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Rahayu Kusumastuti
Tesis ini mempelajari pengaruh injeksi ekstrak buah mengkudu sebagai green
inhibitor corrosion terhadap baja karbon rendah dalam lingkungan NaCl 3,5%.
Berdasarkan pengujian weight loss diperoleh informasi bahwa pada perendaman
12 hari dengan konsentrasi 3mL menunjukkan laju korosi terendah yaitu 1.385 mpy
dengan efisiensi 76,92 %. Pengujian dengan polarisasi menunjukkan bahwa dengan
variasi konsentrasi inhibitor diperoleh laju korosi terendah pada konsentrasi 3 mL
yaitu 6,68 mpy dengan efisiensinya 68,08 %. Mekanisme inhibisi inhibitor ekstrak
buah mengkudu pada permukaan baja karbon dapat diamati dari kurva polarisasi
yang memberikan informasi bahwa inhibitor dari ekstrak buah mengkudu termasuk
mixed type inhibitor yang merupakan ciri khas inhibitor organik dengan model
adsorpsi Langmuir yang menunjukkan telah terbentuk lapisan monolayer.

The effect of injecting noni fruit extracts, as a green inhibitor corrosion for a low
carbon steel in 3.5% NaCl solution has been studied in this thesis. Based on the
weight loss experiment, it was known that immersing a low carbon steel in 3mL
3.5% NaCl solution for 12 days produced the the lowest corrosion rates of 1.385
mpy with 76.92%inhibitor efficiencies. On the other hand, polarization experiment
showed the minimum corrosion rate of 6.68 mpy with 68.08% inhibitor efficiencies.
Inhibition mechanism of noni fruit extract on carbon steel surface can be observed
from the polarization curves. From that curve, it was shown that the monolayer
coating has been formed. This phenomena was the characteristic of the organic
inhibitor with the Langmuir adsorption models."
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Telah dilakukan penelitian mengenai efek antifertilitas ekstrak buah Solanum torvum Swartz terhadap spermatogenesis mencit (Mus musculus L.) jantan galur Swiss derived. Tiga puluh ekor mencit dikelompokkan datam 5 kelompok perlakuan yaitu kelompok tanpa pertakuan, kelompok kontrot dengan pelarut akuabides, kelompok pertakuan dosis 0,25 mg/kg bb, kelompok perlakuan dosis 0,5 mg/kg bb, dan kelompok perlakuan 1 mg/kg bb. Pencekokan dilakukan selama 36 hari berturut-turut dan pada han ke-37 seluruh mencit percobaan dikorbankan, lalu dilakukan pembuatan preparat histologi testis dengan metode parafin. Hasil uji statistik menunjukkan adanya penghambatan terhadap spermatogenesis mencit. Penghambatan tersebut berupa penurunan jumtah sel spermatosit pakiten secara nyata (a = 0,05). Sedangkan jumlah sel spermatogonia A, set spermatogonia B, diameter tubulus seminiferus, berat testis dan diameter testis tidak menunjukkan adanya perbedaan antara ke 5 kelompok perlakuan. Penghambatan spermatogenesis mulai terlihat pada dosis 0,25 mg/kg bb. Wataupun demikian pencekokan ekstrak buah Solanum torvum dengan dosis yang semakin meningkat tidak menyebabkan penurunan jumlah sel spermatosit pakiten."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 1996
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mariska Maghfiroh, auhor
Daging adalah salah satu makanan yang cukup banyak dikonsumsi masyarakat
dalam berbagai menu masakan atas komposisi gizinya yang tinggi. Namun,
daging rentan terhadap penurunan kualitas karena kontaminasi mikroorganisme
dan oksidasi lipidnya. Telah diteliti bahwa ekstrak mengkudu mampu
menghambat pertumbuhan mikroorganisme dan memiliki antioksidan yang kuat.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui komponen yang terkandung dalam
ekstrak buah mengkudu dan potensinya dalam memperpanjang umur simpan
daging selama masa penyimpanan 15 hari pada suhu beku. Ekstrak buah
mengkudu diperoleh dengan cara maserasi menggunakan pelarut etanol 96%.
