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M. Dlorifun Naqiyyun
Abstrak :
Metode Bayesian memungkinkan kita mampu memperhitungkan nilai ketidakpastian dari hasil perhitungan berdasarkan data pengukuran OTP. Adanya nilai ketidakpastian dalam pengukuran menunjukkan bahwa nilai pengukuran tersebut memiliki tingkat kepercayaan tertentu. Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui tingkat akurasi dari model OTP dengan menggunakan metode bayesian, dan untuk mengetahui ketidakpastian dari model OTP dengan fitting menggunakan metode bayesian. Data yang digunakan adalah data biokinetik organ ginjal berupa data aktivitas pada waktu tertentu dari 8 pasien NETs dengan peptide receptor radionuclide therapy (PRRT) menggunakan 177Lu-DOTATATE. Data di-fitting menggunakan metode Bayesian menggunakan tiga persamaan matematis yaitu f1,f2 dan f3. Selanjutnya dilakukan perhitungan nilai TIAC untuk empat titik data yang kemudian disebut RTIAC dan nilai TIAC dari setiap satu titik data yang disebut CTIAC. Tingkat akurasi nilai TIACs hasil pengolahan menggunakan persamaan matematis f1,f2 dan f3 relatif baik dengan nilai %RD secara populasi untuk f1 ginjal gabung sebesar 10,17±8.53, %RD f1 ginjal pisah sebesar 12,89 ± 6,93, %RD f2 sebesar 11,31 ± 9,34, dan %RD f3 sebesar 23,42 ± 19,86. Selain itu ketidakpastian perhitungan nilai TIACs di analis berdasarkan CV (median[min,max]) dengan nilai CV CTIACs untuk pengolahan menggunakan f1 ginjal gabung sebesar (33,48[32,15 , 34,70])%, CV f1 ginjal pisah sebesar (33,77[32,79 , 35,55])%, CV f2 sebesar (35,49[32,72 , 54,96])%, dan CV f3 sebesar (24,22[17,96 , 27,00])%. ......The Byesian method allows us to be able to calculate the uncertainty value of the calculation results based on OTP measurement data. The existence of an uncertainty value in the measurement indicates that the measurement value has a certain level of confidence. The purpose of this study is to determine the level of accuracy of the OTP model using the bayesian method, and to determine the range of uncertainty of the OTP model with fittings using the bayesian method. The data used were biokinetic data in the form of activity data against time in the left kidney and right kidney from 8 patients. The patients were the NET patients with receptor radionuclide therapy (PRRT) using 177Lu-DOTATATE. The data was fitted with the Bayesian method using three mathematical equations f1, f2 and f3. Next, the TIAC value was calculated for four data points, which is then called RTIAC and the TIAC value for each data point was called CTIAC. The level of accuracy of the TIAC values ​​processed using the mathematical equations f1, f2 and f3 is relatively good with the %RD value in population for f1 kidney combined of 10.17±8.53, %RD for f1 kidney separated of 12.89 ± 6.93, %RD for f2 of 11.31 ± 9.34, and %RD for f3 of 23.42 ± 19.86. Meanwhile, the uncertainty in calculating the TIACs value was analyzed based on CV (median[min,max]) with the CV CTIACs value for processing using f1 kidney combined of (33.48[32.15, 34.70])%, CV f1 kidney separated of (33.77[32.79 , 35.55])%, CV f2
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Mahdi Ramadhan
Abstrak :
Penggunaan kecerdasan buatan berbasis Deep Learning untuk mendukung prediksi dan pengambilan keputusan sangat populer di banyak bidang. Salah satu bidang tersebut adalah di sektor kesehatan, terutama dalam pengobatan kanker. Banyak ahli onkologi radiasi dan fisikawan medis sedang melakukan penelitian yang menjanjikan dalam histologi dan stadium kanker, prediksi hasil, segmentasi otomatis, perencanaan perawatan, dan jaminan kualitas. Penelitian ini merupakan studi pendahuluan pengembangan dan perbandingan model deep learning yang berfungsi sebagai alat konversi dari nilai piksel citra Electronic Portal Imaging Device (EPID) ke dosis. Data diambil dari dua bidang radioterapi dengan teknik yang berbeda, yang pertama dosimetri transit pada Varian Unique 6MV foton dan dosimetri non-transit pada Varian Halcyon. Selanjutnya karena data yang tersedia hanya sedikit, data tersebut direproduksi dengan teknik augmentasi sehingga data tersebut cukup untuk menjadi data latih pada berbagai model deep learning, hasilnya divalidasi menggunakan indeks gamma 3%/3mm terhadap citra dosis hasil perencanaan dari TPS. Beberapa model deep learning telah berhasil dibuat yang dapat mengubah nilai piksel EPID menjadi distribusi dosis. Pada dosimetri transit telah berhasil dibuat model Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) dengan 6 layer dengan hasil validasi terbaik mencapai 92,40% ± 28,14%. sedangkan pada dosimetri non-transit, model terbaik mencapai tingkat kelulusan gamma indeks rata-rata 90,07 ± 4,96%. Validasi lebih lanjut dalam banyak kasus dan perbaikan perlu dilakukan untuk meningkatkan akurasi kemiripan dengan citra acuan