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Rina Metalapa
Abstrak :
Prevalensi Rinitis Akibat Kerja (RAK) berkisar antara 5-48%. Penyebab RAK antara lain adalah partikulat debu yang beterbangan di lingkungan kerja. Hal ini akan meningkatkan beban pembiayaan baik terhadap pekerja itu sendiri maupun perusahaan tempat ia bekerja. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui prevalensi RAK serta hubungan antara kadar partikulat debu dengan kejadian RAK dengan populasi pekerja parkir basement di sebuah Hotel dan RSUD di Jakarta dengan waktu pengumpulan sampel dilakukan selama bulan Desember 2014 hingga Maret 2015. Sampel penelitian adalah yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi yakni area kerja di parkir basement, usia 20-40 tahun, masa kerja lebih dari 1 tahun dan bersedia mengikuti prosedur penelitian. Subyek penelitian di wawancara dan diperiksa kadar eosinofil kerokan mukosa hidung sebelum dan sesudah bekerja. RAK positif apabila terdapat gejala rinitis, memberat ketika bekerja dan ada peningkatan eosinofil kerokan mukosa hidung. Analisa penelitian dilakukan berdasarkan karakteristik usia, jenis kelamin, masa kerja, kebiasaan merokok dan bagian kerja (terpapar langsung atau tidak dengan partikulat debu). Dari 57 subyek penelitian, 6 orang (10.5%) mengalami peningkatan eosinofil dengan karakterisktik sebagai berikut: 4 orang memiliki masa kerja > 4 tahun; 4 orang memiliki kebiasaan merokok; dan 3 orang bekerja di bagian kerja yang terpapar langsung dengan partikulat debu. Dari 6 orang tersebut terdapat 3 orang (5.2%) yang memenuhi kriteria RAK dengan karakteristik sebagai berikut: 2 orang berusia 30-40 tahun, 2 orang adalah laki-laki, 2 orang mempunyai masa kerja ≤ 4 tahun, dan 2 orang berasal dari bagian kerja yang terpapar tidak langsung dengan partikulat debu. Terdapat hubungan bermakna antara riwayat atopi dengan peningkatan eosinofil (OR 23.33 dan 95%CI 2.40-224.62). Namun tidak ditemukan hubungan antara kadar partikulat debu dan masa kerja dengan RAK yang bermakna. ABSTRACT
The prevalence of occupational rhinitis ranges between 5-48%. It is caused by particulate dust in the workplace. It will increase financial burden both for the workers themselves and the company. This study aims to determine the prevalence of OR and the relation between the levels of particulate dust with OR incident among workers who work in a hotel or hospital basement parking lot in Jakarta, during December 2014 to March 2015. The sample inclusion criteria were: age 20-40 years, working period of more than one year and are willing to participate in the study. The subjects were interviewed and nasal mucosal scrapings eosinophil levels were measured before and after work. OR was defined as has symptoms of rhinitis, increase during work and there is an increase in eosinophils nasal mucosal scrapings. Analysis of the research carried out based on the characteristics of age, sex, years of smoking and working directly or indirectly exposed to dust particulates. Of the 57 subjects of the study, 6 (10.5%) experienced an increase in eosinophils with the following characteristics: 4 people has a work period > 4 years; 4 people smoke; and 3 people work directly exposed to particulate dust. Three subjects (5.2%) meet all the OR criteria with the following characteristics: 2 were aged 30-40 years, 2 were male, 2 have a working period of ≤ 4 years and 2 were indirectly exposed to particulate dust. There is a very significant association between history of atopy with increased eosinophils (, OR 23.3 and 95% CI 2.40-224.62). However, no association was found between levels of particulate dust and working period.;The prevalence of occupational rhinitis ranges between 5-48%. It is caused by particulate dust in the workplace. It will increase financial burden both for the workers themselves and the company. This study aims to determine the prevalence of OR and the relation between the levels of particulate dust with OR incident among workers who work in a hotel or hospital basement parking lot in Jakarta, during December 2014 to March 2015. The sample inclusion criteria were: age 20-40 years, working period of more than one year and are willing to participate in the study. The subjects were interviewed and