Aplikasi pada daging sapi segar dilakukan dengan variasi konsentrasi 2%; 5%;
7% (w/v). Hasil uji GCMS menunjukkan komponen senyawa tertinggi dalam
ekstrak buah mengkudu adalah senyawa furfural dan hexanoic acid. Senyawa
inilah yang diduga mempunyai kemampuan antimikroba. Kemudian, hasil
pengujian aktivitas antioksidan menunjukkan nilai IC50 ekstrak buah mengkudu
sebesar 99,7 μg/ml. Hasil perhitungan koloni bakteri dengan metode TPC
menunjukkan ekstrak buah mengkudu memiliki kemampuan menghambat
pertumbuhan bakteri dibandingkan dengan bahan kimia sintetis. Semakin besar
konsentrasi ekstrak yang ditambahkan, semakin besar kemampuan ekstrak dalam
menghambat pertumbuhan mikroba.

Meat is one of food that consumed frequently by people in a variety of dishes due
to the high nutritional composition. However, meat susceptible to degradation due
to contamination of microorganism and lipid oxidation. It has been reported that
noni extract could inhibit microbial growth and has strong antioxidant. This study
aims to determine the components contained within the noni fruit extract and its
potential to extend the shelf life of meat during storage 15 days at freeze
temperature. Noni fruit extract obtained by maceration using ethanol 96%.
Applications on fresh meat made with various concentration of 2%; 5%; 7%
(w/v). GCMS test results showed the highest compound component in noni fruit
extracts are furfural and hexanoic acid. These compounds are believed to have
antimicrobial ability. Then, the test results show the antioxidant activity of
extracts has IC50 value 99.7 μg/ml. Results of counting bacterial colonies with
Total Plate Count method showed noni fruit extract has the ability to inhibit
bacterial growth as compared to synthetic chemicals. The greater the
concentration of the extract added, the greater the ability to extract in inhibiting
the growth of microbes."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dwi Ari Pujianto
"Dalam rangka mencari altematif kontrasepsi untuk pria, telah dilakukan berbagai penelitian mengenai tanaman-tanaman yang diduga mengandung zat-zat antifertilitas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian ekstrak cairan perasan (juice) buah paria (Momordica charantia L) terhadap kesuburan dan kadar hormon testosteron dalam darah mencit jantan strain AJ. Pemberian ekstrak dilakukan dengan dosis 800 mg/ml, 900 mg/ml, dan 1000 mg/ml selama 40 hari.
Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Kelompok dengan 5 macam perlakuan yakni dosis 800 mg/ml, 900 mg/ml, 1000 mg/ml, kontrol dengan perlakuan, dan kontrol tanpa perlakuan, dan masing-masing perlakuan dengan 6 kali ulangan.
Ekstrak buah paria diperoleh dengan cara penguapan cairan perasan (juice) buah paria menggunakan penangas air bersuhu 50 ° C. Kemudian dibuat dosis ekstrak 800 mg, 900 mg, dan 1000 mg dalam aquabides. Cairan ekstrak diberikan pada mencit secara oral dengan menggunakan spuit khusus sebanyak ± 0,5 ml dua kali sehari (pagi dan sore) selama 40 hari.
Setelah masa pemberian selesai mencit dikawinkan dengan betina dewasa fertil untuk mengetahui jumlah anak yang dilahirkan. Setelah 5 hari dicampur dengan betina, mencit dikorbankan untuk meniiai beberapa parameter kesuburan dan kadar hormon testosteron dalam darah. Parameter kesuburan yang diteliti antara lain :
A. Jumlah anak
B. Konsentrasi spermatozoa vas deferens
C. Jumlah sel-sel spermatogenik yakni :
1. Spermatogonium
2. Spermatosit preleptoten
3. Spermatosit primer pakhiten
4. Spermatid"
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 1997
UI - Laporan Penelitian  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Fruits of mahkotadewa (Phaleria macrocorpa(Scheff),Boer, has been used to cure various health problems,including empirical treatment for cancer
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Prajnadiyan Catrawardhana

Latar Belakang: Ekstrak mangga telah terbukti memiliki efek antikanker terhadap kanker serviks, namun kemang (Mangifera kemanga) sebagai kerabat mangga yang belum banyak diteliti diduga memiliki efek yang sama. Tujuan: Mengetahui kandungan golongan senyawa yang terdapat pada ekstrak etanol, etil asetat, dan nheksan buah kemang serta menguji efek sitotoksiknya terhadap sel kanker serviks HeLa. Metode: Daging buah kemang diekstraksi menggunakan pelarut etanol, etil asetat, dan n-heksana. Uji fitokimia dan kromatografi lapis tipis menggunakan ketiga ekstrak digunakan untuk mengetahui kandungan fitokimia yang ada. Uji MTT dilakukan pada ketiga ekstrak yang diuji terhadap sel HeLa untuk mengetahui efek sitotoksik sampel dalam nilai IC50. Hasil: Uji fitokimia menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak buah kemang mengandung senyawa flavonoid, tanin, triterpenoid, dan alkaloid. Uji kromatografi lapis tipis dengan eluen non polar menunjukkan satu titik dengan Rf 0,82 pada ekstrak etanol; enam titik dengan Rf 0,16, 0,36, 0,49, 0,76, 0,82, dan 0,94 pada ekstrak etil asetat; dan enam titik dengan Rf 0,36, 0,48, 0,63, 0,75, 0,83, dan 0,93 pada ekstrak n- heksan. Uji MTT mendapatkan nilai IC50 terhadap sel HeLa, berturut-turut untuk ekstrak etanol, etil asetat, dan n-heksan, adalah 44,34, 16,41, dan 43,23 ppm. Kesimpulan: Ekstrak buah kemang memiliki potensi sebagai agen antikanker terhadap kanker serviks.