dengan mempertimbangkan karakteristik yang terkandung dalam gambar EPID dan jumlah dataset. ......The use of deep learning to support prediction and decision making is very popular in many areas. Many radiations oncologist and medical physicists are conducting promising research in cancer histology and staging, outcome prediction, automated segmentation, treatment planning, and quality assurance. This research is a preliminary study of the development and comparison of deep learning model that work as a conversion tool from the pixel value of Electronic Portal Imaging Device (EPID) images to dose. Data were taken from two radiotherapy plane with different techniques, the first was transit dosimetry on the Varian Unique 6MV Photon and the second non-transit dosimetry on the Varian Halcyon. Furthermore, due to limited of data source, the data was reproduced by augmentation techniques so that the data was sufficient to become training data on various deep learning models, the results were validated using a gamma index of 3%/3mm compared to the planned dose image from TPS. Several deep learning models has been successfully created that can convert the EPID pixel value into a dose distribution. In transit dosimetry, a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) model with 6 layers has been successfully created with the best results from the validation reaching 92.40% ± 28.14%. while in non-transit dosimetry, the best model achieves an average gamma passing rate of 90.07 ± 4.96%. Further validation in many cases and improvements need to be made to increase the accuracy of similarity by considering the characteristics contained in the EPID image and the number of datasets.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Imada Fatma
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh nilai parameter dosimetri sumber brakhiterapi intrakaviter Cs 137 model CSM40 milik Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Persahabatan dengan menggunakan software Monte Carlo N Partikel versi 5 (MCNP5). Nilai parameter dosimetri yang ditentukan sesuai dengan rekomendasi AAPM TG43, yang meliputi : faktor geometri, air kerma strength, konstanta laju dosis, fungsi dosis radial, dan fungsi anisotropi. Berdasarkan nilai parameter yang diperoleh, laju dosis dapat dikalkulasi dengan menggunakan persamaan yang tersedia dalam TG43. Selanjutnya laju dosis dalam air sepanjang sumbu transversal (θ=90) ditentukan. Dari hasil simulasi dan perhitungan diperoleh bahwa air kerma strength dan konstanta laju dosis Cs 137 CSM40 berturut-turut 1840 cGy.h-1.cm2 dan 0.994 cGy.h-1.U-1. Selain itu laju dosis dalam air sepanjang sumbu transversal dikalkulasi dengan metode Sievert. Akhirnya, perhitungan laju dosis sepanjang θ=90 dengan ketiga metode dibandingkan. Diperoleh bahwa ratarata perbedaan antara metode monte carlo dengan Sievert sekitar 11% dan antara monte carlo dengan TG43 sekitar 0.4%. ......This study is aimed to calculate dosimetry parameters of brachytherapy intracavitary source Cs 137 CSM40 which is used by RSUP Persahabatan following the recommendation of AAPM TG43 and by using software Monte Carlo N Particle version 5 (MCNP5). The parameters which has been obtained are : geometry factor, air kerma strength, dose rate constant, radial dose function, and anisotropy function. After that, the calculation of dose rate will be enabled using TG43 formalism. It has been obtained that the value of air kerma strength and dose rate constant are 1840 cGy.h-1.cm2 and 0.994 cGy.h-1.U-1 respectively. The value of dose rate in water along θ=90 also has been calculated using Sievert method and TG43 formalism. Finally, the result of the three methods is compared and it is found approximately 11% difference between monte carlo and Sievert method and 0.4% between monte carlo and TG43 method.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Treatment Planning System (TPS) merupakan modalitas penting yang menentukan outcome radioterapi. TPS memerlukan input beam data yang diperoleh melalui komisioning yang panjang dan berpotensi terjadi kesalahan. Kesalahan pada tahap ini mengakibatkan terjadinya kesalahan sistematis yang berimplikasi pada kesalahan dosis yang diterima target tumor. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah melakukan verifikasi dosimetri TPS untuk mengetahui rentang deviasi antara dosis hasil perhitungan TPS dengan dosis hasil pengukuran di dalam fantom inhomogen. Penelitian menggunakan obyek uji berupa fantom CIRS model 002LFC yang merepresentasikan thoraks manusia dengan mensimulasikan seluruh tahapan radioterapi berkas eksternal. Fantom dipindai menggunakan CT Scanner, membuat dan mengevaluasi 8 kasus uji yang hampir sama dengan kondisi di praktek klinik, diujikan pada empat center radioterapi. Pengukuran dosis titik menggunakan bilik ionisasi 0,6 cm3. Dosis hasil perhitungan TPS dan dosis hasil pengukuran di fantom dibandingkan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar deviasi pada seluruh kasus uji di keempat center radioterapi berada di dalam rentang toleransi dengan rata-rata deviasi pada center 1, 2, 3 da 4 berturut-turut sebesar -0.17 ± 1.59 %, -1.64 ± 1.92 %, 0.34 ± 1.34 % dan 0.13 ± 1.81 %. Besarnya deviasi di luar rentang toleransi umumnya ditemukan pada kasus uji menggunakan alat pembentuk berkas, menggunakan berkas tengensial dan pada material inhomogen. Dosis hasil pengukuran pada titik nomor 10 (material ekuivalen tulang) pada umumnya cenderung lebih tinggi daripada dosis hasil perhitungan. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah semua unit TPS menunjukkan performa yang baik. Algoritma Superposisi memiliki performa kurang baik dibandingkan dengan algoritma Konvolusi maupun Analytic anisotropic algorithm (AAA) dengan rata-rata deviasi berturut-turut sebesar -1.64 ± 1.92 %, -0.17 ± 1.59 % dan -0.27 ± 1.51 %. ...... The Treatment Planning System (TPS) is an important modality that determines radiotheraphy outcome. TPS requires input beam data obtained through a long commissioning and potentially error occured. Error in this step may result in systematic error which have implication to inacurrate dose in tumor target. The aim of this study to verify the TPS dosimetry to know deviation range between calculated and measurement dose in inhomogen phantom. This research used CIRS phantom 002LFC representing the human thorax and simulated all external beam radiotherapy stage. Phantom was scanned using CT Scanner and planned 8 test case that were similiar to those in clinical practice situation was made, tested in four centers of radiotheraphy. Dose measurement using 0,6 cc ionization chamber. Calculated and measured dose were compared. The results of this study showed that generally, deviation of all test case at all four centers was within agreement criteria with average deviation about -0.17 ± 1.59 %, -1.64 ± 1.92 %, 0.34 ± 1.34 % dan 0.13 ± 1.81 %. The deviation out of tolerance commonly were found on test case using beam modifier, tangential incidence beam and at inhomogen material. Generally, measured dose at point 10 (bone equivalent material) tend to be larger than the calculated dose.The conclusion of this study was all TPS involved in this riset showed good performance. The Superposition algorithm showed rather poor performance than either Analytic Anisotropic Algoritm (AAA) and Convolution algorithm with average deviation about -1.64 ± 1.92 %, -0.17 ± 1.59 % dan -0.27 ± 1.51 % respectively.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andreas Ronald Barata Sebastian
Abstrak :
Tujuan : untuk mengetahui waktu terbaik dilakukan adaptasi perencanaan radiasi terhadap kasus kanker nasofaring yang menjalani radiasi di RSCM serta mencari tahu hubungan penurunan berat badan dan pengecilan ukuran tumor terhadap perubahan dosimetri pasien kanker nasofaring serta batasan perubahan separasi leher yang memerlukan tindakan adaptasi perencanaan radiasi. Metode : Dilakukan studi kohort prospektif pada 11 pasien kanker Nasofaring. Dilakukan pengukuran berat badan dengan timbangan dan separasi pada tip mastoid , kelenjar getah bening terlebar menggunakan alat ukur di TPS pada data set CT Simulator dan pada CBCT fraksi 1,6,11,16,21,26,dan 31. Data set hasil CBCT dilakukan fusi terhadap data set CT simulator kemudian dilakukan delineasi dan dilanjutkan rekalkulasi dosis dengan parameter yang sama seperti perencanaan radiasi awal kemudian dilakukan evaluasi dosimetri. Jika terdapat deviasi pada minimal 1 organ normal berisiko atau target volume maka masuk ke kriteria untuk dilakukan adaptasi perencanaan radiasi. Batasan waktu dalam menilai hubungan adaptasi perencanaan radiasi dengan parameter klinis dilakukan menggunakan kurva ROC (Receiving Operator Characteristic) Hasil : Dari 11 pasien yang diteliti,terdapat 10 pasien yang memerlukan adaptasi perencanaan radiasi dikarenakan melewati batas toleransi. Perubahan dosimetri yang menyebabkan adaptasi perencanaan radiasi, terjadi pada fraksi dan struktur organ yang berbeda. Hubungan antara waktu fraksinasi dengan indikasi tindakan adaptasi perencanaan radiasi signifikan mulai fraksi ke 6 sedangkan perubahan relative risk terbesar terdapat pada fraksi 11 ke fraksi 16. Indikasi adaptasi perencanaan radiasi dengan parameter klinis; Δ separasi KGB terlebar (AUC 0.951, 95% CI 0.905-0.996), Δ separasi Tip mastoid (AUC) 0.741, 95% CI 0.631-0.852, Δ persentase berat badan ((AUC) 0.911, 95% CI 0.844-0.978). dengan batas tengah kurva ROC pada Δ separasi KGB terlebar 1,21 cm dan Δ persentase berat badan 4,49 %. Kesimpulan : dari penelitian ini, pasien kanker nasofaring membutuhkan radiasi adaptif untuk memberikan terapeutik ratio yang baik