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Ditemukan 12 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Beatrice Faustina Andry
Abstrak :
Karies gigi merupakan penyakit gigi dengan prevalensi tertinggi di dunia. Saliva memiliki peran penting dalam melawan karies gigi dengan memproduksi nitrogen monoksida (NO) yang memiliki sifat antibakterial. Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi kadar NO pada sampel saliva kelompok anak dan dewasa muda, hubungan antara kadar NO sampel saliva dengan karies gigi (DMF-T), hubungan antara pH dan kadar NO, serta membandingkan nilai rata-rata kadar NO pada sampel saliva dewasa muda dan anak-anak. Dalam studi cross-sectional, analisis dilakukan pada 20 sampel saliva anak dan dewasa muda dengan kaitannya pada indeks karies gigi (DMF-T) menggunakan uji Griess Reagent. Hasil uji menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan signifikan dalam rata-rata kadar NO pada sampel saliva dewasa muda pada berbagai kategori DMF-T (p = 0,14). Korelasi antara kadar NO dewasa muda dengan DMF-T tidak signifikan (p = 0,797), begitu juga pada kelompok anak (p = 0,429). Uji korelasi antara pH dan kadar NO juga tidak menunjukkan hubungan yang signifikan (p = 0,629). Perbandingan rata-rata kadar NO antara sampel dewasa dan anak-anak tidak menunjukkan perbedaan yang signifikan (p = 0,794). ...... Dental caries is the most prevalent tooth disease globally. Saliva plays a crucial role in combating dental caries by producing nitric oxide (NO), known for its antibacterial properties. This study aims to assess NO levels in saliva samples from both children and young adults, examine the relationship between NO levels in saliva samples and dental caries (DMF-T), explore the correlation between pH and NO levels, and compare the average NO levels in saliva samples between young adults and children. In this cross-sectional study, the analysis involved 20 saliva samples from children and young adults, correlating them with the dental caries index (DMF-T) using the Griess Reagent test. The test results indicated no significant differences in the average NO levels in saliva samples from young adults across various DMF-T categories (p = 0.14). The correlation between NO levels in young adults and DMF-T was not significant (p = 0.797), and the same was observed in the children's group (p = 0.429). The correlation test between pH and NO levels also showed no significant relationship (p = 0.629). Furthermore, the comparison of average NO levels between adult and children's saliva samples revealed no significant differences (p = 0.794).
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nina Sih Wargiati
Abstrak :
Fluor adalah senyawa an organik yang banyak ditemukan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari yaitu tcrdapat pada makanan seperti ikan salmon dan teri jengki, pada minuman seperti teh dan susu dan pasta gigi yang mengandlmg fluor. Cara mengkonsumsi fluor yaitu secara sistemik artinya melalui makanan dan minuman, secara topical aplikasi (pengolesan fluor pada permukaan gigi), kumur-kumur dengan air yang mengandung fluor dan pemakaian pasta gigi yang mengandung fluor. Fluor dalam air dengan konsentrasi cukup atau memenuhi syarat (0,05-O,5)ppm dapat menoegah karies gigi. Para ahli berpendapat bahwa fluor adalah unsur yang penting dalam pembentukan tulang dan gigi. Karies gigi adalah penyakit yang disebabkan olch banyak faktor, faktor utama yaitu interaksi antara mikroorganisme (streptoccocus mutans), gigi dan saliva, karbohidrat dan waktu. Falctor lain yang ikut berkontribusi diantaranya kandungan fluor dalam air yang dikonsumsi. Prevalensi karies gigi siswa SD di kota Bandung tahun 2004 adalah 80%, dan survei yang dilakukan olch PPKGM kota Bandung tahun 2002, diremukan angka DMF-T (indeks karies gigi) pada siswa kelas 6 SD yaitu 1,6 dengan prcvalensi karies sebesar 88%. Dengan demikian tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui hubungan kandungan fluor dalam air yang dikonsumsi siswa SD dengan karies gigi (DMF-T). Untuk melihat hubungan antara kandungan fluor dalam air yang dikonsumsi siswa SD dengan penyakit karies gigi digunakan studi cross sectional/potong lintang. Populasi studi adalah siswa SD kota Bandung dan sample 200 siswa. berumur I0-I2 tahun yang tersebar secara acak di 40 SD. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan angka lcandungan fluor air yang dikonsumsi adalah 0,33 ppm dan rata-rata angka DMF-T adalah l,49. Didapat hubungan yang bermakna antara kandungan fluor dalam air yang dikonsumsi untuk minum dan berkumur dengan penyakit karics gigi (DMF-T). Perlu dilakukan penyuluhan tentang pentingnya iluor yang memenuhi syarat untuk dikonsumsi dan melakukan kegiatan kumur-kumur dengan larutan fluor di Sekolah Dasar, serta melakukan penelitian lebih lanjut untuk menelitj hubungan konsumsi fluor dalam air secara sitemik atau melalui kumur-kumur dengan larutan fluor, dengan penyakit karies gigi. ......The Association fluorides contain in drinking water and rinsing water with caries in elemtery school students at Bandung in 2006 Fluor is an oraganic compound which resent in daily lifes for example in food eg: salmon, teri jengki, tea and milk, tooth-pastes with fluor. Flour consuming method is present systemically sistematicelly, which means through foods and drink, application topicaly (lubricating tluor on tooth surface), rinse water wich countainaing fluor, tooth paste with oountaining fluor. Fluor that countaining in water with sufhcient consentration (0,05-0,5)ppm could protect caries.The research have a conclution that fluor is very important for the bone and tooth. Dental caries is a kind of disease wich cause by so many factors, the mainly factor are interaction between microorganism (streptococcus mutans ), teeth and saliva, carbohydrate and time. Other factor that contribution of flour substance in consumed waters. Dental caries prevalens of elementary shool students at Bandung in 2004 is 80%, the reseach was done PPKGM Bandung in 2002 is was found that the DMF-T nd value for 6? grade elementary school is 1,6 with prevalensi caries 88%. The purpose of the reseach is have a result association the fluor countain in water wich consumed of elementary school with dental caries (DMF-T). To have a result association between fluor contains of elementary school students with dental caries was using Cross Sectional method. Study populations are elementary school students (SD) Bandung with 200 sample for the students with ages 10 - 12 years old, Distributed randomly on 40 SD locations of SD randomly selected. This reseach shows that the value of fluor containing of water that consume is 0,33 ppm and DMF-T score is l,49. It's fotmd association tluor contain in water that consuming for drink and rinse with dental caries (DMF-T). A suggestion has to be giving to Health Departement for conseling about the very important tluor to be consume and doing a rinsc activity with fluor contain in solution for each elementary shcool, also further more reseach to line association consuming fluor in water sistematically or rinse with fluor solution.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang: Kebutuhan untuk menilai Oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) menjadi semakin penting dalam sektor perawatan kesehatan selama beberapa dekade terakhir. Dental Impact Daily Living (DIDL) adalah salah satu alat yang dibuat oleh Leao dan Sheiham untuk mengukur OHRQoL. Tujuan : mendapatkan DIDL versi bahasa Indonesia yang valid dan reliabel untuk menilai OHRQoL mayarakat Indonesia. Metode: Validasi Kuesioner Dental Impact Daily Living (DIDL) yang berbahasa Inggris menggunakan adaptasi lintas budaya ke Bahasa Indonesia dengan metode translate-backward translation, dilakukan uji psikometrik nilai validitas dan realibilitasnya. DIDL versi bahasa Inggris asli diterjemahkan dan divalidasi. Validitas konten dan validitas muka dievaluasi. Pengujian psikometrik untuk nilai reliabilitas test-retest dianalisis untuk 32 responden. Kuesioner final DIDL versi Bahasa Indonesia diuji reliabilitasnya dengan Cronbachs Alpha, korelasi antar item, dan validitas konvergen dengan menggunakan Indeks DMF-T untuk 278 responden. Hasil: Hasil validitas konten dan validitas muka baik dengan responden penelitian yang mengerti dan tidak kesulitan mengisi kuesioner DIDL versi Bahasa Indonesia, nilai reliabilitas ICC yang sangat baik berkisar antara 0,975-1, dan Cronbachs alpha untuk masing-masing dinensi berkisar antara 0,702-0,946 dengan Cronbachs alpha untuk keseluruhan dimensi sangat memuaskan sebesar 0,942. Validitas konvergen menunjukkan korelasi antara DMF-T dengan kuesioner DIDL adalah (-0.502) dan signifikan pada alpha 5% (p = 0,00) yang berarti bahwa penurunan DMF-T akan meningkatkan kepuasan berdasarkan DIDL dari responden penelitian. Kesimpulan: Adaptasi Lintas Budaya menunjukkan Kuesioner Dampak Dental Terhadap Kehidupan Sehari-hari valid dan reliabel untuk mengukur OHRQoL dan dapat diterapkan pada masyarakat Indonesia.