nasal mucosal scrapings eosinophil levels were measured before and after work. OR was defined as has symptoms of rhinitis, increase during work and there is an increase in eosinophils nasal mucosal scrapings. Analysis of the research carried out based on the characteristics of age, sex, years of smoking and working directly or indirectly exposed to dust particulates. Of the 57 subjects of the study, 6 (10.5%) experienced an increase in eosinophils with the following characteristics: 4 people has a work period > 4 years; 4 people smoke; and 3 people work directly exposed to particulate dust. Three subjects (5.2%) meet all the OR criteria with the following characteristics: 2 were aged 30-40 years, 2 were male, 2 have a working period of ≤ 4 years and 2 were indirectly exposed to particulate dust. There is a very significant association between history of atopy with increased eosinophils (, OR 23.3 and 95% CI 2.40-224.62). However, no association was found between levels of particulate dust and working period.;The prevalence of occupational rhinitis ranges between 5-48%. It is caused by particulate dust in the workplace. It will increase financial burden both for the workers themselves and the company. This study aims to determine the prevalence of OR and the relation between the levels of particulate dust with OR incident among workers who work in a hotel or hospital basement parking lot in Jakarta, during December 2014 to March 2015. The sample inclusion criteria were: age 20-40 years, working period of more than one year and are willing to participate in the study. The subjects were interviewed and nasal mucosal scrapings eosinophil levels were measured before and after work. OR was defined as has symptoms of rhinitis, increase during work and there is an increase in eosinophils nasal mucosal scrapings. Analysis of the research carried out based on the characteristics of age, sex, years of smoking and working directly or indirectly exposed to dust particulates. Of the 57 subjects of the study, 6 (10.5%) experienced an increase in eosinophils with the following characteristics: 4 people has a work period > 4 years; 4 people smoke; and 3 people work directly exposed to particulate dust. Three subjects (5.2%) meet all the OR criteria with the following characteristics: 2 were aged 30-40 years, 2 were male, 2 have a working period of ≤ 4 years and 2 were indirectly exposed to particulate dust. There is a very significant association between history of atopy with increased eosinophils (, OR 23.3 and 95% CI 2.40-224.62). However, no association was found between levels of particulate dust and working period.;The prevalence of occupational rhinitis ranges between 5-48%. It is caused by particulate dust in the workplace. It will increase financial burden both for the workers themselves and the company. This study aims to determine the prevalence of OR and the relation between the levels of particulate dust with OR incident among workers who work in a hotel or hospital basement parking lot in Jakarta, during December 2014 to March 2015. The sample inclusion criteria were: age 20-40 years, working period of more than one year and are willing to participate in the study. The subjects were interviewed and nasal mucosal scrapings eosinophil levels were measured before and after work. OR was defined as has symptoms of rhinitis, increase during work and there is an increase in eosinophils nasal mucosal scrapings. Analysis of the research carried out based on the characteristics of age, sex, years of smoking and working directly or indirectly exposed to dust particulates. Of the 57 subjects of the study, 6 (10.5%) experienced an increase in eosinophils with the following characteristics: 4 people has a work period > 4 years; 4 people smoke; and 3 people work directly exposed to particulate dust. Three subjects (5.2%) meet all the OR criteria with the following characteristics: 2 were aged 30-40 years, 2 were male, 2 have a working period of ≤ 4 years and 2 were indirectly exposed to particulate dust. There is a very significant association between history of atopy with increased eosinophils (, OR 23.3 and 95% CI 2.40-224.62). However, no association was found between levels of particulate dust and working period.