dan didapatkan adanya hubungan antara perubahan separasi dan penurunan berat badan dengan adaptasi perencanaan radiasi. ......Objectives: to determine appropriate timing for adaptive radiation therapy for nasopharyngeal cancer cases undergoing radiation at the RSCM and to find out the relationship between weight loss and tumor size reduction on dosimetry changes in nasopharyngeal cancer patients and the cut off of changes in neck separation that require adaptive radiation therapy. Methods: A prospective cohort study was conducted on 11 nasopharyngeal cancer patients. Separation measurements were made on the tip mastoid, the widest neck lymph node using a measuring instrument at the treatment planning system (TPS) on the CT Simulator data set and the CBCT data set fractions 1,6,11,16,21,26, and 31. The CBCT data set was fused to the CT data set. The CBCT data set was then delineated and continued with dose recalculation using the same parameters as the initial radiation plan, then dosimetry evaluation was carried out. If there is deviation in at least 1 normal organ at risk or target volume, then it is included in the criteria for adaptive radiation therapy. The time limit in assessing the relationship between adaptive radiation planning adaptive and clinical parameters was carried out using the ROC (Receiving Operator Characteristic) curve. Results: there were 10 out of 11 patients who required adaptive radiation planning due to exceeding the tolerance limit. Dosimetry changes that cause adaptive radiation planning occur in different fractions and organ structures. The relationship between fractionation time and indications of radiation planning adaptative measures is significant starting from the 6th fraction, while the largest relative risk changes are found in fractions 11 to 16. Indications of adaptive radiation planning with clinical parameters; widest lymph node separation (AUC 0.951, 95% CI 0.905-0.996), tip mastoid separation (AUC) 0.741, 95% CI 0.631-0.852, weight percentage ((AUC) 0.911, 95% CI 0.844-0.978). with the middle limit of the ROC curve at the widest KGB separation 1.21 cm and body weight percentage 4.49%. Conclusion: Nasopharyngeal cancer patients require adaptive radiation to provide a good therapeutic ratio and there is relationship between changes in separation and weight loss with adaptive radiation planning
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Retno Zurma
Abstrak :
Film gafchromic EBT2 dan EBT3 cocok digunakan untuk jaminan kualitas (QA) pada treatment planning systems (TPS) dan linear accelerator (LINAC) serta verifikasi radioterapi teknik IMRT dan VMAT. Namun generasi selanjutnya dari film gafchromic EBT yaitu EBT2 dan EBT3 ketika dilakukan scanning (pemindaian) menggunakan scanner flatbed masih terdapat artefak geometris yang dahulunya juga ditemukan pada film EBT sehingga memerlukan penanggulangan dan koreksi yang sesuai. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan scanner flatbed Epson expression 10000XL, Epson perfection V700 dan Mikrotek 1000XL plus yang dapat menangkap warna dengan rinci dan presisi. Perangkat lunak yang digunakan dalam koreksi ini adalah FilmQA Pro 2015. Hasil yang diperoleh yaitu Koefisien A dan B diterapkan untuk variasi posisi lateral terhadap nilai tanggapan di lokasi yang bersamaan, sehingga pengkoreksian tanggapan artifak lateral dapat dilakukan. Pada dosis maksimum nilai koreksinya <0,5% dan pada kasus <0.2%. Pada pengukuran ulang untuk setiap film, standar deviasi yang diperoleh untuk setiap film sekitar 0.19%. Pengujian dosimetri channel tunggal (merah) sebelum dan sesudah koreksi pada kasus IMRT didapatkan hampir 91% dari piksel memenuhi 3% / 3mm kriteria gamma keseluruhan dengan ambang batas dosis > 10%. Untuk pengujian kasus VMAT, film di scan dengan posisi di pusat scanner dan posisi ektrim tepi scanner, maka pengukuran di channel warna merah 4% lebih tinggi dibandingkan channel warna hijau dan biru. Rata-rata konsistensi pengukuran dosis selama daerah terkena dosis > 100 cGy adalah sekitar 21,8 cGy dan di daerah yang paling dekat dengan tepi scan window sekitar 10 mm dengan perbedaan dosis 35 cGy. Setelah dilakukan koreksi, rata-rata konsistensi dosis pada tiga channel di sekitar daerah terpapar sekitar 5,1 cGy. Perbedaan dosis antar channel sekitar 9 cGy. Hasil ini menunjukkan koreksi respon artefak lateral memang perlu dilakukan. Respon yang diukur tergantung pada posisi film pada pemindai dan dosis yang diberikan. Pengukuran pada channel warna merah menunjukkan sensitivitas yang lebih besar pada dosis rendah, sedangkan respon pada channel hijau atau biru memberikan perpanjangan jangkauan dinamis dari film ke dosis tinggi. Metode triple-channel dosimetri telah terbukti memiliki keuntungan signifikan atas single channel dosimetry dengan akurasi dosimetri yang baik.