Introduction: The need to assess and measurement oral health related to quality of life is becoming increasingly important in the health care sector over the past few decades. Dental Impact on Daily Living (DIDL) is one of the tools Leao and Sheiham made to measure oral health related quality of life (OHRQoL), this research is conducted for getting the validated and reliability translated Indonesian version of DIDL for use in Indonesia people. Methodology: The original English version of DIDL was translated and validated. Content validity and face validity were evaluated. Psychometric testing for test-retest reliability was analyzed for 32 respondents, internal consistency using Cronbachs alpha , corrected item correlation, and clinical oral health status using DMF-T index to obtain convergent validity of the questionnaire were checked in 278 respondents Result: Respondents show good understanding to fill translated Indonesia version of DIDL questionnaire and having conceptual as well as semantic equivalence (content and face validity) also reliability for test- retest ICC ranging from 0,975-1 and Cronbachs alpha for each dimension ranging from 0,702-0,946 and total dimension 0.942. Convergent validity shows correlation between DMF-T with DIDL questionnaire is (-0,502) and significant at alpha 5% (p=0,00) which means that decreasing DMF-T will increase satisfaction using DIDL of research respondents. Conclusion: Cross-cultural adaptation DIDL shows a valid and reliable of Indonesian Version of DIDL and can be applied to Indonesian people.
2020: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Karamoy, Youla
Abstrak :
Salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi kualitas hidup adalah kesehatan gigi dan mulut. Keadaan gigi dan mulut anak usia 12 tahun sangat rentan. Tujuannya menganalisis status kesehatan gigi dan mulut dihubungkan dengan kualitas hidup anak menggunakan COHIP-SF versi Indonesia. Penelitian analitik dengan desain cross-sectional, pada 300 anak usia 12 tahun, wawancara dan pemeriksaan. Diketahui rerata DMF-T 2,51, rerata PUFA 0,49 gigi perorang, dan OHI-S 1,70. Terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara DMF-T dengan COHIP-SF versi Indonesia(rs=-0,1, p=0,017), PUFA(rs=-0,16, p=0,005) dan OHI-S(rs=-0,16, p=0,004) dengan COHIP-SF versi Indonesia. Kesimpulannya semakin baik status kesehatan gigi anak maka kualitas hidup anak akan semakin baik.
One the factors that affect the quality of life is the dental oral health. Especially the condition of teeth and mouth child 12 years of age are particularly vulnerable. Objective:To analyze the dental health status linked to the quality of life of children using COHIP-SF Indonesian version. Methods:The study analytic with cross-sectional design, the 300 children, interview and examination. Results:The mean DMF-T 2.51, PUFA 0.49, OHI-S 1.70. There is a significant association between the DMF-T (rs=-0.1;p=0.017), PUFA(rs=-0.16;p=0.005), OHI-S (rs=- 0,16;p=0.004) with COHIP-SF Indonesian version. Conclusion:The better the dental health status of children, is the quality of life the children will be better., One the factors that affect the quality of life is the dental oral health. Especially the condition of teeth and mouth child 12 years of age are particularly vulnerable. Objective:To analyze the dental health status linked to the quality of life of children using COHIP-SF Indonesian version. Methods:The study analytic with cross-sectional design, the 300 children, interview and examination. Results:The mean DMF-T 2.51, PUFA 0.49, OHI-S 1.70. There is a significant association between the DMF-T (rs=-0.1;p=0.017), PUFA(rs=-0.16;p=0.005), OHI-S (rs=- 0,16;p=0.004) with COHIP-SF Indonesian version. Conclusion:The better the dental health status of children, is the quality of life the children will be better.]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Stifan Jamin
Abstrak :
