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Ditemukan 23 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Barcelona, Ricardo G.
Abstrak :
The belief that resource abundance equates to energy security is roundly debunked in Indonesian geothermal. Indonesia copious geothermal reserves remain untapped. Experts cite the usual culprits: unreliable long term contracts, ambivalent government support, and lukewarm investors investment appetite. In this paper, we argue that the real constraints lie in investors unresolved contradictions: Quick to complain about government unreliable and shifting stance, investors look to the same counter party to guarantee their iron clad power purchase agreements (PPAs) to secure their returns. To unleash Indonesia geothermal potential, we propose adopting slim hole drilling technologies to reduce costs, while facilitating sequential commitments. This could enhance strategic flexibility that lowers the costs of good failures while facilitating the adoption of resource insurance to de risk geothermal exploration and drilling. To sustain these benefits, cheap energy policy needs to be phased out to allow a restructured PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) to flourish by embracing commercially viable strategic approaches.
Jakarta: Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional (BAPPENAS), 2019
330 JPP 3:1 (2019)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Begi Hersutanto
Abstrak :
The discussion on the importance of energy security policy for Indonesia merits special attention for a number of reasons. First, there has been an opinion that the recent decision by government to increase the price of fuel energy can be attributed to its short sighted view on energy security policy. Secondly, the idea of energy security has evolved from its original concept to the effect that the main concern is currently not merely over the question of h^w to secure sufficient supply of energy at affordable price but also over its future sustainability.Thirdly, there have been contending paradigms in designing policy to achieve energy security namely between those who consider energy as a market commodity and those who regard it as a strategic commodity. The paper primarily attempts to answer following questions: what is energy security policy and why should energy security policy be comprehensive? For the purpose of analysis, the paper is divided into three parts. The first part attempts to define what we mean by energy with special reference to heat energy including its various dimensions and categories. The second part aims at tracing the rationale behind the emergence of energy security including its envolvement as a concept. The third part intends to show policy options available for policy makers in designing energy security policy by locating and seeing them through the lenses of contending paradigms. Since the recent hike of fuel energy has strong tendency to take side with and seems to have been inspired by market paradigm, an attempt is also made in the last part of the paper to analyze deficiencies of Indonesian current energy security policy.
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2006
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Li, Ping
Abstrak :
The One Belt One Road strategic concept provides new opportunities for world economic development. Promoting the integration of regional energy markets is an important starting point for promoting regional integrated development. The book is divided into four parts: One Belt One Road strategy provides new opportunities for world economic development, promotes regional energy market integration, key project recommendations, and safeguard measures
Beijing: China Social Sciences Press, 2015
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Khusnul Khotimah
Abstrak :
Marine resources as energy resources has become one means for the construction maritime power and unifying the region's defense for Indonesia. The geographical condition of Indonesia as an archipelagic country with the vast majority of territorial waters, as well as its strategic cross-position, becomes a fundamental source for sustainable energy development through the utilization of microalgae as a potential marine plant for biodiesel fuel, a diesel mix for Indonesian coastal communities. The research method in this study uses literature study and observation of previous authors' research, which will result in an analysis of energy objectives as supporting maritime defense that includes: (1) comprehensive understanding on the management and development of marine energy resources through the use of biodiesel from renewable energy of marine microalgae; (2) raising effective awareness and cooperation among the coastal communities, government and industry regarding the greatness of Indonesian history that has been built from the control over the oceans as a source of defense in developing energy security to support maritime defense.
Bogor: Indonesia Defense University, 2018
355 JDSD 8:1 (2018)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sandy Angga Hikmata
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang perubahan ketahanan energi Turki setelah TANAP (Trans-Anatolian Pipeline) berhasil dibangun di Turki pada Juni 2018. TANAP merupakan proyek yang dibangun atas kerjasama Turki dan Azerbaijan. Distribusi gas alam TANAP juga akan diteruskan ke pasar di Eropa. Turki merupakan negara dengan kebutuhan energi yang sangat tinggi dan kebutuhan ini meningkat sebanyak 8% per tahunnya dengan total kebutuhan energi sebesar 136 Mtoe pada tahun 2016. Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan energinya, Turki sangat bergantung pada distribusi energi dari Rusia dalam bentuk gas alam. Namun, hubungan yang tidak stabil antara Rusia dan Ukraina sebagai negara transit energi membuat distribusi energi dari Rusia sering terhambat. Hal ini kemudian menggerakkan Turki untuk mencari sumber energi alternatif untuk mengatasi masalah ketergantungan energi terhadap Rusia ini. Turki, diuntungkan secara geografis karena terletak di antara negara-negara penghasil gas alam dan minyak bumi yaitu negara-negara Timur Tengah, Asia Tengah dan negara-negara di sekitar Laut Kaspia dan negara konsumen energi di Eropa sehingga Turki juga memiliki potensi untuk menjadi energy-hub di kawasannya. Tesis ini pertama-tama akan menganalisa hubungan saling ketergantungan atau interdependensi dalam hubungan energi yang berpotensi bersifat asimetris antara Turki dan Rusia, dan implikasi yang ditimbulkan dari hubungan asimetris ini. Setelah itu peneliti akan mengkaji pengaruh TANAP terhadap ketahanan energi gas alam di Turki dan pengaruhnya terhadap perubahan interdependensi antara kedua negara. Setelah itu, akan dibahas juga pengaruh TANAP terhadap ambisi Turki untuk menjadi energy-hub di kawasannya.