Background: Mango extract has been proven in its anticancer effect against cervical cancer, however kemang (Mangifera kemanga), despite being a relative of mango, has not been thoroughly researched although expected to give the same effect. Objective: To identify the contents contained in the ethanol, ethyl acetate, and n-hexane extract of kemang flesh and examine its cytotoxic effect on HeLa cervical cancer cells. Methods: Kemang flesh was extracted using ethanol, ethyl acetate, and n-hexane. Phytochemical tests and thin-layer chromatography on the extracts were conducted to identify the phytochemical contents. MTT assay was carried out using the extracts against HeLa cells to find out the cytotoxic effect of the samples in IC50 values. Results: Phytochemical tests revealed that kemang flesh extract contains flavonoid, tannin, triterpenoid, and alkaloid. Thin-layer chromatography test with nonpolar eluent showed one spot with Rf of 0.82 in ethanol extract; six spots with Rf of 0.16, 0.36, 0.49, 0.76, 0.82, and 0.94 in ethyl acetate extract; and six spots with Rf of 0.36, 0.48, 0.63, 0.75, 0.83, and 0.93 in n-hexane extract. MTT assay obtained IC50 values for HeLa cells, respectively for ethanol, ethyl acetate, and n-hexane extracts, were 44.34, 16.41, and 43.23 ppm. Conclusion: Kemang fruit extract has potential as an anticancer agent against cervical cancer.


Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia , 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Della Syariyana
Belimbing Wuluh Averrhoa blimbi L. diketahui memiliki fungsi antioksidan dengan kandungan terbesarnya yaitu vitamin C. Fungsi dari vitamin C yang terdapat pada buah belimbing wuluh dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai sediaan, diantaranya adalah sediaan serum. Serum merupakan sediaan cair dengan partikel kecil sehingga dapat meresap ke dalam kulit. Tujuan dilaksanakannya penelitian ini adalah membuat formula dan melakukan pengujian terhadap stabilitas fisik sediaan serum wajah yang mengandung ekstrak etanol buah belimbing wuluh Averrhoa bilimbi L. serta menguji aktivitasnya sebagai antioksidan. Pada penelitian ini dibuat formula sediaan serum wajah yang mengandung ekstrak buah belimbing wuluh Averrhoa bilimbi L. dengan konsentrasi 1, 2, dan 3 serta blanko negatif sebagai pembanding yang tidak mengandung ekstrak buah belimbing wuluh. Dilakukan uji antioksidan dengan menggunakan metode DPPH untuk mengetahui nilai IC50 pada setiap formula sediaan serum wajah. Setelah itu, dilakukan uji stabilitas fisik pada keempat sediaan serum wajah dan cycling test. Hasil menujukkan nilai IC50 dari ekstrak etanol buah belimbing wuluh adalah sebesar 42,78 ppm. Sediaan serum wajah 1, 2, dan 3 masing-masing memiliki nilai IC50 rata-rata sebesar 362,12; 251,09; dan 102,27 ppm. Pada minggu kedelapan aktivitas antioksidan menunjukkan tidak terjadi perubahan yang signifikan. Sediaan serum terbukti stabil secara fisik dan dapat disimpulkan bahwa sediaan serum wajah yang mengandung ekstrak buah belimbing wuluh dapat dijadikan sebagai sediaan antioksidan.