Early childhood caries ECC merupakan keadaan terdapatnya satu atau lebih gigi karies, hilang atau ditambal pada anak dengan usia kurang dari 71 bulan. Streptococcus mutans serotype c merupakan bakteri utama penyebab ECC. Imunoglobulin A dan saliva berperan pada pencegahan terbentuknya biofilm pada permukaan gigi. Tujuan: Menganalisis level IgA anti-Streptococcus mutans serotype c serta korelasinya dengan viskositas dan skor dmft pada saliva pasien ECC. Metode: Level IgA anti-S. mutans serotype c dari 11 sampel saliva pasien ECC di ukur menggunakan metode ELISA. Nilai absorbansi dibaca pada panjang gelombang 405 nm. Level IgA anti-S. mutans serotype c kemudian dikorelasikan dengan data skor dmft dan viskositas saliva pasien ECC. Hasil: Level IgA anti-S. mutans serotype c saliva terstimulasi adalah 4,6 sedangkan saliva tidak terstimulasi adalah 6. Level IgA anti-S. mutans serotype c pada saliva kental dan encer berturut turut adalah 6 dan 3,5. Peningkatan skor dmft tidak di ikuti dengan penurunan level IgA anti-S. mutans serotype c. Kesimpulan: Pada pasien ECC, tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna antara level IgA anti-S. mutans serotype c saliva terstimulasi dan tidak terstimulasi. Terdapat korelasi positif antara level IgA anti-S.mutans serotype c dengan viskositas saliva pasien ECC, sedangkan dengan skor dmft pasien ECC diperoleh korelasi negatif. ...... Background: Early Childhood Caries is the presence of one or more decayed, missing or filled tooth in a child 71 months of age or younger. Streptococcus mutans serotype c is the main causes of ECC. Salivary Immunoglobulin A inhibit the biofilm formation of S. mutans serotype c on the tooth surface. Objective: To analyze Immunoglobulin A anti Streptococcus mutans serotype c level and the correlation towards saliva viscosity and dmft score of ECC patients. Methods: Levels of IgA anti Streptococcus mutans serotype c calculated from 11 saliva sample of ECC patients using ELISA methods. Absorbance readings conducted at 405 nm wavelength. Levels of IgA anti Streptococcus mutans serotype c then correlated with saliva viscosity and dmft score of ECC patients. Result: Levels of IgA anti Streptococcus mutans serotype c in stimulated saliva is 4.6, while unstimulated saliva is 6. Levels of IgA anti S. mutans serotype c in high and low saliva viscosity. The escalation of dmft score causes a decrease in the levels of IgA anti Streptococcus mutans serotype c. Conclusion: There's no significant differences of IgA anti S.mutans serotype c level in stimulated and unstimulated saliva. There is a positive correlation between IgA anti Streptococcus mutans serotype c levels with saliva viscosity of ECC patients, while dmft score of ECC patients has negative correlations.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
In Indonesia town people are being increase almost twofold. Than many people have to stay in the slum areas. The health of teeth and mouth service in health centres (puskesmas) is given toothache for low income people and specially for anxious people to toothache. The percentage of the toothache, pulpitis and periapical membrane diseases for people took the fourth rank from nine non contagious diseases at Kecamatan Penjaringan are 2.9% in 1999. The objectives of the research were to determine the relations of knowledge, attitude, and behavior aspect about dental caries with DMF-T index. The other objecllves were to determine the classification of slum and non slum areas regarding the knowledge, attitude, and behavtor about caries on the elementary school students 6th class. Results by simple linear regression showed that DMF-T index were influenced by variables of knowledge (p = 0.041). Results by multiple linear regression showed that DMF-T index is influenced by variable of knowledge and attitude about dental (p knowledge = 0.010 and p attitude = 0.046). Results by t test proved there were the significant differences in the knowledge and attitude between elementary school students 6th class in the slum and non-slum area (p knowledge= 0.001 and p attitude= 0.029). Dental healthy of elementary school students 6th class were mfluenced by knowledge. If the variables of knowledge, attitude, and behavior were analyzed together, just variables of knowledge and attitude that influenced caries dentis (DMF-T index). The classification slum and non-slum areas influenced the knowledge and attitude of the students about dental caries.