ABSTRACT The film of gafchromic EBT2 and EBT3 are appropriate for quality assurance (QA) to the radiotherapy technics verification of IMRT and VMAT. In the next generations of EBT which are EBT2 and EBT3, are still attained the geometrical artifacts once scanning by flatbed scanner which is used to be found on EBT film in order to need an overcome ways and an appropriate correction. This research used a flatbed scanner EPSON expression 10000XL, EPSON perfection V700 and Microtech 1000XL plus and FilmQA Pro 2015 as a software for correcting it. The result shows that coefficient A and B were applied for lateral correction artifacts responses can be made. On the maximum dose, it has correction value as much as <0,5% and in case was <0.2%. The deviation standard was approximately 0,19% on re-measure for each film. Prior to the dosimetry measurement of single channel (red) and subsequent to the correction IMRT has got almost 91% of pixel which met with gamma criteria, 3% / 3mm, with dose threshold 10% TH. In the measurement of VMAT‟s case, film scanned on the center of scanner and the extreme position of the scanner edge. Thus, measurement in the red channel was 4% higher than green and blue channel. The average of dose measurement consistency during area exposed to doses > 100 cGy is approximately 21,8 cGy and the closest area with the edge of scan window is around 10 mm at difference doses 35 cGy. After correction, the average of doses consistency was 5,1 cGy on the three channel where exposed. The distinction of doses was approximately 9 cGy among channels. This result stated that the correction of artifacts lateral response is needed to carry on. The method of triple-channel dosimetry has the significant advantage on single-channel dosimetry with a good consistency. Through escalation dose and variation of lateral position, the distinct response would be increased on single-channel which is red channel. The measurement on red channel reveals the highest sensitivity on the slight dose. Whereas, a green or blue channel response provides a dynamic range extension of film to a high dose. Thus, the method of dosimetry triple-channel has the significant contribution of single-channel evidently with a good dosimetric accuracy., The film of gafchromic EBT2 and EBT3 are appropriate for quality assurance (QA) to the radiotherapy technics verification of IMRT and VMAT. In the next generations of EBT which are EBT2 and EBT3, are still attained the geometrical artifacts once scanning by flatbed scanner which is used to be found on EBT film in order to need an overcome ways and an appropriate correction. This research used a flatbed scanner EPSON expression 10000XL, EPSON perfection V700 and Microtech 1000XL plus and FilmQA Pro 2015 as a software for correcting it. The result shows that coefficient A and B were applied for lateral correction artifacts responses can be made. On the maximum dose, it has correction value as much as <0,5% and in case was <0.2%. The deviation standard was approximately 0,19% on re-measure for each film. Prior to the dosimetry measurement of single channel (red) and subsequent to the correction IMRT has got almost 91% of pixel which met with gamma criteria, 3% / 3mm, with dose threshold 10% TH. In the measurement of VMAT‟s case, film scanned on the center of scanner and the extreme position of the scanner edge. Thus, measurement in the red channel was 4% higher than green and blue channel. The average of dose measurement consistency during area exposed to doses > 100 cGy is approximately 21,8 cGy and the closest area with the edge of scan window is around 10 mm at difference doses 35 cGy. After correction, the average of doses consistency was 5,1 cGy on the three channel where exposed. The distinction of doses was approximately 9 cGy among channels. This result stated that the correction of artifacts lateral response is needed to carry on. The method of triple-channel dosimetry has the significant advantage on single-channel dosimetry with a good consistency. Through escalation dose and variation of lateral position, the distinct response would be increased on single-channel which is red channel. The measurement on red channel reveals the highest sensitivity on the slight dose. Whereas, a green or blue channel response provides a dynamic range extension of film to a high dose. Thus, the method of dosimetry triple-channel has the significant contribution of single-channel evidently with a good dosimetric accuracy.]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kri Yudi Pati Sandy
Abstrak :