This paper reviews the change of Turkey's energy security after Turkey managed to construct TANAP (Trans-Anatolian Pipeline) at June 2018. TANAP is a project built within cooperation between Turkey and Azerbaijan. TANAP's natural-gas distribution also is going to be supplied to Europe. Turkey is a country with vast energy needs with average increase of 8% per year with total energy consumption as much as 136 Mtoe as of 2016. To meet their energy needs, Turkey highly rely on energy from Russia's natural-gas. However, fragile relation between Russia and Ukraine caused energy distribution from Russia agitated, causing Turkey to search for alternative energy supply source to reduce their highly dependence on Russia. Beside that, Turkey also aware of their geographical advantage that lies between energy-rich Middle-East, Central Asia, and countries around Caspian Sea and energy-importing countries in Europe, which giving opportunities for Turkey to be energy-hub at their region. This thesis firstly will analyze interdependence relationship in the context of energy between Turkey and Russia that potentially has asymmetric nature and the implication that could arises in that relationship. Afterwards, author will review how TANAP change Turkey's natural-gas security and how it changes interdependency between the two countries. Author will also review how TANAP affect Turkey's ambition to be energy-hub in their region.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Clara Aurora
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini berupaya menganalisa kebijakan keamanan energi Cina yang berusaha dicapai oleh negara tersebut melalui diplomasi energi yang dilakukannya di Afrika. Dalam tulisan ini, penulis ingin menganalisa kebijakan energi Cina serta faktor-faktor yang mendorong Cina untuk menjatuhkan pilihannya pada Afrika untuk mencapai keamanan energinya. Penulis juga ingin menganalisa bagaimana Cina menjalankan diplomasi energi di Afrika melalui bantuan asing, FDI, serta perdagangan dengan negara-negara di Afrika. Respon internasional terkait dengan keberadaan Cina di Afrika juga akan dianalisa dalam tulisan ini. Penulis menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan mengambil data melalui studi kepustakaan. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa Cina menggunakan bantuan asing, FDI, serta perdagangan dalam upayanya untuk melakukan diplomasi energi di Afrika. Kerjasama antara state dan firm meningkatkan bargaining position Cina dalam melakukan diplomasi energi di Afrika.
This research analyzes China`s energy security policy that is achieved through energy diplomacy in Africa. In this thesis, the writer will elaborate China`s energy policy and the factors that motivate China to choose Africa in attaining its energy security. The writer would like to analyze China`s energy diplomacy through foreign aid, FDI, and trade with African countries. International responses reated to China`s activities in Africa will also be discussed further. Qualitative method is applied in this research. Literature study is used in obtaining the data. The result of this study shows that China uses foreign aid, FDI, as well as trade in carrying out its energy diplomacy. State and firm cooperate to improve the bargaining position of China, in carrying out energy diplomacy in Africa.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Qodri Febrilian Erahman
Abstrak :
Studi tentang ketahanan energi energy security menjadi topik yang terus berkembang di kalangan peneliti energi, terlebih situasi produksi minyak terus menurun, kapasitas kilang minyak yang terbatas, tingkat diversifikasi energi yang rendah, secara kualitatif menunjukkan, bahwa Indonesia sedang mengalami situasi yang kurang baik dalam definisi ketahanan energi. Seberapa rendahnya tingkat ketahanan energi tersebut, maka perlu dilakukan pengukuran secara kuantitatif. Sejak tahun 2013 sektor transportasi menjadi konsumen terbesar energi final di Indonesia. Tingginya konsumsi energi sektor transportasi menjadi perhatian tersendiri karena dampak perubahannya mampu mempengaruhi tingkat ketahanan energi nasional. Oleh karena itu, tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis pengaruh dari perlakuan kebijakan di sektor transportasi terhadap ketahanan energi. Penelitian ini mengukur ketahanan energi menggunakan 14 indikator dan dikelompokkan ke dalam masing-masing dimensinya diantaranya, yaitu availability, affordability, accessibility, acceptability dan efficiency. Analisis energy security dilakukan dengan metode normalisasi min-max, aggregasi dan pembobotan menggunakan principal component analysis PCA untuk mengatasi masalah subjektivitas dalam penentuan bobot indikator. Hasil menunjukkan, bahwa dampak peningkatan ketahanan energi terjadi pada skenario transportasi massal dan skenario teknologi kendaraan, sedangkan skenario pajak bahan bakar memberikan efek negatif terhadap peningkatan ketahanan energi. Peningkatan ketahanan energi terbesar ditunjukkan oleh skenario teknologi kendaraan untuk kasus PHEV pada rentang tahun 2030 ndash; 2040, namun mengalami penurunan sampai dengan akhir tahun proyeksi yang disebabkan karena faktor emisi pembangkit listrik nasional yang masih relatif tinggi, sehingga penetrasi kendaraan berbasis listrik justru akan meningkatkan jumlah emisi CO2.