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aryanto Purnomo
Abstrak :
Salah satu darnpak penting akibat pembangunan industri adalah perubahan kualitas lingkungan yang disebabkan oleh pencemaran udara. Pencemaran udara yang teijadi selain pencemaran udara di ambien (outdoor air pollution) juga penoemaran udara dalam ruangan (indoor air pollution). Pencemazan udara di ambien teqiadi km-ena masuknya polutan dari hasil kegiatan industri, kendaraan bermotor, pembakaran hutan, letusan gunung berapi dan pembangkit tenaga Iistrik. Di Kota Pontianak, Industri mebel teiah berkembang dengan pesat dalam 5 tahun terakhir. Sebagai industri sektor informal, kekuatan modal dan ketrampilan pekexja mempenganihi kemarnpuan produksi. Sistem kezja yang tidak mekanis dan tidak rnemiliki ikatan waktu yang ketat, pam pekeija menjadi teriibat secara iisik sepcnuhnya terhadap pekeijaannya, mengambil jam lembur dan bekezja jauh lebih lama dibandingkan tenaga kelja pada sektor formal. Selain itu, akibat dari keterbatasan modal pemilik usaha, keadaan lingkungan kerja tidak Clisiapkan untuk memberikan perlindungan dalam bekelja terhadap pCm&p&l?8ll partikulat PMN). Pada penelitjan ini didapatkan konsentrasi debu kayu (PM|0) minimum 110,64 pg/m3 dan maksimum 135,18 pg/m3 dengan konsentrasi rata-rata l22,7pg/ma dan standar deviasi 5,59 pg/m3 sedangkan pekerja yang terpajan rnenunjukkan gcjala pcnyakit salman pcmapasan sebanyak 46 pekeija (74,9%) I-Iasil uji statistik menunjukkan nilai p=0,0ll sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa hipotcsa nol ditolak atau dapat dikatakan bahwa pada taraf kepcrcayaan 95% ada hubungan antara konsentrasi debu kayu (PM10) dcngan gejala penyakit saluran pemapasan setelah dikontrol oleh kamkteristik pekezja dan faktor lingkungan kerja. Saran dalam penelitian ini adalah pcrlu dilakukan pengawasan terhadap keschatan pckerja industri informal rnclalui program pcnyuluhan dan pelayanan kcsehatan scoara spcsitik, pcrlu mcnerapkan kcselamatan dan kesehatan kerja dengan menyediakan alat pelindung diri berupa maskcr dan pcrlu dilakukan penclitian lebih lanjut mencakup pajanan debu kayu (PM 10) pada waklu malam hari, mcngingat scbagian bcsar proses produksi dilakukan sampai malam hari. ......One of the important impacts from the effect of industrial development is environment quality alteration caused by air pollution. Air pollution occurred besides in ambience (outdoor air pollution) also inside room (indoor air pollution). Air pollution in ambience occur because present pollutant from industrial activity, motor vehicle, wood combustion, volcano explosion and electrical generator. At Pontianak City, furniture industry has developed rapidly in past 5 years. As industry of informal sector, finance strength and employee ability a.&`ecting productivity ability. Non-mechanic work system and no time bond, employees become fully involved physically to their work, taking overtime and working longer than employees in fonnal sector. Besides, consequence nom owner finance limitation, work environment do not prepared to give protection in working toward exposure of particulate PMN. In this research obtained wood dust concentration (PMN) minimum 110.64 u/m3 and maximum 135.18 ug/m? with average concentration of 122.7 ug,/ma and deviation standard of 5.59 pg/m while exposed ployees show symptom of bronchi disease as much as 46 labors (74.9%). Statistic test result shows p value = 0.011 so that concluded zero hypothesis rejected or said that Conlident Interval 95% thcre is a relation between wood dust concentration (PMN) with bronchi disease symptom after controlled by labors characteristic and work environment factor. Suggestion in this research is require monitoring toward health of infomtal industry labor through counseling program and specific health service, require implementation of safety and health of work by providing self protector device in the form of masker and require advanced research of wood dust exposure (PM|o) in night, considering that most of production process performed until night.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Akhmad Ridho
Abstrak :
[Pajanan debu bedak talk (talcum powder) adalah salah satu kontaminan yang dapat menyebabkan gangguan fungsi paru baik obstruktif, restriktif maupun campuran pada karyawan di tempat kerja. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mempelajari hubungan antara pajanan debu respirable talcum powder dengan gangguan fungsi paru dan keluhan subyektif karyawan di PT.XYZ tahun 2015. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survei yang dilakukan tanpa intervensi, yang bersifat analitik dengan rancangan cross sectional. Besar sampel sebanyak 18 dari populasi 42 orang yang diambil secara purposive sampling. Variabel yang diamati adalah tingkat pajanan debu respirable talcum powder pada karyawan, umur, lama bekerja, kebiasaan merokok, kebiasaan olah raga, riwayat penyakit paru dan penggunaan APD. Jenis data adalah data primer dan sekunder, dan pengumpulan data dari hasil pengukuran debu, pemeriksaan spirometri, foto thorax, hasil kuesioner dan wawancara responden. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis univariat, bivariat dan multivariat. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa ada hubungan yang signifikan antara pajanan debu respirable bedak talk dengan keluhan subyektif hidung tersumbat, sakit tenggorokan dan batuk (p<0,05) dan ada hubungan antara kebiasaan merokok dengan sakit tenggorokan dan penggunaan APD dengan keluhan hidung tersumbat dan sakit tenggorokan. Hasil analisis regresi logistik dari tiga variabel pajanan debu bedak talk, kebiasaan merokok dan tidak menggunakan APD menunjukkan bahwa merokok variabel paling dominan dan beresiko 25 kali mengalami keluhan sakit tenggorokan dibandingkan dengan yang tidak merokok. Disarankan untuk memperbaiki instalasi Local Exhaust Ventilation pada proses bedak, pemantauan dan pengukuran debu bedak talk secara rutin, MCU secara berkala, program promosi kesehatan di tempat kerja, penyediaan APD bagi karyawan dan pelatihan tentang penggunaan dan perawatannya.;Talcum dust (powder) exposure is one of particulate contaminant that can cause pulmonary function disorder either obstructive, restrictive or combination. The research aimed to learn the correlation between respirable dust of talcum exposure with pulmonary function disorder and health subjective complaint from exposed employees in PT. XYZ, 2015. The research was analytical study with cross sectional design using survey method without any intervention. There were 18 samples from 42 employee of total population by purposive sampling. The observed variables were respirable dust of talcum exposure to employees, age, work length, smoke habits, exercise habits, history of pulmonary disease and PPE usage. The data were generated from primary and secondary data, and collected from respirable dust measurement, pulmonary examination (spirometry test and photo thorax), questionnaires and interview. The data was analyzed by univariate, bivariate and multivariate. The research showed that there was significantly correlated between respirable dust of talcum powder exposure with health subjective complaint of nasal congestion, sore throat and cough (p<0,05) and there was correlation between smoke habits with sore throat and PPE usage with nasal congestion and sore throat. The multiple logistic regression analysis from three variables i.e. respirable dust of talcum powder exposure, smoke habits and PPE usage showed that smoker among employees was the most dominant factor and had risk until 25 times induced health subjective complaint compared with non-smokers. It is recommended to improve Local Exhaust Ventilation for talcum powder process, periodically Medial Check Up, health promotion program, PPE provision and PPE training to employees.;Talcum dust (powder) exposure is one of particulate contaminant that can cause pulmonary function disorder either obstructive, restrictive or combination. The research aimed to learn the correlation between respirable dust of talcum exposure with pulmonary function disorder and health subjective complaint from exposed employees in PT. XYZ, 2015. The research was analytical study with cross sectional design using survey method without any intervention. There were 18 samples from 42 employee of total population by purposive sampling. The observed variables were respirable dust of talcum exposure to employees, age, work length, smoke habits, exercise habits, history of pulmonary disease and PPE usage. The data were generated from primary and secondary data, and collected from respirable dust measurement, pulmonary examination (spirometry test and photo thorax), questionnaires and interview. The data was analyzed by univariate, bivariate and multivariate. The research showed that there was significantly correlated between respirable dust of talcum powder exposure with health subjective complaint of nasal congestion, sore throat and cough (p<0,05) and there was correlation between smoke habits with sore throat and PPE usage with nasal congestion and sore throat. The multiple logistic regression analysis from three variables i.e. respirable dust of talcum powder exposure, smoke habits and PPE usage showed that smoker among employees was the most dominant factor and had risk until 25 times induced health subjective complaint compared with non-smokers. It is recommended to improve Local Exhaust Ventilation for talcum powder process, periodically Medial Check Up, health promotion program, PPE provision and PPE training to employees., Talcum dust (powder) exposure is one of particulate contaminant that can cause pulmonary function disorder either obstructive, restrictive or combination. The research aimed to learn the correlation between respirable dust of talcum exposure with pulmonary function disorder and health subjective complaint from exposed employees in PT. XYZ, 2015. The research was analytical study with cross sectional design using survey method without any intervention. There were 18 samples from 42 employee of total population by purposive sampling. The observed variables were respirable dust of talcum exposure to employees, age, work length, smoke habits, exercise habits, history of pulmonary disease and PPE usage. The data were generated from primary and secondary data, and collected from respirable dust measurement, pulmonary examination (spirometry test and photo thorax), questionnaires and interview. The data was analyzed by univariate, bivariate and multivariate. The research showed that there was significantly correlated between respirable dust of talcum powder exposure with health subjective complaint of nasal congestion, sore throat and cough (p<0,05) and there was correlation between smoke habits with sore throat and PPE usage with nasal congestion and sore throat. The multiple logistic regression analysis from three variables i.e. respirable dust of talcum powder exposure, smoke habits and PPE usage showed that smoker among employees was the most dominant factor and had risk until 25 times induced health subjective complaint compared with non-smokers. It is recommended to improve Local Exhaust Ventilation for talcum powder process, periodically Medial Check Up, health promotion program, PPE provision and PPE training to employees.]
Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Polusi debu particulate matter 10 mikron (PM10) di Kabupaten Banjar Kalimantan Selatan menunjukkan peningkatan. Meningkatnya kadar PM10 merupakan isu signifikan yang menimbulkan gangguan pernafasan. Pada tahun 2000 prevalensinya sebesar 36,9 %, sedangkan 2001 menjadi 40,92 %. Studi cross sectional ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan kadar debu PMI0 rumah dan PM10 ambien dengan kejadian gangguan pernafasan pada bayi dan balita. Pengukuran PM10 dilakukan di dalam rumah yaitu ruang dapur, ruang tidur, dan ruang tamu, sedangkan di luar rumah pengukurannya dilakukan sejauh lima meter dan pintu depan. Dari 384 responden ditemukan 202 rumah dengan kadar debu PM10 lebih dari 70 µg/m3 dan 182 rumah kurang dari 70 µg/m3. Terhadap rumah yang kadar debu PMI0 lebih dari 70 µg/m3, ditemukan 111 bayi dan balita (55%) mengalami gangguan pernafasan. Sedangkan terhadap rumah yang kandungan PM10 kurang dari 70 µg/m3 hanya ditemukan 51 bayi dan balita (28%) mengalami gangguan pemafasan. Bayi dan balita tinggal di dalam rumah dengan kadar debu PM10 nya lebih dari 70 µg/m3(OR = 4,75; p value = 0,0005) mempunyai risiko mengalami gangguan pernafasan sebesar 4,75 kali dibandingkan dengan kadar debu PM10 rumah kurang dari 70µg/m3 setelah dikontrol oleh kadar debu PM10 ambien dan kelembaban? (abstrak tidak lengkap ter-scan).
Dust Exposure in Relation with Respiratory Health Effects (Study on Baby And Children Aged Less Than Five Years Inhabiting The Coal Transportation Lane at Subdistrict Mataraman in District Banjar, South Borneo)Dust pollution of Particulate Matter 10 micron (PM10) in Banjar District, South Borneo increases. This is a significant issue causing respiratory health effects. Its prevalence is 36,9 % in 2000 and 40,92 % in 2001. This cross sectional study is aimed at finding the relationship between indoor dust consentration PM,() and PM10 ambient and the respiratory effects on baby and children aged less than five years. PMto measurement is done indoors such as in kitchen, bedroom and visiting room. On the other hand, outdoor measurement is conducted on space as far as 5 metres of the front door. From 384 respondents, it is found that there are 202 households with consentration PM10 more than 70 Mg/m3 and 182 households with concentration less than 70 Mg/m3. To the household with consentration PMI0 more than 70 Mg/m3, it is found that 111 (55%) baby and children aged less than five years infected by respiratory health effects. On the other hand, to the household with consentration PM10 less than 70 Mg/m3, it is found that only 51 babies and children aged less than five years (28 %). Baby and children aged less than five years inhabiting the home under consentration PM10 more than 70 Mg/m3(OR = 4,75; p value = 0,0005) is mostly probable to be infected by respiratory health effects as much as 4,75 times compared with consentration PM10 less than 70 Mg/m3 after being controlled by dust consentration PM1O ambient and indoor humidity and the interaction between dust consentration PMio home and dust consentration PMio ambient, and the interaction between home ventilation and dust consentration PMIO ambient. Dust consentration PMI0 indoor is related with respiratory health effects to baby and children aged less than five years. PMio home is influenced by PM1o ambient. The more PMio ambient is, the more dust consentration PMIO home will be. The influentian variables in this research are ventilation, humidity and PMIO ambient. To reduce dust consentration PMIO ambient influence to dust consentration PMlo home in coal transportation lane, it is suggested that inhabitant plant many trees beside the lane or their yards.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2002
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library