BULHSR 9:4 (2006)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Cahya Marwah Septami Sikumbang
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang: Pada tahun 2018 ditemukan angka prevalensi karies anak di Indonesia mencapai 90,2%. Sebelumnya saliva diketahui dapat digunakan sebagai biomarker karies dengan menguji kuantitatif bakteri, identitas konsentrasi protein, karakteristik psikokimia serta karakteristik biokimia. Tujuan: Menganalisis konsentrasi malondialdehyde pada saliva anak ECC (early childhood caries) dan bebas karies serta kaitannya dengan skor dmf-t, OHI-S, viskositas saliva dan laju alir saliva. Metode: Mengukur konsentrasi malondialdehyde pada 33 sampel saliva anak tersimpan (22 sampel saliva anak ECC dan 11 sampel saliva anak bebas karies) dengan ELISA. Hasil: Analisis Mann Whitney antara konsentrasi malondialdehyde pada saliva ECC dan anak bebas karies didapatkan nilai p=0 serta didapatkan nilai p=0 dan r= -0,641 saat dilakukan analisis Spearman. Analisis Kruskal Wallis pada konsentrasi malondialdehyde anak dengan skor dmf-t berbeda didapatkan nilai p=0,014 serta didapat nilai p=0,004 dan r=0,488 saat dilakukan analisis Spearman. Tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna serta korelasi antara konsentrasi malondialdehyde terhadap skor OHI-S, viskositas dan laju alir saliva berbeda. Kesimpulan: Konsentrasi malondialdehyde pada saliva anak ECC berbeda dengan konsentrasi malondialdehyde anak bebas karies, semakin tinggi konsentrasi malondialdehyde maka semakin parah karies yang dialami anak. Anak dengan skor dmf- t yang berbeda memiliki konsentrasi malondialdehyde yang berbeda pula. Semakin tinggi skor dmf-t semakin tinggi pula konsentrasi malondialdehyde. Tidak ditemukan hubungan antara konsentrasi malondialdehyde pada anak bebas karies dan ECC terhadap skor OHI- S, viskositas saliva dan laju alir saliva. ......Background: In 2018, prevalence rate of children’s caries in Indonesia reached 90,2%. Previously, saliva was known as a caries biomarker by testing quantitative bacteria, protein concentration identity, psychochemical and biochemical characteristics. Objective: Analyze malondialdehyde concentration in children’s saliva with ECC (early childhood caries) and caries-free and its relation to dmf-t score, OHI-S, salivary viscosity and salivary flow rate. Methods: Measuring malondialdehyde concentration from 33 stored children’s saliva samples (22 samples ECC and 11 samples caries-free) using ELISA. Results: Mann Whitney analysis between malondialdehyde concentration from ECC children’s saliva and caries free children obtained p=0 and then p=0, r= -0,641 for Spearman analysis. Kruskal Wallis analysis of malondialdehyde concentrations in children with different dmf-t scores obtained p=0,014 and p=0,004, r=0,488 for Spearman analysis. There was no significant difference and there was no significant correlation between malondialdehyde concentration and OHI-S score, viscosity and different salivary flow rates. Conclusion: Malondialdehyde concentration in ECC children’s saliva was different from malondialdehyde concentration in caries free children, higher malondialdehyde concentration show worse caries experienced in children. Children with different dmf-t scores had different malondialdehyde concentrations. Higher dmf-t score show higher malondialdehyde concentration. There was no relation between malondialdehyde concentration in caries-free children and ECC to OHI-S score, salivary viscosity and salivary flow rate.
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia , 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Destri Shofura Gusliana
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang: Saliva merupakan cairan biologis yang kompleks pada rongga mulut yang mengandung berbagai komponen, salah satunya protein. Protein pada saliva merupakan salah satu sistem pertahanan yang dapat berperan melindungi rongga mulut dari penyakit. Tujuan: Menganalisis perbedaan profil protein dan konsentrasi total protein saliva perokok dan non-perokok serta kaitannya dengan karies. Metode: Penelitian melibatkan kelompok  perokok n=25 dan kontrol (non perokok) n=25. Kosentrasi total protein saliva diuji dengan metode Bradford serta profil protein saliva diperoleh dengan menggunakan metode SDS PAGE. Karies diukur dengan score indeks DMF-T melalui pemeriksan klinis. Hasil: Terdapat protein saliva dominan yang ditemukan pada subjek perokok dengan berat molekul 11.6 kDa dan 54.5 kDa dan subjek non-perokok dengan berat molekul 27 kDa, 60 kDa, 94.5 kDa. Konsentrasi total protein saliva subjek perokok sebesar 551.486 µg/mL  lebih rendah dibandingkan non perokok yaitu sebesar 765.361µg/mL dengan perbedaan statistik tidak signifikan. Kesimpulan: Terdapat perbedaan profil protein saliva perokok dan non perokok, namun tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan pada konsentrasi total protein saliva antara kelompok perokok dan non perokok. Terdapat korelasi negatif lemah antara profil dan total protein dengan skor indeks DMF-T.