Belimbing Wuluh Averrhoa blimbi L. is known as an antioxidant for its dominant contents which is Vitamin C. The vitamin C in it as antioxidant can be formed into serum. Serum is a liquid with small particles, that enable it to be absorbed into the skin. The aims of this study were to create a formula, conduct the physical stability study and antioxidant activity study as a facial serum containing ethanol extract of belimbing wuluh Averrhoa blimbi L. . In this study, facial serum formulation was made containing 1, 2, and 3 of belimbing wuluh Averrhoa blimbi L. extract, and also negative blank formula that was not containing belimbing wuluh extract that used as a reference. The antioxidant activity study was performed with DPPH method to obtain IC50 value from each formula. After that, physical stability study and cycling test were performed to all four facial serum formulae. IC50 value obtained from ethanol extract of belimbing wuluh Averrhoa blimbi L. was 42.78 ppm. On the other hand, others facial serum formulae that containing 1, 2, and 3 ethanol extract of belimbing wuluh Averrhoa blimbi L. gave 362.12 251.09 and 102.27 ppm, respectively it. After eight weeks, antioxidant activity from each formula was measured again and gave no significant different results. The result obtained showed that facial serum formula were physically stable and it can be concluded that facial serum containing belimbing wuluh Averrhoa blimbi L. extract can be used as antioxidant dosage form."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wirya Sarwana
Peningkatan kesadaran akan ancaman polusi lingkungan mendorong pengembangan pengolahan limbah yang lebih efisien dan berkesinambungan. Material semikonduktor TiO2 merupakan material yang diharapkan memegang peranan penting dalam penyelesaian permasalahan polusi lingkungan melalui pemanfaatan energi matahari berbasis perangkat fotovoltaik termodifikasi. Sistem hibrid Dye Sensitized Solar Cell (DSSC)-katalisis merupakan salah satu pendekatan penyelesaian permasalahan limbah dikarenakan dapat mengoksidasi berbagai senyawa limbah serta pengaktifan dalam jangkauan panjang gelombang sinar tampak menyebabkan sistem ini menjadi lebih efisien.
Pada penelitian ini, fabrikasi sistem hibrid DSSC-katalisis menggunakan TiO2 nanotube yang disintesis melalui teknik Rapid Breakdown Anodization pada beda potensial 15 V dalam elektrolit 0,15 M HClO4. Pengujian performa sistem hibrid DSSC-katalisis menggunakan simulasi limbah rhodamine B dalam air. Beberapa variasi yang dilakukan adalah zat warna yang digunakan, perbandingan luas daerah warna dan daerah katalisis, serta perbandingan komposisi campuran fase anatase-rutil dalam TiO2. Variasi ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui kondisi optimum device DSSC-katalisis dalam mendegradasi rhodamine B.
TiO2 hasil sintesis dikalsinasi pada suhu 400°C selama 3 jam dan 2 jam serta 500°C selama 3 jam, lalu dikarakterisasi menggunakan XRD, UV Vis DRS, FTIR, FESEM, dan EDX. Hasil karakterisasi UV-Vis DRS menunjukkan band gap TiO2 hasil sintesis berkisar antara 3-3,5 eV. Sementara hasil uji FTIR yang menunjukkan ada puncak spesifik disekitar daerah 400-700 cm-1. Pada FESEM EDX, terlihat hasil yang cukup baik dalam bentuk bundle nanotube yang membuktikan bahwa teknik RBA dapat digunakan dalam proses sintesis TiO2 nanotube.
TiO2 hasil sintesis digunakan untuk merangkai sistem hibrid DSSC-katalisis menggunakan rhodamine B dan ekstrak buah naga sebagai zat warnanya. Zona katalisis pada hibrid DSSC diuji aktivitas katalisisnya, dimana persen degradasi oleh sistem bersensitizer rhodamine B sebesar 65,22% dan ekstrak buah naga sebesar 34,78% dengan lama penyinaran masing-masing 60 menit. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa dalam sistem ini, rhodamine B memberikan hasil yang lebih baik. Pengujian selanjutnya menggunakan sensitizer rhodamine B dengan variasi perbandingan luas zona warna dan zona katalisis sebesar 1:2, 1:1, dan 1:0,5 dan diperoleh persen degradasi berturut-turut 40,19%; 25,01% ; dan 9,59%. Dengan demikian perbandingan optimum pada variasi ini adalah luas zona warna dan katalis yang paling baik adalah 1:2. Pengujian ketiga menggunakan TiO2 dengan komposisi campuran fase kristal anatase rutil sebesar 100% anatase 0% rutil.