The study of energy security has become an emerging topic among energy researchers. The decline of oil production, the limited capacity of refineries, the low level of energy diversification, qualitatively shows that Indonesia is experiencing an unfavorable situation in the definition of energy security. therefore, it is necessary to measure energy security quantitatively. Since 2013, the transportation sector has become the largest consumer of final energy in Indonesia. The high energy consumption of the transportation sector is being a particular concern due to the impact to the energy security. Therefore, the aim of this study is to analyze the effects of transport sector policy on the energy security. This study measures the energy security using 14 indicators and grouped into each dimension such as availability, affordability, accessibility, acceptability, and efficiency. Energy security analyzed by min max normalization method and using principal component analysis PCA to overcome the problem of subjectivity in determining the indicator weight. The results show that the scenario of mass transportation and vehicle technology bring an increase in the energy security, while fuel tax scenario has a negative effect on energy security. The greatest increase in energy security is showed by vehicle technology scenarios for the PHEV case during 2030 2040. However, the increase is fall until 2050 due to relatively high of power emission factor, therefore penetration of electric based vehicles will actually increase the number of emissions CO2.
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Arshie Ramadhani
Abstrak :
Konsep keamanan energi bersifat kontekstual dan dapat memiliki makna yang berbeda dalam konteks yang berbeda. Terkait dengan hal tersebut, tulisan ini berusaha mengkaji perkembangan literatur mengenai konsep keamanan energi dari waktu ke waktu. Tulisan ini kemudian akan mengelompokkan literatur-literatur tersebut dengan menggunakan metode kronologi ke dalam tiga periode berbeda, yaitu periode 1970-1990, 2000-2010 dan pasca 2010. Dari pengelompokkan tersebut, terlihat bahwa terjadi perluasan tema dalam definisi konsep keamanan energi yang awalnya terkait dengan tema ketersediaan dan harga menjadi mencakup tema infrastruktur, lingkungan, dampak sosial, efisiensi, tata kelola dan kebijakan publik, dan sebagainya. Hal ini kemudian menimbulkan perdebatan mengenai apakah konsep keamanan energi perlu diperluas untuk mengakomodasi munculnya tantangan-tantangan baru atau tetap dibatasi agar keamanan tidak kehilangan maknanya. Penulis berargumen bahwa pendefinisan keamanan energi harus tetap dilekatkan dengan definisi keamanan, ldquo;survival in the face of existential threat, rdquo;agar konsep keamanan itu sendiri tidak kehilangan fokusnya. Dengan menggunakan perspektif kontekstual dan variasi konseptual dari waktu ke waktu, tulisan ini diharapkan dapat menghadirkan perdebatan teoretis mengenai bagaimana isu energi dapat menjadi isu keamanan serta memberikan kontribusi berupa pemetaan konsep keamanan energi sebagai referensi untuk pengambilan kebijakan energi.
Concept Energy security concept is contextual and understood in different ways in different context. This paper examines the development of the literatures of energy security. Using chronological method of organization, this paper classifies the literatures into three different periods 1970 1990, 2000 2010, and post 2010. From this classification, it is found that there is a proliferation of themes in the definition of energy security concept. The concept has expanded from what was initially limited to availability and affordable price, to include themes such as infrastructures, environment, social impacts, efficiency, governance and public policy. This raises a debate as to whether the energy security concept need to be broadened to accomodate the emergence of new challenges or to remain limited in definition so that it would not lose its meaning. This paper then further argues that the definition of energy security should be attached to the definition of security as, ldquo survival in the face of existential threat, rdquo so that security concept itself would be able to retain its focus. Taking a contextual perspective and conceptual variation over time, this paper aims to present a theoretical debate on how energy is understood as a security issue and to serve as a reference for energy policy making.