Background: Saliva is a complex biological fluid in the oral cavity that contains various components, one of them is protein. Protein in saliva is one of the defense systems that can protect the oral cavity from disease. Objective: To analyze the difference of salivary protein`s profile and total concentration in smokers and non-smokers (control) and their correlation with dental caries that measured by DMF-T index scores. Methods: Study consisted of two group, smokers group (n=25) and  non-smokers as healthy control (n=25). Salivary protein total determined with Bradford method and the salivary protein profile determined with SDS-PAGE method. Caries was assessed by the DMF-T index scores through clinical examination. Result: The dominant salivary proteins  profile were found in smokers subject with molecular mass 11.6 kDa and 54.5 kDa and those found in non-smokers subject with molecular mass 27 kDa, 60 kDa, and 94.5 kDa. The total salivary protein conctrentation of smokers subject are 551.486 µg/mL lower than non-smokers subject, which is 765.361µg/mL) but the difference was not statistically significant (P>0.05). Conclussion: There are differences found in salivary protein profile between smokers and non-smokers subject. However, there is no significant difference in salivary protein total between smokers and non smokers. There are negative correlation between the salivary protein`s total and the scores of DMF-T index.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nabilah Dzikriya Rahman
Abstrak :

Latar belakang: Early Childhood Caries (ECC) atau karies anak usia dini masih merupakan masalah kesehatan yang serius terutama di kalangan anak-anak. Streptococcus mutans diketahui sebagai penyebab utama dari ECC. Sementara bakteri lain seperti jamur, yaitu, Candida albicans, dianggap terlibat dalam proses perkembangan ECC. Resistensi atau kerentanan terhadap karies juga dipercaya dapat berkorelasi secara signifikan dengan perubahan komponen protein saliva. Beberapa mikroorganisme oral dan protein saliva tersebut dapat berfungsi sebagai biomarker untuk memprediksi risiko dan prognosis karies. Tujuan: Mengetahui kuantitas dari antigen Streptococcus mutans serotype c dan Candida albicans pada saliva pasien ECC serta menganalisis hubungan keduanya yang dikaitkan dengan OHI-S dan skor dmf-t. Metode: S. mutans serotype c dan Candida albicans yang diisolasi dari sampel saliva pasien ECC dan caries free diuji menggunakan Indirect ELISA untuk memperoleh kuantitas antigen S. mutans serotype c dan Candida albicans, yang selanjutnya dikorelasikan dengan OHI-S dan skor dmf-t pasien ECC dan caries free. Hasil: Kuantitas antigen S. mutans serotype c dan Candida albicans paling tinggi ditemukan pada pasien caries-free. Kuantitas antigen S. mutans serotype c paling tinggi ditemukan pada pasien dengan OHI-S sangat baik, sebaliknya pada Candida albicans kuantitas paling tinggi ditemukan pada pasien dengan OHI-S sedang. Secara statistik tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara kuantitas antigen S. mutans serotype c dan Candida albicans pada pasien ECC dan caries-free. Secara statistik terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara kuantitas antigen Candida albicans pada kelompok OHI-S baik dan sedang, namun tidak pada antigen S. mutans serotype c. Pada pasien ECC dan caries free, antigen S. mutans serotype c dan Candida albicans memiliki arah dan bentuk korelasi yang positif. Kesimpulan: Peningkatan kuantitas antigen Streptococcus mutans serotype c dan Candida albicans tidak mencerminkan kondisi mulut pasien ECC maupun caries free. Peningkatan kuantitas antigen Streptococcus mutans serotype c dan Candida albicans dapat mencerminkan kondisi OHI-S pasien. Streptococcus mutans serotype c dan Candida albicans pada pasien ECC berkorelasi sementara pada pasien caries-free tidak.