An increasing concern on environmental pollution lead to development for more efficient and sustainable waste treatment. Titanium dioxide is expected to play an important role to solve the environmental pollution problem by using solar energy based on modified photovoltaic devices. Hybrid Dye Sensitized Solar Cell (DSSC) -catalysis system may become an efficient approach to solve the problem not only causes of the oxidizing power to degrade almost organic non biodegradable compounds in the waste but also the activation energy of this system still in visible light range. In this study, fabrication of hybrid DSSC - catalysis system used TiO2 nanotubes which was synthesized by Rapid Breakdown Anodization method, the potential difference was 15 V in 0.15 M HClO4. Degradating ability testing for hybrid DSSC ?catalysis system using simulated waste rhodamine B dispersed in water. Several variations has been done as kind of the dye used for the system, the wide comparison of dyes zone and catalytic zone, and composition of mixed crystalline phase ratio of anatase and rutile in TiO2 used. The purpose of the variation was to determine the optimum conditions for DSSC - catalysis device in degrading rhodamine B. TiO2 synthesized was calcined up to 400 ° C for 3 hours and 2 hours and 500°C for 3 hours. It was characterized using XRD, UV- Vis DRS, FTIR, FESEM, and EDX. UV- Vis DRS showed the band gap of samples between 3-3.5 eV. The result of FTIR measurements showed there was peak around the region 400-700 cm-1. FESEM EDX results showed very good shape of TiO2 nanotube bundle which proves that the RBA technique can be used in the synthesis process. Testing for determine the better sensitizer between rhodamine B and dragon fruit extract has been done. Based on the results of UV Vis measurements, percent degradation of rhodamine B system up to 65.22% and dragon fruit extract only 34.78%. Each of them exposure by visible light for 60 minutes. It indicates that in this system, rhodamine B sensitizer gives the better results. Further testing using sensitizer rhodamine B with a wide comparison of dye zone and catalytic zones by 1: 2, 1: 1 and 1: 0.5 and obtained percent of degradation respectively 40.19%; 25.01%; and 9.59%. Thus the optimum ratio in this variation is 1: 2. The third testing using the composition of the mixture TiO2 anatase-rutile crystalline phase 100% anatase 0% rutile, 92.88% anatase 7.12% rutile and 17.08% anatase 82.92% rutile with a percent of degradation for each sample were 66.80%, 81.01%, and 70.37%. The test results showed that the best phase in the system is the mixture of anatase 92.88% rutile 7.12%. Based on the three variations known that the system would work better if using rhodamine B as a;An increasing concern on environmental pollution lead to development for more efficient and sustainable waste treatment. Titanium dioxide is expected to play an important role to solve the environmental pollution problem by using solar energy based on modified photovoltaic devices. Hybrid Dye Sensitized Solar Cell (DSSC) -catalysis system may become an efficient approach to solve the problem not only causes of the oxidizing power to degrade almost organic non biodegradable compounds in the waste but also the activation energy of this system still in visible light range. In this study, fabrication of hybrid DSSC - catalysis system used TiO2 nanotubes which was synthesized by Rapid Breakdown Anodization method, the potential difference was 15 V in 0.15 M HClO4. Degradating ability testing for hybrid DSSC ?catalysis system using simulated waste rhodamine B dispersed in water. Several variations has been done as kind of the dye used for the system, the wide comparison of dyes zone and catalytic zone, and composition of mixed crystalline phase ratio of anatase and rutile in TiO2 used. The purpose of the variation was to determine the optimum conditions for DSSC - catalysis device in degrading rhodamine B. TiO2 synthesized was calcined up to 400 ° C for 3 hours and 2 hours and 500°C for 3 hours. It was characterized using XRD, UV- Vis DRS, FTIR, FESEM, and EDX. UV- Vis DRS showed the band gap of samples between 3-3.5 eV. The result of FTIR measurements showed there was peak around the region 400-700 cm-1. FESEM EDX results showed very good shape of TiO2 nanotube bundle which proves that the RBA technique can be used in the synthesis process. Testing for determine the