ABSTRACTDespite of having second largest proven natural gas reserve in Asia Pacific Region after China, consumption of natural gas in Indonesia are keep increasing, while the production of natural gas in Indonesia are at declining rate. On the other hand, the government of Indonesia are planning to use natural gas as a tool to reduce the emission and transition of energy to renewable environmental friendly energy as a commitment to Paris Climate Agreement. However, Past literature focusing on forecast of natural gas production suggest that there will be decline after peak production of natural gas. The peak production of natural gas in Indonesia are expected to happen in 2018. The result of this study have conclude if it is not possible for the industry to fulfil the government utilization target of natural gas by 2025.
Despite of having second largest proven natural gas reserve in Asia Pacific Region after China, consumption of natural gas in Indonesia are keep increasing, while the production of natural gas in Indonesia are at declining rate. On the other hand, the government of Indonesia are planning to use natural gas as a tool to reduce the emission and transition of energy to renewable environmental friendly energy as a commitment to Paris Climate Agreement. However, Past literature focusing on forecast of natural gas production suggest that there will be decline after peak production of natural gas. The peak production of natural gas in Indonesia are expected to happen in 2018. The result of this study have conclude if it is not possible for the industry to fulfil the government utilization target of natural gas by 2025.
ABSTRACTMeskipun memiliki cadangan gas alam terbukti terbesar kedua di Wilayah Asia Pasifik setelah Cina, konsumsi gas alam di Indonesia terus meningkat, sementara produksi gas alam di Indonesia berada pada tingkat yang menurun. Di sisi lain, pemerintah Indonesia berencana untuk menggunakan gas alam sebagai alat untuk mengurangi emisi dan transisi energi menjadi energi ramah lingkungan yang terbarukan sebagai komitmen terhadap Paris Climate Agreement. Namun, literatur masa lalu yang berfokus pada perkiraan produksi gas bumi menunjukkan bahwa akan ada penurunan setelah produksi puncak gas alam. Puncak produksi gas alam di Indonesia diperkirakan akan terjadi pada tahun 2018. Hasil dari penelitian ini telah menyimpulkan jika industri tidak dapat memenuhi target pemanfaatan gas bumi oleh pemerintah pada tahun 2025."