Background: Early Childhood Caries (ECC) or early childhood caries is still considered as serious health problem, especially among children. Streptococcus mutans is known as a major cause of ECC. While other bacteria such as fungi, that is, Candida albicans, are considered to be involved in the ECC progression. Resistance or susceptibility to caries is also believed to be significantly correlated with changes in salivary protein components. Some of these oral microorganisms and salivary proteins can be functioned as biomarkers to predict caries risk and prognosis. Objective: To determine the quantity of Streptococcus mutans serotype c and Candida albicans antigens in the saliva of ECC patients and analyze the relationship between the two antigens and associated with OHI-S and dmf-t scores. Methods: S. mutans serotype c and Candida albicans were isolated from saliva samples of ECC and caries free patients were tested using Indirect ELISA to obtain the quantity of S. mutans serotype c and Candida albicans antigen, which were correlated further with OHI-S and dmf-t scores of ECC and caries free patients. Results: The highest quantity of S. mutans serotype c and Candida albicans antigens was found in caries-free patients. The highest quantity of S. mutans serotype c antigen was found in patients with very good OHI-S, whereas the highest quantity of Candida albicans was found in patients with moderate OHI-S. There was no statistically significant difference between the quantity of S. mutans serotype c antigens and Candida albicans in ECC and caries-free patients. There is a significant difference statistically between the quantity of Candida albicans antigen in the good and moderate OHI-S group, but not in the S. mutans serotype antigen c. In patients with ECC and caries free, S. mutans serotype c antigens and Candida albicans have a positive direction and form of correlation. Conclusion: Increasing the quantity of Streptococcus mutans serotype c and Candida albicans antigens did not reflect the oral condition of ECC or caries free patients. The increase in the quantity of Streptococcus mutans serotype c and Candida albicans can reflect the patient's OHI-S condition. Streptococcus mutans serotype c and Candida albicans in ECC patients correlated but in caries-free patients they did not correlate.


Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia , 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sarah Amelia Ruliani
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang: Karies gigi merupakan masalah kesehatan yang banyak terjadi di dunia. Saliva memiliki berbagai peran di dalam rongga mulut yang berhubungan dengan karies. Total Antioxidant Capacity berperan dalam melindungi tubuh dari berbagai kondisi patologis. Tujuan: Menganalisis konsentrasi Total Antioxidant Capacity pada saliva bebas karies dan early childhood caries dihubungkan dengan OHI-S, dmf-t, serta viskositas dan laju alir saliva. Metode: Sampel saliva tersimpan sebanyak 33 sampel yang diperoleh dari anak usia di bawah 71 bulan dengan kondisi bebas karies dan early childhood caries diuji dengan menggunakan total antioxidant capacity assay kit. Hasil: Terdapat perbedaan konsentrasi Total Antioxidant Capacity dalam saliva anak bebas karies dan early childhood caries, terdapat korelasi linier positif sedang antara konsentrasi Total Antioxidant Capacity dalam saliva anak dengan skor dmf-t, tidak terdapat perbedaan konsentrasi Total Antioxidant Capacity dalam saliva anak dengan kategori OHI-S baik dan sedang, laju alir saliva tinggi dan sedang, serta viskositas saliva encer dan kental. Kesimpulan: Konsentrasi Total Antioxidant Capacity pada saliva early childhood caries lebih tinggi dibandingkan bebas karies. ......Background: Dental caries is a common disease worldwide. Saliva has a big role in oral cavity associated with dental caries. Total Antioxidant Capacity has a role to protect the body from any pathological condition. Objective: Analysing Total Antioxidant Capacity concentration of Early Childhood Caries and Caries Free saliva and its relation to OHI-S, dmf-t, and salivary flow rate and viscosity. Method: 33 stored saliva samples of children under 71 month old with early childhood caries and caries free tested using total antioxidant capacity assay kit. Result: There is a significant difference between Total Antioxidant Capacity concentration in saliva of caries free and early childhood caries children, there is a moderate linear positive correlation between Total Antioxidant Capacity concentration and dmf-t. There is no difference between Total Antioxidant Capacity concentration in saliva of children with good and moderate OHI-S, high and moderate salivary flow rate, and watery and thick saliva. Conclusion: Total Antioxidant Capacity concentration in saliva of early childhood caries children is higher than caries free.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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