ABSTRAKPerkembangan merek pakaian di Indonesia khususnya Jakarta cukup pesat, banyak ritel pakaian yang bermunculan, khususnya pakaian merek luar negri yang masuk ke pasar retail Indonesia. Indonesia menarik bagi peritel luar negeri tersebut karena banyak data statistik Indonesia yang menigkat, salah satunya menunjukan tumbuhnya kelas menengah Jakarta yang menandakan pertumbuhan kesejahteraan masyarakat semakin membaik. Sehingga, memperlihatkan bahwa Indonesia memiliki potensi dalam menghadapi persaingan masyarakat ekonomi ASEAN. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari tahu strategi dari pakaian merek luar negeri yang terdapat di Jakarta sehingga dapat diimplementasikan pada local brand.
Penelitian ini membahas purchase intention yang ditinjau dari normative influence, consumer ethnocentrism, consumer confidence, brand consciousness, perceived quality dan emotional value. Model teoritis penelitian ini disampaikan melalui 10 hipotesis dan pengolahan data menggunakan Structural Model Equation. Sample berjumlah 200 responden, dikumpulkan dengan kuesioner online dan offline untuk mencari informasi konsumen yang pernah membeli pakaian merek luar negeri dan bertempat tinggal di Jakarta .
Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa normative influence dan consumer confidence memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap brand consciousness. Kemudian penelitian menemukan brand consciousness berpengaruh positif terhadap perceived quality dan emotional value, serta emotional value memberikan pengaruh pada purchase intention. Namun, consumer ethnocentrism dan perceived quality tidak memberikan pengaruh pada purchase intention.;
ABSTRACTThe development of apparel brands in Indonesia, especially Jakarta is quite rapid, many emerging retail apparel, especially foreign apparel brand that enters Indonesian retail market. Indonesia attractive to foreign retailers such as statistical data that shows Indonesia's growth, one of which shows the growth of the middle class in Jakarta which signifies improved public welfare. Thus, shows that Indonesia has the potential to compete in ASEAN economic community. Therefore, this study aims to find out the strategy of foreign apparel brand located in Jakarta so that it can be implemented on local brand.
This study discusses the purchase intention in terms of normative influence, consumer ethnocentrism, consumer confidence, brand consciousness, perceived quality and emotional value. The theoretical model is delivered through 10 research hypotheses and data processing using the Structural Equation Model. Sample were 200 respondents, were collected by a questionnaire online and offline to search for consumers information regarding who ever bought foreign apparel brand and lived in Jakarta.
The results showed that the normative influence and consumer confidence have a positive influence on brand consciousness. Later studies found brand consciousness positive effect on perceived quality and emotional value, as well as the emotional value's influence on purchase intention. However, consumer ethnocentrism and perceived quality have no effect on purchase intention., The development of apparel brands in Indonesia, especially Jakarta is quite rapid, many emerging retail apparel, especially foreign apparel brand that enters Indonesian retail market. Indonesia attractive to foreign retailers such as statistical data that shows Indonesia's growth, one of which shows the growth of the middle class in Jakarta which signifies improved public welfare. Thus, shows that Indonesia has the potential to compete in ASEAN economic community. Therefore, this study aims to find out the strategy of foreign apparel brand located in Jakarta so that it can be implemented on local brand.
This study discusses the purchase intention in terms of normative influence, consumer ethnocentrism, consumer confidence, brand consciousness, perceived quality and emotional value. The theoretical model is delivered through 10 research hypotheses and data processing using the Structural Equation Model. Sample were 200 respondents, were collected by a questionnaire online and offline to search for consumers information regarding who ever bought foreign apparel brand and lived in Jakarta.
The results showed that the normative influence and consumer confidence have a positive influence on brand consciousness. Later studies found brand consciousness positive effect on perceived quality and emotional value, as well as the emotional value's influence on purchase intention. However, consumer ethnocentrism and perceived quality have no effect on purchase intention.]"