption in the tender process; (4) corruption in ongoing projects; and (5) project delay. The consensus degree from Likert questioner is 0.75 and Schmidt (1997)calculation is 0.78 with high agreement interpretation. Interviews were conducted to investigate cost-wasting factors example and solution in MCP project. Interview result in two MCPs are the occurrence of miscalculations of tender documents and project delays. Some solutions can be done to solve cost-wasting factors that occur in MCP.
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dina Nurdiyana
"EPC project meaning that a construction company will handle whole work, from designing activity, procurement and implementation construction. Base imposition withholding tax article 23 and Value Added Tax (VAT) on EPC project are from their service value. However, in fact EPC project have same treatment equal with construction services in general. This difference is happen because there are no specific regulation about the EPC project. The regulation that exist for now, just only controls about the taxation charge for the construction company in general.
The research is using quantitative approach in intention to have better understanding and interpretation about a social phenomenon through observation. This research is among descriptive research to describe research object based on the fact notice or as it is. Primary data gathering is acquired by doing in-depth interview to discover information from informant who is directly involve in EPC project especially with taxation division, the government who is making the policy, tax consultant, academician and association of constructions. Secondary data is acquired by literature study to optimize theoretical framework in deciding the purpose and goal of the research also the concepts and other theoretical material in conjunction with research problem. Data analyses are using qualitative data analysis based on field discovery, both primary and secondary data.
From the analysis that are conducted, it is found that the basic differences about the charge between withholding tax article 23 and basic charge of VAT on EPC project. The reason is there are differences of understanding the regulation that exist, this thing is practically cause some problems, whether it is between the EPC industrialist with the owner of the project, or between the EPC industrialist with the taxation checkers side. So, it is necessary for making the constitution regarding the tax object of EPC project . Next, specific taxation regulation about the EPC project needs to be created, to think of there are non similar understandings of the regulation that exist. With the existence of the specific special regulation about the EPC project, It is doubtfully will not cause the difference of understandings between the EPC industrialist and the owner of the project.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Florence Tuhumury
"Pembahasan mengenai keterikatan karyawan, intensi untuk meninggalkan organisasi dan generasi Y telah menjadi buah bibir dikalangan akademisi begitupun praktisi dalam lingkup sumber daya manusia. Organisasi yang cerdik adalah mereka yang mampu membaca fenomena ketiga hal diatas sekaligus mengambil langkah strategis untuk merangkulnya. Dalam kaitannya dengan perputaran tenaga kerja yang tergolong cepat dalam industry EPC (Engineering, Procurement, Construction) serta kesadaran untuk semakin memberdayakan the millenials, peneliti mencoba untuk menelaah hal-hal apa saja yang dapat dilakukan oleh PT.XYZ Indonesia untuk mengikat pasukan mudanya tetap nyaman bernaung. 

The discussion on employee engagement, intention to leave and generation Y has become a byword among academics as well as practitioners in the sphere of human resources. An astute organization are those who capable of reading three above phenomena and simultaneously take strategic actions to embrace it. In relation to the high turnover rate in the EPC industry (Engineering, Procurement, Construction) and an awareness to further empower the millenials, as a researcher I am trying to examine things that could be implemented by PT.XYZ Indonesia to bind its young guns stay longer."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library