Sumber brakhiterapi I-125 pemancar foton energi rendah telah banyak digunakan dalam pengobatan kanker. Sesuai rekomendasi AAPM TG-43, karakteristik dosimetri dari sumber brakhiterapi baru harus ditentukan terlebih dahulu sebelum penggunaan klinis. Dalam penelitian ini telah dilakukan penentuan karakteristik dosimetri dari dua buah sumber I-125 buatan BATAN S1 dan S2 dengan menggunakan Thermolumnescene Dosimeters ( TLD ) dan film gafchromic XR-QA2. Pengukuran fungsi dosis radial dilakukan pada jarak 0.5 cm sampai 10 cm dari pusat sumber. Pengukuran fungsi anisotropi dilakukan pada jarak 2 cm, 3 cm, dan 5 cm dari pusat sumber untuk sudut 0o sampai 90o di setiap kuadran. Hasil peneltian menunjukkan konstanta laju dosis sumber S1 sebesar 1,07 + 5% cGy.Jam-1.U-1 dan 0,95 + 5% cGy.Jam-1.U-1, sedangkan untuk sumber S2 sebesar 0,94 + 5% cGy.Jam-1.U-1 dan 0,98 + 5% cGy.Jam-1.U-1 berturut-turut untuk pengukuran TLD dan film gafchromic. Fungsi dosis radial sumber S1 dan S2 menurun seiring dengan meningkatnya jarak terhadap sumber dan memenuhi persamaan polinomial orde 5. Hasil fungsi anisotropi menunjukkan bahwa anisotropi distribusi dosis meningkat seiring perubahan sudut menuju arah tegak lurus sumber. Hasil pengukuran karakteristik dosimetri sumber I-125 ini memiliki kesesuaian dengan hasil simulasi Monte Carlo EGSnrc dan memiliki pola yang serupa dengan karakteristik sumber I-125 komersil buatan IsoAid dan Echoseed. ...... I-125 brachytherapy sources with low photon energies have been widely used in treating tumors. According to AAPM TG-43 recommendations, dosimetric characteristic of the new brachytherapy sources should be determined before clinical use. In this study, dosimetric characteristic of two I-125 manufacturing by BATAN with notation S1 and S2 have been determined by measurement using TLD and gafchromic XR-QA2 film. The radial dose function measurements were performed at distances ranging from 0.5 to 10 cm from the source center. The anisotropy functions were measured at distances of 2, 3, and 5 cm from the source center for angles ranging from 0 to 90 degree in all quadrants. The results indicated a dose rate constant of 1.07 + 5% cGy.h-1.U-1 and 0.95 + 5% cGy.h-1.U-1 for S1 and 0.94 + 5% cGy.h-1.U-1 and 0.98 + 5% cGy.h-1.U-1 for S2 with using TLD and film, respectively. Radial dose function for S1 and S2 decreased along with increace of distance from source and meet the 5th order polynomial equation. The anisotropy function result shows that the anisotropy in dose distribution increased along the source axis. This measurement data are in agreement with EGSnrc Monte Carlo result and have a similar pattern with IsoAid and Echoseed commercial I-125 source.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hendya Perbangkara
Abstrak :
[Studi ini telah dilakukan untuk mengetahui karakteristik dari EPID dosimetri yang digunakan sebagai verifikasi pasien IMRT dan VMAT. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan membandingkan indeks gamma dari hasil verifikasi 5 pasien brain, 5 pasien cervix, 5 pasien kepala dan leher serta 5 pasien paru menggunakan EPID dosimetri dengan MatriXX 2D array pada dua Linac yang berbeda di instalasi radioterapi MRCCC SHS dan Siloam Hospital TBS. Dari penelitian ini dihasilkan nilai indeks gamma untuk kasus IMRT di MRCCC 99.59% ± 0.46 untuk EPID dosimetri dan 99.13% ± 0.75 untuk MatriXX 2D array, sedangkan di Siloam Hospital TBS 99.8% ± 0.20 untuk EPID dosimetri dan 99.71% ± 0.14 untuk MatriXX 2D array. Pada kasus VMAT di MRCCC 97.71% ± 1.27 untuk EPID dosimetri dan 99.50% ± 0.39 untuk MatriXX 2D array, sedangkan di Siloam Hospital TBS 97.78% ± 1.45 untuk EPID dosimetri dan 98.66% ± 1.26 untuk MatriXX 2D array. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah perbedaan antara EPID dosimetri dan MatriXX 2D array di kedua rumah sakit menunjukan nilai kurang dari 1% untuk kasus IMRT dan kurang dari 2% untuk kasus VMAT. ......This work was aimed to study the characteristics of EPID dosimetry in use as patient specific QA for IMRT and VMAT. We compare result of gamma index from patient specific QA with each 5 cases of brain, cervix, head and neck, lung using EPID dosimetry and MatriXX 2D array in two different linacs at MRCCC SHS and Siloam Hospital TBS. Calculated gamma index from IMRT case in MRCCC SHS ware 99.59% ± 0.46 for EPID dosimetry and 99.13% ± 0.75 for MatriXX 2D array, meanwhile at Siloam Hospital TBS the calculated gamma index were 99.8% ± 0.20 for EPID dosimetry and 99.71% ± 0.14 for MatriXX 2D array.Gamma index from VMAT cases in MRCCC were 97.71% ± 1.27 for EPID dosimetry and 99.50% ± 0.39 for MatriXX 2D array, and in Siloam Hospital TBS the value were 97.78% ± 1.45 for EPID dosimetry and 98.66% ± 1.26 for MatriXX 2D array. We conclude that the difference between EPID dosimetry and Matrixx 2D arrays at two hospitals were less than 1% and less than 2% for IMRT and VMAT cases, respectively. This work was aimed to study the characteristics of EPID dosimetry in use as patient specific QA for IMRT and VMAT. We compare result of gamma index from patient specific QA with each 5 cases of brain, cervix, head and neck, lung using EPID dosimetry and MatriXX 2D array in two different linacs at MRCCC SHS and Siloam Hospital TBS. Calculated gamma index from IMRT case in MRCCC SHS ware 99.59% ± 0.46 for EPID dosimetry and 99.13% ± 0.75 for MatriXX 2D array, meanwhile at Siloam Hospital TBS the calculated gamma index were 99.8% ± 0.20 for EPID dosimetry and 99.71% ± 0.14 for MatriXX 2D array.Gamma index from VMAT cases in MRCCC were 97.71% ± 1.27 for EPID dosimetry and 99.50% ± 0.39 for MatriXX 2D array, and in Siloam Hospital TBS the value