better sensitizer between rhodamine B and dragon fruit extract has been done. Based on the results of UV Vis measurements, percent degradation of rhodamine B system up to 65.22% and dragon fruit extract only 34.78%. Each of them exposure by visible light for 60 minutes. It indicates that in this system, rhodamine B sensitizer gives the better results. Further testing using sensitizer rhodamine B with a wide comparison of dye zone and catalytic zones by 1: 2, 1: 1 and 1: 0.5 and obtained percent of degradation respectively 40.19%; 25.01%; and 9.59%. Thus the optimum ratio in this variation is 1: 2. The third testing using the composition of the mixture TiO2 anatase-rutile crystalline phase 100% anatase 0% rutile, 92.88% anatase 7.12% rutile and 17.08% anatase 82.92% rutile with a percent of degradation for each sample were 66.80%, 81.01%, and 70.37%. The test results showed that the best phase in the system is the mixture of anatase 92.88% rutile 7.12%. Based on the three variations known that the system would work better if using rhodamine B as a;An increasing concern on environmental pollution lead to development for more efficient and sustainable waste treatment. Titanium dioxide is expected to play an important role to solve the environmental pollution problem by using solar energy based on modified photovoltaic devices. Hybrid Dye Sensitized Solar Cell (DSSC) -catalysis system may become an efficient approach to solve the problem not only causes of the oxidizing power to degrade almost organic non biodegradable compounds in the waste but also the activation energy of this system still in visible light range. In this study, fabrication of hybrid DSSC - catalysis system used TiO2 nanotubes which was synthesized by Rapid Breakdown Anodization method, the potential difference was 15 V in 0.15 M HClO4. Degradating ability testing for hybrid DSSC ?catalysis system using simulated waste rhodamine B dispersed in water. Several variations has been done as kind of the dye used for the system, the wide comparison of dyes zone and catalytic zone, and composition of mixed crystalline phase ratio of anatase and rutile in TiO2 used. The purpose of the variation was to determine the optimum conditions for DSSC - catalysis device in degrading rhodamine B. TiO2 synthesized was calcined up to 400 ° C for 3 hours and 2 hours and 500°C for 3 hours. It was characterized using XRD, UV- Vis DRS, FTIR, FESEM, and EDX. UV- Vis DRS showed the band gap of samples between 3-3.5 eV. The result of FTIR measurements showed there was peak around the region 400-700 cm-1. FESEM EDX results showed very good shape of TiO2 nanotube bundle which proves that the RBA technique can be used in the synthesis process. Testing for determine the better sensitizer between rhodamine B and dragon fruit extract has been done. Based on the results of UV Vis measurements, percent degradation of rhodamine B system up to 65.22% and dragon fruit extract only 34.78%. Each of them exposure by visible light for 60 minutes. It indicates that in this system, rhodamine B sensitizer gives the better results. Further testing using sensitizer rhodamine B with a wide comparison of dye zone and catalytic zones by 1: 2, 1: 1 and 1: 0.5 and obtained percent of degradation respectively 40.19%; 25.01%; and 9.59%. Thus the optimum ratio in this variation is 1: 2. The third testing using the composition of the mixture TiO2 anatase-rutile crystalline phase 100% anatase 0% rutile, 92.88% anatase 7.12% rutile and 17.08% anatase 82.92% rutile with a percent of degradation for each sample were 66.80%, 81.01%, and 70.37%. The test results showed that the best phase in the system is the mixture of anatase 92.88% rutile 7.12%. Based on the three variations known that the system would work better if using rhodamine B as a, An increasing concern on environmental pollution lead to development for more efficient and sustainable waste treatment. Titanium dioxide is expected to play an important role to solve the environmental pollution problem by using solar energy based on modified photovoltaic devices. Hybrid Dye Sensitized Solar Cell (DSSC) -catalysis system may become an efficient approach to solve the problem not only causes of the oxidizing power to degrade almost organic non biodegradable compounds in the waste but also the activation energy of this system still in visible light range. In this study, fabrication of hybrid DSSC - catalysis