Dandy Fikhriyanto Soeparan
Abstrak :
Deteksi dan tanggap dini berbasis komunitas merupakan salah satu bentuk pencegahan ekstremisme kekerasan yang mendapatkan sambutan positif dari pemerintah maupun publik, akan tetapi belum banyak penerapannya di masyarakat Indonesia. Penelitian evaluatif ini bermaksud mengkaji model kerja dalam program deteksi dini dan tanggap dini ekstremisme kekerasan “SITI II” oleh organisasi non- pemerintah Peace Generation di Kelurahan Babakan Sari dan Kelurahan Pasirbiru, Kota Bandung, selama bulan September 2019 s.d. Juni 2021. Metodologi penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan pragmatis, dengan teknik pengumpulan data purposive sampling serta metode analisa narasi, untuk mengolah data dari sumber-sumber sekunder dan primer, terutama dari para aktor pelaksana, mitra komunitas, maupun aparatur pemerintahan terkait di tingkat kelurahan, kota, dan nasional. Hal yang diamati adalah subjektifitas aktor pelaksana dan mitra komunitas yang mempengaruhi pelaksanaan SITI II, yang pada awalnya dirancang untuk peningkatan kohesi sosial guna membantu pencegahan ekstremisme kekerasan pada tingkat komunitas. Kesimpulan pada penelitian ini menunjukkan temuan-temuan terkait dampak subjektifitas tersebut, bahwa: (1) Perekrutan kelompok ekstremis menjadi sumber kekhawatiran di masyarakat; (2) SITI II merintis program pencegahan ekstremisme kekerasan berbasis komunitas oleh aktor non-pemerintah; (3) Subjektifitas aktor pelaksana dan mitra komunitas menentukan arah pelaksanaan SITI II; (4) Ekstremisme kekerasan tidak menjadi persoalan prioritas bagi para pemangku kepentingan SITI II; (5) Kaum perempuan memainkan peran strategis sebagai penggerak program pencegahan; (6) Aktor non-pemerintah dapat menjalankan peran proaktif bersama aktor pemerintah. Penelitian ini menawarkan kebaruan dengan mengkaji topik pencegahan ekstremisme kekerasan di tingkat komunitas dan subjektifitas yang terjadi dalam pelaksanaannya. Untuk tindak lanjut, penelitian mengajukan: (1) Saran akademis topik penelitian yang dapat dikembangkan, dengan metode studi perbandingan maupun partisipatoris; (2) Saran praktis agar program serupa SITI kelak dapat mengembangkan kader pengajar yang berdedikasi pada komunitas sasaran; (3) Saran stratejik agar implementasi kebijakan pencegahan ekstremisme kekerasan dapat dilaksanakan dengan metode pembelajaran yang matang, seraya menghindari sekuritisasi dan tetap menjaga rasa aman di masyarakat.
...... Community-based early detection and response, as a form of prevention of violent extremism, has received widely positive response from government and public alike, yet there have been few documented implementations in Indonesian society. This evaluative research sets out to examine a working model in community-based early detection and response program “SITI II” by non- governmental organization Peace Generation in Babakan Sari and Pasirbiru sub- districts, City of Bandung, from September 2019 to June 2021. This research employs a methodology that includes qualitative and pragmatic approach, with purposive sampling data collection technique and narrative analysis method, in processing the data collected from relevant secondary and primary sources – namely implementing actors, community partners, and government officials at sub-district, city, and sub-district levels. The observation explores the subjectivity of implementing actors and community partners that influenced the implementation of SITI II, which was originally designed to increase social cohesion towards preventing violent extremism at community level. The conclusion from this study leans toward findings related to the impact of such subjectivity, that: (1) Existing recruitment of extremist groups is a source of concern in society; (2) SITI II pioneered community-based violent extremism prevention program held by non-government actors; (3) The subjectivity of implementing actors and community partners determines the direction of SITI II implementation; (4) Violent extremism is apparently not an issue of priority for SITI II stakeholders; (5) Women play strategic role as drivers of SITI II; (6) Non- government actors can play a proactive role along with the government; (7) This research has various limitations that needs to be improved upon in the future. This research offers the novelty by examining the topic of preventing violent extremism at community level and the subjectivity that occurs in its implementation. For follow-ups, this research proposes the following: (1) Academic suggestions for relevant research topics that could be pursued, and a case for employing comparative and participatory study methods; (2) Practical suggestion for similar programs like SITI to develop a dedicated teaching cadre in target community; (3) Strategic suggestions for policymakers to implement prevention of violent extremism with tried-and-tested learning methodology, while avoiding securitization yet maintaining a sense of security in the target community.
Jakarta: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik Dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library