were 97.78% ± 1.45 for EPID dosimetry and 98.66% ± 1.26 for MatriXX 2D array. We conclude that the difference between EPID dosimetry and Matrixx 2D arrays at two hospitals were less than 1% and less than 2% for IMRT and VMAT cases, respectively.;This work was aimed to study the characteristics of EPID dosimetry in use as patient specific QA for IMRT and VMAT. We compare result of gamma index from patient specific QA with each 5 cases of brain, cervix, head and neck, lung using EPID dosimetry and MatriXX 2D array in two different linacs at MRCCC SHS and Siloam Hospital TBS. Calculated gamma index from IMRT case in MRCCC SHS ware 99.59% ± 0.46 for EPID dosimetry and 99.13% ± 0.75 for MatriXX 2D array, meanwhile at Siloam Hospital TBS the calculated gamma index were 99.8% ± 0.20 for EPID dosimetry and 99.71% ± 0.14 for MatriXX 2D array.Gamma index from VMAT cases in MRCCC were 97.71% ± 1.27 for EPID dosimetry and 99.50% ± 0.39 for MatriXX 2D array, and in Siloam Hospital TBS the value were 97.78% ± 1.45 for EPID dosimetry and 98.66% ± 1.26 forMatriXX 2D array. We conclude that the difference between EPID dosimetry and Matrixx 2D arrays at two hospitals were less than 1% and less than 2% for IMRT and VMAT cases, respectively., This work was aimed to study the characteristics of EPID dosimetry in use as patient specific QA for IMRT and VMAT. We compare result of gamma index from patient specific QA with each 5 cases of brain, cervix, head and neck, lung using EPID dosimetry and MatriXX 2D array in two different linacs at MRCCC SHS and Siloam Hospital TBS. Calculated gamma index from IMRT case in MRCCC SHS ware 99.59% ± 0.46 for EPID dosimetry and 99.13% ± 0.75 for MatriXX 2D array, meanwhile at Siloam Hospital TBS the calculated gamma index were 99.8% ± 0.20 for EPID dosimetry and 99.71% ± 0.14 for MatriXX 2D array.Gamma index from VMAT cases in MRCCC were 97.71% ± 1.27 for EPID dosimetry and 99.50% ± 0.39 for MatriXX 2D array, and in Siloam Hospital TBS the value were 97.78% ± 1.45 for EPID dosimetry and 98.66% ± 1.26 forMatriXX 2D array. We conclude that the difference between EPID dosimetry and Matrixx 2D arrays at two hospitals were less than 1% and less than 2% for IMRT and VMAT cases, respectively.]
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rahmatul Hanifah
Abstrak :
Hanscheid et al (2018) merumuskan suatu fungsi yang dapat menghitung Integrated Activity Coefficients (TIAC). Akan tetapi, Hanscheid et al., (2018) tidak mencantumkan proses untuk menentukan fungsi monoexponential yang digunakan sebagai acuan rumus tersebut. Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu menentukan model terbaik untuk menghitung nilai Time- (TIAC) secara akurat melalui tahapan seleksi model, serta melihat pengaruh model terbaik yang diperoleh terhadap fungsi yang diformulasikan oleh Hanscheid et al., (2018) dalam menghitung TIAC. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu 8 data biodistribusi radiofarmaka 177Lu-DOTATATE pada organ ginjal pasien peptide-receptor radionuclide therapy PRRT. Data di-fitting menggunakan sejumlah fungsi sum of exponential. Selanjutnya dilakukan seleksi model berupa analisis goodness of fit serta menghitung nilai error absolut dan pembobotan Corrected Akaike Information Criterion (AICc). Selanjutnya, dilakukan perhitungan nilai TIAC menggunakan fungsi terbaik, rumus one time point dosimetry (OTPD), dan persamaan monoeksponensial. Nilai relative deviation (RD) antara nilai TIAC OTPD terhadap nilai TIAC hasil seleksi model dan TIAC monoeksponensial dihitung. Hasil dari seleksi model menyatakan bahwa fungsi terbaik dalam menggambarkan biodistribusi radiofarmaka 177Lu-DOTATATE pada organ ginjal dari data 6 pasien PRRT adalah fungsi . Fungsi terbaik untuk data pasien 2 yaitu fungsi dan untuk pasien 8 yaitu fungsi Nilai mean dan standar deviasi dari RD TIAC OTPD terhadap TIAC monoeksponensial pada ginjal kiri yaitu (86,33 6,76)% pada t1, (21,56 18,09)% pada t2, (16,48 6,34)% pada t3, dan (19,85 11,96)% pada t4. Nilai mean dan standar deviasi dari RD TIAC OTPD terhadap TIAC model terbaik dari ginjal kiri yaitu yaitu (87,88 4,06)% pada t1, (25,69 19,95)% pada t2, (17,37 )% pada t3, dan (23,46 20,17)% pada t4. Nilai mean dan standar deviasi dari RD TIAC OTPD terhadap TIAC monoeksponensial ginjal kanan yaitu (86,91 5,27)% pada t1, (19,64 16,26)% pada t2, (12,63 2,22)% pada t3, dan (18,86 11,06)% pada t4. Nilai mean dan standar deviasi dari RD TIAC OTPD terhadap TIAC model terbaik yaitu (86,98 4,98)% pada t1, (18,31 15,85)% pada t2, (11,92 )% pada t3, dan (18,41 12,33)% pada t4. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang diperoleh, rumus OTPD sudah cukup baik untuk diaplikasikan secara klinis pada pasien PRRT yang diinjeksi dengan radiofarmaka 177Lu-DOTATATE. ......H�nscheid et al (2018) found a function that can calculate TIAC by using a single time point measurement, so that with only one measurement, TIAC values can be obtained only in patients. The purpose of this study is to determine the best model to calculate TIAC values ??accurately through the model selection stage, and to see the effect of the best model obtained on the function formulated by H�nscheid et al., (2018) in calculating TIAC. The data used in this study were 8 data on the biodistribution of the radiopharmaceutical 177Lu-DOTATATE on renal organ peptide receptor radionuclide therapy of PRRT patients. Data adjustment using a number of exponential functions. After the fitting process is carried out, the model selection is carried out in the form of goodness of fit analysis and calculates the absolute weighting value and the AICc weighting. Next, the TIAC value is calculated using the best function, the one time point dosimetry (OTPD) formula, and the monoexponential equation. The relative deviation value (RD) between the TIAC OTPD values to the TIAC values ??from the model selection and the monoexponential TIAC was calculated. The result of model selection stated that the best function in describing the biodistribution of the radiopharmaceutical 177Lu-DOTATATE in the kidney from the data of 6 PRRT patients was the function . Meanwhile, the best function for patient 2 is the function and for patient 8, the function is . The mean and standard deviation of RD from TIAC OTPD to monoexponential TIAC in the left kidney is (86.33±6.76)% at t1, (21.56±18.09)% at t2, (16, 48±16.34)% at t3, and (19.85±11.96)% at t4. The mean and standard deviation of RD from TIAC OTPD to the best model TIAC of the left kidney is (87.88±4.06)% at t1, (25.69±19.95)% at t2, (17 .37±24.37)% at t3, and (23.46±20.17)% at t4. The mean and standard deviation of RD from TIAC OTPD to monoexponential TIAC in the right kidney is (86.91±5.27)% at t1, (19.64±16.26)% at t2, (12.63 ±12.22)% at t3, and (18.86±11.06)% at t4. The mean and standard deviation of RD from TIAC monoexponential TIAC to the best TIAC model in the right kidney is (86.98±4.98)% at t1, (18.31±15.85)% at t2, (11.92± 13.29)% at t3, and (18.41±12.33)% at t4. Based on the research, the TIAC OTPD seems to be good enough for clinical application in PRRT patients injected with the radiopharmaceutical 177Lu-DOTATATE.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Agnia Nerlika Kusumaningtyas
Abstrak :
Prosedur kateterisasi jantung berkaitan erat dengan penggunaan teknik fluoroskopi dalam waktu relatif lama. Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan analisa dosis radiasi personel kateterisasi jantung berdasarkan koleksi data hasil pantauan berkala Balai Pengamanan Fasilitas Kesehatan Jakarta dari berbagai rumah sakit. Untuk verifikasi, dilakukan pengukuran dosis personel kateterisasi jantung selama berlangsung prosedur Coronary Angiography dan Percutaneous Coronary Intervention. Setiap personil menggunakan 4 dosimeter, 2 film badge dan 2 TLD badge, dimana 1 film badge dan 1 TLD badge diletakkan di bawah apron sedangkan yang lain berada di luar apron dekat leher. Dari koleksi data diperoleh informasi dosis personel pengguna film badge per tahun pada umumnya berada dalam rentang (0,10–10) mSv untuk dokter, (0,10–7,20) mSv untuk perawat, dan (0,10–1,30) mSv untuk radiografer. Adapun dosis personel pengguna TLD badge per tahun tercatat (0,01–14) mSv untuk dokter, (0,01–14,50) mSv untuk perawat dan (0,01–2,50) mSv untuk radiografer. Dari hasil pengukuran di 3 rumah sakit diperoleh estimasi dosis efektif per tahun tertinggi dokter dalam rentang (4,96–8,71) mSv, perawat dalam rentang (7,51–37,34) mSv dan radiografer dalam rentang (7,40–25,32) mSv. Hasil pengukuran menunjukkan para personel kateterisasi jantung berpotensi menerima dosis tinggi, dapat melebihi nilai batas dosis sebesar 20 mSv/tahun. ...... Cardiac catheterization procedures were closely related to the use of fluoroscopy techniques in a relatively long time. In this study, radiation dose analysis for cardiac catheterization personnel was carried out based on data collected from the results of periodic monitoring of the Jakarta Health Facility Security Center from various hospitals. For verification, dose measurements of cardiac catheterization personnel were performed during the Coronary Angiography and Percutaneous Coronary Intervention procedures. Each personnel used 4 dosimeters, 2 film badges, and 2 TLD badges, where 1 film badge and 1 TLD badge were placed under the apron while the others were outside the apron near the neck. From the data collection, information on the dose of personnel using the film badge per year was generally in the range (0.10–10) mSv for doctors, (0.10–7.20) mSv for nurses, and (0.10–1.30 ) mSv for radiographers. The dose of personnel using the TLD badge per year was recorded (0.01–14) mSv for doctors, (0.01–14.50) mSv for nurses, and (0.01–2.50) mSv for radiographers. From the results of measurements in 3 hospitals, the highest estimated effective dose per year was doctors in the range (4.96–8.71) mSv, nurses in the range (7.51–37.34) mSv, and radiographers in the range (7.40– 25.32) mSv. The measurement results show that cardiac catheterization personnel had the potential to receive high doses, which can exceed the dose limit value of 20 mSv/year.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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