system used TiO2 nanotubes which was synthesized by Rapid Breakdown Anodization method, the potential difference was 15 V in 0.15 M HClO4. Degradating ability testing for hybrid DSSC –catalysis system using simulated waste rhodamine B dispersed in water. Several variations has been done as kind of the dye used for the system, the wide comparison of dyes zone and catalytic zone, and composition of mixed crystalline phase ratio of anatase and rutile in TiO2 used. The purpose of the variation was to determine the optimum conditions for DSSC - catalysis device in degrading rhodamine B. TiO2 synthesized was calcined up to 400 ° C for 3 hours and 2 hours and 500°C for 3 hours. It was characterized using XRD, UV- Vis DRS, FTIR, FESEM, and EDX. UV- Vis DRS showed the band gap of samples between 3-3.5 eV. The result of FTIR measurements showed there was peak around the region 400-700 cm-1. FESEM EDX results showed very good shape of TiO2 nanotube bundle which proves that the RBA technique can be used in the synthesis process. Testing for determine the better sensitizer between rhodamine B and dragon fruit extract has been done. Based on the results of UV Vis measurements, percent degradation of rhodamine B system up to 65.22% and dragon fruit extract only 34.78%. Each of them exposure by visible light for 60 minutes. It indicates that in this system, rhodamine B sensitizer gives the better results. Further testing using sensitizer rhodamine B with a wide comparison of dye zone and catalytic zones by 1: 2, 1: 1 and 1: 0.5 and obtained percent of degradation respectively 40.19%; 25.01%; and 9.59%. Thus the optimum ratio in this variation is 1: 2. The third testing using the composition of the mixture TiO2 anatase-rutile crystalline phase 100% anatase 0% rutile, 92.88% anatase 7.12% rutile and 17.08% anatase 82.92% rutile with a percent of degradation for each sample were 66.80%, 81.01%, and 70.37%. The test results showed that the best phase in the system is the mixture of anatase 92.88% rutile 7.12%. Based on the three variations known that the system would work better if using rhodamine B as a]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ahmad Faqih Alhaitami
"Daun salam dan buah salak sangat melimpah di Indonesia, dan dipercaya masyarakat memiliki sifat antioksidan dan anti penuaan. Namun belum ada penelitian mengenai penggunaanya sebagai inhibitor korosi ramah lingkungan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari dan menganalisa pengaruh penambahan ekstrak daun salam (syzygium polyanthum),, buah salak banjarnegara (salacca zalacca var banjarnegara) dan campuran keduanya sebagai inhibitor ramah lingkungan terhadap baja karbon API 5L grade B dalam larutan HCl 1M.
Pengujian polarisasi dan EIS dilakukan untuk mengukur efisiensi inhibitor pada konsentrasi penambahan ekstrak yang berbeda yaitu 2ml/L, 4ml/L, 6ml/L dan 8ml/L untuk masing-masing ekstrak daun salam dan buah salak, dan konsentrasi ekstrak campuran 6ml/L dengan perbandingan komposisi ekstrak daun salam dan buah salak yaitu 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 3:1 dan 2:1. Pengujian FTIR dilakukan untuk mengetahui golongan senyawa aktif yang terkandung pada ekstrak daun salam dan buah salak, dan mengetahui golongan senyawa aktif yang membentuk lapisan protektif pada permukaan logam. Adsorption isotherm digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi mekanisme adsorpsi dari inhibitor ekstrak daun salam, buah salak dan campuran pada permukaan baja.
Hasil pengujian polarisasi pada penambahan inhibitor ekstrak daun salam dan buah salak secara tunggal, sama-sama menunjukan nilai efisiensi inhibitor (EI) tertinggi dan laju korosi (CR) terendah diperoleh pada konsentrasi 6ml/L yaitu masing-masing EI = 58.56%, CR=1.36 mm/tahun untuk ekstrak daun salam dan EI = 74.90%, CR = 0.82 mm/tahun untuk ekstrak buah salak. Hasil pengujian EIS pada penambahan inhibitor ekstrak daun salam dan buah salak secara tunggal juga menunjukan nilai efisiensi inhibitor (EI) tertinggi diperoleh pada konsentrasi 6ml/L yaitu masing-masing EI=76.60% untuk ekstrak buah salak dan EI=66.07% untuk ekstrak daun salam. Sedangkan untuk campuran ekstrak daun salam dan buah salak diperoleh efisiensi inhibitor (EI) tertinggi dan laju korosi (CR) terendah pada perbandingan komposisi 1:1 (50% : 50%) yaitu sebesar EI=73.54% dan CR=0.87 mm/year, berdasarkan pengujian polarisasi dan EI=74.83% berdasarkan pengujian EIS.
