Electrical submersible pump (ESP) yang digunakan mengangkat minyak dari formasi, tidak bisa bekerja dengan baik karena sering mengalami
gas lock sebagai akibat banyaknya gas
associated yang terproduksi didalam
well bore. Untuk mengatasinya, Gas
associated ini dialirkan lewat casing dan di-venting ke atmosfir.
Venting system ini berpontesi menimbukan polusi udara. Karean itu, 5 MMSCFD
associated gas yang terproduksi di Anjungan Y ini, perlu dimanfaatan secara
close system dengan mengalirkanya ke Anjungan Process melalui
scrubber 55” OD x 8’0”S/S, gas
pipeline 8” sepanjang 5700 ft serta dikompessi dengan kompesor sampai tekanan discharge 400 psig sehingga dapat dimafaatkan sebagai umpan gas
plant atau
fuel gas
turbine. Nilai keekonomisan proyek ini sangat layak dengan NPV positip 141,5 Juta US$, nilai IRR positip 408%, Payback time 3 bulan dan Revenue sebesar 11,1 Juta US$/tahun.
The electrical submersible pump that used to lift oil from the formation, can not work properly because it often experiences gas lock as a result of the amount of associated gas produced in the well bore. To overcome this, Associated gas has to be flowed through the casing and vented to the atmosphere. This venting system has the potential to cause air pollution. Therefore, 5 MMSCFD of associated gas produced at Platform Y, needs to be utilized in a close system by flowing it to the Process Platform through a scrubber 55 "OD x 8'0" S/S, 8" gas pipeline 5700 ft length and compressed by the compressor until 400 psig discharge pressure, so that it can be used as a feed gas plant or fuel gas turbine. The economic value of this project is very feasible since positive NPV 141.5 Million US $, positive IRR value of 408%, Payback time of 3 months and Revenue of 11.1 Million US $ / year."