ABSTRAK Pengaruh dari kopling tensor, isovektor-isoskalar dan pertukaran elektromagnetik
terhadap inti berat dan prediksi inti super berat dipelajari melalui teori Relativistic
Mean Field (RMF). Ditemukan bahwa ketiga kopling tersebut memberikan penga-
ruh yang signikan terhadap sifat materi nuklir, energi ikat, spektrum energi partikel
tunggal, distribusi kerapatan dan ketebalan kulit inti berat dan prediksi inti super
berat. Hasil Penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa 208Pb dan 292120 adalah double ma-
gic nuclei. hasil ini konsisten dengan data eksperimen dan prediksi model RMF,
sedangkan hasil utama penelitian ini nememukan bahwa 276U adalah double magic
ABSTRACT We studied the eect of tensor, isovektor-isoskalar and electromagnetic exchangecouplings on heavy and prediction of superheavy nuclei by using RMF model. Wehave found that those couplings signicantly inuence the nuclear matter properties,binding energy, single particle spectra, nucleon densities and neutron skin of heavyand superheavy nuclei. Our result show that 208Pb and 292120 are double magicnuclei. This results are consistent with experimental nding and other RMF modelprediction, while our main result is 276U is also double magic nuclei.;We studied the eect of tensor, isovektor-isoskalar and electromagnetic exchangecouplings on heavy and prediction of superheavy nuclei by using RMF model. Wehave found that those couplings signicantly inuence the nuclear matter properties,binding energy, single particle spectra, nucleon densities and neutron skin of heavyand superheavy nuclei. Our result show that 208Pb and 292120 are double magicnuclei. This results are consistent with experimental nding and other RMF modelprediction, while our main result is 276U is also double magic nuclei.;We studied the eect of tensor, isovektor-isoskalar and electromagnetic exchangecouplings on heavy and prediction of superheavy nuclei by using RMF model. Wehave found that those couplings signicantly inuence the nuclear matter properties,binding energy, single particle spectra, nucleon densities and neutron skin of heavyand superheavy nuclei. Our result show that 208Pb and 292120 are double magicnuclei. This results are consistent with experimental nding and other RMF modelprediction, while our main result is 276U is also double magic nuclei., We studied the eect of tensor, isovektor-isoskalar and electromagnetic exchangecouplings on heavy and prediction of superheavy nuclei by using RMF model. Wehave found that those couplings signicantly inuence the nuclear matter properties,binding energy, single particle spectra, nucleon densities and neutron skin of heavyand superheavy nuclei. Our result show that 208Pb and 292120 are double magicnuclei. This results are consistent with experimental nding and other RMF modelprediction, while our main result is 276U is also double magic nuclei.]"