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Silalahi, Maria Uli
Abstrak :
Upaya meningkatkan mutu pelayanan dan keselamatan pasien di rumah sakit sudah menjadigerakan yang universal pada saat ini. Perawat mempunyai peran yang sangat penting dalammewujudkan keselamatan pasien di rumah sakit. Untuk mewujudkan tujuan tersebut diperlukanperilaku perawat yang baik dalam mengidentifikasi pasien. Perilaku perawat dalammengidentifikasi pasien dipengaruhi oleh faktor individu umur, jenis kelamin, tingkatpendidikan, masa kerja , faktor psikologis sikap , faktor organisasi ketersediaan SDM, SOP,peran pimpinan , domain kognitif, afektif, psikomotor pengetahuan . Penelitian ini bertujuanuntuk mendapatkan gambaran dan faktor ndash; faktor yang berhubungan dengan perilaku perawatdalam mengidentifikasi pasien. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain cross sectional denganmetode kuantitatif. Jumlah sampel yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah 120 perawatpelaksana. Hasil penelitian ini ditemukan tidak adanya hubungan yang bermakna antara umur pvalue = 0,459 , jenis kelamin p value = 0,62 , tingkat pendidikan p value = 0,374 , masa kerja p value = 0,091 , peran pimpinan p value = 0,114 , dengan perilaku perawat dalammengidentifikasi pasien dan adanya hubungan yang bermakna antara sikap p value = 0,049 ,pengetahuan p value = 0,017 dengan perilaku perawat dalam mengidentifikasi pasien. Faktoryang paling dominan yang berhubungan dengan perilaku perawat dalam mengidentifikasi pasienadalah sikap p value = 0,049 dan pengetahuan p value = 0,017 . Disarankan agar manajemenmeningkatkan leadership dan fungsi manajerial kepala ruangan, mengadakan pelatihankeselamatan pasien, melakukan monitoring dan evaluasi pelaksanaan pengidentifikasian pasiendan penambahan jumlah tenaga perawat di rawat inap.
Efforts to improve the quality of patient care and safety in hospitals have become a universalmovement at the moment. Nurses have a very important role in realizing patient safety in thehospital. To realize these goals requires good nurse behavior in identifying patients. Thebehavior of nurses in identifying the patient is influenced by individual factors age, sex,education level, length of service , psychological factor attitude , organizational factors availability of human resources, standard operational procedures, leadership roles , cognitive,affective, psychomotor knowledge . The study aims to obtain a description and factors related tothe behavior of nurses in identifying patients. This research use cross sectional design withquantitative method. The amount of sample used in this research is 120 nurses executor. Theresults of this study found no significant relationship between age p value 0,459 , sex p value 0,62 , education level p value 0,374 , length of service p value 0,091 , leadership role pvalue 0,114 , with behavior of nurses in identifying patients and a significant relationshipbetween attitude p value 0,009 , knowledge p value 0,017 with behavior of nurses inidentifying patients. The most dominant factors related to the behavior of nurses in identifyingpatients are attitude p value 0,049 and knowledge p value 0,017 . It is recommended thatmanagement improve the leadership and managerial functions of the head of the room, conductpatient safety training, monitor and evaluate the implementation of patient identification andincrease the number of nurses in the inpatient.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Malau, Bintang Leonard P.
Abstrak :
Latar belakang: Pekerjaan dengan pola kerja gilir, khususnya yang irregular, dapat mengganggu irama sirkadian dan kualitas tidur yang kemudian berdampak pada fungsi kognitif. Meskipun penting, penelitian tentang kerentanan domain kognitif terkait pola kerja gilir masih terbatas. Kualitas tidur dan fungsi kognitif menjadi kritis dalam konteks pelayanan kesehatan di rumah sakit, di mana keputusan dan tindakan harus dilakukan dengan cepat dan tepat dalam menunjang keselamatan pasien. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian analitik observasional dengan potong lintang untuk mengetahui hubungan pola kerja gilir dengan gangguan fungsi kognitif. Untuk mengukur kualitas tidur, digunakan Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index bahasa Indonesia (PSQI-Ina), sementara fungsi kognitif dan domain kognitif diukur menggunakan Oxford Cognitive Screen (OCS) bahasa Indonesia (OCS-Ina), sebuah instrument kognitif untuk pasien stroke, yang sudah tervalidasi. Besar sampel minimal pada penelitian ini dihitung dengan rumus Slovin berjumlah 72 sampel. Korelasi, analisis komponen utama,analisis demografi dan regresi digunakan untuk mengkarakterisasi hubungan antara PSQI-Ina,OCS-Ina dan variabel penelitian lainnya. Hasil: Sebanyak 83 tenaga kesehatan masuk ke dalam kriteria inklusi dan diikutsertakan dalam penelitian. Hasil memperlihatkan sebanyak 16 responden (19,3%) mengalami gangguan fungsi kognitif pada domain Atensi serta 2 responden (2,4%) mengalami gangguan di 2 domain kognitif (Atensi dan Pengelolaan Angka). kesejahteraan. ......Background: Irregularities in shift work, especially those marked by unpredictability, can disrupt circadian rhythms and compromise sleep quality, consequently adversely affecting cognitive function. Despite its pivotal significance, there is a shortage of research on the susceptibility of cognitive domains associated with irregular shift work. The connection between sleep quality and cognitive function becomes especially crucial in the healthcare service domain, particularly within the confines of hospitals. In such environments, where decisions and actions require swift and accurate execution, the interplay between sleep quality and cognitive function is critical to ensuring the safety and well-being of patients. Methods: The objective of this research is to conduct an analytical observational study with a cross-sectional design, aiming to examine the correlation between shift work patterns and cognitive function impairment. The study utilizes the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index in Bahasa Indonesia (PSQI-Ina) to measure sleep quality. Cognitive function and cognitive domains are assessed using the Indonesian Oxford Cognitive Screen (OCS-Ina), a validated cognitive instrument for stroke patients. The minimum sample size for the research was determined, resulting in a calculated sample size of 72 participants. Correlation analysis, principal component analysis, demographic analysis, and regression analysis are employed to characterize the relationships between PSQI-Ina, OCS-Ina, and other relevant research variables. Results: A total of 83 healthcare workers meeting the inclusion criteria were included in the study. Results indicated that 16 respondents (19.3%) experienced cognitive function impairment in the Attention domain, and 2 respondents (2.4%) experienced impairment in two cognitive domains (Attention and Number). Healthcare workers engaged in secondary employment were found to have a 12.8 times higher risk of experiencing cognitive impairment (OR 12.8; CI 95% 1.7-91; p = 0.011). Similarly, healthcare workers with poor sleep quality (PSQI score >5) faced a 40.3 times higher risk of cognitive impairment (OR 40.3; CI 95% 2.2-708.1; p = 0.011). Likewise, healthcare workers working in irregular shift patterns had a 5.4 times higher risk of experiencing cognitive impairment (OR 5.4; CI 95% 0.1-26.6; p = 0.036). Conclusions: There is a correlation between shift work patterns and cognitive function impairment in the workplace. Hospitals should prioritize ergonomic shift work schedules, emphasizing speed and clockwise rotations, to support the well-being of their healthcare workers.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library