Pengujian FTIR menunjukkan keberadaan golongan senyawa fenolik (tannin) pada penambahan inhibitor ekstrak daun salam dan keberadaan golongan senyawa alkaloid pada penambahan ekstrak salak dipermukaan logam yang direndam dalam HCl 1M. Kedua jenis ekstrak apabila dicampurkan tidak menunjukan adanya efek sinergis dan juga antagonis sehingga dapat disimpulkan keduanya tidak saling mempengaruhi satu sama lain. Kedua inhibitor ekstrak menunjukan korelasi sesuai dengan Langmuir dan Frumkin Isotherm yang mengindikasinya mekanisme adsorpsi fisik dan chemisorption

Bay leaves and snake fruits are very abundant in Indonesia, and have been believed by local community that they have antioxidant properties and anti-aging effect. However, no studies regarding its use as a enviromental friendly corrosion inhibitor. The aim of this research is to study and analyze the effect of indonesian bay leaf extract (syzygium polyanthum), snake fruit (salacca zalacca var banjarnegara) extract and also these mixed extract as enviromental friendly inhibitor on carbon steel API 5L grade B in hydrochoric acid 1M solution.
Electrochemical polarization test and EIS test were used in measuring the inhibitor efficiency at a different concentration of extract i.e. 2ml/L, 4ml/L, 6ml/L dan 8ml/L for indonesia bay leaf extract and snake fruit extract as single inhibitor, and 6ml/L for their mixture with a composition ratio of indonesian leaf extract to snake fruit extract , 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 3:1 dan 2:1. FTIR was also used to identify the active compound group contained in both extracts and identify the active compound group which formed protective film on the metal surface. Adsorption isotherm was used to study inhibition mechanism of indonesia bay leaf extract, snake fruit extract and their mixture on metal surface.
Polarization test result of addition of indonesian bay leaf extract and snake fruit extract as single inhibitor in 1M HCl solution showed the highest inhibitor efficiency value (IE) and lowest corrosion rate (CR) IE=58.56%, CR=1.36 mm/year for bay leaf extract, and IE=74.90%, CR=0.82 mm/year for snake fruit extract at concentration 6ml/L, as well as EIS test showed the highest inhibitor efficiency value respectively IE=66.07% for bay leaf extract and IE=76.6% for snake fruit extract at concentration 6ml/L. And the addition of their mixture showed the highet inhibitor efficiency value achieved at a composition ratio 1:1 (50% : 50%) i.e. IE=73.54%, CR=0.87 mm/year based on polarisation test and 74.83% based on EIS test.
FTIR test result on steel sample which was immersed in HCl 1M solution had identified primarily the presence of phenolic compound group (tannin) on the metal surface with an addition of indonesian bay leaf extract and alkaloid compound group on the metal surface with an addition of snake fruits extract. The mixture of the extracts showed no sinergistic and antagonistic interaction. Thus, it can be concluded that these extracts do not interact to each other when they are mixed. These two extracts showed a correlation to Langmuir and Frumkin Isotherm that indicated physical adsorption as well as chemisorption.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Leni Magdalena
Studi pendahuhian untuk melihat efek diuretik ekstrak buah Ananas
comosus L. terhadap tikus putih (Rattus norvegicus) jantan galur Wistar telah
dilakukan. Pencekokan diberikan dengan larutan kontrol dan dengan
perbandingan dosis larutan murni : akuabidestilata 1: 3, ! 2, 1 : I clan I : 0
I ml/1 00 g berat badan. Pengaruh pencekokan terhadap volume urin dapat
diketahul 6 jam sesudah pencekokan.
Uji statistik terhadap hasH percobaan menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak
buah Ananas cotnosus dengan dosis larutan murni akuabidestilata 1 2,
1 mI/i 00 g berat badan tidak mempengaruhi volume total urin,
tetapi dosis larutan murni : akuabidestilata I 3 I mlIIOO g berat badan
meningkatkan volume total i.win. Dengan demikian Ananas cornosus dengan
konsentrasi tersebut mempunyai efek diuretik terhadap tikus putih (Rattus
norvegicus) jantan galur Wistar."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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