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Marie Lall
Abstrak :
Energy security has become a central concern for all the countries in the Asian region and the search for sufficient sources of energy to fuel economic growth has drastically influenced relations among the South Asian countries as well as their respective relations with their neighbours China, Myanmar, Iran, and Afghanistan. The recent nuclear deal between India and the US is also indicative of how energy and power politics are linked and how these new inter-linkages underlie relations between states. This book aims to give a South Asian perspective on the geopolitics of energy, with a central focus on India. The chapters address show India's global and regional foreign policy making has changed in light of India's search for energy and how this is affecting the relationship on a global level between India and the US, as well as on a regional level between India and the other Asian countries. The book also offers views from Pakistan and Bangladesh, as well as how this shifting reality is affecting relations between India and Southeast Asia.
Pasir Panjang: ISEAS–Yusof Ishak Institute, 2008
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Benadito Rompas
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini akan membahas mengenai regulasi energi dalam pemanfaatan tenaga listrik yang ada di Indonesia saat ini dalam menuju transisi energi terbarukan sehingga terciptanya ketahanan energi nasional. Dalam hal ini melihat sejauh mana perkembangan regulasi yang ada di sektor energi di Indonesia dari periode pra kemerdekaan, periode awal kemerdekaan, periode orde baru dan periode reformasi menuju ketahanan energi nasional. Selanjutnya dalam penelitian ini akan mengupas mengenai peraturan perundang-undangan dan kebijakan pemerintah Indonesia yang mempengaruhi transisi energi terbarukan. Serta melihat implikasi dari hadirnya regulasi UU 11/2020 tentang Cipta Kerja sebagai regulasi awal menuju energi terbarukan dan mewujudkan sasaran energi nasional. Dalam penelitian ini metode yang digunakan yaitu yuridis normatif. Penelitian yuridis normatif menggunakan data pustaka atau data sekunder sebagai data dasar dengan melakukan penelitian pada literatur-literatur terkait isu-isu yang diteliti. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa dalam perkembangan regulasi energi di Indonesia berorientasi pada aspek kemanfaatan. Terkait dengan peraturan perundangundangan dan kebijakan pemerintah yang mempengaruhi pelaksanaan energi terbarukan dapat disimpulkan bahwa beberapa aturan dan kebijakan yang ada perlu disesuaikan dan diubah sehingga dapat meningkatkan pemanfaatan energi terbarukan. Implikasi UU 11/2020 tentang Cipta Kerja bagi sektor energi khususnya panas bumi menuju transisi energi sangat berpeluang meningkatkan persentase pemanfaatan energi terbarukan di Indonesia. Adapun saran yang ditawarkan dari hasil penelitian ini adalah perlu meninjau kembali terkait aspek keekonomian pada sektor energi terbarukan, perlu adanya peninjauan kembali juga terhadap kontrak-kontrak PT PLN – IPP, Pemerintah perlu dengan cermat juga melihat dampak dari UU CK pada sektor panas bumi seperti pembagian risiko dan local content dalam ketenagalistrikan energi terbarukan serta aspek lingkungan dalam pemanfaatan tidak langsung panas bumi di Indonesia. ......This study will discuss energy regulation in using electric power in Indonesia at this time towards the transition of renewable energy to create national energy security. In this case, it is seen how far the development of regulations in the energy sector in Indonesia from the preindependence period, the early period of independence, the new order period, and the reformation period toward national energy security. Furthermore, this research will examine the Indonesian government's laws, regulations, and policies that affect the transition to renewable energy. At the core of this paper's discussion is knowing the implications of the regulation of Law 11/2020 on Job Creation (UU CK) as an initial regulation toward renewable energy and realizing national energy targets. In this study, the method used is normative juridical. Normative juridical research uses library or secondary data as basic data by researching the literature related to the issues studied. This study concludes that the development of energy regulation in Indonesia is oriented to the aspect of benefit. Related to the laws and regulations and government policies that affect the implementation of renewable energy, it can be concluded that some existing rules and policies need to be adjusted and changed to increase renewable energy utilization. The implications of Law 11/2020 on Job Creation for the energy sector, especially geothermal to the energy transition, can potentially increase the percentage of renewable energy utilization in Indonesia. The suggestions offered from the results of this study are, first, it is necessary to review the economic aspects of the renewable energy sector. Second, there is a need for a review of the PT PLN – IPP contracts. Third, the government must consider the UU CK's impact on the geothermal sector, such as risk-sharing and local content in renewable energy electricity. Fourth, environmental aspects in the indirect use of geothermal in Indonesia.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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